What does a 2.2 score mean.
The stone I have is rated an Ideal but the advisor does not agree.
I see that the stones stats fall within the Tolkowsky Ideal stats.
62.6 Depth
57.9 Table
14.9 Crown
43.6 Pavillion
It is a 1.83 VS1 H Color, no Flor.
I paid under 10,000 for it before I discovered the HCA.
Was this a good price?
The stone I have is rated an Ideal but the advisor does not agree.
I see that the stones stats fall within the Tolkowsky Ideal stats.
62.6 Depth
57.9 Table
14.9 Crown
43.6 Pavillion
It is a 1.83 VS1 H Color, no Flor.
I paid under 10,000 for it before I discovered the HCA.
Was this a good price?