
Help - need some pscope support.. how to love this stone..

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Nov 1, 2003
Date: 7/29/2005 1:25:48 PM
Author: Rhino

PS: Strm... both of the stones Laney was looking at are GOG classics.
Definatly slight personality differences then.

Laney your diamond should sing to you and a Rhino stated your never stuck so my bottom line advice is go take a look.
You have nothing to lose.


Dec 18, 2003
I know he''ll take care of us! He always does. That''s why I feel comfortable even asking. If he were not so great, I''d probably wouldn''t consider even saying anything. Ok. good for me, not good for him

I''m now trying to separate my thoughts, and yes, it is totally splitting hairs! These GOG stones really are expertly selected.. so there is nothing left.. than what it "feels" like. Funny thing to say, but I don''t know how else to say it.

Mara - I hear ya and I think more time w/the stone is helping. I think I just need to push past comparisons. I''ll certainly snap off more shots later, it was late by the time I got to those, and they weren''t the best.

During the past 15 minutes I''ve loved it! lol!


Jul 7, 2004
We can''t make you love it. You clearly don''t. Maybe meet in the middle of the size criterea to find a whiter better stone.


Nov 25, 2002
You say the specs are nearly the same. That leads me to believe the difference in the POP may be in the lower or upper girdle facets, or some other measurement that typically isn''t part of the Sarin data.

Does Rhino have information on that last stone about those facets? Perhaps that''s the difference between this stone and your last, and that would help you hone into what you want.

I definitely know what you mean.....I had ordered some beautiful side stones when building my final e-ring setting. They were pretty, don''t get me wrong, and completely *right* by the numbers--but they just didnt'' have that pop that my e-ring stone did. I ended up exchanging them for two other stones that did have that same look.


Dec 18, 2003
I do have that info - and I think (i''d have to check) that the lower girles... or the "long facets that display the arrows".. (sorry, best explaination I can think of).. On the new diamond they are closer to 80 on the old diamond I think they were more like 75 ish. Basically the arrows are "thinner" in this stone to me than my previous one.

I was looking at that last night.. But i''ll have to check the acutal numbers to confirm my theory.

Also - my old stone had a "tweeked girdle" (I hope I remembered that right) Which I think meant had facets around the edge. If you were to run your finger around it - it wasn''t smooth. My new one is completely smooth. I have NO idea how this would affect performance though.


Jul 7, 2004
My girdle is faceted and I feel like it sparkles more when you look from just slightly off center. I don't know how that works but I saw some without faceting before we bought this and I didn't care so much for them.

It seems like it shoots more color light back. That could be all in my mind though.


Jun 11, 2005
Hi Perry!

I am new around here and am very curious about what you said...about an Idealscope. How do I go about buying one? What is the cost?

I am getting ready to purchase an upgraded stone with my hubby and we want to do everything we can to help ourselves...this IS a major purchase after all.



Jan 3, 2005


Oct 2, 2003
I've had two different stones from GOG in the one carat range. I upgraded, but the only spec I changed was the clarity. The colour was exactly the same. Both had really nice numbers. That said, they did have two different personalities. Somehow, the new one sparkles differently than the old one. I don't think I would say that I prefer one over the other--they're just subtly DIFFERENT.

It is possible that you just need to get used to the differences. It took me a very short time!

However, if your perception of the beauty of this stone is tied up in the colour issue, then Houston, we have a problem!

Edited to add: The one this that is perceivably different is the girdle. My old stone had a polished girdle, my new one does not. I liked the old girdle better. But now I'm just splitting hairs because overall, I would never trade this one to have the old one back!


Jun 19, 2005
I admit up front that I don''t know much about diamonds, heck I was going to get a moissanite! LOL! Hubby was smart and talked me out of that one LOL!

I had my .54 H color VS1 AGS0 upgraded to a 1.05 I color VVS2 AGS0. Same setting style just larger stone. Now I know that it was only one color grade difference but after 2 weeks I went a whole day without wearing my NEW LARGER diamond! What was wrong with me. Hubby and I realized that even though the new diamond was twice as large I really deep down didnt like it. It was the warmth in it that I wasn''t in love with. In the end we went to a .80 F color VS2 ASG0. I love it! It is still larger than my .54 but just so beautiful and icey! I look at it and it just glows and sparkles. There are days that I wonder how could I give up the larger diamond, but when the rubber meets the road I need a stone that I love. If you don''t love it....keep looking. There is no shortage of diamonds. The right one is out there. Don''t get one just to get one QUICK. Aside from any car doors and shopping carts this diamond should be on your hand the rest of your life. Make sure you love it.


Jun 19, 2005
P.S. My diamond also has a faceted girdle. I know they say it doesn''t do anything for the sparkle but again I with no real diamond knowledge, beg to differ. After having a faceted girdle I would never buy a diamond without one. The diamond just seems more "finished" with a faceted girdle. But then I am just a consumer....what do I really know about diamonds?


Jul 9, 2005
Laney...When you find the stone you love (and hubby loves), you should start a new memory with it.

I know how important it is to have your husband be as excited as you about the stone. Mine was so upset about mine being stolen, he held out hope for MONTHS that it would return. It was I who said "we have to face facts, and I just can''t not have a ring anymore" and got on PS and found the stone, and bought it. All pretty much without his input, b/c he was still "grieving"...(doesn''t that sound silly?). Anyway, he was super skeptical about shopping for a stone online, but when we recieved it...WOW!!! it was really amazing, and he even agrees that it is a beautiful diamond. That night before I even saw it, he took me out to our fave restaurant and reproposed. It was very special, if a little cheesy. and that is what I think about when I look at my new ring, now. At least it is less clinical than thinking about me doing all the shopping for it and deliberating about it by myself!

I know that I am more emotional than many people about it. My mother doesn''t want my father picking out jewelery for her...she prefers to be the one picking it, and is not at all emotional about the process. Luckily, this is fine with him, so when he wants to buy her something, he buys a fakey replica and wraps it up, and then tells her what he wanted to get her and lets her go out and find it. Seems to work for them...

Anyway, I say once you find a stone you are both excited about, then you should create a "memory" for the presentation. I think it was fun that I didn''t actually get to see it (even though I chose all the specs and the stone online!) until the night he reproposed. I think I was definately more bowled over by it...

I am very very sorry that your "engagement stone" was broken. I know it is heartbreaking, even if we feel a bit silly being so emotional abt aomething that is just that...a thing. I know you will find the right replacement for you, too, so hang in there

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Date: 7/29/2005 2:11:54 PM
Author: laney
I do have that info - and I think (i''d have to check) that the lower girles... or the ''long facets that display the arrows''.. (sorry, best explaination I can think of).. On the new diamond they are closer to 80 on the old diamond I think they were more like 75 ish. Basically the arrows are ''thinner'' in this stone to me than my previous one.

I was looking at that last night.. But i''ll have to check the acutal numbers to confirm my theory.

Also - my old stone had a ''tweeked girdle'' (I hope I remembered that right) Which I think meant had facets around the edge. If you were to run your finger around it - it wasn''t smooth. My new one is completely smooth. I have NO idea how this would affect performance though.
so i guess is more of a fat vs skinny arrow stone. i heard the fat arrows do better in dim lights
and skinny arrows do better in direct lights
my wife''s stone also from GOG is closer to 80% LG , i love it.i don''t mind owning either style
are you sure this stone is unfacet?


Dec 18, 2003
Jewelgirl - thanks for your thoughts. It makes me feel better about my "outburst" lol!

Hubby and I had a long talk last night. I think it''s much better now. We followed mara''s advice and left was was broken in the past. The new stone is different and beautiful in it''s own way. It by no means is a bad stone - and he is behind me whatever we do.

Carolyn - I will keep this in my Tacori setting - had to send it back today to get the head re-built for a larger stone.

Dancing Fire - I agree - the fat arrows do look better in low light - and the smaller in brighter light. We were playing around with "candlelight" last night (yes, we are retarded) to see what it looked like in different settings. When I take it outside.. today is a bit cloudy (the best kind of day for diamonds) it''s really bright white - the whole stone..

I really appreciate all your comments and support through this whole replacement process. This forum is the best!


Jul 7, 2004
So this is a keeper then? You are loving it?

I know if I had to replace mine Id be going fora very similar cut or the same brand cut even, not much bigger. But finding one this great would be very hard.


Jun 19, 2005
I think it is just hard to replace something you love. I mean think about it. You wear this diamond everyday. You look at it, love it, think about how beautiful it is. Then one day you have to take it off and send it away! It is hard to do such a thing if you LOVED your stone. Nobody should have to do this! I feel bad for you Laney. Everyone just cross your fingers that she never has to do this again.


Oct 18, 2003
This has been a traumatic ordeal... If I had to guess, it seems like Laney is struggling to determine what she really feels--is the new stone different in a displeasing (to her) way or is it the emotions around "it's not my old stone" influencing her decision more... It's so tough to know.

The GOOD news is that you can go with it and then in a month if you just wake up one day with a new clarity around how you feel, Jonathan will find you a new stone.

There is no real "loser" here... Give it a while--make that "new memory" (good idea) and do something special to celebrate...and see how it goes.
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