
How are you defining OOT?

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Nov 12, 2006
Out of our almost 100 invited guests, 32 are quite clearly considered to be OOT as it is reasonable to expect they would have to fly in. Another 44 are anywhere from a 1.5 to a 3 hour drive away. The remaining 18 are quite clearly considered locals and are no more than a 1/2 hour drive away.

Would you consider the 44 (the second group) as OOT when looking into things such as hotel blocks?

I''m sure a phone call asking THEM this question would get me the answer I need but I''m concerned about the call seeming a bit in it''s 6 months away and I''m "already" implicitly asking for thier intentions of attending by asking if they think they''ll need a room for a night or two. So, I just thought I''d see what all of you have done.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I think over 1 hr drive is OOT. If this people are going to drink and stay at the reception for awhile, they are probably NOT going to want to drive home. I woule just block the max they let you. They will release whatever rooms don''t get booked usually a month of so before the wedding. It doesn''t cost you anything.


Aug 8, 2005
none of my hour away guests stayed at hotels. nor did the two hour away guests. the only ones that did were guests from another state.


Sep 30, 2006
I would consider anything outside of comfortable driving distance "out of town"--for me that would probably mean over 2-3 hours. My opinion may not be as valuable though, as my guest list is pretty clear cut (all my guests are either within my same city or in completely different states)! If the hotel would release your unbooked rooms anyway (like Tacori pointed out), you might as well block off enough for everyone that''s borderline--it couldn''t hurt!

That said, I don''t think it would be too presumptuous to call and ask your guests if they "might" need a room. You could get a tally from, say, the 10 you''re most comfortable asking, and if the majority/all of them are planning to drive home afterward that may indicate that you don''t need to accomodate for the rest of the borderline people (if that made ANY sense, sorry that was quite rambly!)


Apr 6, 2006
I think you can block out some rooms if you want. But asking people 6 months in advance to think about their accomodations when they haven''t even decided whether or not they are attending might make them feel a bit put out. 6 months is a long time away.


Oct 18, 2005
Hm, I''m not sure... Most of our family members are an hour away or more, except my parents since we''re having it in my home town. My reception ends at 5PM, so I suspect that everyone who lives an hour to two and a half hours will return home afterwards. My grandmother will most likely sleep over at my parents''. The FMIL''s family, however, lives six and a half to seven hours away, so I''ll probably have to research accomodations for them.

Nevertheless, I will undoubtedly put together packages for everyone, with directions, restaurants, accomodations and activities if they wish to spend the weekend in the area. It''s such a nice place away from the city, with mountains and tree and tons of things to see and do! Maybe it''s something you could do too?


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 2/17/2007 3:47:45 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I think over 1 hr drive is OOT. If this people are going to drink and stay at the reception for awhile, they are probably NOT going to want to drive home. I woule just block the max they let you. They will release whatever rooms don''t get booked usually a month of so before the wedding. It doesn''t cost you anything.
I also think 1 hr. drive away or over should be considered OOT... we did not have many, if any guests who were between 1-3 hrs. away, mainly they were flying or long-driving distance (5 hrs. or more). I don''t think a phone call to the guests who may need a hotel room is pushy at all...I think it''s courteous and they would appreciate the heads up in this case.


Nov 12, 2006
Lot''s of different opinions and suggestions, thank you all!

I think I''ll go ahead and put the rooms on a block that I would need if all OOT guests should decide to stay over a night or two and release them when the hotel''s deadline is reached. I will continue to put this info on my wedding website and send out emails (or postcards to those few who don''t have email) about 2 months before the earliest block deadline is up asking them to please check our website for up to date information on accomodations.

(They did get this website info on the STDs but I''ve recently learned that my own mother and sister did not think to turn the photocard around to SEE it (!!!) so I''m concerned no one has seen the website info now. I did notice the counter on the site only raised in number by about 10 and thought that maybe people just didn''t have time to visit it just yet)

I think that makes things pretty comfortable all around and gives guests that do plan on coming enough time to grab one of the rooms and make plans. This notice wouldn''t go out until mid-April as one of the blocks is "due" May 25th so that''s about 4 months away from the wedding. Still pretty far away to all others who are not the bride and groom but what can ya do? This block has an early deadline and is one of the more affordable ones, too.
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