
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I talk to myself alllll the time! Are you and your SIL causing trouble? Does Marty feel outnumbered?!

This week has been a mess. I went down to the corporate office on Tuesday, came back yesterday, stopping at my condo just to check on it, and today I have been working working working.

My hope is to wash up a bunch of stuff and take pics tomorrow... but who knows how the day will go.

The excit-o-meter here is BROKEN. Ugh. Something interesting better happen soon or I'm going to die out of sheer boredom!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

This weekend is going by fast! Friday I worked and worked and worked... Yesterday I went to a sale early and snagged TWENTY-EIGHT sets of cool Christmas plates (Dayton Hudson Merry Masterpieces) for CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP. They are 10" and 7" plates sold in packages of four and they have fun cartoon-like scenes using monuments (like the Statue of Liberty, Eifel Tower, that sort of thing). I was THRILLED! I gotta say, my Christmas listings this year are going to be epic! I might need to take off a full week in October to start doing them LOL.

Today I'm going to continue down the listing path, and I also NEED to have a conversation with my website guy. He had a bad cold this week so I cut him some slack, but every order I send out without my new website info just irks me.

I found a recipe on instagram for manacotti stuffed with string cheese that was really pretty easy (although I had to put it back in and cook it longer than they said) and I made that for YF's birthday last night. We've got lots of leftovers and I am likely the only one who will eat them so I want to pack a bunch up and freeze them for lunches.

Not much else to report, just chugging along!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, you alive?!

Well I finally talked with my website guy. We're going to connect mid-week (again) and he said he'll have a plan together by then. If not I'm going to have to move on.

I did get some listing photos taken yesterday, but things are looking pretty crowded in the dining room... and the three tubs of x-mas dishes aren't helping LOL.

Speaking of x-mas, I was on the Etsy forum last night and someone asked when people are going to start getting ready for the holidays. About a zillion folks jumped right in with, WHAT?! YOU DON'T HAVE ALL YOUR LISTINGS READY BY NOW?! I about p!ssed myself... Ack. So I guess this weekend I start by unpacking and photographing a big set of Friendly Village dishes, which are a big T'giving item, and then working my way through x-mas from there. Holy sh!t... it's only AUGUST and already I'm behind the eight ball!!!

When Liam took the trash out last night he said he though he heard gunfire. ??? So I said, let's leave the dogs out of the kennel tonight and if anyone tries to break in they'll be discouraged by big Blue having a fit. Welllllllll.... apparently Blue ate something yesterday and didn't agree with him and it reproduced itself In The Color Black (WTF???) all over the cream carpet in the family room. Which meant first thing this morning I was scrubbing the tile floor in the dog room, which Blue also apparently visited, and Liam had to get out the carpet cleaner. The stain is nowhere near gone we have no idea what else to use. Guess I'll be googling that later.

This week is going to be a bear at work... wish me luck.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, don't send out the police for a wellness check. I'm good. We tried to spend more time with my SIL the last few days. Both of us are working so much, she's getting ignored.

Too bad that pesky "job" requires so much attention. I know what you mean though.

You did score big on Christmas plates. Sweet. And even better they were cheap. It'll be rolling around before we know it. That is kind of nuts you have to start working on pictures already. I totally get Christmas stuff is showing up in stores already.

What a clever idea to stuff string cheese in manacotti. One of my employees came up with quick lasagna, but frozen stuff shells and layer them with cheese and sauce. I love quick ideas like that.

Let's hope the website guy delivers this week. If not, find some kid. I was looking the other day how to make a "short" for YouTube and clicked on a video of a 10-year-old girl and she's whipping through the steps like a pro.

Oh no to poor Blue and to cleaning that up. None of it sounds fun. And that's scary Liam might have heard gunfire. I'm hoping it was loud fireworks.

So what the heck have I been doing besides working? Saturday, we all went to Fort Collins shopping and met my sister and one of her grandsons for dinner. Spent some time visiting with them. He's starting at a lot boy at an Audi Dealer in Denver and will work his way up the mechanical ladder. He's take all the courses at college, but sounds like Audi will even send him to school and pay for it all. I guess in the interview he told them about Marty telling him when he was a little kid he had to wind up his finger to get the A6 to start by before pushing the button. Too funny.

Sunday we baked the 10 pound brisket and had the drinkers over for dinner. Two of them are out of town, and the other two, plus Marty, Chris and me didn't finish one single bottle of wine. WTH? Chris didn't want any wine. My friend had to drive to Denver that night so she had a little, her husband pulled a muscle in his back and was on pain meds, so very little alcohol was consumed. The brisket came out fabulous though. We had homemade mac and cheese, cherry dump cake and corn on the cob.

I worked till noon today then Chris and I went to Colorado and picked up the NIRDI Austina and her husband and went to lunch. It was fun to meet them. She and her husband are very nice. Chris survived riding that far with me driving. Ha Ha.

Here's a picture of M33 for YF for his birthday. Marty took it this weekend.



Here's the brisket. That is a serving meat fork, not a dinner fork by it.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kid!

Curby, that brisket looks amazing!!! Really love that cutting board too. I'm so jealous you got to meet Austina in person! I think she follows me on Instagram (or if it's not her, it someone with a dog that looks just like her's). Is your SIL staying long? Tell your nephew when he's ready I'll let him come and change the oil in my Audi for practice LOL. That picture of M33 is super cool!

So I did something I shouldn't have been doing... i.e., trolling around the internet looking a jewelry... and now I want a stone. I'll send you the video. Ugh. I DO NOT NEED ANOTHER STONE! And frankly I don't even know how this happened -- I was looking for dangle earrings and the next thing I know... BAM!!!

I'm making progress this week. But it's painful. Oh well, I guess that's why they call it WORK, right?!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did you buy that spinel and diamonds? It was pretty. I understand though when you have something that color already. I have traded several sapphires for that very reason.

It was nice meeting Austina in person. Let’s hope I don’t get accused of a hit and run in the parking lot of the mall though. Ha Ha.

The brisket was fabulous and we just picked up that cutting board in Fort Collins on Saturday. They have an amazing kitchen store down there where we spend money like drunken sailers. Our old big cutting board split apart at a seam, so we threw it away and when I was wandering the store, I thought we should pick up a new one. It’s a good weapon too,

I will tell my nephew you can practice changing oil on your car. He’d probably happily do it.

The chain dangle earrings are a cool idea. I know I’ve seen them somewhere, but don’t remember where.

As for pesky work, I finally got my less than 1 minute “short” video on YouTube. It probably took me about 15 hours to get that accomplished. It was 1 minute and .27 seconds and no mater what I tried, it wouldn’t load as a short. I finally found that anything over 60 seconds won’t be labeled a short. I cut off the end and bam - it worked like magic. I feel like I’ve done NOTHING but spend time on videos. I did get another one ready to load. I keep waiting for the boss to give it the final okay. If I don’t hear anything by tomorrow, it’s going to get published.

My SIL is leaving this Saturday morning. She’ll spend a week in the Denver area seeing friends there then she is heading to San Diego. I guess she’s got a trip to Iceland in October. Sounds like she might be coming back here for Thanksgiving to Christmas. She won’t bring her RV then. She is considering getting a pickup and pull trailer. The motor home doesn’t have very high clearance and she likes to go in the back country.

We’re going to supper tonight where they have those Oreo crusted balls of vanilla ice cream (aka bear balls), I’m going to be trying to lose the pounds I’ve gained while she’s here for months.

Did I tell you our doctor got killed in a motorcycle accident last Monday evening? Guess we’ll be looking for a new doctor. His lame assistant is no longer working for him and he was going to start just doing tel–appointments or in home visits. I was lol on board for that. He was only 41.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I am still thinking about that stone. I mean... I don't *need* it... but I certain *want* it! Have the police come to get you yet for the hit and run while you were having lunch with Austina?! That's terrible about your doctor. So young. Ugh. Your SIL is going to Iceland? What a coincidence -- Liam and I were thinking of places to go the other day and Iceland came up. Maybe we should coordinate our trips and go with her!

I've been working like a dog. Hopefully it will only go on at this pace for another week or two. Don't these folks know I need to start getting my store ready for X-mas? All this working is really cramping my Etsy efforts! My website guy is making some progress BTW. Stay tuned.

Alright, I'm actually on the monthly department meeting right now so I should probably pay attention in case they call on me for anything LOL.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Well yesterday was interesting... the president of my division resigned to go run wealth management at another financial firm that's about 10X the size of ours. It's a shame; I really liked her a lot, but I'm happy she's going to do something else awesome. Of course that has created a real sh!t show in my organization and I just got an "invite" to meet with the president of the bank (which was HER boss) next week. There is still one layer between him and me, but now there's the possibility I'll end up reporting directly to him. I guess time will tell.

On the "fun" front, the guy doing my website actually has a plan! He's working on it right now and hopefully by the end of the weekend we'll be rolling along. I just ordered a motorized lazy susan because he's all about having videos of my glasses spinning around LOL. Sure -- why not!

I've got two meetings this afternoon, but in the mean time I need to start washing up that set of dishes that are popular for Thanksgiving. I really need a faux Turkey to use as a prop, hahahahaha!

Alright, off to make another cup of coffee and get the hot sudsy water going!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Yesterday was auction day! I hoped, of course, there'd be nothing... but I came home with two big tubs and two boxes full of glass... and a cake stand strapped into the passenger seat with a seat belt haha. At least we were done early; I was home before one, and that includes a trip through the Culver's drive through!

Liam took YF and his friend to the Bears game. OF "mysteriously" had a sore throat. I could have predicted a sudden onset illness with 100% certainty. It look Liam FOREVER to get home due to city highway construction. I tell that to him all the time, but until he experienced it for himself it wasn't real LOL.

So I made a strategic mistake... I have been thinking of making chicken chili for work lunches and last night I figured why not throw it in the crock pot and let it cook overnight? Wellllllll... I put it in there and turned it on for a ten hour cook. Uh.... I should have turned it on for a four hour cook and then just let it go to warm from that point forward. I tasted it when I went down to get my coffee, and it's fine... but not great. Oh well, it's certainly not going to kill me, and now I know.

Today I need to take pics of some dishes. The set is pretty large and I don't think I'll really get anything other than that done.

Alright, off to see what the commotion is about because the dogs are making a ruckus.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Yesterday was pretty good! I slogged my way through that big set of dishes and had everything put away by about 2 pm. Sat outside for a little bit after doing some stuff around the house and then Liam and I went to dinner at a Mexican place. We can cross that one off the list! When I got home I had two orders to pack and a quick load of laundry to do when I realized I didn't have any pants to wear today. We're pretty casual here, but pants are generally requested. :lol: I slept OK and was not at all eager to climb out of bed this morning.

This week should be entertaining; I'm curious to see what they have to say about the lady leaving. We all have meetings with the big boss tomorrow. Maybe they'll just give me a package and I can retire! A girl can dream... :cheeky:

Alright, I've got to put together a quick presentation for a meeting that starts in an hour and a half so I better get hoppin'!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I hope you get that huge retirement package tomorrow. Sweet. Then you can spend all of your time with your part-time glass hobby. It’s too bad the president you like left, hopefully that opens avenues for you. Of course, that’s probably means more work.

That is great new your website is coming along. I like the idea of the lazy Susan, but taking those videos might be time consuming. It’s like these darn videos I’m doing, today I learned how to post on TikTok and BTW to date I’d avoided ever having an account there or even going there. I guess Instagram has a different format which I have yet to figure out.

Nice you brought home some treasures this weekend. I can picture the mountain of glassware you have stashed around the house. Too funny you used a seat belt on the cake dish. I did that once with something I bought for the kitchen but I can’t remember what it was now.

Phooey to finding another restaurant to cross off your list.

I had a very busy weekend. My SIL was leaving Saturday morning so I thought I should spend more time with her. Saturday morning I made homemade biscuits and Marty cooked bacon and eggs. She left at about 11 a.m. I wrote my article for the local paper and got it sent off then started on the September newsletter for the astronomy club. I got my lifting and laundry done as well. Then saved pictures and wrote a script for my next video.

Today, I ran out to get some groceries and pay for the door they installed in June. Apparently they sent two bills to me at their own address. How did they not notice that? The left me a message on my phone on Friday. I expected the bill to show up in July, nope. Then early August, nope. Then I meant to call them and ask but - as you know - I work more than a few hours a day and kept forgetting. I asked for a copy of the bill and the sold to section has my name With their address. Oh well, it’s paid now. I also ran the Curbymobile through a car wash. Yay. Clean-ish car.



Feb 27, 2007
Oh, tell the YF - if he doesn’t know already - there’s a comet in the morning sky. It needs at least binoculars. Here is a photo Marty took of it.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, that comet photo is super cool! I fear the lazy susan will quickly go the way of the lightbox that I bought when I first started doing this. Oh well, I'll give it a shot and see. This is not the first time I've brought something home strapped into the passenger seat LOL. The door company sent you a bill to their own address... ? You should take a discount and tell them it's their Stupid Tax! Can you take Billy Ray to the car wash too? I drove it this morning and it's covered in dust and actually had a cobweb on the windshield wiper ha ha!

Yesterday I didn't really get much done at work... We're all sitting around waiting to see what happens. My meeting with the big guy this afternoon should give me some direction--at least I hope so!

At home I meant to get the rest of the listings queued up for The Friendly Village dishes but talked to the website guy instead, and then screwed around with those promotional items (as you know! :lol: ) I go the corkscrews ordered but stalled on the postits... Liam talked me out of the fleur de lis -- said it was too over used and made him think of New Orleans. I need to make a decision today about either skipping a symbol or finding a new one. He suggested a wine glass, but I am selling a lot more than just that now so I hope I can come up with a more generic option. If you have any ideas throw 'em right out there!

Alright, off to make a spreadsheet or something...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did you get your promo stuff ordered? Good idea. Funny you mention a light box, we have one to collecting dust in our closet. Oh those treasures we buy and never use. Oh well.

I like the idea of the stupid tax. We’d be rich.

Sure, I’ll run Billy Ray through the car wash. Don’t you love it when spiders show up on your car?

How did the meeting with the Big Guy go this afternoon? I am glad to hear the website guy is working on your sight. I’ll look forward to the big launch date.

I figured out how to load my new short video on Instagram today, so I’ll got that degrading part down pat. Posting on that and TikTok is not something I ever wanted to do.

I ended up working late today, but I had a two hour lunch with a friend. That included a glass of wine, so that worked. Since I worked until after 6, I had Marty bring us Culver’s for supper.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids1

Curby, the corkscrews are ordered and I just approved the proof for the postit notes (without any symbol since I couldn't get it to look right -- I figured speed was more important at this point so I could get them rolling). The meeting with The Big Guy went pretty well yesterday. At least I still have a job, so I'm classifying that as "pretty well" :lol:. My favorite thing at Culver's lately is the buffalo chicken tenders. No idea why, but I'm just in love with them!

When I got home yesterday Liam made a GIANT steak on the grill. Between the two of us we only ate about 3/4 of it, but it sure was tasty! After that I packed up two orders and queued up the rest of the Friendly Village listings. This morning I put all ten listings live. I also queued up a draft of the Merry Masterpieces listing and I told Liam that I want to take those out of the boxes (because they are all still in the original packaging) and start washing them up tonight. I figure it's going to take me two nights (at least) to get through all of them so if I have any chance of taking photos on Friday I need to start early.

There is a sale that starts tomorrow with a lot of stuff I'd be interested in, but I'm going to try to wait until Sunday because I doubt anyone will be beating down the door to get to the stemware. Of course the other good stuff will likely be gone by then, but I've got plenty...

I need your help thinking through this website thing:
- In a perfect universe I would like the listings I put up on Etsy to "automatically" go to Instagram
- I can import the listings into my website using the Shopify integrator that I used for a trial run a few weeks ago (not a prefect process, but also not terrible)
- I need to figure out what to do with Pinterest...
- I also need to set up a Google Merchant Account because I understand that helps bring your stuff up in the searches
- What else?!? I'm sure there's tons of stuff I'm missing!

Alright, off to print some things for my next meeting. Killing the rain forest one document at a time LOL.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, nice you got your promo advertising gifts ordered. Good deal the meeting with the Big Guy went well. At least you're still employed. I was ready to quit, quit for the day or start drinking at about 3. The boss either has a really bad memory or changes her mind on a dime. I don't care what or how you want me to do things, just tell me. But telling me something completely opposite what you told me last week certainly drives up my blood pressure. Aak.

I love Culver's chicken tenders, I order them with BBQ sauce. I'll have to try the buffalo ones.

The giant steaks sound good. You realize, Marty would have eaten all of his and the rest of mine.

I hope waiting to go to the sale on Saturday works out for more treasures at lower prices. Have fun taking pictures, are you going to try the lazy susan?

As for your list:
I know things on Facebook go instantly to Instagram, but I don't know about Etsy. Maybe the web guy can set up an automatic transfer.
Nice you can import listing from Shopify in to your website. That will be handy. After doing it several times, it'll be easy. Are. you going to pay him to maintain it, or just set it up?
Does he used Word press? We use it for work and our astronomy club.
I assume Pinterest is a stand alone site. Too bad you can't just link to your website from there. I'm sure they'd take it down.
The Google merchant account costs money and if you don't do it, they suppress your site in their search. I know they've hit up Marty several times for the gym.
Do you send business cards with links in all your orders?
I'll see if I can think of anything else.

I got up at 4 to see if I could "see" the comet. Nope. It was down in the haze near the horizon. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't go back to sleep. I got up at 5:15 and looked again. This time it was too bright to catch it in binoculars. I did see Venus and the star Procyon. I did manage to kind of sleep for about an hour. I'm yawning already.

I did lift tonight. It was a good day to take out my frustrations.



Mar 26, 2006
Curby, my last boss sounds like you're current one. It got to the point that after I talked to him about something I would send him an email saying, "To confirm our conversation, this is what you want me to do." And then when I DID what he wanted me to do and was like WTF?! I'd produce the email. The lazy susan came in and it's nicer than I thought it would be for the price (three different sizes of platforms), but it's not "silent" like the ad said. The noise likely isn't enough to be picked up on video, but I guess I'll have to see.

My plan yesterday was to start washing those 28 sets of x-mas dishes, but I had three orders come in (one of them pretty big) that I had to pack up. That's OK -- I'll take big orders leaving the house over washing dishes any day!

Today I am working from home. The marketing lady is annoying me sooooooooooo much. And the operations people just suggested something so stupid at first I thought they were joking. Nope. They're serious.

I've got a crockpot of chili going and the house is starting to smell delicious!


Mar 26, 2006
One more thing -- am I understanding correctly that the Google merchant account costs $$$? Maybe I've got a fundamental misunderstanding (god knows it wouldn't be the first time!) but I thought it was free. Ugh....


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, good idea to follow up with email with your boss. However, mine clearly says she doesn't read emails.

Phooey the lazy susan is noisy, are you going to record yourself while taking the video?

Definitely, I'd rather pack up orders than wash all those dishes.

Don't you love marketing that come up with stupid ideas, they got us in trouble all the time at my old job. They make promises you can't keep.

Something Google does for your advertising costs money, but I am not sure what it's called. Whatever it is, they hit Marty up for money all the time. It's pricey too.

My boss was all sugar and spice today. And even told me to go ahead with both videos. Which I did. I got both done and even have one scheduled to go out tomorrow.

After supper last night I ran out to the cemetery, got to see a lovely sunset while I was out and stopped to take a picture of it. Today a friend came over to work for a few hours then we played cards and had lunch. I worked until about 5 p.m. and then made supper. In the mail I got a bill from the glass company for the door I paid for Monday. Strange, it was dated August 25 - but postmarked August 29 and the sold to address - which showed in the mailing window - was ours now. And it didn't even say the balance was 0 now. I'll be saving that and my receipt.


Here's my sunset picture from last night:



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, that's a really gorgeous sunset! How strange about the door receipt. Good idea so save all the info. I don't plan on recording myself on the videos, but if we can hear the lazy susan I'll have to find some sort of music or something to play in the background. Ugh. Yet another thing I have to use my brain for! And I wonder if there's an issue using music; i.e., royalty fees or anything like that. Double ugh.

Yesterday I worked on and off and had a few meetings. I finally got around to washing all the x-mas plates about 7:30 last night and it took a couple of solid hours. There are a TON of them! I need to figure out how to combine them in sets that make sense because it will ultimately be less expensive to ship sets of eight than twice as many sets of four. I'm thinking maybe 4 International dinner plates and 4 American salad plates, and then vice versa, but I'll still have extra sets of four because they don't match up in even numbers. Looks like there's a spreadsheet for these in my future!

After I did the plates I tried out the Ohora gel nail strips for the second time. I definitely did a better job this time! I think these are going to be my new go-to. The first set was still rock hard after eleven days and washing all those dishes without gloves on didn't affect them AT ALL. I only tried a new set because a few of them had started to crack a bit (even though they were still solidly on there) and the area where they'd grown out at the cuticle would sometimes get caught in my hair. But really, I think these things are pretty great!

Alright, off to make a second cup of coffee and get the photos rolling!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, I saw Saturn last night!!! YF had the telescope set up and I actually saw it! It was SO cool! I only got a glimpse for a second because I accidentally bumped the telescope and then it was "gone" but he's going to set it up again tonight!

Yesterday I worked a bit and also took pictures of all of those x-mas dishes. Last night I washed up glasses for eight more holiday listings for pics this morning. I think I've only got two more different sets of dishes downstairs and then that's it. Hm. For some reason I was thinking I had A LOT of x-mas stuff, but apparently not because that's really only about a dozen listings total. Hopefully I'll come up with some more in the next few months.

I deleted all the old listings I had in my Shopify store (which is now off-line while the guy works on it) and started reimporting. There are several with no sku (which is where I put the location of the item so I can find it when I sell it) and I will have to take time at some point to locate those before someone actually buys them and put it in there or else I'll be in a panic some night at midnight looking for a set of "Four Vintage Etched Glasses" LOL.

Other than that, not much excitement here at The North Estate.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, there is a lot of royalty free music out there. You should be able to mute any audio when you record something though. I'm getting to be so knowledgeable that this crap. :lol:

Good luck arranging the Christmas sets. People will be looking for things soon. Darn you don't have as many pieces as you thought. It's great to hear progress is being made to everything set up on your website.

The gel strips sound intriguing. I need to do my nails again this week.

How cool you got to see Saturn last night. I am glad YF is continuing to observe. It's easy to bump the telescopes, I usually put my hands behind my back so I don't do that. I don't think I added him yet to my distribution list, if you want me to add him or your email to my distribution list, just text me the info. The September newsletter is posted online. I usually post them by the 1st of the month, so I'll send you the website link. I just sent you info and you're probably going WTH is this?

I started work at 7 a.m. yesterday, so I was done by 3. Yay. I mostly worked on videos. I was going to go to the park and get some pictures, but it was windy and macro shots of flowers wouldn't work well. I watched TV instead.

Marty isn't feeling too good today, so we are just hanging around the house. I only worked 45 minutes today. Ironically, one of the things I worked on was answering questions for work about Saturn and Jupiter and telling them apart.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, did Marty live through the night? If he's anything like Liam every hangnail and sniffle is an absolute near death experience! YF is all about this now! I forgot to get his email but I'll ask him today. Good tip on the royalty free music -- thank you! I wonder if I'm better off with silence though... I sometimes take a second to look at Instagram on my phone in between things and I'm always jarred when some video stars making noise if I'm not expecting it, especially if I'm at work.

Well I got 11 listings photographed and put up yesterday and five more queued up for today. I thin I only have two more big sets of dishes down in the basement after that, and hopefully I can get those done tomorrow. There's an estate sale I think I'll run over to this morning because things should be 75% off.

I moved another 115 listings over last night in between doing other things so I'm about 30% imported. Man, this takes a TON of time!

Alright, off to see what the day brings!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes Marty is not a barrel of laughs when he's sick and he's still stick. He's been buying farm fresh unpasteurized milk and pounding it down. What he has is now about 10 days old. According to my Dr. Google degree, he can get all sorts of nasty things from the bacteria in it. Will he listen to me? Probably not. He is pretty sick. He's napping on the couch so I am not doing my normal Sunday stuff because I hate to wake him up.

I'm with you on live audio on Instagram or Facebook. That used to happen to me at work, too. I tend to go mute that app even working from home. Our videos we are recording, the other ladies are adding background music, but I find that annoying. I don't do it. I do add music on image galleries though.

Yay for making program on taking pictures and moving items. You'll have spare time soon.

Our thrillometer isn't showing any activity. I ordered us burgers for supper. I am thawing out hamburger now to grill for later. Marty isn't up for much food at all.

Laundry is underway. I will go lift, it Marty stirs at some point.

Curby #tryingtobequiet


Feb 27, 2007
Marty woke up. I gave him a small print out on diseases you can get from unpasteurized milk. As expected, he ignored it.


Feb 27, 2007
Well, Marty mentioned going to the doctor tomorrow. I suggested we go today. He has a bacterial infection. I am throwing that damn milk out. Waiting to hear if Walgreens has his prescription ready to pick up. They are going to run tests to see for sure, but all signs lead to that diagnosis.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy birthday to me kids!

Curby, Poor Marty, I hope he lives! But unpasteurized milk in this day and age seems a little risky... and unnecessary (but don't tell him I said that!). When I lived in Idaho we used to get milk in glass gallon jars from a guy who had a bunch of cows. You would literally walk right into his house, go to the kitchen, open the fridge door, and take one out, leaving the previous clean jar behind. I would bet dollars to donuts that's still going on there (although it's probably one of his sons carrying on the tradition since this was forty years ago, LOL). Where do you find the music for the image galleries?

Yesterday I ran to an estate sale... where I got ANOTHER set of Christmas dishes (this makes three big sets I need to work though...) and three quilts. There were some glasses too, but even at half off I couldn't bring myself to buy them. Oh well, I don't need EVERY glass in the universe, right?!

After that I took pics of the stuff I had queued up on the counter the night before, cleaned up, and headed north to an early dinner with our friends in Wisconsin. We wandered our way home after dinner looking a all the cool houses on the lakes. There were a ton of deer out and I was sitting in the middle seat in the back of Liam's truck between the friend/wife and YF with no seatbelt, convinced the whole time we were going to hit one and I would exit this earth via Death By Bambi.

When we got home Liam headed up to bed but I was AWAKE so I drafted the listings from the pics I took earlier and continued the Shopify import process. Around one a.m. I crawled onto the firm sectional sofa in the family room to sleep because I really jacked up my back (hip, actually, but it's a manifestation of doing something to my back) at the estate sale. I bent over to put the heavy box of dishes into my big blue wagon and knew instantly I was screwed. Yowch. This morning I also have a sore throat and runny nose, but covid test is negative. What a birthday. Liam should have put some bourbon in my coffee!

We're supposed to have a friend over to BBQ later but I'm guessing it's about 50/50 once I tell him about my sore throat and runny nose. He's on some meds the compromise his immune system and it would be easy for him to catch my crud.

Tonight I've got three orders to pack so far, including one listing that is so old it is before I started using a good inventory system. I have an idea of where the glasses are, but when I looked yesterday I had no joy so fingers crossed I can actually locate them. Oy.

Alright, off to get this party stared. Prosecco starts flowing promptly at 10 o'clock or whenever I get out of the shower, whichever one comes first!


Mar 26, 2006
Liam just pointed out that my birthday is TOMORROW hahahahaha!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, happy birthday tomorrow. I hope you get some new treasures.

Marty is still not doing well. I feel bad he has to fly to Kansas tomorrow. It’s not fun to travel when you feel bad. No word yet on his test results. I haven’t thrown out the milk yet, he said he wanted to wait until he hears back on the tests. I notice he hasn’t drank any of it though. Probably the raw milk is safe at first, but I can’t imagine bacteria doesn’t grow with time. Like I’m an expert though.

Woo how to get some more Christmas dishes.

LOL to Death by Bambi, let’s hope not. Houses around the lake sound like a perfect place to live. My sister hit a deer once and her kids called her deer-slayer for a while. Not fun. I am glad Liam got you home safely in spite of you not having a seat belt.

Your back sounds painful, I hope it is doing better now. Ugh to having a cold. Liquor might help, probably can’t hurt. I am an enabler though. Feel better.

Did you find the old glasses you sold? I hope that didn’t take too long. Now, I’m pictures one of those warehouses with boxes stacked to the roof of inventory.

I did work eight hours today. Mostly video stuff. Marty napped and watch TV. He has to be to DIA by about 10 in the morning.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy birthday to me kids (for real this time! :lol:) !

Curby, did Marty's test results come back yet? I hope his trip isn't too awful. LOL on Deer Slayer! I did find those two tiny little purple cordial glasses, but it took a while. And they definitely weren't in a place that made sense. Oh well, now they are on their way and I never have to think about them again!

My cold has progressed to the next level. I made the executive decision to work from home today, and I've actually gotten a lot done, including four zoom meetings. Ack. Between meetings two and three Liam bolted in the door, presented me with two dozen red roses, a couple of bottles of prosecco, and a rotisserie chicken from Costco and ran out again. Livin' large here at The North Estate!

The post it notes have arrived! I thought the delivery was the corkscrews because the box was so heavy, but in looking at the tracking those must be coming tomorrow. I'll text you a pic in a second. Also, I'm sending YF's email address. He's all about this now!

My hope this evening is to work my way through the last of the big mystery tubs sitting in the dining room and clean that area up a bit. I sold the first Christmas listing last night (a handled serving tray with a Christmas tree on it) and so far I've sold two listings of the Friendly Village (sugar and creamer, and lidded casserole) so I guess holiday shopping IS going on. Oy.
The listing import project continues. I think I'm almost at 400. This website better be worth it!

Alright, it's 4:55. I'm having a glass of birthday prosecco RIGHT NOW!
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