
How difficult...


Jul 27, 2010
would it be to find this color sapphire? 6mm range. Under 2k.
I guess its best described as a bright and saturated cornflower blue?

Thanks in advance!

ideal sapph color.jpg
Do you want a sapphire free of treatments or is heated acceptable?
Did you return the sapphire from GLI?
Heat treated is fine, just not the overly-not-sapphire-anymore-treatment lol.

Indy, yes, I returned it to GLI. They should be receiving it shortly. Although it was beautiful, it was darker than what I am looking for.
Well, the photograph you've posted has a very strong light source. The actual gem would be darker. I know that is merely a technicality, but it may be the reason why you would end up with a gem that is darker than what you are looking for. You might want to post a couple more pictures of your ideal color as well. Have you looked into Gemfix?
IndyLady|1306082446|2927768 said:
I know that is merely a technicality, but it may be the reason why you would end up with a gem that is darker than what you are looking for.

It's not "merely" a technicality, it's the single largest reason that people are disappointed when they are quite particular about color and are buying on the web, (or anywhere else that the stone can not be viewed under different light sources). People forget that any gem can only reflect colors which are in the light around them to begin with. If you're in an environment with a lot of green, (under leafy trees), or red light, (many incandescent light sources), your sapphire may look completely different than it does under a "cool white" fluorescent which has a lot of blue in it's spectrum. Finding a stone of that color is easy.... finding one which stays that way under all lighting conditions, room colors, etc. may be impossible if you are quite particular. You really should be looking at stones under the type of lighting where you will wear them most often and ask the vendor about how it looks under those types of lights, (so that you don't end up paying large amounts in shipping for stones which may never meet your requirements).
Oh I knew the GLI would be darker. I just wanted to see how much lighter I would need to go.

The image is actually photoshopped. I went through the palate of colors and found that to my liking.

Michael_E, thank you very much for your great advice! I'll certainly keep that in mind. Mostly, I just wish fr the color not to have a violet shift. If it gets lighter/darker, it's fine. My expectations aren't too crazed ::)

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