
Hey Kenny and RockDiamond!


Dec 6, 2014
Check out this cover; whenever I talk to a guitarist who thinks they're the next Kirk Hammett I ask them if they can play this song. There's no guitar solos in it, just a 4 minute furious, fret-smashing endurance test. This young lady does pretty well but even I can hear the odd timing error. Warning, the vocal overdub is quite a guttural vocal sound so try concentrate on the guitar parts if you can. Although for a metal vocalist his enunciation is actually pretty good:

If you guys know how to read tabs you should give it a try!! It will test your speed, dexterity and endurance!
Jordy, thanks so much for posting that.

Something just happened I don't want to go into.
I'm so angry now this gives voice to my rage.

Maybe I'll learn it, turn my amp up to 12 and blow the roof off.
Heavy metal is good for that Kenny, back when I was around 18-19 years old and playing in a metal band we would see kids in rural areas absolutely lose their minds in the halls and bars we were playing in. I found that there's nothing more cathartic than one of those shows, all their frustration would be let out in one giant ball of energy and we'd feed off that and play even harder and more intense. After the show everyone is exhausted and sweaty but ready to go take on life again.

Despite what people think it is a great atmosphere to be in. Or was, nowadays most people just pull their phones out and record :(sad
I love watching people play instruments. I remember my mom giving me this :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: all the time when I would watch videos or listen to "my" music-"that's not music, they're not musicians, that's a jumbled mess" comments about the lack of "real" talent b/c the music was played so fast she didn't (couldn't) "hear" the individual sounds. I hated listening to comments like that. Until she started to actually watch and pay attention. Then it became "how can a persons hands/fingers move that fast?" I don't know, it's gotta be some sort of awesome sorcery, but it's fascinating, and the talent and drive is amazing to me. I can't even sing a full song and keep time on the steering wheel w/out messing up or changing what I'm doing.
My father was exactly the same Packrat!! He hated a lot of what I listened to at first but as I learned how to play bass guitar he was starting to understand the layers within the genres I liked. When I would then play something more commercial that he knew, he would start commenting on how easy it seemed to play.

He came to one of my shows when we first were living apart when I was 18, we dragged him up on the stage and during one of our songs I threw him into the crowd who caught him and surfed him all the way to the back and to the front again. He's caught big gamefish, driven racing cars and ridden motorcycles to win national championships and he said that was one of the most exciting things he'd ever done! I was even more proud that he was 50 years old when he did that; I was watching, laughing and mouthing all sorts of expletives in shock :bigsmile:
hahahaha that's awesome!