
hi everyone!

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Jan 25, 2007
I was on here for a little bit earlier this year, and then I asked to be taken off of the LIW list because I had decided that I just wanted to live in the now with my boyfriend and not worry too much about our future engagement. Well... I''ve been bitten by the bridal bug and I am back and need some of your guys'' support!

So, just a brief background on my situation:
Boyfriend and I started dating in October of 2004, which means we are coming up on our 3-year-anniversary. We moved in together in April of 2006, so we''ve been cohabitating for over a year now and everything is going very smoothly. Recently getting engaged has come up because boyfriend is hellbent on buying a house together, and I''ve made it clear that I won''t take the step until we are engaged to be married. Renting is one thing, commiting to a mortgage is another. (I work in the title business, so I know.) He respects my wishes and said that we can wait until we are engaged until we start looking, which is great. Problem is, like I said, I''ve been bitten by the bridal bug because over the past few weeks because our close friends are getting engaged left and right - 2 couples just this past week! It''s like, good lord!
It got me thinking about how much I would love to be his bride and how badly I really am yearning for him to pop the question. Now, everytime that I hear of another couple making it official, I freak out and cry and he cannot understand my frustrations. He reassures me everytime that we are going to get engaged and that it will be sooner than I think, but it''s like, why not RIGHT NOW??!!
I''ve just about near lost my mind with all of our friends'' wedding talk and everything. I am so jealous of all of those girls who are sporting sprakly engagement rings. I mean, how come THEY have gotten so lucky to have their boyfriend''s propose to them, and mine is still dragging his feet?
He tells me last night that he loves me and we are going to go old together and we are going to get married and he wishes he could video tape me when I start my crying fits so I can see how ridiculous I look. He said he wants to play them back for me so I can laugh at myself and see how silly I am being after we do get engaged.

So... we are definitely getting engaged, it''s just a matter of when, and how, and he feels that it isn''t his place to disclose any of that info to me because he wants it to be a surprise, and he said that he doesn''t care if I don''t want it to be a surprise, he does, and it will be because HE is the one doing it. Oy!

Has anyone else been here? LOL I need some help dealing with the frustrations of waiting and getting impatient!


Sep 29, 2006
Well, I am right there with you! I have been with my FF since 1998, lol, you do the math. We''ve been living together for about five months, and I''ve been wanting to get engaged for about a year. My FF also wants the engagement to be a surprise as well. I gave lots of input on what I wanted in the ring (in the form of emails and pictures) but thats it, I have no idea what he is getting me or when. My timeline is this year so I know it isn''t too far away, but it SUCKS anyway!!! All of my close college friends are engaged, married or married and expecting their first child right now. I am hosting a baby shower for a close friend on Sept. 8 and am dreading the questions...I know it will come up. As far as the frustration and how to deal....I can''t help you there, I haven''t figured it out for myself! All I can say is that if you throw a crying fit, and he had planned on doing it that day, he may hold off so it doesn''t seem like he was pushed into it. So keep in mind that every day COULD be it and if you throw a tantrum he may wait even longer...boys are weird that way! Come and vent here instead.


May 14, 2006
I definitely agree with venting here instead of to your bf, although I know how much easier that is to say than do! Is there any way that you can get some sort of timeline from him, even if he gives you a really long one like next summer or something, just so you know that there is an end in sight. I have one for the end of the year and we have the ring so Im hoping that he does it sooner than that! Try and keep calm and soon it will be your turn doing all the wedding talk


Jan 25, 2007
I''m so gald that I now have people who can relate to what I am going through, but it is unfortunate that any of us have to go through the frustrations of waiting at all!

Anyhoo, no, he won''t give me a timeline. When I ask him, "will it be this year?", he gives me a coy smile and is like, "i dunno...". Then he goes, "Kristy - chill out, it''s going to happen!" And he also says, "The more you talk about it, the farther away you push it." Oh gawd, I feel like ripping my hair out sometimes!


Jun 27, 2007
Date: 8/27/2007 11:25:49 AM
Has anyone else been here? LOL I need some help dealing with the frustrations of waiting and getting impatient!

Ha! We''ve pretty much all been there! That''s why we''re on this board!
I think venting on here will be very helpful. You''ll realize that pretty much everyone on this Board has gone through or is going through the same feelings as you are right now. Hopefully that will make the time pass a little faster.

Have you picked out a ring as yet?
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