
Help with picking moonstones from available selection


Apr 10, 2017
Dear all,

Would love some help in picking from below a pair of moonstones for earrings. I have dark hair. What does one look for in terms of quality in white moonstones? Or should I just pick what I like (I’m leaning towards the most translucent pair on bottom, although I also like very milky glow of the upper left pair)?

Last edited:
Jan 20, 2012
As others mentioned, I would go with the pair that has the best blue flash. If none of these does, I might keep looking. If I had to pick one pair based on your photo alone, I'd go with the middle pair in the top row. Good luck!


Apr 10, 2017
@glitterata & @yssie Thanks for weighing in! Yes, I’d love a pair of transparent moonstone drops with electric blue sheen! Not sure if that will take a while to find (please let me know if you have leads!). This vendor supplies stones and make earrings. If I could find a pair of better moonstones I could ask if she might be willing to make the earrings fixings since I really love her minimalistic style (Pratt Institute-esque, pared down simple elegance).

@Autumn in New England Always appreciate your discerning eyes! If I may ask, is the reason for choosing the top mid pair is because it’s the only one with a tiny bit of blue color and not too opaque? Generally, I like the transparency of the bottom pair over the opaque milkiness (I think cloudiness is a sign of increased inclusions, no?) of some of the other pairs, but there’s simply no adularescence at all in the bottom transparent pair. I thought more transparent moonstones should show adularescence better than opaque moonstones?


Apr 10, 2017
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Apr 17, 2002

Maybe not the exact shape you're looking for, but the blue is there.

Be aware that moonstone and "rainbow moonstone" are different gemstones. Moonstone is an orthoclase feldspar mineral. Rainbow moonstone is a type of labradorite, a plagioclase feldspar. They look different. Good moonstone has a pure blue flash. Rainbow moonstone has a crackly, multicolored flash. It can be very pretty too, and it can have blue in it, but it's a different (though related) type of stone.


Apr 17, 2002
Also, the blue hints in the photo you showed us may just be sky reflecting from a window. If I were considering buying any of those drops (which are a lovely shape), I would ask about that in detail. And one last thing. The pair that show the most blue to my eyes--the second-most transparent pair, one up from the bottom--appear to have significant feathers in them. Moonstones are prone to cleavage, which isn't generally such a problem for earrings, but you'd want to avoid examples that already have feathers (cracks) in them, to minimize the chance of them splitting in half.

Apologies for being such a downer! Moonstones are among my favorite stones and I want you to get glorious, long-lasting examples.


Dec 22, 2019
@glitterata & @yssie Thanks for weighing in! Yes, I’d love a pair of transparent moonstone drops with electric blue sheen! Not sure if that will take a while to find (please let me know if you have leads!). This vendor supplies stones and make earrings. If I could find a pair of better moonstones I could ask if she might be willing to make the earrings fixings since I really love her minimalistic style (Pratt Institute-esque, pared down simple elegance).

@Autumn in New England Always appreciate your discerning eyes! If I may ask, is the reason for choosing the top mid pair is because it’s the only one with a tiny bit of blue color and not too opaque? Generally, I like the transparency of the bottom pair over the opaque milkiness (I think cloudiness is a sign of increased inclusions, no?) of some of the other pairs, but there’s simply no adularescence at all in the bottom transparent pair. I thought more transparent moonstones should show adularescence better than opaque moonstones?

Ditto. Top middle for me.

Edited to add: if these are affordable (good deal) they will all make pretty earrings.


Aug 14, 2009
Temple St Clair uses moonstones in lots of her designs. If you’d like something ready-to-wear perhaps take a look at her work?

The inspiration ring you posted is really beautiful. But it’s in a different quality league - and I’m sure also a different pricetag league - from the pairs in the original photo. Is that what you’re looking for?


May 23, 2016
Temple St Clair uses moonstones in lots of her designs. If you’d like something ready-to-wear perhaps take a look at her work?

The inspiration ring you posted is really beautiful. But it’s in a different quality league - and I’m sure also a different pricetag league - from the pairs in the original photo. Is that what you’re looking for?

I’m definitely seconding this suggestion! I’d love to see some of her pieces in real life - the moonstone used always looks glorious in photos.

Blast @yssie - now you’ll have me wasting my Sunday evening looking at her rock crystal pendants (again…).


Aug 14, 2009
I’m definitely seconding this suggestion! I’d love to see some of her pieces in real life - the moonstone used always looks glorious in photos.

Blast @yssie - now you’ll have me wasting my Sunday evening looking at her rock crystal pendants (again…).

Let me tag @diamondseeker2006 - she has some gorgeous TSC pieces - including rock crystal pendant :love:


Jun 30, 2014
Be aware that moonstone and "rainbow moonstone" are different gemstones. Moonstone is an orthoclase feldspar mineral. Rainbow moonstone is a type of labradorite, a plagioclase feldspar. They look different. Good moonstone has a pure blue flash. Rainbow moonstone has a crackly, multicolored flash. It can be very pretty too, and it can have blue in it, but it's a different (though related) type of stone.

+1 as rainbow moonstones/labradorite are very different (and much less expensive) yet often sold in the market as moonstones.

Completely agree that what makes a moonstone special is the blue adularescence. A good moonstone is one where the mesmerizing blue flashes just capture your attention.

In terms of translucency vs transparency, I am in the "pick what you like" camp. Because of my darker coloring, I tend to favor those that are translucent over transparent. The later being considered the market ideal (at least from what I've read on PS). On my hand, the body color gives the stone more of a presence than the transparent moonstones. I ended up setting this less expensive one while my transparent pieces are still sitting in a box despite having similar blue flashes.

ring_moonstone with hauynes.jpg
Jan 20, 2012
@glitterata & @yssie Thanks for weighing in! Yes, I’d love a pair of transparent moonstone drops with electric blue sheen! Not sure if that will take a while to find (please let me know if you have leads!). This vendor supplies stones and make earrings. If I could find a pair of better moonstones I could ask if she might be willing to make the earrings fixings since I really love her minimalistic style (Pratt Institute-esque, pared down simple elegance).

@Autumn in New England Always appreciate your discerning eyes! If I may ask, is the reason for choosing the top mid pair is because it’s the only one with a tiny bit of blue color and not too opaque? Generally, I like the transparency of the bottom pair over the opaque milkiness (I think cloudiness is a sign of increased inclusions, no?) of some of the other pairs, but there’s simply no adularescence at all in the bottom transparent pair. I thought more transparent moonstones should show adularescence better than opaque moonstones?

These are great questions, and probably somewhat a matter of taste. So I think with top quality blue flash moonstone, you do look for as transparent a clarity as possible. For me, with a more moderate level of adularescence present, I don't like to see too much transparency. And that's because whatever flash there is will, IMO, be less apparent because there's no body color for it to contrast with. Kind of like opal, I suppose. The bottom pair is so transparent that there is a lot of color interference from the objects around and behind it. And because the flash isn't too strong, it's sort of getting lost. They also look a bit yellowish to me, which you definitely want to avoid. The pair above the bottom one looks to have visible inclusions (lines), which is why I struck them from contention. So I chose the middle pair in the top row because I find them to be a pleasing combination of translucency, even color, and I think I see some flash in there. Just going by your pic, of course. I hope this helps... ultimately, you should choose whatever stones strike your fancy. :)


Jan 11, 2006
I am a huge fan of Temple St. Clair jewelry! I do have one piece of hers with moonstone and it is beautiful. She only uses moonstone with the blue adularescence. But what I will say is, no moonstone is going to show blue all the time. A lot depends on lighting and angle of viewing. There are times the moonstone looks clear with no color. So things like dangle earrings are good choices for moonstone. My piece is a pendant and wearing it over a blue top will enhance the color. I can show you a picture of my moonstone on top of a blue box. TSC Sea Star 1.jpg

Just a FYI, Bloomingdale's is having a sale on TSC with 20% off (or 25% if you use a Bloomindale's card) through tonight. I try to buy when there is a sale such as F&F or this. I love her pieces and I do have a special rock crystal amulet. One day I will post a thread!
Jan 20, 2012
I am a huge fan of Temple St. Clair jewelry! I do have one piece of hers with moonstone and it is beautiful. She only uses moonstone with the blue adularescence. But what I will say is, no moonstone is going to show blue all the time. A lot depends on lighting and angle of viewing. There are times the moonstone looks clear with no color. So things like dangle earrings are good choices for moonstone. My piece is a pendant and wearing it over a blue top will enhance the color. I can show you a picture of my moonstone on top of a blue box. TSC Sea Star 1.jpg

Just a FYI, Bloomingdale's is having a sale on TSC with 20% off (or 25% if you use a Bloomindale's card) through tonight. I try to buy when there is a sale such as F&F or this. I love her pieces and I do have a special rock crystal amulet. One day I will post a thread!

Oh geez... that's glorious. Moonstone was meant to adorn star-shaped pieces.


Apr 10, 2017
Wow, amazed at all the info and lively convo!

@maru8888777 Thanks for the link; some very nice examples indeed!

@glitterata, no, not a downer, nice to have a fellow more experienced moonstone lover chime in!

@CaseyLouLou Thanks! Vote noted! I ended up choosing this pair today.

@yssie: As with all your projects, can’t wait to see your moonstone one! I really love the TSC moonstone quality. @diamondseeker2006 Gorgeous piece, thanks for sharing! Moon and stars indeed!

@lilmosun: great point re body color—I ended up selecting the top middle pair.

@Autumn in New England: always grateful for helping me reason soundly through a decision. I’ve chosen the pair you indicated.

Will come back to post photos once I receive the finished earrings!
Jan 20, 2012
Wow, amazed at all the info and lively convo!

@maru8888777 Thanks for the link; some very nice examples indeed!

@glitterata, no, not a downer, nice to have a fellow more experienced moonstone lover chime in!

@CaseyLouLou Thanks! Vote noted! I ended up choosing this pair today.

@yssie: As with all your projects, can’t wait to see your moonstone one! I really love the TSC moonstone quality. @diamondseeker2006 Gorgeous piece, thanks for sharing! Moon and stars indeed!

@lilmosun: great point re body color—I ended up selecting the top middle pair.

@Autumn in New England: always grateful for helping me reason soundly through a decision. I’ve chosen the pair you indicated.

Will come back to post photos once I receive the finished earrings!

I hope you love them! How will the earrings be finished? Simple but classic drops, or will something be added below the hooks/above the moonstones?


Apr 10, 2017
I hope you love them! How will the earrings be finished? Simple but classic drops, or will something be added below the hooks/above the moonstones?

They will be one of my every day wear “work horse” earrings, so I’m going for very simple, as inspired by this pair of moonstone earrings by Ted Muehling:

Jan 20, 2012
Oh those inspo earrings are lovely... and ethereal. I can see why you wanted to have a pair. I made some chrysoprase earrings that are very similar. It's a silhouette that flatters all face shapes. Enjoy them!
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