
Help me detangle...Please!


Apr 24, 2013
I am at my wit's end. I am close to chopping off my hair, although I do not look great in short hair. But, I am tired of spending so much time every morning DETANGLING MY GOSH DARN TANGLED hair.If any of you have found a solution to this problem, please give me some tips!
My hair can get SOOOoo tangled it is not funny :nono:

Find a good conditioner. Use it.
Keep trying new conditioners until you find the one that works for you.
I wash, condition, wash, condition every morning. The first one sits on for just a minute and the 2nd condition I let sit for 2-3 minutes.

I use a pick rather than a brush. It helps untangle without adding to the mess.

Sleep with your hair in a pony tail or braid. This really helps me some nights! Brush before and then hold back so it doesn't get as tangled overnight.
Are you doing the basics eg wide tooth comb...

If you're waking up with tangled hair how about silk pillow cases so it helps your hair glide rather than "rub."
I just want to say I know the feeling!
I gave up last week.
I went from a length well below my shoulders to above my chin and it feels great! I frankly do not care if it looks better long -- although I am now wearing earrings and lip color compulsively. I blame Robin Wright and her inspirational haircut!

Have you tried a hair mask? (Aveda has some nice ones.) I did this after 2 weeks of surfing in Dec and it helped for a while...until I became too lazy.
I know people either love it or hate it but I started using Wen two weeks ago and my tangles are gone! My hair is half down my back and it's softer and more silky than it has ever been! I brush it before I use it in the shower and I do not comb it in the shower like some suggest, I just brush it when it is halfway dry and that's it. It is on the expensive side and you do use a lot of product but to me it's worth it. I was able to get mine for $15 per bottle directly from Wen after I complained that it was cheaper on QVC. I would highly suggest you try it!
Wen DESTROYED my color and my hair (dried it out so bad it was breaking)--so it's not for everyone. I tried it three separate times, different flavors, thinking I just needed a different variety. Nope. Its just the formula.

Most conditioners will get your hair and scalp clean and soften the strands enough, if you use them on a "skip day". I don't ever "repeat" shampoo, I shampoo once, and sometimes condition twice in the shower without a "wash" between the two. I rinse conditioner one out, then just put conditioner two right in then rinse that out in a few more minutes. The added shampoo just undoes the first condition. I also always use at least one leave in, usually two. My hair still gets tangled around the nape bec it rubs on my shirt, no real way to prevent that other than wearing your hair up or cutting it off.

If you haven't had a REALLY good trim in a while, get one. Split ends and damage in the strand also contributes.
In the shower I use a wide tooth comb to comb out hair before rinsing conditioner out. . I also use leave in spray detanglers .

My fave is Unite, 7 seconds . You can find it online..

Second is It's a 10. Sold at most drug stores...

HTH good luck!!!
Braid it when you go to bed. My three girls have very long hair and every morning I have to comb it out. I normally use Johnson's detangling spray but that doesn't always work and I feel so bad for them when I comb their hair.

Lately I have been braiding my two younger daughters right before they go to sleep and in the morning, their hair is not tangled up.
I just unbraiding it, put two squirts of detangler and it looks great.

Also, the conditioner in some of the hair dye boxes is excellent. I love the one that comes with Loreal Feria.
Probably not cost effective though, esp if you don't dye your hair, but a tube last quite a while.

I wish they sold just the conditioner.
Also when brushing out tangles, I was taught to start at the very bottom of your hair, detangle that in sections, then slowly work your way up. In other words, do NOT start at the top of your hair and pull down.
Lots of good tips here. Use a wide tooth comb and detangle starting from the bottom and work your way up as sonnyjane recommends. It's the best way. Also silk pillowcase is a must. I also wet and condition and detangle before I shower and then wash and condition again because if you shampoo tangled hair it is much more difficult to detangle afterwards.

Harpertoo said:
I just want to say I know the feeling!
I gave up last week.
I went from a length well below my shoulders to above my chin and it feels great! I frankly do not care if it looks better long -- although I am now wearing earrings and lip color compulsively. I blame Robin Wright and her inspirational haircut!

Have you tried a hair mask? (Aveda has some nice ones.) I did this after 2 weeks of surfing in Dec and it helped for a while...until I became too lazy.

Good for you Harpertoo. I bet you look gorgeous! And OMG I totally agree about Robin Wright's amazing haircut. I think she looks stunning with short hair. (She sort of reminds me of Glenn Close now). Better than when she had long hair IMO. Small threadjack-Love House of Cards. We just started watching it and I cannot believe how good it is.
[/quote]Good for you Harpertoo. I bet you look gorgeous! And OMG I totally agree about Robin Wright's amazing haircut. I think she looks stunning with short hair. (She sort of reminds me of Glenn Close now). Better than when she had long hair IMO. Small threadjack-Love House of Cards. We just started watching it and I cannot believe how good it is.[/quote]

Thanks Missy!
I'm going to binge House of Cards someday soon (next long flight when my daughter is distracted by a Disney Princess) - love Kevin Spacey too!
End of thread jack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Braga - I wanted the short cut - but dry winter weather just makes long hair annoying for me. Even my daughter's healthy thick straight Asian hair is helped by a braid at night - she calls it her 'midnight braid'.
I also braid my hair for sleep or during the day pretty often as well. I've been growing my hair out for a good while and love rocking a nice long side braid. Or hot buns of course, lol.
I have super fine hair that loves itself. It spends all of it's time wrapped around itself. The best thing that ever happened to me is coconut oil. For a few years I've been oiling my hair prior to showering. I only oil from the ears down-not the scalp. I shampoo, condition, and that's it. It's fantastic and leaved my hair so well conditioned it's amazing. Now I am mostly tangle free, which is a freaking miracle given how fine my hair is, and that it is waist length.

I also agree with the others regarding braiding it before bed, wearing it up to protect it, and using silk pillowcases. Good luck!
I love love love the its a 10 miracle leave in plus keratin spray, it is about 17.00 and you spray a few squirts on your wet hair and it is amazing! My hair is about 4 inches below the bra line and it used to be just torture to comb it out after washing until I found this stuff. One thing to note, after I got my first bottle at the salon I found the same stuff at the drugstore with a different color bottle but the stuff is not the same so make sure you get the stuff at the salon a blue bottle with a orange top.
Thanks, everyone! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
You guys have saved my tresses until I try each of these tips individually! So excited....
artdecogirl|1393814121|3626154 said:
I love love love the its a 10 miracle leave in plus keratin spray, it is about 17.00 and you spray a few squirts on your wet hair and it is amazing! My hair is about 4 inches below the bra line and it used to be just torture to comb it out after washing until I found this stuff. One thing to note, after I got my first bottle at the salon I found the same stuff at the drugstore with a different color bottle but the stuff is not the same so make sure you get the stuff at the salon a blue bottle with a orange top.

I so second this! It's great and doesn't leave my hair crunchy like some detanglers do.
I have very fine hair and a lot of it. It is constantly tangled. Any products that work at detangling it just make it greasy.
I'd like to expand on the coconut oil, I get mine at Trader Joes it's $6. If you can sleep with it over night or wear a plastic bag over it and sit under a dryer for 20-30 minutes it will maximize your results. Apply to dry hair on the ends up to top of your ears. You can use a heating pad for heat with a plastic cap on if you're willing to lay down for a while.
The coconut oil will strengthen your hair not detangle so follow up with a good detangling conditioner like Loreal EverPure (grocery store carries it) to get the detangling you seek.
Do not comb conditioner through in the shower this will eventually thin your hair out! After you wide comb, pick, or brush your wet hair ( I use a paddle brush) squeeze the water out of your hair and apply some morrocan oil or similar product like a pea size or so to seal and keep hair smooth and moisterized. If you can use a shampoo that is "smoothing" or sulfate free I use Chi or Matrix Biolage deep smoothing shampoo. These shampoos do not weigh hair down.
I just wanted to expand on the already great responses you got here. If you don't use the coconut oil the other products are still great and will help. Trial and error. I do the coconut thing 3x's a week. I make a mask too- coconut oil, coconut milk, and a banana in the blender, leave on 30 minutes wash as usual.

I hope this is helpful to you :wavey: