
HELP!!! is this normal? Canadian diamond buyer!!

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Mar 9, 2007
Does this sound right to anyone? I live in Canada and in the middle of trying to find a diamond. I went to a jewllers to source out the diamond for me, and specifically want a diamond graded by GIA or AGS. Unfortunately, in Canada our diamonds are certified by GEMSCAN and i didn''t want my diamond from Gemscan. I was told by the jewlers that they do not carry any GIA or AGS and in order to get them in they would have to go through a broker who lives in the states and special order me the diamond. They informed me that once i selected the diamond i wanted from the 6 GIA grading reports that was fax to me, i would have to put down a 50%!!! deposit, and once the actual diamond comes in i would have to pay the remaining amount. I told them i would be getting an independent appraisal done for the diamond and knowing it was being graded by GIA there shouldn''t a problem with the results. But just incase i happen to be the unlucky one and the grading came back less than what i paid or what was on the grading report, can i return it? They told me that because it is a special order for me it is final sale; they will be purchasing from a broker and they would have to pay that broker, and incase something happens and i changed by mind they would be stuck with the diamond that they purchased, so it is a risk i would have to take in purchasing outside for a GIA grading. Does this sound right to you? I understand from a business stand point that they need to protect themselves from indecisive people or incase of diamond switching, but what about the consumers? this seems really strict.. or does this happen often? my fiance is getting very frustrated, he feels that they being difficult; they won''t budge at all on the pricing, and now theres no return or anything if the diamond comes back less than what is on the grading report, is. Is this normal? is this the protocol that many jewellers make?
sorry for the long post.. but this endless diamond searching is becoming a nightmare!
I''m not Canadian, but this seems like an extremely unreasonable policy on the jeweler''s end. I would either find a more reasonable jeweler or I would purchase online if it were me. I find it hard to believe that just because you are in Canada no jewelers will have AGS or GIA certified stones.

If you do go with an online vendor, I believe there would be import/duty tax on the ring but it may be worth the extra money. There are many recommended Pricescope vendors (,,, etc.) that are well-known for their top notch customer service and diamonds and settings.

Depending on where you are located, I believe has a brick and mortar location in NYC or Long Island so you could maybe even visit your diamond before buying it.

Whichever way you end up going, there is no way I would order a diamond with no return policy on it. I say find a new jeweler, whether it''s online or just another brick and mortar jeweler in Canada.
Where in Canada are you? USAcerted is in Thornhill? Richmond Hill? Close to Toronto anyways. I seem to recall that they have a similar policy because the stones are coming in from NYC, so you do have to put a deposit down, and if the stone ends up being what it was promised to be, you have to buy it?

I am totally not certain on that. There is someone who wrote extensively on his experience in Toronto...let me see if I can find it.


Check that link out. Should give some insight.
oh jeez. I would just buy online from the US (that''s what we''re doing)...
I am not sure about Canada, but in Australia, I find it very hard to get GIA or AGS cert, though not impossible.

I went to a few jewellers and all of them say they cant guarantee they can find what I want with GIA/AGS cert but they definately sell stones with GIA. However from my experience they keep pushing me towards no cert or Aust cert ones.

I have since decided to get it from WF instead, to me its more of a hassle to buy it from jewellers here than online because i find them trying to flock me their stock instead of what i wanted. I will be paying quite a hefty sum of taxes when i get mine, but its still worth it and definately no more expensive than what they charge here.
I agree - buy online from one of the vendors listed above. They have a very generous return policy so it gives you time to have the diamond appraised.

I live in UK and I am buying from Whiteflash. I have just been given a brilliant quote and their customer service is second to none.

Good luck in your search.

thanks everyone for responding ;)
i live in toronto, and as most canadians/torontonians its hard to find a place to buy our diamond.
i am starting to look towards buying online.. just have to talk my FI more into it.. he''s a little hesitant about buying online.
Is it normal for jewellers to demand this? maybe because i was being so picky about the specs that i want and turned down all of the gemscans and when they found me GIA their afraid that if they were to bring in the diamond for me i would be picky there as well to and their stuck with the diamond... How can they expect a costumer to drop thousands of dollars and not get an appraisal done? and what is the point of getting one if it comes back less than expected you can;t even return it! arn''t jewellers suupose to have time frame so that people can get their diamond appraised for mounting it? i just feel like they think i''m going to switch it or something
The jeweller who made us our ring sells only AGS certed diamonds... But I''m in Montreal, so that won''t help you much. Have you have of Diamond Exchange Toronto? We considered buying our stone from them and they have great costumer service.
Your jeweller can source AGS and GIA diamonds from a few Canadian suppliers. I have no trouble getting them.
Your jeweller is feeding you nonsense, or is just plain ill-informed.
Most suppliers of these stones will forward them to jewellers on memo, meaning for their approval, without charge.
Obviously, the jeweller has one favourite source who is U.S based, which makes returning the stones difficult.
Try someone else.
Good luck.
This is unreasonable.

Do not buy from a jeweler who will not allow you to personally inspect the diamond that they are selling you, show it to whatever expert you like within some reasonable amount of time, and who will not offer you a full refund if you decide you are unhappy. Requiring a deposit before they will order in a stone is fine. Even charging you a shipping fee for ordering a stone and not buying it is reasonable if you've discussed this up front but insisting that you commit to the stone sight unseen is not. No Refunds = No Sale. Move on to a different dealer.

ps. They should not be buying from brokers who don't take returns for the same reason. Assuming they are telling the truth about being unable to return a 'special order', they need to find some better sources for their goods.

Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver

I agree that you should find another, more "user friendly", vendor. As a Canadian consumer, when purchasing my upgrade in 2006, I viewed many diamonds, the vast majority of which were certed by GIA or AGS. And requesting to see only stones certed by these labs was hassle free. Hope you find what you are looking for.

Oh and just so you know, I am from the Toronto area as well and we decided to buy online after having NO luck in the stores in TO.

Great return policy etc allowed us to get it appraised after purchase. If we had wanted, the would have sent it to an appraiser without me even paying first.

So that is what I would do. But if you are dead set on going local...try another store. Good luck!
thanks so much for the response! i don''t feel so bad anymore and feel more confident about taking my business elsewhere. 1st. not budging at all on the price ( which is fine) 2. not being able to see the diamond and inspect it first (still fine) 3. Telling me that they can''t find out from their dealer/ broker specfically where the inclusions are in the diamond~ since i won''t be able to see it for myself before purchasing it, claiming that the broker / dealer don''t have it with them in hand themselves?!!!
4. I asked about the return policy incase the appraisal came back with unsatisfying results, and they told me for "special orders outside canada" absolutly no return. ( basically too bad for me) 5. prior to everything above, one of their sale assistant was so rude to me (other post somewhere) WOW talk about unreasonable to the max!

the only problem left is that i came to them because i fell in love with the setting they had but i didn''t like the diamond in it. beucase the setting had 2 bagettes on the side which i didnt want, they told me they were going to re-make the setting for me without the bagettes (wax mode and everything)
What are the chances when i tell them i would be finding my diamond somewhere else, and wnat to just purchase the setting by it self? do do you think their going to give me an excuse like " sorry, but we can''t make the setting without the diamond, it may not fit properly." can u make a setting without the diamond? and put it in after? or do u need to have it fitted? this setting is a vintage setting so getting another place to make it exactly what i want is way to difficult... pls help
If they haven''t been able to help you thus far, I sort of doubt that they can re-make the setting to your satisfaction either.
If they have already begun the work, let them finish. They don''t need the stone to make the ring (as long as it is a round brilliant and the size is known). They deserve to lose the diamond sale.
When you buy the stone elsewhere, have the finished ring shipped to the diamond merchant to set.
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