
Help..Need advice on E-ring purchase

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Aug 18, 2004
Any advice would be greatly appreiciated ! Very nervous about buying engagement ring online. I did alot of research and have narrowed it down to two different rings. 1.03 Carat is $7660.00 1.21 carat is $8148.00 Thankyou !
1st one...1.03 carat 2nd..1.21 carat
- Ideal Cut - ideal cut
- G color - G color
- IF Clarity - vs2 clarity
- 69.0% Depth - 68.8 % depth
- 68% Table - 66 % table
- very good Symmetry - excellent symmetry
- very good polish - excellent polish
- thin to medium Girdle - medium to slightly thick
- cutlet..none - cutlet..none
- Florescence..none - florescence...none
- 5.75x5.49x3.79 mm - 5.92x5.90x4.06 mm
- 12.2% crown height - 11.1% crown height
- 1.05 length/width ratio - 1.05 ratio
what shape? Looks it princess or asscher or other?
I don't know much about princess cut to give advice on how good of a stone it is, but IF on the first one might be a little excessive if you are looking at one that is VS2. You're paying a hefty premium to get something that will look just like a VS2 to your eye.
Do the prices look like there fair ? I'm in the retail business so profit is NOT a dirty word...just don't want to be taken... I thought I should go with the 1.21 carat for the additional $488.00 but a little unsure.
The second one's L/W ratio should be about 1:1....

I like #2 - it's worth that little bit more for the size dif, if you can swing it & she'd like the larger size, ...

You did a nice job tho - those stones both look great
thanks for the reply..Was leaning towards #2 ...Really apprieciate the help
I also like that the second one's girdle is Med-Sl Thick. Also, in my book, there's no sense paying for clarity you can't see... i went w a VS2 also & am v happy i did
Actually - i just went on WF & the price on the stone looks a little high.........
Really ...Thx ...I'm going to check now.This price is Blue Nile..
BN's prices are generally a bit higher than other vendors here... WF, Dirt Cheap & Engagement Rings Direct generally have more competitive pricing...
For comparison's sake, HERE's a larger G VS2 for $1K less.
Thank you for your help...going to shop and compare a little more..Pop the question date is in Nov...So I have a little time .
IF clarity is a waste, really...stick to VS.
I like #2.
If you just want a beautiful diamond, forget about the IF clarity, you won't tell the difference between VS2 and IF from your eyes anyway. The #2 is a better choice, simply it's a bigger piece (bigger is better always true in diamond e-ring no matter what other gals say).

However, I'm surprised not so many ppl understand of spending extra bucks on an e-ring for the better invisible clarity grade. Looking for the best purity diamond for your e-ring does really mean a great deal of sentimental value to your fiance. Yes again, you won't tell the difference but you know you get her the purist diamond, the perfect clarity grade. If you're going to this direction, IF is your best pick.

If you're still stucked in the middle, let's find out from a logical way:
- Diamond#1 is $7660 (1.03ct), so the per carat price will be $7436.89.
- Diamond#2 is $8148(1.21ct), so the per carat price will be $6733.88.

It looks like the #2 give you a much better deal; however, don't forget it's a VS2 not IF clarity grade. There's a premium already included in the diamond#1 per carat price $7436.89. So, let's downgrade the clarity in diamond#1 from IF to VS2 by 5% discount for each clarity grade deduction:
IF --> VVS1 --> VVS2 --> VS1 --> VS2
$7436.89 x 95% x 95% x 95% x 95% = $6057.39

Thus, the corrected per carat price (same color and clarity grade) for diamond #1 & #2 will be $6057.39 and $6733.88. Now the only difference is the symmetry & polish grade: VG vs EX, price diff. is $676.50. Worth it or not? It's up to you, but I will definitely pick the diamond#1. From per carat price, it's cheaper. From quality, it's internal flawless. Remember the cut you can fix it, it's a manual craftmanship. But Clarity, it is a natural factor, you will never able to turn a VS2 to an IF.

Overall, I will stick with diamond #1. No doubt.
all other things being equal i would take a 1.2c VS2 over a 1c IF, hands down, any day of the year. and even on leap year.
Thanks for all the great advice . This is close to what I think it will look like. Platinum setting..I would assume BN stamps there settings? If anyone has advice on different settings I'll take it. Thanks to all for making this alot easier ! This particular setting is $1200.00

There's no way for you to decide between these stones without seeing them in person. I LOVE the crown height on #1, but I prefer the depth/table ratio in #2. I also like the size of #2 and the excellent polish/symmetry, but I can't say that it's the better stone without seeing at least an ideal scope image to compare the light leakage. When I was looking for an ideal princess stone I learned quickly that the experts were right--you can't judge a stone on numbers alone. I ended up with an "I" that faces up better than most "G" colored stones, and a stone that several PS posters did not feel was my best choice yet it ended up a triple VH on the BScope and is absolutely spectacular! Honestly, it's a combination of the pavilion and crown angles as well as the depth/table ratio that determines the beauty of the stone. You can't judge these things with the info you've listed. Because you're on the right track with your numbers, I would get the ideal scope images to examine light leakage and then compare the stones in person. Oh, and I'd go through WF--they'll save you a ton of money!
Id go with the number 2.
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