
Hey, I got a great deal on a 1.5 carat.

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May 11, 2003
Hey everyone, I just want to tell you all about the great deal I got on a 1.5 carat diamond. It was un-certified but when I took it to a certifier it came back as a H, SI2 (email me for pics). It only cost me $4800. I had a budget of around $5000 and I was looking for a nice 1 carat stone, but I couldn''t pass up the 1.5 when my friend recommended this guy to me. I thought I''d let you all know that I so happy with my new diamond. His email address is [email protected]. I''m not sure what all he has but I almost bought a VS2, 1 carat from him for $3000 but I''m sooooo happy with my diamond
I just thought I''d brag for a little bit.
Thanks, I'm looking for a deal. I'll give this place a try and see what they have. How long did it take you to receive your diamond? Are they a business? Do they have a money-back policy? Sorry for all the questions.

No problem on the questions. Actually, it didn't take long at all for me to get this diamond. They had it in stock and sent it overnight and it was here the next day. If you send me your email address I can send you a picture of my stone. I'm still picking out the ring so if anyone knows where to get a nice 4 prong solitare ring that'd be helpful.

They are a business. As you can imagine, I was pretty skeptical so one of their reps sent me a scan of their business license.

Also, they told me they had a real flexible moneyback guarantee policy. I didn't use it though, obviously.

I hope that helps. Make sure to tell them that you were recommended.
On 5/12/2003 5:30:52 PM airphettie wrote:

Hey everyone, I just want to tell you all about the great deal I got on a 1.5 carat diamond. It was un-certified but when I took it to a certifier it came back as a H, SI2 (email me for pics). It only cost me $4800. I had a budget of around $5000 and I was looking for a nice 1 carat stone, but I couldn't pass up the 1.5 when my friend recommended this guy to me. I thought I'd let you all know that I so happy with my new diamond. His email address is [email protected]. I'm not sure what all he has but I almost bought a VS2, 1 carat from him for $3000 but I'm sooooo happy with my diamond
I just thought I'd brag for a little bit.

For your first post it is very interesting that you are commenting and reccomending a individual who posted yesterday and his thread was erased because he was using the board to promote his services and not educating. Are you the same person under a different alias. I think you are and your technique is pretty easy to spot. Talking all about a stone that you purchased from this individual and then stating it came back certified better than the original advertised clarity of I1 which was posted yesterday. Maybe Im absolutley wrong but it seems very suspicious. You have never been on pricescope before and have no previous post and are bragging about a vendor whos thread was erased and you are also elluding to other options that are available by this vendor which you didn't elect to go with like a $3000 1 carat vs2 stone. I also think JOEDAK was created by you in order to gain a bogus conversation about what else you offer being that you are most likely asquareddiamonds Funny it's JOEDAK's first post also. Hmmmm.....

-Josh In Sitka
Dear Scorpion,

I just received my diamond today and told him I was very happy with it. I also told him that I would be recommending him to people. He responded asking me if I would go to this message board because he got his messages erased. I told him it would be my pleasure. I am not a diamond dealer nor do I feel like I have to explain myself. Secondly, asquareddiamonds told me the diamond would be an H, SI2 and that's exactly what it was. Whatever he was advertising yesterday I don't know about any of that. I simply wanted to put in a good word for them without getting hassled by people like you. I'm sorry for the confusion but I'm not your guy. Also, I have no clue who JOEDAK is. You might ask him yourself.
Thanks scorpion,

I too read this and thought something was very fishy. I wasn't going to say anything but I do believe you have uncovered something that we all need to look out for.
The only thing fishy is that it's crazy that a customer can't leave a message positive message for someone without people wondering what's going on. What has this country come to?
You might be a buyer like myself and stumbled into the deal of the century on a diamond. But,.... I am a consumer with a "trusted jeweler" that deals in uncerted goods and gives me deals. She has rent, advertising, insurance, personnel, etc, etc, etc, expenses to meet. Even she doesn't give deals like that.

When I got ready to sink a chunk of change into a NICE diamond, I decided to check the net for better prices, and avoid luxury sales tax. Accidentally I discovered Price Scope and began my diamond education.

I read tons to learn about diamonds, and I have to ask something. You say the color and clarity were as advertised, but you never once mentioned CUT.

Which Certifier graded this diamond??? AGS, GIA, EGL,??? What are the specs from the Cert?? Polish, symmetry, depth, diameter, crown and pavilion angles??? Is that information listed on your Cert??? Do you know what it all means???

If you don't know what all those questions mean or the answers to them aren't included in your Cert, then you assumed since the color and clarity matched you got a great deal for that carat weight diamond. And you should know what ASSUME means. Only it's not U and Me, it's him and U.

You may have bought a so-so diamond at a slightly below average price, from a guy dealing diamonds in his pajamas, watching TV, remote in hand, with his fat butt parked in a recliner chair.

I've been lurking this forum for weeks and reading all the information I can find. I'd be interested in the answers to PQ's questions about the cut of your diamond.
The diamond was un-certified as the original poster it doesn't have a cert. I think when he said he got it certified, maybe he means an appraiser as opposed to a gem lab as they can take a little while to cert a stone and return it. Anyway...maybe the original poster can clarify.

Also yes we would be very interested to know the specs on this stone. What sort of cut grade is it? That may account for the 'great price' if it turns out to be something like a 3B or 4A.

Post pix..we always love eye candy. Congrats if this is a legit post and your diamond is in fact a great one. But you know what they say..if it's too good to be true, it often is? Forgive us for being skeptical, but personally...I would not feel highly inclined to purchase from a vendor who gave deals such as this, because chances are *something* is fishy. The world of moving diamonds and stones is highly compeitive and if this vendor truly had stones of the highest quality, he would not be selling them at these rock bottom prices.

My 2 cents.
I think that Josh was just trying to clarify things.

What's their website? Do they have a B&M store? There's only a hotmail address.

Weren't you afraid of sending that much money to such a seller under such circumstances?

But I'm glad that you are happy with your purchase.

Love to see the pictures.
Thank you all for your concern about my diamond. I appreciate everyone's help. He was honest with me from the beginning and said that the cut wasn't the best cut which accounts for the price. He said it was a little "deep" (whatever that means) and looked more like a 1.45 carat. But I'm a 23 year old college student and don't really care about having the best cut. I just wanted something big and impressive that looked nice. I don't know much about the whole science of diamonds like you guys but it looks great and it was a good price. Maybe when I make a bit more and have the money to upgrade I'll come back and let you guys help me.

I had it appraised at a jewelry store and it took, maybe 30 minutes. Yes, I was VERY skeptical about sending money to an email address but I saw a scan of their business license and a friend recommended them to me as well (they bought a 2.5 carat), So I trusted them a little. Now, I trust them a lot. Please, everyone who wants pics, send me an email and I'll send you pics. for some reason, I can't add a picture.

I hope this clears everything up.
Gosh Air! I just reread my post to you. I really should not write on the board late at night when everyone in the family is coming down with STREP!
Boy was that harsh!

Sincerest apologies for raining on your parade.

Folks reading the forum, trying to learn to buy a good cut need to know to check for all that info tho.

Glad you are pleased with your purchase and everything worked out for you!

Hint about pics here. You have to post the pic before writing text in the thread. Also, the file must be an approved format and not too big. When you click Attach File, the next page tells you the acceptable file extensions and size constaints.

Congrats to you on your successful purchase.
Hey Leonid

How come when I search for airphettie's posts I can only find 5 of the 7 he has made? The search says that they are all in this thread.

When my suspicious self tried this last night I could only find one post when it said he had 3. Wierd.

PQ - definitely no offense taken. I'm so happy with my diamond. I don't know much about the cut but it looks great and I'm sooo happy. Thanks for the encouraging words.
I decided to order a carat stone from him. I'll let everyone know how it turns out after I get it appraised. The picture looks real nice so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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