
HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay before?


Apr 28, 2011
I'm looking to pop the question on my girlfriend's birthday in June. We've been together for 7 years and she wants the Tiffany Legacy diamond ring. I can't afford a real Tiffany ring but I don't want to get a knockoff, so I looked into the secondhand market.

Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay before and what are their experiences? I'm scared of scams out there. :errrr:

I'm thinking of this one. It's 1.85 carats and comes with box, ribbon, certificate and everything.
Retail value is $34,000. Price is $25,000, but it 's Buy It Now ebay auction, so I'm thinking I can get it for a little less than that.

Do you think this is safe to do? Has anyone else bought jewelry on eBay before? Or should I buy what I can afford and go to a local store? :rolleyes:
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

Does it HAVE to be an authentic Tiffany Legacy? You can get very similar styles made for far less money by some of the wonderful and reputable jewelers that are on this site, like WhiteFlash (check out their website) and others. Does she just like the look of the Legacy, or does she want a real one, and if so, does she want a pre-owned one (that might bug some women as well). Find out before you spend $$$$ on an overpriced second hand ring.

It sounds like you have an ample budget, you can get a drop dead gorgeous NEW ring for that much $$$. Show her designers like Leon Mege as well. Look in the "Show me the Bling" subforum.

I would never ever spend that much money on an ebay listing unless it was a very highly reputable dealer that I was very familiar with. You're taking a big risk there.
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

Unfortunately Tiffany jewellery is regularly ripped off and the copies are, in some cases, very very good indeed.

Like TL, I'm not sure I'd risk that sort of money on Ebay. Don't forget that you are normally paying for the name with Tiffany and you are not necessarily guaranteed quality. With your budget you could get a phenomenal unique ring.
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

This is true, thank you for the input. We have only gone to look at rings at the store (while I have begrudingly agreed to go in). I would never spend $40k on a ring, but this one seemed like such a good deal.

I want to surprise her, that's why I can't really discuss this with her. So... $25k on a used Tiffany? or $15k on a new, knock-off?
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

I agree with TL and LD. I wouldn't be comfortable spending that kind of money on eBay and I simply don't think that ring is worth $25,000 even if it was new. If you like pave, I think you can get a lot better piece for that kind of money with some of the vendors that are highly recommended on here.
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

truecolors|1304031020|2907412 said:
This is true, thank you for the input. We have only gone to look at rings at the store (while I have begrudingly agreed to go in). I would never spend $40k on a ring, but this one seemed like such a good deal.

I want to surprise her, that's why I can't really discuss this with her. So... $25k on a used Tiffany? or $15k on a new, knock-off?

I rather spend $15K on a new knock off with a reputable vendor like Whiteflash because

1) You will be paying a fair price
2) It will have better workmanship
3) You won't be paying for a mass produced overpriced piece of highly inflated jewelry. :knockout:
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

I'd give it a shot if they have a decent return policy and are willing to make the sale contingent upon verification from Tiffany's. I'd be MOST comfortable if I and the seller could meet at Tiffany's, frankly, but that would require us to be in the same general geographic area (or for one of us to take a trip, I suppose - if 25K hangs in the balance, depending on the distance, it might be worth it). Personally, I'd rather have an authentic second-hand piece than a knock-off any day - I don't like Tiffany's mark-up, but no one can knock their workmanship, and, frankly, I like design rip-offs even less.

P.S. - I've been eyeballing that exact same ring on eBay - I think it looks pretty fabulous!
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

Circe|1304041463|2907585 said:
I'd give it a shot if they have a decent return policy and are willing to make the sale contingent upon verification from Tiffany's. I'd be MOST comfortable if I and the seller could meet at Tiffany's, frankly, but that would require us to be in the same general geographic area (or for one of us to take a trip, I suppose - if 25K hangs in the balance, depending on the distance, it might be worth it). Personally, I'd rather have an authentic second-hand piece than a knock-off any day - I don't like Tiffany's mark-up, but no one can knock their workmanship, and, frankly, I like design rip-offs even less.

P.S. - I've been eyeballing that exact same ring on eBay - I think it looks pretty fabulous!

The workmanship on the Tiffany Legacy isn't as good as their other pieces. I respectfully disagree with you. If I were to get a Tiffany piece, the Legacy wouldn't be it. I wish someone would compare it side by side with a Leon, which is price comparable, and I think the Leon would win hands down. I think the design is popular, so that's why it sells well, but there are many better pieces in their store as far as workmanship is concerned. I will say that the more unique thing about that piece is the cut on the stone, as it's patented by Tiffany, but you can get a similar look with "crisscut" diamonds. Otherwise, to me the design is just a cushion halo, and not really that amazingly spectacular. People were doing that same design before Tiffany did it.
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

TL|1304043104|2907619 said:
Circe|1304041463|2907585 said:
I'd give it a shot if they have a decent return policy and are willing to make the sale contingent upon verification from Tiffany's. I'd be MOST comfortable if I and the seller could meet at Tiffany's, frankly, but that would require us to be in the same general geographic area (or for one of us to take a trip, I suppose - if 25K hangs in the balance, depending on the distance, it might be worth it). Personally, I'd rather have an authentic second-hand piece than a knock-off any day - I don't like Tiffany's mark-up, but no one can knock their workmanship, and, frankly, I like design rip-offs even less.

P.S. - I've been eyeballing that exact same ring on eBay - I think it looks pretty fabulous!

The workmanship on the Tiffany Legacy isn't as good as their other pieces. I respectfully disagree with you. If I were to get a Tiffany piece, the Legacy wouldn't be it. I wish someone would compare it side by side with a Leon, which is price comparable, and I think the Leon would win hands down. I think the design is popular, so that's why it sells well, but there are many better pieces in their store as far as workmanship is concerned. I will say that the more unique thing about that piece is the cut on the stone, as it's patented by Tiffany, but you can get a similar look with "crisscut" diamonds. Otherwise, to me the design is just a cushion halo, and not really that amazingly spectacular. People were doing that same design before Tiffany did it.

I spotted your thread below right after I replied - d'oh! I do think, though, that the eBay examples were so worn that it was impossible to tell what the level of quality was to begin with. All of the pics I've seen here on PS from new owners have shown quite decent workmanship. I don't think it's worth their usual markup, mind ... but secondhand, the idea's worth entertaining.

Would you be guaranteed equally good workmanship from, oh, LM, or Mark Morrell, or any of a bunch of other talented designers? Most certainly! But none of the reputable ones would agree to make an exact knock-off ... and the imitations for that particular design tend to set my teeth on edge. I hate it when Tiffany's lays claim to broad swathes of the design market (it's a bezel, people, a bezel!), but I'll give credit where credit is due on that particular design, which has enough original markers to set it apart.

The important thing, I think, is that TC's GF wants a real Legacy. We might have varying opinions on the value of the brand, but ... the heart wants what it wants. I know that if I were to get an ersatz version of something I craved as a present, I think I'd feel ... misunderstood, somehow. I say get the real thing. While that 25K budget would let TC get the real thing straight from the horse's mouth with markup, why not find a real one secondhand and save some buckage?
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

Well, if she wants a real Legacy, that's a different story, but let's arm the OP with enough information so he can also help her make an educated decision if she's not stuck on a Tiffany. :)) He can also show her some gorgeous photos on this site of many of the beautiful designer rings that do not come with the Tiffany name, which are in fact, even more beautiful than this ring IMO.

I will agree with you that the piece did seem rather worn, and I think Tiffany would polish it up if it were a true Tiffany that is.

I think people often get carried away by the Tiffany name, but that name doesn't always stand for quality any more. It was true at one time, but not as much in this day and age. I know as I've been to several of their stores, and I was not very impressed at all. I think someone that doesn't know gems and jewelery very well would be starstruck, but I honestly think he can do way better for all that money. JMO.

Now, I have been to the store that made this piece, which is highlighted by this forum. They have jewelry to put Tiffany to shame.
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

Let me just put my prejudices up front:

1. I don't think that Tiffany has the quality that it may have had in years gone by.
2. I don't believe they offer better quality in terms of gemstones than other vendors - in fact I believe they offer less for your money.
3. I don't believe anybody should pay for a name if it's not deserved.

Ok, with that out of the way ............. If your girlfriend has her heart set on an original Legacy then you'll have to find one either from Ebay or the second hand market (or new).

However, using the word "knock off" implies something awful - like a shoddy metal ring that will fall apart within 2 minutes! There have been quite a few examples of a Legacy type setting made by Whiteflash (I think) and whilst they don't come in a blue box, the quality of the diamond (for your money) and the setting are on the whole much better value for money and beautifully made. If you also modify the Legacy design and incorporate alterations you will then have a unique ring - if you get a Legacy from Tiffany it's most definitely NOT unique.

These are similar to a Legacy and I'm sure Whiteflash could modify somewhat to make it unique to you:
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

Circe, have you submitted any bids yet? Any other good rings on eBay? I'm wondering if $20k is too low... I wish it were listed for $20k, then I could bid $15k! Guess it doesn't hurt for me to try. If not, I can just look at the knockoffs. I also saw a 1.3 legacy on eBay, did you see that one?
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

TL, thanks for your response. Is Leon a tiffany ring? I haven't heard of it... I don't know if I should ask my fiance or not. I've heard of Novo.. her friend got one of those. There's also the classic 6-prong and the Tiffany setting.

Do you have a link or any pictures?
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

Loving Diamonds, good point about being unique.
Have you had any experience with WhiteFlash? I'm hearing a lot about it now. I'm worried that with replicas... the craftsmanship isn't that good and the diamond might fall out. Would they guarantee the quality on those? I think with a Tiffany it wouldn't happen, or if it did, I could take it back to any store to replace or repair.
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

Anyone know where I can buy a tiffanys blue box? and get a replica ring engraved somehow with the tiffany logo? just kidding!!
There are so many rings on ebay. It's taking me so long just to search through them. If there any good deals out there, let me know. Thanks everyone!
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

Unless she is very specific it HAS to be TIffanys I'm sure you can get a much nicer one for less from a custom vendor such as Whiteflash. My sister has a lovely 1ct Legacy-style ring in platinum plus matching pave wedding band for around $AU9K from their local jeweler. I have examined it closely and the you would honestly never know the difference! :naughty:
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

I'm looking at Whiteflash right now. Is it better than Bluenile? My friends were recommending Bluenile.
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

truecolors|1304639969|2913446 said:
I'm looking at Whiteflash right now. Is it better than Bluenile? My friends were recommending Bluenile.

YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WF is a class act, and they do a great job.
Re: HELP! Has anyone bought an engagement ring on eBay befo

With that budget, I'd go with a Leon Mege (

Any chance she'd be up for a chance to design her own e-ring and you could propose with an 'invitation to custom design your own unique ring'? Or is she the type that expects the proposal to come with sparkly attached?

From what you've written it seems like her friends like the blue boxes - you mentioned that one has the Novo - and so I would hazard a guess that the little blue box warrants the 40% mark-up in her mind and at the end of the day that is what is going to count!

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