
Help with melee size for wedding band

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Mar 15, 2005
Looking for some help please. Bear with me because I''m throwing a lot of numbers out here...

We are working with Whiteflash on a channel-set wedding band to go with my FI''s Vatche Royal Crown e-ring. We are having a hard time deciding on the size of melee to use. The solitaire is round, 0.57ct ACA. The Vatche RC is about 3mm at the widest point.

At a local shop she tried a channel-set band that was 4mm wide with 9 x 4pt melee. We decided the band was too wide.
So we specified to WF that we''d like the band to be 3.5mm wide and to use whatever size melee fits. They are proposing 6pt stones, which leaves only 0.5mm of metal on either side of the diamonds, thereby emphasizing the stones.

This sounds good other than our concern of not wanting to overpower the solitaire. With nine 6 pointers, the ctw of the band would be 0.56 versus the solitaire at 0.57. Is this combo ok? The other option is to go with 4 pointers instead. I guess we need to keep in mind that the difference in diameter is only 0.3mm!

Any advice?
I''ve always liked 3 ptrs myself...
I think the combo your jeweler is suggesting is fine, but have you considered doing just a plain band to go with her e-ring? Do you both HAVE to have diamonds in the WB NOW, or can you wait awhile and have an eternity band/something similar made in time?
Date: 11/23/2006 1:13:39 AM
Looking for some help please. Bear with me because I'm throwing a lot of numbers out here...

We are working with Whiteflash on a channel-set wedding band to go with my FI's Vatche Royal Crown e-ring. We are having a hard time deciding on the size of melee to use. The solitaire is round, 0.57ct ACA. The Vatche RC is about 3mm at the widest point.

At a local shop she tried a channel-set band that was 4mm wide with 9 x 4pt melee. We decided the band was too wide.
So we specified to WF that we'd like the band to be 3.5mm wide and to use whatever size melee fits. They are proposing 6pt stones, which leaves only 0.5mm of metal on either side of the diamonds, thereby emphasizing the stones.

This sounds good other than our concern of not wanting to overpower the solitaire. With nine 6 pointers, the ctw of the band would be 0.56 versus the solitaire at 0.57. Is this combo ok? The other option is to go with 4 pointers instead. I guess we need to keep in mind that the difference in diameter is only 0.3mm!

Any advice?
FWIW, I have had rings w/ 5 pointers, 3 pointers, and now 2 pointer melee, and believe me, despite the seemingly *small* difference in diameter, there is a surprisingly VAST difference in how they appear visually.

Personally, I'm with Julie... I think 3 pointers may be your best option. My experience is that under 3 pointers you lose the "bling" factor. You get more of a *shimmer* than a *sparkle*. Still quite beautiful, but definitely "different" and something to consider.

Keep us posted!
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