
Help Finding This Setting

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Mar 30, 2007
Can someone please assist me in finding a setting similar to the one pictured here, or possibly provide a recommendation on someone who could do a good job creating me a similar custom ring in platinum?

Although this is a fairly simple design, I think it’s an absolutely perfect sleek and modern rendition of a timeless classic solitaire setting, without going over the top. I haven’t found anything quite like this anywhere.

Of particular note is how low the stone sits, with almost mock-cathedral-like sides. (Does that make any sense?) My girl likes a solitaire, but in general, doesn’t care for how high their stones sit, and their tendency to get snagged on things and take a beating. Both these attributes are minimized in this ring. The more flush the diamond is with the top of the ring, the better.

Although you can’t see in the picture, I’ve been told that it has a squared shank as well, another desire of my GF.

Lastly, although it’s easy to overlook, in my opinion the most attractive feature of this setting is the lack off the circular ‘brace’ that usually surrounds / encircles the stone (mid-way down) in a traditional solitaire setting. (Does that make sense?) This allows a full profile view of the stone on two sides, similar to full profile view achieved in a tension setting. The stone must get enough bracing / support form the 4 prongs and from the ring itself (what I’m calling the cathedral-like sides that curve up) from being set so low.

This is absolutely THE one for my GF. I KNOW she’ll think it’s the best ring ever, but I can’t find anything like it anywhere. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help me out if possible.

Thanks in Advance,

sleek modern ring.jpg
mock cathedral, otherwise known as contour.

no circular brace, otherwise known as 4 prong. with the wire, more commonly referred to as basket. the wire is not really to support the stone, it's to support the prongs. In this design, the stone is only held by prongs, not by the contour sides.

on custom houses...depends how much you want to spend.

I think WF's Sleek Lines is kinda contour, though, more delicate.
Thanks for the recommendation, I've seen the WF Sleek Lines, but it's not quite what I'm looking for. It still has too much of a basket 'feel' for my taste and takes away from the modern feeling to me.

I like the way that the prongs originate from the body / bulk of the ring in the picture I posted.

I don't know what a custom platinum job will cost, but I'm not overly concerned. I want high quality, attention to detail, and overall, want the ring to be perfect. All custom designer recommendations would be appreciated. Does this look like anyone in particular? Does any designer jump to anyone's mind?

is this the only angle you have as far as the pic goes?
i''m looking at pearlman''s but it''s hard to see what exactly is going on in the pic.
Looks kind of like a solstice solitaire style.
I believe the height of the diamond can be lowered.

can''t you just buy the setting from the original designer?
I was wondering the same thing, Mrs. S. Where did you get that picture?
Now that I''m looking at some of the pictues and links that everyone has responded with, I''m thinking that I''m not sure what I posted is what I thought it was. It might simply be the angle that is fooling me.

I actually found the picture acidently on the internet, but liked it a lot, and tracked it down to the Australian Diamond Company. ( It turns out to be their 2006 Engaging Romance Ring, and it''s the only picture they have posted of anything. I actually called them and asked if they could send more pictures, etc., and if I could just by just the setting. The lady politely explained that they are not an internet sales company, that this was a proprietary design, and they are in the business of selling complete rings (stone + setting). However, she made an indication that something coudl be worked out if I sent her an email, which I did, (and she read because I recieved the return receipt), but never responded. (I think it was a ploy to get me off the phone and get rid of me.) It was aparant that there was little interest in assisting me. So this is all I have to go by.

The way I interpert the photo, is that it appears that the actual ring body (ring part without prongs) might all be one flush (flat on both sides) piece, with a V shape notch cut out where that would contour the diamond. It then appears that the prongs eliquently (somewhat fluidic and ''integrated'') protrude from this base. It might just be the angle, but the prongs in this design I posted appar to be much more minimal (shorter) and better integrated to the ring than most of the others that people are indicating. To me, it doesn''t appear that there is a significant cut-out in the ring body from which long ''un-natural'' prongs come out giving it the ''basket'' appearence that I''m not overly fond of. (However, now taking a closer look, I''m not so sure.)

Anyway, I''m already thankful for all the assistance, and would still like to hear additional suggestions / recommenations / comments / interpertations.

summit, I''d check out Pearlmans for a ton of designer solitaire settings. it might give you a better idea of what exactly you''re wanting and their website has wonderful pics with top and sideviews of the rings..
Although I''m thinking some kind of cross between the follwing (Knox) designs (Trellis and Silk) might be similar... But without the basket cross-brace that encircles the diamond, with the base of the ring filled in a bit more, and perhaps the diamond set lower.

trellis 111.jpg
Here''s the other one I referenced in the last message.

silk 111.jpg
Summit, ritani has a solitaire with those raised-cathedral-mock, whatever you want to call it sides I think. I''ll have a dig around....


How about a setting by Judith Conway. Her site has changed and it''s hard to see all the rings clearly, but I thought she had a style or two kind of what you''re looking for.

Here is a solitaire but with thicker prongs than your original photo.

judtith conway sol 1.jpg
See ring "D" below. Maybe you can contact Judith Conway and see if any of their settings might be what you''re looking for?

judith conway 2.jpg
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