
help! One of my bridesmaids is trying to get pregnant, what to do with the dress?

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Jan 21, 2006
Hi everyone,
I talked to one of my BM''s a couple of days ago and she let me know that she is trying to get pregnant! Horray, for her!!!

However, I am unsure of what to do with the bridesmaids gowns. All of my bridesmaids live in a different city and are really busy, so I''d like to keep the same dress that we agreed on and that they tried on. I haven''t ordered them yet, but I really need to do so within the next two or three weeks to have enough time to get them out to everyone for alterations.

Attached is a picture of the dress (in gold though). It''s got a small amount of give in the stomach and it''s A-line, so it has more give in the lower part of the tummy. My BM who is trying to get pregnant is 25 years old and this will be her first pregnancy. The wedding is Aug. 25.

My instinct is to go two sizes up when ordering and then she can take it in....but I''m unsure. What do you think?? The lady at the wedding shop thought either one size or two sizes up.



Apr 14, 2006
Well, did she JUST start trying to get pregnant? Because if she did, most the time, it doesn''t happen the first month. However, there''s always the chance. If she were to get pregnant in March, she''d be what, 5 months pregnant at that time. Well, everyone''s different, again, but *most* first time moms really don''t *pop* out until like the END of month 4.

So, if she didn''t become pregnant in March, you''d almost be guarenteed safe with the dress the size you planned on. Either way, I''d say if she did get pregnant in March, you''d still be safe with a dress only one size up. Two sizes is a lot, and at the maxium of being only *POSSIBLY* pregnant at 5 months along, I''d think that''d be too big anyway.

That''s just what I think based on friends and family who''ve become pregnant. Some really pop quickly, but most take a while, particularly with their first child.

Let us know what you end up doing!!


Jan 21, 2006
Date: 2/23/2007 6:12:34 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Well, did she JUST start trying to get pregnant? Because if she did, most the time, it doesn''t happen the first month. However, there''s always the chance. If she were to get pregnant in March, she''d be what, 5 months pregnant at that time. Well, everyone''s different, again, but *most* first time moms really don''t *pop* out until like the END of month 4.

So, if she didn''t become pregnant in March, you''d almost be guarenteed safe with the dress the size you planned on. Either way, I''d say if she did get pregnant in March, you''d still be safe with a dress only one size up. Two sizes is a lot, and at the maxium of being only *POSSIBLY* pregnant at 5 months along, I''d think that''d be too big anyway.

That''s just what I think based on friends and family who''ve become pregnant. Some really pop quickly, but most take a while, particularly with their first child.

Let us know what you end up doing!!
Well...she''s been trying now for about 3 she could be up to 6 months pregnant by the wedding. By you are right though...who knows if she will get pregnant right away or not.


Nov 14, 2004
I think you should just order one size up since she isn''t already pregnant. The worst case scenario would be that she is already pregnant and not know about, then she would be 6 mos pregnant by your wedding. Otherwise, she would be 5 mos or less. If she is atlethics or slim, she wouldn''t be showing much. My cousin in-law was 4 1/2 mos pregnant when she got married and no one knew.


Feb 18, 2006
Hmmmm...hard to know what to do. It takes some people a long time to works on the first try for others. I was 17 weeks pregnant with my daughter (3rd pregnancy) in my cousin''s wedding and wasn''t even really showing so I just got my reg. dress size and didn''t have it taken in. Another thing to consider is if she is busty or not...I am and things always need to be taken in at the waist. If she is and usually needs gowns altered I wouldn''t go up more than one size.


Jan 21, 2006
Date: 2/23/2007 8:37:10 PM
Author: Miranda
Hmmmm...hard to know what to do. It takes some people a long time to works on the first try for others. I was 17 weeks pregnant with my daughter (3rd pregnancy) in my cousin''s wedding and wasn''t even really showing so I just got my reg. dress size and didn''t have it taken in. Another thing to consider is if she is busty or not...I am and things always need to be taken in at the waist. If she is and usually needs gowns altered I wouldn''t go up more than one size.
She is relatively flat chested and the sample dress fit her really well as is without alterations. However, it''s sounding like going up two dress sizes is overkill, maybe we should just go up one.


Dec 8, 2005
A friend of mine is in the same situation...except she is the one that was trying to get pregnant and she''s in a wedding in May.

Well, lucky for her, she is now about 6 weeks preggo! Yay!

What she did was ordered the dress a size bigger than she''d need and got some extra fabric from the dress maker...

I''d definitely err on the side of too much dress...I think it is easier to take it in than it is to let fabric out, you know?


Mar 21, 2006
ask her to take a pregnancy test just before you order them. Hah! of all the gall. I can''t believe I just wrote that - ordering someone else to take a pregnancy test! Anyway, if she''s really 6 mo pregnant at your wedding, it could be more than a size or two up from her current size. Everyone''s different, but at 6 months I''ve seen some women that are really pretty big and that dress wouldn''t work for them, even with alterations. They would need something empire waisted...


Jun 29, 2006
I think you need to consider her bone structure - is she tall, short... is she broad or narrow.... heavy or slender.... a very thin petite woman might have more problem with it showing than a tall heavy woman with broad hips.


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 2/24/2007 10:48:29 AM
Author: cara
ask her to take a pregnancy test just before you order them. Hah! of all the gall. I can''t believe I just wrote that - ordering someone else to take a pregnancy test! Anyway, if she''s really 6 mo pregnant at your wedding, it could be more than a size or two up from her current size. Everyone''s different, but at 6 months I''ve seen some women that are really pretty big and that dress wouldn''t work for them, even with alterations. They would need something empire waisted...
well not just that, and I hate to say this... but I was having a wedding dress made for me for my renewal and I had to go get my fittings changed when I got pregnant and then 2 months later I had to do it again because I''d miscarried. The dress never fully recovered because I''d changed the *style* to accommodate the belly but... anyway I would ask the maid what SHE thinks is best. She might have some insight into her body, her expectations, how she wants to deal with this.
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