
Hillary Clinton to concede TONIGHT.

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Jan 8, 2007
At least that was the "breaking news" on the view just now.
Can''t find anything on the net about it yet.

Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee!
I'm waiting for her to announce she is running as an independent if she don't get the nomination.
I think there is a good chance she will.
I didn't see anything about conceding...only that she will "acknowledge that Barack has the number of votes to get the nomination". That lady is crazy, who knows what she's going to do!
I hate caring about this. I just get so... so... upset.

Tell me. What is the sole reason for why Clinton supporters, come general election time, will either vote for McCain or write Hillary''s name in? Now, we''re talking about a democratic supporter of Clinton voting for a republican or just flipping the democratic nominee the bird by writing in the name of another.

Just makes me sick to my stomach. There''s a reason why democrats don''t want McCain in office and that''s not unifying enough to join forces? Why?

It''s ridiculous. Tell me which one of those myths hasn''t been dismissed?
LOL Michelle!!!

Freke''s More than Daily Delegate Count:

2,118 needed to win

Total: 2,083
Super: 339

Total: 1,917
Super: 293

Obama is now 35 delegates away from the nomination.
Clinton is now 201 delegates away from the nomination.
That is a difference of 166 delegates with Obama leading and increasing his lead by 7 superdelegates since last night.

Stay tuned...

I''m thinking this will probably be over tonight. (Apparently there is talk of her going underground once he has the magic number and trying to convince superdelegates to try to change their minds to vote for her instead. Which I can''t imagine a sleazier way to try to win an election.)
I sure hope that she doesn''t run as an independent
Democrats need to back one candidate and if she ran, it would just take votes away from Obama and McCain would end up winning
I really hate sore losers....... Don''t get me wrong, I like Hilary but I feel that Obama would have a better chance at wining and probably be a better president.
Date: 6/3/2008 1:14:47 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady
I'd have voted for Hillary over Obama any day of the week.

Any man who doesn't know how many states are in the US doesn't deserve to be President.

*eta, he said there were 59 states and hadn't yet been to Alaska or Hawaii but had one yet to visit.. WHAT?
Ok. I need a link to this one. Considering he lived a significant portion of his life in Hawaii (his grandmother still lives there if I remember correcty), this is hard to believe.

ETA: Ok, googled it. He was talking about campaigning, I thought he said he never visited at all. He said he had been to 57 states...someone thinks it's because of Kerry and the Heinz connection lol. I like the image someone drew of the new flag. Pretty creative. I was just wondering how we could add more stars, now maybe we can make Puerto Rico a state.
Date: 6/3/2008 1:14:47 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady
I''d have voted for Hillary over Obama any day of the week.

Any man who doesn''t know how many states are in the US doesn''t deserve to be President.

*eta, he said there were 59 states and hadn''t yet been to Alaska or Hawaii but had one yet to visit.. WHAT?

How did Barack come up with 59 states? He''s probably including territories and commonwealths, so let''s take a look at the count:
50 states, that''s pretty obvious...
Nations under Compacts of Free Association: Marshall Islands (51), Federated States of Micronesia (52), Palau (53).
Unincorporated, organized territories: Guam (54), United States Virgin Islands (55).
Commonwealths, another form of unincorporated and organized territory: Northern Mariana Islands (56), Puerto Rico (57)
American Samoa (58) is unorganized, but has a constitution and self-government, making it functionally very similar to an organized territory.
Ok, 58.. hmm, what are we forgetting...
Oh yeah, Washington D.C. (59)
So, 59 is the total!
Date: 6/3/2008 2:35:12 PM
Author: Starset Princess

Date: 6/3/2008 1:14:47 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady
I''d have voted for Hillary over Obama any day of the week.

Any man who doesn''t know how many states are in the US doesn''t deserve to be President.

*eta, he said there were 59 states and hadn''t yet been to Alaska or Hawaii but had one yet to visit.. WHAT?

How did Barack come up with 59 states? He''s probably including territories and commonwealths, so let''s take a look at the count:
50 states, that''s pretty obvious...
Nations under Compacts of Free Association: Marshall Islands (51), Federated States of Micronesia (52), Palau (53).
Unincorporated, organized territories: Guam (54), United States Virgin Islands (55).
Commonwealths, another form of unincorporated and organized territory: Northern Mariana Islands (56), Puerto Rico (57)
American Samoa (58) is unorganized, but has a constitution and self-government, making it functionally very similar to an organized territory.

Ok, 58.. hmm, what are we forgetting...
Oh yeah, Washington D.C. (59)
So, 59 is the total!
Damn. He''s really is much smarter than the rest of us. I''m gonna go study.
Me too... I suck at both Geography and Government as it is...That''s just impressive.

I don''t like sore losers either, and between Hillary not giving up and Bill shooting his mouth off, I''m getting really frustrated with the Clintons. And I used to like them a lot!!!!
C'mon SD Lady! It was worth a shot in the dark, wasn't it?

I believe he knows there are 50 states. Whether he was making a joke at how grueling the campaign travels have been or just had a brain sneeze because he had that number on the brain for a different stat - I don't know. But I doubt he graduated from Columbia University and Harvard Law School without knowing there are 50 states.

But to say something about the 'President' of Canada? That was a little bit dumb... but I still support him as our nominee.
Former Prez Carter endorsed Obama...
Freke''s More than Daily Delegate Count:

2,118 needed to win

Total: 2,088
Super: 344

Total: 1,917
Super: 293

Obama is now 30 delegates away from the nomination.
Clinton is now 201 delegates away from the nomination.
That is a difference of 171 delegates with Obama leading and increasing his lead by 5 superdelegates since my last delegate count posting.

(She''s getting a LOT of pressure to concede...And I''m watching The Bachelorette Marathon (Trista) on VH1 because the election coverage is driving me mad.)
More than daily, hahaha.
He said he disagreed with his pastor''s views when he gave the race speech and when asked about it in interviews.
Date: 6/3/2008 4:09:05 PM
Author: MoonWater
More than daily, hahaha.
I figured I''d change it up today, being that a lot of super delegates will be endorsing and with the two primaries tonight...Lots o'' shiz to hit the fan. And it''s already changed once today!
Date: 6/3/2008 3:12:13 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 6/3/2008 3:04:47 PM
Author: Starset Princess
C''mon SD Lady! It was worth a shot in the dark, wasn''t it?
A good shot.

Honest to pete, I dont care for ANY of the candidates, I find them all lacking courage, strength, respect and patriotism for this country. Its very sad to me. So in the end it will be who is the lesser of all the evils?

I for one, am not willing to hand over my life to someone who doesn''t believe in what this country was founded upon.
Do tell. Because I really want to know. Everyone seems to have a different belief on that one...
My favorite quote from the DNC hearing

"My momma taught me to play by the rules and respect those rules. My mother taught me, and I''m sure your mother taught you, that when you decide to change the rules, middle of the game, end of the game, that is referred to as cheating.''"

-- Donna Brazile to former Michigan Gov. Jim Blanchard, who was making the case for the Clinton campaign to get 73 delegates out of Michigan with 55 for uncommitted.
Date: 6/3/2008 4:26:36 PM
Author: MoonWater
He said he disagreed with his pastor''s views when he gave the race speech and when asked about it in interviews.
Comment: And that simply underscores why the de facto religious litmus test for office being applied by the vast majority of US citizens, in direct opposition to what is stated clearly in the constitution, is such a dreadful thing. I never thought I''d see a political race turn into a theological pissing match, but the last few got it rolling, and this one is just an embarrassing farce.
Date: 6/3/2008 5:30:19 PM
Author: ksinger

Date: 6/3/2008 3:12:13 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 6/3/2008 3:04:47 PM
Author: Starset Princess
C''mon SD Lady! It was worth a shot in the dark, wasn''t it?
A good shot.

Honest to pete, I dont care for ANY of the candidates, I find them all lacking courage, strength, respect and patriotism for this country. Its very sad to me. So in the end it will be who is the lesser of all the evils?

I for one, am not willing to hand over my life to someone who doesn''t believe in what this country was founded upon.
Do tell. Because I really want to know. Everyone seems to have a different belief on that one...
I have my beliefs on what this country was founded upon and I''m relieved we have matured into a more accepting and tolerant country. Notice I said ''more'' not ''a.''
Date: 6/3/2008 5:33:29 PM
Author: Starset Princess

My favorite quote from the DNC hearing

''My momma taught me to play by the rules and respect those rules. My mother taught me, and I''m sure your mother taught you, that when you decide to change the rules, middle of the game, end of the game, that is referred to as cheating.''''

-- Donna Brazile to former Michigan Gov. Jim Blanchard, who was making the case for the Clinton campaign to get 73 delegates out of Michigan with 55 for uncommitted.

Starset, LOVE the icon! Now i just need to find a democrat pirate icon for the rest of the day...
Freke''s More than Daily Delegate Count:

2,118 needed to win

Total: 2,098
Super: 353

Total: 1,914
Super: 290

Obama is now 20 delegates away from the nomination.
Clinton is now 204 delegates away from the nomination.
That is a difference of 184 delegates with Obama leading and increasing his lead by 10 superdelegates since my last posting.
She has lost 3 super delegates since my last posting.
Freke''s More than Daily Delegate Count:

2,118 needed to win

Total: 2,102
Super: 353

Total: 1,914
Super: 290

Obama is now 16 delegates away from the nomination.
Clinton is now 204 delegates away from the nomination.
That is a difference of 188 delegates with Obama leading and increasing his lead by 4 superdelegates since my last delegate count posting.

They are bailing from her ship and into his faster than I can keep freaking track.
Freke''s More than Daily Delegate Count:

2,118 needed to win

Total: 2,106
Super: 357

Total: 1,913
Super: 289

Obama is now 12 delegates away from the nomination.
Clinton is now 205 delegates away from the nomination.
That is a difference of 193 delegates with Obama leading and increasing his lead by 5 superdelegates since my last posting.

She has lost 1 super delegate since my last posting.
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