
Hot mess at a wedding.


Mar 6, 2010
So I have this former friend, we''ll just call her Sarah. We were "best" friends for 15 years. We didn''t really hang out all that much anymore, but talked on the phone about once or twice a week. About a year and a half ago, she started popping pills, Adderall, Ambien and Klonopin. I know that she was stealing pills from her boyfriend and her friends. She then began doctor shopping and read up on ADD symptoms and basically faked them so that she could get prescriptions. She lost a ton of weight and began bleaching her hair and going tanning every day and basically was not even recognizable. She would stay up all night and maybe sleep every other day and put these ridiculous posts on facebook at all hours of the night.

In the process of breaking up with my ex, I slept with another guy. My ex wasn''t aware of this, but we were still living together and I didn''t come home a few nights, so he was calling all of my friends trying to get the scoop. All of my friends ignored him, except Sarah. She''s always been promiscuous and desperate for any form of male attention, so I attribute those as the reasons why she would throw me under the bus like this. She told my ex EVERYTHING I had told her. She went as far to make up some stuff that didn''t happen to make me look even worse.

I didn''t really care that he knew about it because it wasn''t like I was trying to exactly hide it from him. But, one day I came home and he knew EVERYTHING. I asked the two friends who I was concerned that might have told him. Sarah denied ever speaking to him. I''m not really the type to snoop, but I knew his password for his cell phone online, so I got on there to see who had spilled the beans. He had several hour plus long conversations with Sarah at around 4 AM on various evenings. I was furious. I called her, screamed at her, called her a drug addict (oh, I forgot to mention that she has moved in with a doctor who is getting divorced and is her father''s age, who now prescripes her any drugs she wants). I told all of our other friends what happened and they couldn''t believe it. I was talking mad crap on her too about her drug problem, promiscuity, and her "boyfriend" (who is just a total pervert by the way).

Apparently, she was upset about this, she cannot see that she was wrong in what she did. She actually had the audacity to say that she was trying to help by telling my ex everything. My ex told me that she suggested to him that they sleep together to make me jealous. This fueled another phone call from me to scream at her. She said that she was joking and that I was too uptight, but I know that she would sleep with him, she has always had some weird thing for any guys I''ve dated.

About a month ago I was out with this gay couple that we used to work with, as well as a few other girls. They were never really friends with Sarah, never really hung out outside of work things. But Sarah is kind of obsessed with them, like she has some idea that they are much better friends than they really are. They were talking about Sarah and her strange facebook posts and they told me that she had posted a photo of herself (this is so ridiculous that I can barely even type it) naked wearing a trenchcoat, platform shoes and her hairstyle looked like she was wearing a bumpit, posing in front of a wall. Well, naturally I had to see for myself so one of the guys got on his phone and showed me. We all laughed about it. Almost immediately the guys starting getting texts from Sarah, she was just being crazy and saying "Don''t listen to the things that Catlady says about me, she is a liar". I found out later that she had texted one of the other girls who was there and the other girl said that she was hanging out with all of us. I wasn''t really even saying anything bad about Sarah, but she is incredibly paranoid and thinks that I am out to get her.

So, she starts sending me threatening text messages, that she is going to tell this new guy I''m dating some crap and that she is going to tell my ex all of this stuff. I was like "What do you expect when you put some picture like that on your facebook, it''s clearly a desperate cry for attention, so why are you upset that people are talking about it?". She was so delusional that she said that it was the same as me having some bikini pictures on mine. I''m sorry, but I think that it is acceptable to have a photograph of yourself in a bikini on the beach in St. John, but not to have the picture that she posted. She seems to refuse to believe that anyone other than me would ever think anything bad about her. I mean, she is pretty much insane.

Recently, things have calmed down for the most part. Except when it comes to my friendship with the gay couple. She keeps sending them messages saying "Don''t trust her, she is a psycho". OK, I''m not the one who is sending threatening messages to people at 4 AM on a Wednesday. I''m moving downtown in two weeks, and one of the guys is going to be my roommate. Sarah found out about this and she is really pissed and was crying about it. ??? I don''t even know why that would upset her. It''s like she has some fantasy about having these awesome gay friends and partying at gay bars every night, but they''re not even friends! I''m just hoping things will calm down and I am not talking about her to anyone, I''m taking the "You''re dead to me" approach.

But, here is the problem and this is why I am posting this here. There are two weddings to go to this summer where Sarah and I are going to have to be forced to be in one another''s company, and there will be alcohol involved. I kind of want to take a date, but am scared that she will do something to embarrass me, so I will probably not bring anyone. I''m scared that Sarah is going to do something really psycho. She is a pretty big drama queen anyway, and tends to need everything to be about her. There was an engagement party a few months ago, and she basically made it all about her and whether or not she was going to go and texting everyone "Oh should I go?", and then she showed up really late, when no one really cared if she was there or not. The gay couple is also going to be there, I will be one of the guy''s roommates at this time as well so I am worried that this is going to instigate something. Sarah seems to have some kind of inability to do anything in moderation - when she drinks she has to drink until she is a wreck, when she eats she binges, when she takes drugs she takes way more than needed, same way with men and sex, she gets obsessed with guys who aren''t interested in her and will do some incredibly sluttly stuff to try to keep them interested in her. Basically she is just a hot mess.

Basically I don''t know what to do. I can''t not go to these weddings. I am MOH in one and pretty good friends with the other girl. I don''t want to have my presence cause some kind of drunken sh1t show, and I know that Sarah will go because she just hangs out with this old man and asks all of these people to go out with her but no one ever will. Does anyone have any advice on what to do?? Should I try to talk to her about it to make sure that she won''t do anything crazy? I don''t know that trying to talk to her would even do any good because she is going to be all cracked out on adderall and drunk anyway. She really isn''t the same person I was friends with as a kid. If I hadn''t known her for as long as I did, there is no way I would have been friends with her as an adult either. I know that she isn''t going to care that these weddings are someone elses big day, all she can think about is that I am out there stealing all of her friends, she will see me with these friends, she''ll take our laughter to mean that we must be talking about and conspiring against her. I actually broke out in hives about this the other day, I''m so worried.

Any advice would be appreciated, and thanks for reading all of this. I needed to vent a bit too. Are any of you worried about any unstable people doing anything that might ruin your weddings? Has anyone witnessed or heard any horror stories about wedding guests going completely crazy?


Nov 2, 2006
WOW! I don''t know what to say in response to that story. Hot mess is right!

I would ask the bride to seat you on opposite sides of the room and then just mind your own business. Do not converse with her, do not dance with her, pretend she''s not even there. If she says hello, smile and say hello back and then excuse yourself and leave the area where she is. Do this every time she approaches you.

You know her M.O., you know she''s going to try and start crap with you. The best thing you can do is take the high road and be above it all. Even if she gets in your face just walk away. You''ll retain your dignity and everyone will see her for the bat shit crazy person she is. Weddings are not the time nor place to fight this battle.

While I know you''re hesitant to bring a date (and after your recent posts, aren''t you taking a break from dating?) because you''re afraid she''ll embarrass you, it might be helpful to bring a date, maybe not a romantic one, so you feel like you''ve got some support should she really start with you. If you do take a romantic date, just fill him in on the situation so he''s got advanced warning about her.

You are the one in control in this situation, NOT her. Keep a handle on that control, don''t lose it and you''ll be fine.


Sep 30, 2007
If she gets out of control, I''m sure there will be someone to remove her from the situation. There was a girl in our party that we had someone keep an eye on as well since she tended to drink a lot, and then take it out on me, which I for sure wasn''t going to put up with at the wedding. Does the bride know she is this way? I would just have someone keep an eye on her, cut her off from the liquor if need be.


Nov 19, 2006
Here''s the thing: clearly she has problems with drugs and alcohol. I doubt that the people inviting her to their wedding are completely unaware of her issues. They invited her, and by doing so are taking the chance that she will do something "crazy" at the wedding. Most likely, those chances aren''t going to increase dramatically by having you there - she will find something else to ratchet up the drama.

Go to the wedding, sit across the room, don''t drink, and stay classy. That way, if she does anything, it reflects poorly on her, and not on you. Take a date if you are dating someone, if she is as disturbed as you are describing people will see it for what it is.

Also, given that she has substance abuse issues, it probably doesn''t help to be gossiping about her behind her back. It sounds like a pretty sad situation she''s in, and talking about how "slutty" she is or how "inappropriate" her photos are isn''t helping either you or her. The whole thing sounds incredibly sad, and I think when it gets to that point you have to get past being judgmental and have a little compassion. Not saying be best friends, but if someone brings her up, take the high road and leave her be.


Mar 6, 2010
The bride is aware of her behavior. I just hope that it doesn''t get to the point that she has to be removed, and maybe she will be fine.

I''m not planning on bringing a date to the wedding that is in June, but the one that I am MOH in isn''t until September, and I know that my ex is going to be there so I don''t want to go alone. But "Sarah" has always tried to embarrass me, even when we were still friends. I remember once we were sitting there with my then fiance and one of his friends, and Sarah proceeds to tell them all of the details of me losing my virginity. I was mortified. When I said something about it later, she laughed and said I was too uptight.

I do feel kind of bad for her because I feel like I was kind of like her link to our other friends, and she wasn''t close to any of them. She has some other friends who I''m not friends with, but they''re all married with young children so she pretty much just hangs out with her trainwreck cousin who is hooked on all of these pills too.

I''ve thought about calling her mother up and expressing my concern for the way that she is living her life. It can''t be healthy. She is 29 just like me, but looks middle aged. She said that her mom thought that the pills were great because she lost so much weight (her mother is always trying to lose weight too), but her mom can''t think that it''s normal. The old guy she is living with obviously doesn''t care about her otherwise he would he helping her to get off the pills, rather than prescribing her and her cousin anything they want. I almost feel like what he is doing is illegal, at the very least it is unethical.

She tries to get friends by promising them that her boyfriend will prescribe them whatever they want. Before we had our falling out I was going on a trip and I''ve always hated flying and usually borrowed xanax from my sister, but she was out, so this old man gave me a prescription for 15 pills with three refills. He wanted to give me more but I told him that I just wanted enough for my flights, I don''t want to have it around otherwise. This was in January and I still have two refills at the pharmacy. In March I went on a trip (a month after our falling out), and she must have been asking people about me because somehow she knew I was going out of town. She assumed that I needed drugs or something and I woke up one morning to like 7 angry text messages from her. At first she was like "Hey do you need some pills", proceeding to "Way to punch a gift horse in the f''ing mouth". It was like the idea that I was sleeping at 2 AM on a weeknight never crossed her mind and she assumed that I was being mean or something.

Gawd, I just read all of that it sounds so freaking trashy.


Nov 2, 2006
What her bf the "doctor" is doing is, in fact both illegal and unethical.

ETA: I think it's time that you 100% cut ties with this chick. Block her on FB, don't talk to her, don't answer her calls/texts/etc. Guilt by association is a very real thing and I would hate for your future to get messed up because of a person like her being in your life. All she's going to do is attract people who you really don't want to be friends with (like that scumbag guy you went on the date with, the "creeper").

God, I hope I'm not getting people mixed up now and that was you!


Aug 19, 2009

My co-workers had a shower for me too (although I was married 2 days earlier
), and I loved getting cash.

I really think it''s the best universal gift! You just don''t know what they really need right now, KWIM?


Nov 15, 2008
Date: 5/4/2010 4:17:22 PM
Author: lilyfoot
My co-workers had a shower for me too (although I was married 2 days earlier
), and I loved getting cash.
I really think it''s the best universal gift! You just don''t know what they really need right now, KWIM? sure you answered the right post, lilyfoot? ;-)

Catlady, I''m sorry. I agree with HH. You need to cut this person out of your life 100%. She''s seriously messed up, but it can''t be your problem. You''re not going to be able to help her. I''d leave her be and from here on out take the high road -- i.e. no more trash talking, either.

If you bring a date to the September wedding, just give him a heads up ahead of time. That should do the trick.


Jun 27, 2008
Date: 5/4/2010 3:19:59 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
What her bf the ''doctor'' is doing is, in fact both illegal and unethical.

ETA: I think it''s time that you 100% cut ties with this chick. Block her on FB, don''t talk to her, don''t answer her calls/texts/etc. Guilt by association is a very real thing and I would hate for your future to get messed up because of a person like her being in your life. All she''s going to do is attract people who you really don''t want to be friends with (like that scumbag guy you went on the date with, the ''creeper'').

God, I hope I''m not getting people mixed up now and that was you!
10000000% agree.


Aug 28, 2008
I agree. Cut ties and stay out of it. Don''t call her mom or look at her facebook profile or talk about her. Just drop it.

If someone asks, just keep it short and sweet with "We''re not friends anymore. She broke my trust and we don''t see eye to eye anymore." That''s all. There are enough people who can dish the dirty details to mutual friends and acquaintances by now. This is a broken friendship between you and your ex-friend, and really no one else''s business. Just be careful that you''re not trying to turn this into a war rather than a lost friendship, get what I mean?

As for the wedding coming up, I''d just try to stay cool, don''t drink and don''t engage in mob whispering. That''s only going to set eveything up for confrontation.


Aug 19, 2009
Date: 5/4/2010 4:48:17 PM
Author: mscushion

Date: 5/4/2010 4:17:22 PM
Author: lilyfoot
My co-workers had a shower for me too (although I was married 2 days earlier
), and I loved getting cash.
I really think it's the best universal gift! You just don't know what they really need right now, KWIM? sure you answered the right post, lilyfoot? ;-)
Oops! I was wondering why my reply wasn't showing up in the other thread .. sorry, CatLady!

I'm such a dork


Apr 8, 2008
I will ditto rockzilla...just go and have your own fun, don''t go out of your way to ignore her but don''t make an effort to talk to her. If she gets out of control, someone else will take care of her.


Apr 19, 2004

Three words: witness protection program--cuz that's what you are gonna need if your "friend" finds this post (isn't she up all hours??) have enough info here and elsewhere on PS, that even "she" could put two and two togther....

just sayin


Apr 26, 2007
Drama-rama. Catlady, you sound like a woman after my own heart judging from the wording of your previous posts, so I''m going to tell you to do what I hope I''d have the good sense to do myself: stay the hell out of her way, and wear something that won''t show red wine or tear easily, as she appears to be the sort who will happily cause a scene at a wedding.

Beyond that, you''re sort of stuck: you''ll just be adding to the drama if you say anything to the brides or cancel at the last minute. I might bring a burly friend of thoroughly phlegmatic disposition to intercede in a worst-case scenario (thus killing two birds with one stone, as it will eliminate the "date" problem), but, at the end of the day, once all that had been set up, I''d just put it out of my head and try not to let any of the drama build in my head or my life. ''Cause, yeah, taking the high road might be a little frustrating, but it''s good for the soul and the legal record ....


Jan 17, 2010
Date: 5/4/2010 5:46:11 PM
Author: zipzapgirl
I agree. Cut ties and stay out of it. Don''t call her mom or look at her facebook profile or talk about her. Just drop it.

If someone asks, just keep it short and sweet with ''We''re not friends anymore. She broke my trust and we don''t see eye to eye anymore.'' That''s all. There are enough people who can dish the dirty details to mutual friends and acquaintances by now. This is a broken friendship between you and your ex-friend, and really no one else''s business. Just be careful that you''re not trying to turn this into a war rather than a lost friendship, get what I mean?

As for the wedding coming up, I''d just try to stay cool, don''t drink and don''t engage in mob whispering. That''s only going to set eveything up for confrontation.

I think zipzap girl said it really well. I''m sorry you''re dealing with this - she seems to be in a really bad place in her life right now


Aug 12, 2005
CL, wow. I'm sure you're a nice girl, but reading your threads is like watching reality TV. If this is the type of lifestyle you enjoy living then I fully support that. But to me, there are contradictory tones in your threads that seem to say you aren't very happy. Perhaps a move out of the city is in order, or just a 2 week vacation from your somewhat reality?

Look. You've described yourself as an LPT and you're ok with that. You're in a relationship with a still married dude who treats you like you're his on call chick. You meet guys in bars and have had some run-ins with pretty awful characters from what you describe. Is this really how you want to live your life? Is this the type of environment (you've essentially created for yourself) in which you think you're going to find a healthy relationship?

I'm not attacking you or your lifestyle or saying it's wrong in ANY way. It sounds like a lot of fun, in fact. However, if you're honestly wondering why your life just isn't as together as you feel it should be, you need to take a look around you and realize that you're part of the issue here. Your signature line kind of makes me want to scream "figure out how to look the other way, for god's sake!"


Aug 8, 2008
Date: 5/4/2010 11:33:24 PM
Author: monarch64
CL, wow. I'm sure you're a nice girl, but reading your threads is like watching reality TV. If this is the type of lifestyle you enjoy living then I fully support that. But to me, there are contradictory tones in your threads that seem to say you aren't very happy. Perhaps a move out of the city is in order, or just a 2 week vacation from your somewhat reality?

Look. You've described yourself as an LPT and you're ok with that. You're in a relationship with a still married dude who treats you like you're his on call chick. You meet guys in bars and have had some run-ins with pretty awful characters from what you describe. Is this really how you want to live your life? Is this the type of environment (you've essentially created for yourself) in which you think you're going to find a healthy relationship?

I'm not attacking you or your lifestyle or saying it's wrong in ANY way. It sounds like a lot of fun, in fact. However, if you're honestly wondering why your life just isn't as together as you feel it should be, you need to take a look around you and realize that you're part of the issue here. Your signature line kind of makes me want to scream 'figure out how to look the other way, for god's sake!'
Yeah.. I have to elaborate on all of this. Now I obviously don't know you IRL... so I really don't want to pass judgement on you but this is the impression I get of you from reading your posts (past and present). CatLady... PLEASE don't take offense to this if it isn't the case, but you sound like a total drama queen.
You actually remind me of someone I used to be friends with. She loved drama just for drama's sake. Loved to be involved in fights. Loved all of the negative attention that came with being involved in situations like this. She fed off of it. Even though she pretended to hate it.

You just give too many "details" which makes me feel like you are less than sincere when you say that you are worried about your "ex best friends" life style. And to be quite honest, I'm rather surprised at what some of the other girls have replied in response to your posts. When I was reading your original post, I had expected to scroll down and read comments composed of similar things that I am telling you. Maybe a mini "reality check" or two. Well here's mine, I guess. "details" which makes me feel like you are less than sincere when you say that you are concerned about your "ex best friends" lifestyle. And to be quite honest, I'm rather surprised at what some of the other girls have replied in response to your posts. When I was reading your original post, I had expected to scroll down and read comments composed of similar things that I am telling you. Maybe a mini "reality check" or two. Well here's mine, I guess. (And I'm sure i'm going to get a lot of backlash from this...)

To me, it's clear that your friend is not well... but the way you go on and on about it makes it seem like you rather enjoy watching her destroy her life. "Well at least my life isn't as bad as hers! Here! Let me tell you what Sarah did! That'll make it sound like I have my life completely together!
You said that you are 29, but reading your posts puts me right back in high school... specifically thinking about the friend that would call me at 3 in the morning crying about the drama-filled details of her life that she about the drama-filled details of her life that she brought on herself.
You call her promiscuous and desperate for male attention, yet you were the one sleeping with someone else while you were still in a relationship? promiscuous and desperate for male attention, yet you were the one sleeping with someone else while you were still in a relationship?
If you wanted to cheat on your live-in-kinda-boyfriend without getting caught, you shouldn't have spilled the details to your friend who probably already had a history of loose lips and backstabbing. Obviously she is going to tell your boyfriend and try to sleep with him. hey, if you were sleeping with someone else anyway, why shouldn't he have some fun? kinda-boyfriend without getting caught, you shouldn't have spilled the details to your friend who probably already had a history of loose lips and backstabbing. Obviously she is going to tell your boyfriend and try to sleep with him. hey, if you were sleeping with someone else anyway, why shouldn't he have some fun too?
You admit to talking about her behind her back to all of your friends? Of course that would upset her and cause all of this to continue. both aren't around?
I just don't understand why any of this would surprise you.

If you really wanted the drama out of your life, you would have cut her out of it a long time ago.

For pete's sake, you are 29 years old. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate some things?
Go to the weddings. Bring a date. If Sarah does get drunk and make a fool of herself, as long as you're sober and not screaming back, I'm sure your date will just think she is crazy. Trust me... "you're a narrrsty sllllllluttut
" will sound pretty stupid coming from a stumbling, bumbling drunk. But it will look downright childish if you argue back with her instead of just walking away and leaving her to her

Random side note... why doesn't anyone ever use these smileys (the ones next to the "insert image" button)? They are pretty cute!


May 9, 2006
Date: 5/5/2010 12:34:44 AM
Author: jaylex
You call her promiscuous and desperate for male attention, yet you were the one sleeping with someone else while you were still in a relationship? promiscuous and desperate for male attention, yet you were the one sleeping with someone else while you were still in a relationship?

If you wanted to cheat on your live-in-kinda-boyfriend without getting caught, you shouldn''t have spilled the details to your friend who probably already had a history of loose lips and backstabbing. Obviously she is going to tell your boyfriend and try to sleep with him. hey, if you were sleeping with someone else anyway, why shouldn''t he have some fun?

Er, she slept with someone else AFTER her fiance broke up with her, remember? He''s the one who pulled the plug on their engagement and then tried to call dibs on her virtue afterwards, dog-in-a-manger-style.


Feb 22, 2008
jaylex, honey, you need to do some editing on that post because something screwy happened to the formatting, and it''s a hot mess!

Guilty Pleasure

May 16, 2008
Date: 5/4/2010 1:39:06 PM

Any advice would be appreciated, and thanks for reading all of this. I needed to vent a bit too. Are any of you worried about any unstable people doing anything that might ruin your weddings? Has anyone witnessed or heard any horror stories about wedding guests going completely crazy?

I was not worried about unstable people at my wedding because at the age of 29, I have culled drama queens and alcoholic maniacs from my social circle.

My advice to you: quit wallowing in this drama; politely decline any comment except perhaps a shrug of the shoulders when mutual acquaintances mention her antics. Unless you can learn to quit manufacturing drama and /or fanning the fires with this "friend", it sounds like there will be more than one hot mess attending this wedding. Just ask yourself, do you want to be Grace Kelly... or snooki!


Apr 2, 2006
Ditto Jaylex and Guilty Pleasure. CL, it seems like you have a lot invested in continuing this drama. Just mind your own business and keep your own behavior above reproach, and the rest will take care of itself.


Mar 6, 2010
You''re right, I did give way too many details. Is there anyway that I could have this post deleted?

I will be the first to admit that I am being a bit immature for a 29 year old right now. I was in a relationship for so long where I literally never went out. We got home from work, I cooked dinner, we would go for a walk and then watch a movie most nights. Maybe we''d go out to dinner once a week and go to concerts and go on vacations. Now I am kind of going wild, sowing oats, etc. I always thought that I would be married to my ex by now and that we would be starting a family at this point, so it''s kind of weird to be alone.

I tried to talk to my friend about the drugs before all of this happened, but she wasn''t hearing it. This was around the time that my personal life was going to hell so I didn''t have enough time or energy to devote to being a good friend at that time. It really, really hurt me when she did what she did, and to have to deal with that at the exact same time that I was extracting myself from my relationship and dealing with finding a new place to live, having my ex going crazy and getting threatening texts from her all at the same time nearly sent me over the edge.


Nov 2, 2006
CL, you can have the thread deleted by sending the mods a message through the report concern box in the bottom right hand corner of this post.


Jan 15, 2009
I''m just in total shock that you''re 29 and acting/speaking this way about someone who is obviously in dire need of help! If anything, you should feel sorry for her, hope she gets the help she needs, and move on! I''ve had friends like this and had to cut them and who they associated with out of my life - that''s just what you do if you truly don''t like or don''t want to be surrounded by drama. I''m 25 and it''s been years since I''ve dealt with something like this so it makes me wonder if it really bothers you in the first place or if deep down you enjoy seeing this girl ruin her life. The way you describe her is unreal.... really.

I hope for your sake that you remove her and anyone she associates with from your life. I don''t understand why this gay couple that you are close with doesn''t remove her from their life seeing as they don''t like her to begin with. I mean it really seems like everyone involved loves drama seeing as they aren''t doing anything to change it.

I don''t know what to tell you other than she''s in a bad spot, she doesn''t like you, and with alcohol involved I''m willing to bet she makes a fool of herself and tries to drag you down with her. You know how to change the situation... it''s just up to you to do it.


Aug 8, 2008
Date: 5/5/2010 1:13:40 AM
Author: doodle
jaylex, honey, you need to do some editing on that post because something screwy happened to the formatting, and it''s a hot mess!
haha! doodle said part of the topics name in her post! 5 points for her!

AHH... i have no idea how that happened. I fixed it two times before posting. Oh well. It seems like you all understood what I was saying.

CatLady. I just want to say that i''m really impressed with the way you took our criticism. A lot of people would just ignore it or fly off the handle and you didn''t do either. I think that is pretty classy of you.
I can understand how this situation would be causing you emotional pain and I hope you have the help of close relatives or family members in sorting all of this "stuff" out.

Just send the mods a message and they will delete the topic if you''d like them too.

Good luck, hun.


Nov 15, 2008
Date: 5/6/2010 9:23:25 AM
Author: jaylex
Date: 5/5/2010 1:13:40 AM
CatLady. I just want to say that i''m really impressed with the way you took our criticism. A lot of people would just ignore it or fly off the handle and you didn''t do either. I think that is pretty classy of you. I can understand how this situation would be causing you emotional pain and I hope you have the help of close relatives or family members in sorting all of this ''stuff'' out.

Agree. Here and elsewhere you have taken critical comments extremely well, whereas so many others completely flip their **** at similar critiques. I think you know what to do -- remove yourself from this person and stay classy.


Jan 14, 2010
Oh, Honey.

My heart goes out to you. I have been in very similar situations. A good term for these people is "toxic." They are toxic because it''s not possible to have them in your life at all without being burned. For whatever reason they seem to be especially attracted to people who do have their stuff together. They''re hopeless. But I also understand your continuing involvement in the situation even though I agree you should leave it alone. When people have slighted us, attempted to ruin our reputations, ganged up on us, and disrespected us, we feel the need to stand up for ourselves. Fight. Stand tall. Be proud. It''s the American way. You feel as though if you don''t stand up for yourself, no one will. You fear that others may believe their crazy claims or turn on you. You believe that saying nothing is enabling the behavior. You may cognitively know that you shouldn''t be involved but dangit, if you don''t make it right then no one will. The problem is that while you may have the intention of continuing contact with the person in order to reach some type of resolution or even closure, that''s not really what they have in mind. You see, people like Sarah never really evolve. They have a difficult time accepting reality. It''s probably the drugs. It could be their emotional past. It could be just how their brain works. Whatever it is, if we approach the situation with an understanding that they will never have the same goals as we do as far as what they want from the friendship, we can begin to let go.

A few years ago a very nasty woman was attempting to ruin my relationship. This included everything from vicious gossip to direct interference by way of unwanted phone calls and even a verbal assault by her own mother. This was done after I had opened my heart to friendship with her. Feeling slighted, I erroneously maintained contact with this person. My own fiancee even thought better of that. Everyone could see it except me: she was going nowhere fast and I was about to buy a ticket aboard that train. First we patched it up and I was getting closure and forgiveness, but then that core incompatibility arose between her wanting to continue her involvement and ''stir things up'' and me just wanting to leave on a positive note. At that point, the person has been so offensive that you feel you have no choice but to put them in their place. At that point, you have begun to do the same things they did. At that point, you begin to damage yourself. It''s always a mistake to look back. March forward, and never look back.


Dec 16, 2007
Have you ever heard the saying "you can''t reason with crazy"....well, that''s exactly what you need to keep replaying in your mind over and over again when you''re put in a situation of dealing with her and her shenanigans.

Your friend is, in frank terms, a drug addict. Pill popping is no different than having a dependency on alcohol or another other substance. People blur those lines often times because they think "well the pills are legal and they help people"...but they only help people who legitimately need them...otherwise, she''s self medicating herself and developing a dependency in the meantime. Your friend has absolutely no reason in the world to be taking any of the pills she is.

This story makes me sad...she needs help. She doesn''t need to be ridiculed or humiliated...she needs someone to help her. That person clearly isn''t you...she doesn''t trust you, and she views you as an enemy. Your hands are completely tied and until someone steps up and takes responsibility for assisting her, she''s going to continue to slide down this path until it kills her (and it will...believe me)

I would suggest that if you seriously want progress, that you approach one of your mutual gay friends who she trusts and ask them for help. Ask them to have a real conversation with her, and even if you do all the leg work--finding a treatment center, therapist, whatever--ask them to help you covertly encourage her to get help getting past this.

Outside of need to stonewall yourself to her. If you''re going to be thrown into situations where you''re together--at this point that''s beyond your control-- and you need to vow to yourself that you''re not going to be baited. If she''s being childish or petty, you just have to pretend like she''s not there...hard as it may be...or, kill her with kindness--smile, compliment her dress--and walk away. If you never give her anything bad to say, and she''ll never be able to trash you with a lick of truth.

I wish you the best...this hard, but stay strong!!


Mar 18, 2007
I''m with Turbo on this one.

CatLady, you''ve got to realize that you own half of this drama. Yes, it sounds like she''s toxic, but so are you. Talking about her behind her back, mocking her - you''re just as much to blame for this situation as she is (and maybe more so as you are not struggling with addiction and are clear-headed while you''re behaving this way).

So here''s what you do: you put on your big girl pants, stop talking smack about her, and stop listening when other people do it. Tell people calmly that you and Sarah are no longer a part of each other''s lives, and you hope that they will respect that and not try to bring her up to you. Don''t participate in conversations about her. If people ask for details, tell them that''s between the two of you. Full stop. Let her rant and rave as much as she wants, but don''t engage. Walk away. At this point things are only dramatic for you because you''re letting them be. So own the situation and your reactions. As an added bonus, the less time you think about her and spend reacting to this drama, the quicker you''re going to be able to move on and be detached from it, which will be the healthiest thing for you.
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