
help, kitten sick


Mar 6, 2006
My kitten just pooped blood. Luckily I was in the bathroom when she did it. I picked her up and her anus was also full of fresh red blood.

Obviously I am going to call the vet in the morning. She was tested for parasites when I got her and I am really worried about her.

Any ideas of what this might be? I have never had a cat before and am really worried about this.
Um. I'd be hitting the emergency 24 hour vet. But that's me.

If it's bright red, it's from the anus, not the intestines. Which could be good news. Dark blood in stool usually means something internal.
At the very least call YOUR vet & describe the situation. Hopefully they have someone on call. If they think it is serious they will tell you to go to the nearest emergency vet.

Hope all goes well & your kitty is feeling better asap.
Some kittens have early signs of IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease) that shows up this way. If she seems okay aside from the bloody poop waiting until tomorrow to get in to the vet should be okay. If she seems weak, or in pain I'd try to get her to an emergency vet.

Good luck, I hope everything is all right.
If your vet isn't available right now, I've found that a good 24 hour vet will give advice over the phone. At least enough to let you know if you should wait to go. I've found yelp to be helpful in finding 24 hour vets... or at least in ruling out the bad ones.

If the cat is otherwise okay, is eating and drinking and has energy. PLUS if the cat's gums are healthy pink and same with the eyes... then you might be okay till morning. If the gums are gray, go to the vet now. Seriously.
Thanks for the replies. She is her happy playful self. I have 4 sleeping kids and am the only adult in the house so it will have to wait until the morning. I am going to call the vet first thing and if I can't get in, once I get my children to school will go to the emergency vet. She will definately be seen soon. I hope its something simple. She is definately not weak.
Gypsy|1289798443|2766324 said:
If your vet isn't available right now, I've found that a good 24 hour vet will give advice over the phone. At least enough to let you know if you should wait to go. I've found yelp to be helpful in finding 24 hour vets... or at least in ruling out the bad ones.

If the cat is otherwise okay, is eating and drinking and has energy. PLUS if the cat's gums are healthy pink and same with the eyes... then you might be okay till morning. If the gums are gray, go to the vet now. Seriously.

Good advice, I am going to call.
asscherisme, this exact thing happened to my boy when he was a kitten, for about 3 days on and off. I think the vet said it was something to do with the transition to solid food, and subsequent solid stools popping the little blood vessels in his tiny little bot bot. Pippin just had little bright streaks in his poopy for a few days, then it went away. We had him tested for worms, he had none, so it was put down to adjusting to his new(ish) diet. So ultimately nothing to worry about.

But of course, if you're concerned, do ring the vet, their bodies are only little and it wouldn't take heaps of blood loss to mess with their systems. Good luck, and please update us when you can!
Please let us know how your little fellow does & what the vet says! Best wishes.

--- Laurie
Hoping its nothing serious...healthy kitty dust for your baby.
I would ring the vet just for advice. I hope your little baby gets well soon.
I hope it is nothing serious! Sending lots of kitty vibes!
My third born had the same problem when we first brought her home. It is the solid food. I gave her wet food at first I think it was Wiskas. Then as she got a little bit older I used a little glass dessert cup and put a little bit of hot water in it then a small handful of food. It softens. And hot water softens quicker than cold. As soon as I started her on softer foods the blood stopped. She is now eating regular dry catfood like the rest of them. My newest babe is getting the hot water wet food now. She is becoming a little spoiled with it though. She squeaks at me until I make it for her.
I'm back from the vet. Thankgoodness no more blood today. The vet examined her, and she appeared healthy on exam. Fecal test showed no parasites and she is doing another test that takes longer and will get back to me. She suggested it could be the diet and suggested a gradual switch to something else and also gave a probiotic. She told me to check back in a few days and sooner if I feel I need to.

I felt reassured that she did not seem to worried. My baby is doing much better today and she had a bowel movement and it was fine. Hopefully it was an isolated incident and switching to another food and a probiotic for now will do the trick.

She did explain that kittens can have sensative digestive systems. This is all new to me! I know all about human babies but am new to kittens.

Thanks again for the helpful support.
Glad to hear!
asscherisme - I'm glad to hear that! It's amazing how sensitive animals can be to diet. Horses are very sensitive too, and if you change their food drastically in a quick frame of time, they can colic. I have my kitten on Purina kitten formula and he has been doing stupendously on it.
This thread finally motivated me to change my avatar. I finally got my old wedding set OFF my account. I don't even own it anymore or am married. It feels great to finally get it off my avatar and my baby's picture instead!

thanks admin for helping me figure it out!!
Yes, I think many animals are senstive. The vet did tell me to make the food switch gradually over a week and not suddenly.
Yeah, we always switch over a week or two when he change their dry. My Duncan's a vomitter with great aim if we don't switch slow enough so we have to be super careful, or else well... mommy might need a new pair of shoes.

I'm so glad your baby is better. Very glad.