
how can we get more men to join PS?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: how can we get more men to joint PS?

They do join! Then they buy the ring and leave :(sad Have a man only section? Which of course the ladies would take over anyway :D No clue.......
Re: how can we get more men to joint PS?

Make them believe diamonds are baseball diamonds. :lol:
Maybe threads about video games.

Dancing Fire, "Dudes, Starcraft II is out."
All the guys, "no way!"

Is this another attempt to get a second SMTB added to the subforums?
(Show me the Boobies)
Steal said:
Is this another attempt to get a second SMTB added to the subforums?
(Show me the Boobies)

HA!!!!!!! No doubt it is...

DF if more men joined then you'd get a lot less attention...

And we'd be making their breakfasts... Sure you want that?? :tongue: :lol:
My husband will watch or participate in anything that involves competition.
Trick shot pool on the tele? He'll watch it.
A game of bags with random kids from the neighborhood? He'll play it.

I suggest a scoreboard of some sort on the main page and a rating system for post quality. There doesn't even have to be a trophy--if someone will win, he's in.
Boobs and beer. At least, that's what seems to have drawn DH to me.
somethingshiny said:
Boobs and beer. At least, that's what seems to have drawn DH to me.

I was just going to suggest the beer. Let them take care of the other stuff by themselves.

Deb, still a feminist after all these years
Haven said:
My husband will watch or participate in anything that involves competition.
Trick shot pool on the tele? He'll watch it.
A game of bags with random kids from the neighborhood? He'll play it.

I suggest a scoreboard of some sort on the main page and a rating system for post quality. There doesn't even have to be a trophy--if someone will win, he's in.

We need some kind of bracket, or maybe a fantasy diamond league? Can we draft famous jewels or something?? Or designers?
Steal said:
Is this another attempt to get a second SMTB added to the subforums?
(Show me the Boobies) can go first!!... :naughty:
somethingshiny said:
Boobs and beer. At least, that's what seems to have drawn DH to me.
Haha...yup, sounds like our DHs would get along JUST FINE :)

This is a start. Victoria Secret comissioned this bra to be made by Diamani. It took 6 jewellers 1500 hours to make it. (They didn't say how many hundreds of hours they stared in distracted awe at the form.)
Oh, and it's a cool 2 million $$.
The "form" will cost considerably more in maintenance.
Serve bacon.
Hehehe :bigsmile:

Haven, perfectly said..
TheDoctor said:

This is a start. Victoria Secret comissioned this bra to be made by Diamani. It took 6 jewellers 1500 hours to make it. (They didn't say how many hundreds of hours they stared in distracted awe at the form.)
Oh, and it's a cool 2 million $$.
The "form" will cost considerably more in maintenance.
but for what size??... :read: :bigsmile:
Haven said:
My husband will watch or participate in anything that involves competition.
Trick shot pool on the tele? He'll watch it.
A game of bags with random kids from the neighborhood? He'll play it.

I suggest a scoreboard of some sort on the main page and a rating system for post quality. There doesn't even have to be a trophy--if someone will win, he's in.

Competition? OMG yes. Sailing forums. Racing forums. "DOINGSOMETHING"/activity of choice forums. BUYING something forums? Forums devoted to weddings? Having babies? Discussion of personal issues? Not generally. Nothing wrong with our forums here, but let's get real - how many guys are going to enjoy endlessly hashing over the smallest details of these topics like women do?

And judging by the sailing forum my husband frequents, strictly moderated forums, and forum members getting offended at every other word would not fly either. His forums are blunt as all get out, frequently racey, non-PC, highly political, and anything goes. And the guys overwhelmingly attribute nothing personal to the things posted there.

IMO, for the most part, if it were not for sex, most men (and women for that matter) are homosocial creatures, and tend to hang out with their own gender simply because they are easier to understand.
Boyfriend never had an interest in jewelry until he saw the investment potential of it.
reader said:
Boyfriend never had an interest in jewelry until he saw the investment potential of it.
:errrr: ...since when is jewelry a good investment??... ;(
I think it takes a very special type of man to post here.
And they are rare, insightful, discerning individuals.

(Are they lining up yet?)
reader said:
Boyfriend never had an interest in jewelry until he saw the investment potential of it.

Seriously? Has he researched the resale value of diamonds? Just gold & other precious metals, but that's about it. ;)
My guy would join if we had a fishing forum. Other than that? Not even the possibility of ogling Victoria's Secret models would convince him.
MissMina said:
I think it takes a very special type of man to post here.
And they are rare, insightful, discerning individuals.

(Are they lining up yet?)
sure does :praise:..with so many crazy women here... :bigsmile:
I actually have an older male friend I keep meaning to refer here. Him AND his wife. They would fit the community quite well, and he actually knows how to cut gemstones and does it for fun at his house. They just have the overall PS group vibe.
Mine would join if there was something involving cars/watches :D
Im a guy that stumbled across this site when looking at getting a diamond enagagment ring. I studied geology with a bit of gemology so I had some idea of what I was doing but really wanted what I thought was a nice stone confirmed. I also sought advice on a proposal idea.

This forum is awesome, I mean this in the most affectionate way possible, this place is like having a large group of romantically inclined emotional type female friends who are more than willing to help and give advice but I also completely miss the ... err ... not so positive aspects of those sorts of friendships, plus here I knew nothing will get back to the other half...

If you want more guys to hang around, yea a couple of guy friendly forums would help, I reckon also adding a vent forum as a subbie of Brides and Grooms would be good. If you seperate the things that we can give an opinion on or handing over ideas from the emotional support type things I think it would help retain guys. If you also wanted to play to guys egos, have a "ask a guy" thread, if guys think their being useful I reckon their more likely to stay on and become part of the community....
The majority of tradespeople are male. And they usually hang out in RT and now the research section.. that's PS, no?
MC said:
reader said:
Boyfriend never had an interest in jewelry until he saw the investment potential of it.

Seriously? Has he researched the resale value of diamonds? Just gold & other precious metals, but that's about it. ;)
This idea has merit. I would change the suggestion slightly to include more emphasis on precious metals, mining, stock tips regarding gold, etc. I personally have a huge interest in the stock market as it relates to metals and have been reading everything I can find as I make purchases.

Other topics might be political topics, mutual funds, retirement planning. I don't think fantasy football, that type thing would help because the market is already saturated.
He is thinking along the lines of scrap value of metals, and hunting antique pieces.