
How am i going to set a 9ct round? Not Eng Ring

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Could I ask why she went with the simple setting? Is it just that she''s not keen on the decorative styles? Money obviously isn''t the reason, so I just wonder why she went with what is essentially a standard e-ring design.

I''d have voted for the Leon Mege style ring too, by the way.
Date: 10/21/2005 7:18:24 AM
Author: Bagpuss
Could I ask why she went with the simple setting? Is it just that she''s not keen on the decorative styles? Money obviously isn''t the reason, so I just wonder why she went with what is essentially a standard e-ring design.

I''d have voted for the Leon Mege style ring too, by the way.

you should see this diamond under our plain tree!!!!
Wow! That diamond''s fire is outstanding. Garry, would you happen to have the proportions data on that? Since if I were ever to get a round (more modest in size ofcourse), I would want it to be just like that :)

Haha Garry yes how did she go for such a simple setting after all that speculation? Look at the head on that ring..enormous!

The photos you got of that stone, spectacular, it''s just amazing. The WF 7.5 looks small and sad in my pictures compared to that thing!!
I am speechless. That diamond is so GORGEOUS!!!
Wow, that is just amazing!!!!
Those plower prongs are spectacular!!! I''m guessing that you to have a pretty large stone for those to look as intended. Wow.
I hope this doesn''t sound tacky, but my curiousity is just killing me. How much would a 9ct diamond cost - roughly? I can''t even imagine a ring that size.
hehe well the WF 7.5 G VS is something like $250k? So more than that depending on color and clarity!
Oh my gosh!!!! That''s more than we paid for our house and its a five bedroom, 2 1/2 bath place. I can''t even imagine spending that much on a rock!!! But I guess if I had the money to burn (which I obviously don''t)!
Date: 10/21/2005 9:06:07 AM
Author: Scott 00
Wow! That diamond''s fire is outstanding. Garry, would you happen to have the proportions data on that? Since if I were ever to get a round (more modest in size ofcourse), I would want it to be just like that :)

If you have not already got GemAdviser to view the stone on you own computer you really should for this little baby. (You can download the program under tools DiamCalc in the top right tool bar)

It is rare to see very large stones with great cut.


Oh, I can quite imagine that the diamond is spectacular (as you say, more sparkly in real life than in the pics), I was just a bit puzzled. You said she didn''t want this ring to look too much like an e-ring, yet she went for more of a traditional e-ring style. If I had a diamond that wonderful and didn''t want it to look like an ering on the wrong hand sort of thing, I think I''d go for a setting that was just a little more showy. More like the Leon Mage ring, in fact. A bit more bling but without competing with the centre stone. I''m sure the simple setting will look very elegant and all eyes will be on the diamond anyway.

Maybe it''s just a matter of perception.
Oh my lord. Those pics of the stone are breathtaking!
That diamond is amazing
I thought the 9 ct was a typo, but no
And it''s not April fools. No, I guess she is not afraid of large jewelry afterall. The only design i thought of would be one of those Bulgari rings with semi bezels or full bezels, but it sounds like she has it figured out. Please post a pic when it is done!
Am I the only one who thinks that is just too big for a round?
Guess so LOL... It certainly does look like a beautiful stone, but I think with rounds, once you get to a certain size it's a little....much.
I think so too, normally. They sort of begin to look like something out of a gumball machine or a cartoon. But this is a really spectacular diamond. Oh, my. I''m not sure I''d wear it on my finger, though. I think I''d put it in a tiara, LOL! I don''t know, but I liked the fistail design Gary came up with much more than the plain setting. Oh, well, when I can buy a 9 carat diamond like that I guess I can set it any way I doggone well please. Until then, I guess I''ll shut my mouth!
Date: 10/21/2005 4:24:31 PM
Author: Garry H (Cut Nut)

It is rare to see very large stones with great cut.

Isn''t that odd ? but true.

Since you mentioned...
I wouldn''t be surprised if you had a diamond tree in the backyard, Garry!
Just a quick response to copyright questions.

I'm an attorney....and I work with creative matters (intellectual property). Your ring sketch is protected by copyright as soon as you wrote it down on paper (in legal speak that is as soon as it is "fixed in a tangible medium of expression."). So you are covered already! A federal copyright registration does give you additional rights, however, so it is a good idea to register your design. Here's some of my own legal lingo:

*In general, copyright registration is a legal formality intended to make a public record of the basic facts of a particular copyright. However, registration is not required to receive copyright protection.

Advantages to copyright registration
1) Registration establishes a public record of the copyright claim.
2) Before an infringement suit may be filed in court, registration is necessary for works of U. S. origin.
3) If made before or within 5 years of publication, registration will establish prima facie evidence in court of the validity of the copyright and of the facts stated in the certificate.
4) If registration is made within 3 months after publication of the work or prior to an infringement of the work, statutory damages and attorney's fees will be available to the copyright owner in court actions.
---Otherwise, only an award of actual damages and profits is available to the copyright owner.
5) Registration allows the owner of the copyright to record the registration with the U. S. Customs Service for protection against the importation of infringing copies.

So although you can gain the above benefits by a federal registration, Gary you're already generlaly covered by virtue of having put it down on paper.

Of course, I'm not your attorney so I'd advise you to always get independent legal advice. And nothing I say here as commentary is meant to be construed as legal advice as from to an attorney (me) to a client (you). Gotta have that standard disclaimer so I don't get sued.
Date: 10/21/2005 11:49:09 PM
Author: ellewoods
Just a quick response to copyright questions.

I''m an attorney....and I work with creative matters (intellectual property). Your ring sketch is protected by copyright as soon as you wrote it down on paper (in legal speak that is as soon as it is ''fixed in a tangible medium of expression.''). So you are covered already! A federal copyright registration does give you additional rights, however, so it is a good idea to register your design. Here''s some of my own legal lingo:

*In general, copyright registration is a legal formality intended to make a public record of the basic facts of a particular copyright. However, registration is not required to receive copyright protection.

Advantages to copyright registration
1) Registration establishes a public record of the copyright claim.
2) Before an infringement suit may be filed in court, registration is necessary for works of U. S. origin.
3) If made before or within 5 years of publication, registration will establish prima facie evidence in court of the validity of the copyright and of the facts stated in the certificate.
4) If registration is made within 3 months after publication of the work or prior to an infringement of the work, statutory damages and attorney''s fees will be available to the copyright owner in court actions.
---Otherwise, only an award of actual damages and profits is available to the copyright owner.
5) Registration allows the owner of the copyright to record the registration with the U. S. Customs Service for protection against the importation of infringing copies.

So although you can gain the above benefits by a federal registration, Gary you''re already generlaly covered by virtue of having put it down on paper.

Of course, I''m not your attorney so I''d advise you to always get independent legal advice. And nothing I say here as commentary is meant to be construed as legal advice as from to an attorney (me) to a client (you). Gotta have that standard disclaimer so I don''t get sued.
Thanks Ellewoods
Date: 10/21/2005 10:23:12 PM
Author: moremoremore
Am I the only one who thinks that is just too big for a round?
Guess so LOL... It certainly does look like a beautiful stone, but I think with rounds, once you get to a certain size it''s a little....much.
yes i think over 4 or 5 carats ina round is downright silly looking. i think they need more spread like an EC or CUSHION
fabulous design---and i hate almost everything I see as too much or too little. it lets the stone be the stone with some sparkle for the hand and frames the background. NICE
Wonderful stone! The setting the customer chose is exactly what I would have chosen.
Hi again Garry.

I just realized you''re in Australia -- and not the US -- so my copyright speech is not entirely accurate. I''m sorry!

I am not very familiar with Australia''s IP laws but I did find this on a helpful Australian website. Looks like there isn''t any copyright registration in Australia at all. Like the US, protection is granted as soon as the creative work is put on paper.

How do you get copyright protection?There is no system of registration for copyright protection in Australia.

You do not need to publish your work, to put a copyright notice on it, or to do anything else to be covered by copyright — the protection is free and automatic. There are no forms to fill in, and there are no fees to be paid. You do not have to send your work to us or to anyone else.
A work is protected automatically from the time it is first written down or recorded in some way, provided it has resulted from its creator’s skill and effort and is not simply copied from another work. For example, as soon as a poem is written, or a song is recorded, it is protected.

Australian copyright works are protected in most other countries, and copyright works from most other countries are protected in Australia.
For information about who owns copyright, see our information sheet "Ownership of Copyright".

The copyright notice
You do not need to put a "copyright notice" on your work for it to be protected in Australia. You may choose to put a copyright notice on your work to remind people that it is protected by copyright. You can put the notice on your work yourself; there is no formal procedure.

The notice is: © (or "Copyright") + copyright owner’s name + year of first publication —for example: © Gus O’Donnell 1968.

Source of copyright law
Copyright law comes from the Copyright Act and from court decisions.

More information
See our introductory information sheets and information sheets for special interest areas.
We also publish more detailed information in our Books.
You may also be interested in our training program.
Date: 10/22/2005 2:39:00 PM
Author: ellewoods

Hi again Garry.

I just realized you''re in Australia -- and not the US -- so my copyright speech is not entirely accurate. I''m sorry!

I am not very familiar with Australia''s IP laws but I did find this on a helpful Australian website. Looks like there isn''t any copyright registration in Australia at all. Like the US, protection is granted as soon as the creative work is put on paper.

How do you get copyright protection?There is no system of registration for copyright protection in Australia.

You do not need to publish your work, to put a copyright notice on it, or to do anything else to be covered by copyright — the protection is free and automatic. There are no forms to fill in, and there are no fees to be paid. You do not have to send your work to us or to anyone else.
A work is protected automatically from the time it is first written down or recorded in some way, provided it has resulted from its creator’s skill and effort and is not simply copied from another work. For example, as soon as a poem is written, or a song is recorded, it is protected.

Australian copyright works are protected in most other countries, and copyright works from most other countries are protected in Australia.
For information about who owns copyright, see our information sheet ''Ownership of Copyright''.

The copyright notice
You do not need to put a ''copyright notice'' on your work for it to be protected in Australia. You may choose to put a copyright notice on your work to remind people that it is protected by copyright. You can put the notice on your work yourself; there is no formal procedure.

The notice is: © (or ''Copyright'') + copyright owner’s name + year of first publication —for example: © Gus O’Donnell 1968.

Source of copyright law
Copyright law comes from the Copyright Act and from court decisions.

More information
See our introductory information sheets and information sheets for special interest areas.
We also publish more detailed information in our Books.
You may also be interested in our training program.
Thanks again, I believe there is a certain level of international uniformity in copy right
Date: 10/21/2005 9:06:07 AM
Author: Scott 00
Wow! That diamond''s fire is outstanding. Garry, would you happen to have the proportions data on that? Since if I were ever to get a round (more modest in size ofcourse), I would want it to be just like that :)

And from a PM
Thank you very much for the .gem file. It was certainly worth installing the GA viewer! I looked under the gem report menu and while it mentions weight, I still cannot find the angles data. Is there a way for me to find that out using the GA model? Thanks so much for all your help!
Best regards,

Scott the table size is 53%

For the crown and pavilion angles - if the ideal-scope is good then the proportions are good.

You can get an ideal-scope result like this with 32 degree crown angle and 41.2 pavilion right thru to 37 crown with 40.2 pavilion.
Basically if you have a favoutie set of proportions - say 34.5C and 40.8P - for every 0.1 degree shallower pavilion, the crown must be steeper by 0.5 degrees. Anbd vice a versa.

This stone was right within this range.
This is the best of a lot of shocking photo''s I took just befor pick up last week.
Sorry i could not have managed a better shot
(Bad Garry)

Holy crap....I am speechless...............
Any chance of a pic of it on the hand - just to see how that size actually looks on someone''s finger?
That is freakin HUGE!
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