
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, darn it, I should have hidden the damn remote. I told a friend of mine, I've always found my in-laws to be selfish, self-centered oblivious people, this visit reaffirms that. Fox News is blasting right now. He had it on before he made coffee. And I'd hate listening to any news channel (or should I say opinion?) all day long.

The peaches have been good so far this year. I had one for breakfast.

So you got all 10 glasses in the small box? I hope so to save postage. How is the potential UPS strike going? Have you got a lot of items moved to the other sight yet?

The storm sounds ominous. I hope you didn't have to venture down to the basement. It's cloudy here already and I had a weather alert for possible severe thunderstorms in the next 24 hours. I blame Marty for all his astrophoto gear. Anytime you get a new toy like that, it is cloudy.

How's the document path going today? I'm going to be spending time copying and pasting stuff for several hours. Tedious but not difficult. Good thing since it's nothing I need to concentrate on doing.

Speaking of wasting money, I'm toying with making an offer for a Tom Everhart Snoopy print that's on sale with a make a reasonable offer option to hang over my desk in the den. I need another Snoopy print like I need another ring, but hey, I'm a sucker for Snoopy. I'm thinking dropping it $750 from the sale price and free shipping to Wyoming. I'm sure a framed print would cost a lot to ship.

Dinner last night was good food but not tense at moments. The restaurant was busy and had only one waitress. Marty and my FIL both got impatient and were griping a lot. I told them to quit freaking out so I wasn't popular. My FIL was sitting there with a scowl on his face, griping at the waitress every time she came by, and was impatient until we finally got some food and wine. I'm like great, they are going to be spitting on our food. I felt bad for the waitress taking care of everyone. Luckily, I was paying so I tipped her well. She was doing her best. Our annual big rodeo is going on now and the town is overflowing with tourists. Our Bear Balls were delicious. I ate more of them than I should, but they are so good.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am still enjoying the peaches. Think I'll have one for supper.

The in-laws left bright and early yesterday. Yay! I had all traces of their stay removed by noon, other than my bad memories. :lol: It was so nice to work in silence yesterday and today.

We had our astronomy meeting last night. Someone else did the program for a change, it was fun to be a member of the audience and I kept telling the guy, I was going to be a heckler.

I am sure I've mentioned a "I am so great" blow-hard that I work with. He sure showed himself to be a "classy" (NOT) guy today. One of the ladies that responds to comments posted some negative comments he made on one of our articles and I guess he frequently does leave comments. He doesn't agree with the topic matter and voices an alternate opinion. Anyway, that "I am so great" guy responded with he wished him a coronary. I'm like really? You wish someone to die because you disagree with their opinion? What a nice guy, eh?

Yay, the weekend is here. I need to get the August club newsletter done and have no other big plans. Maybe, I 'll work on a script for a video. i did get the August planet video done.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, congratulations for being in-law free! Did Marty help you bury the bodies or did you have to did the holes yourself?! :lol: That guy who wished someone a coronary has some serious issues. I can't believe the company puts up with that; he should really be let go.

The last half of this week was a whirlwind. I have been working like a dog trying to get to my SEC deadline on the second. I even worked quite a bit yesterday when I really wanted to be taking pictures LOL.

The body shop called me yesterday and I got to retrieve my Audi. Boy, getting back in my own car just reinforced what a POS that Nissan was I've been driving around for the past couple of weeks!

I need to convene with the guy who is supposed to be building me a website to see what's going on. I realize it's only July but I want to be up and running in plenty of time for x-mas!

Today Liam is going to an auction and I am doing listings. Not much else to report.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Sunday, Kids!

Dee Jay, I dug the holes myself. I wanted to be quiet about it. I swear, I will "lose" the remote the next time they are here. I totally agree about that guy and his remark. The boss seems to think he's great. I'd be in HR at my old company if I said something like that at work. Pretty tacky.

Darn that work interferes with life for you. That pesky necessity. I got a video done this weekend, so I was working some too.

I bet the Audi was quite the change from a Nissan. My in-laws had one of those for their rental and they sure hated it. I swear, I need to get my door ding fixed before that cold white stuff returns and I'm become a hermit again. :lol:

Nice that you got some pictures taken. I saw some new things in Instagram. That's great you hired someone to do your website for you. Let that be someone else's problem.

I kept thinking it was Monday already. We stayed up watching a movie so both of us slept in this morning. My last batch of laundry is whining "take me out of the dryer" right now. I got my video done this morning and kind of started on a script for another one. Sounds like we are taking several days off in August since two people are on vacation at the same time. We'll see how that works out.

I did my lifting this morning and am about to go start some baked potatoes to go with a top sirloin roast. Marty is going to grill it. He spent time this morning taking pictures of the sun. I hope some of them turn out good. There's a huge prominence on one limb, I'll post a picture of it later, if they turn out.

Off to veg out the rest of the day.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, good idea to be quiet about the holes. But next time, if you need help I'll come and do it! How did Marty's pictures of the sun turn out? "Tacky" is putting it nicely; that guy sounds like a real piece of work. Sad.

Saturday got derailed when Liam came home early and we decided to make the rounds to estates sales and resale shops. I found some stuff, but no real home runs. Then we decided to go to dinner with friends. I left the house an absolute disaster. When we got home from dinner I walked into the kitchen, looked at the mess and walked right back out.

Yesterday I took a bunch of pictures and packed up orders. I had three orders to box up by mid-afternoon, and as I was doing them two more came in. That's always the way on Sundays. I finally sat back down to have a glass of wine and do some internetting around nine and I said if anything else came in I'd pack it up tomorrow!

This week is The Week. My baby goes live on Wednesday. Wish me luck!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I'll let you know when I need a partner in crime. It's good to have friends like that. :lol:

Marty got some decent sun pictures. I'll post them. Today it's been cloudy all day. Plus there's that pesky "work" that interferes with things.

Sounds like a full Saturday for you. And kitchens wait patiently for you to come back. If only those magic elves would do their jobs and clean them up for us.

So you get weekend shoppers, eh? That makes it easy for you to pack them up then.

Good luck with your baby going live this week. I look forward to it.

Not much new or exciting in my day. I did go pick up some much needed produce, chocolate and ice cream. I loaded up two new videos on YouTube and then did quite a bit of editing. I wasted time trying to record an end scene of me talking. Darn, I look old. I might have to put makeup on or something. Of course watching it on a 32" monitor versus a cell phone or tablet, probably makes it look worse.

I've got some leftover steak heating up for me for supper. Might have a cheese stick and fruit with it. Followed by ice cream, of course.




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Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, those pictures are super cool! (Or HOT, as the case may be, LOL.) Videos and video meetings make EVERYONE look terrible, it's not you -- really. I actually bought some lipstick after seeing myself on enough teams meetings. I tried it once, but couldn't stand it (now I remember why I haven't owned any lipstick since I was about 13... ) and frankly I couldn't see that it made any difference!

Yesterday was A. Day. I was here until about eight. And today isn't going to be any better. Ugh.

I'm taking Friday offer because (a) if I don't my head is going to explode, and (b) there is a super good estate sale starting that day. The bad news is her prices are super high in general, the good news is she gives me 50% off if I come in the last hour of the first day. Maybe I'll go and scout things out early and come back in the afternoon to actually buy. I've already told myself though that if I don't get a single thing I am still absolutely FINE. #DiningRoomIsStillJamPacked

Funny story: Yesterday I told someone I was taking Friday off and they asked what I was doing. I said I was going to and estate sale. What they heard was, "I'm going to Stateville." Stateville is a maximum security prison! They were like... "Uhhhhh... what... you're just going to go to the gate and see if they take walk-ins... ?" I said, "No, I'm going to get there super early and wait so I can get a number of course." We eventually go it sorted out. :lol:

Alright, off to keep the work adventure going. Today's the day!!!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes, I bet most of us don’‘t like how we look on video or how we sound. That’s why I take pictures, I’m not in them. Ha Ha. Lipstick usually breaks out my lips. I do have some make-up and blush, but it’s probably over a decade old.

I’d say those pictures are hot, but the sun is technically a cooler star. Marty is having fun with his toys.

I hope your day was better than yesterday. My day today sounds like yours yesterday. Pesky work, eh? I started the day offering to build a gallery of the full supermoon last night. Another editor was working on a video of the pictures. She’d added them to our media but they were full sized instead of sized. I typically size my images before adding them to media. So when you size them in media it puts weird numbers at the end which the lady who checks images for legality, HATES them. And then when she checked my gallery chaos erupted. I ended up working 9 hours today. I reduced my stress by lifting weights, it was my day to lift anyway.

I’d say it’s a good idea to take off Friday so your head doesn’t explode. I think Marty should do that too. He’s working his day job, running his gym and then his day job is currently dealing with a client in Australia so he’s working nights too. Poor guy.

I totally enjoyed your hashtag. I hope you get some good stuff Friday.

Too funny about your going to the state prison story. Take a number and a knife. When we were first married, Marty delivered for the state and drove around the entire state with deliveries. I totally used to tell people my husband got send to the state prison or mental hospital today. As you know, I am easily entertained.

Thank goodness for Glad freezer bags. I opened a carton of chocolate ice cream and the top rim ripped off. If it didn't fit in a freezer bag, I would have to eat the entire carton.

We’ve had more rain every day. Places in town are flooding. Wyoming is still green. That’s so strange.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, LOL on the places Marty was sent! We've had some crazy rain lately too. Fortunately Liam's basement doesn't seem to have had any issues, but fingers crossed that remains the case because when he gets water down there it's a real mess... I am a nut about ziplock bags! Liam laughs when he opens the fridge and there are a dozen of them lined up with different stuff. At least we can (a) see what's in there and (b) when we end up throwing the stuff away (we discard a ridiculous amount of food... ) it's a quick drop into the garbage. I am kind of hoping for a life sentence at Stateville... solidary confinement please! I hear you can have all the library books you want!

My filing got done yesterday!!! 5:26 pm the button was pushed. What a relief!

When I got home Liam and I headed to the local BBQ place, but the line was absolutely crazy so we had the bright idea of going to KFC. Haven't had that for AGES. I was starving and ate way too much chicken when we got home, but damn it was GOOD! Then I had an order to pack that took forever. It was a pitcher, eight big tumblers and four cereal bowls with large rims. What an odd mix of stuff to have to fit into a box. I was down there so long Liam poked his head in and said, oh, did you get another order? I was like... no... I'm still packing up this one! Oh well, now it's done.

Today I've got a ton of stuff to do... this is when the REAL work starts. It's not even 8:30 and I'm exhausted already!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, you know me, as long as I'm amused and think it's funny, it makes for a good story. One of my favorite lines for why I didn't do something is "Marty wouldn't let me".

I hope you don't get water in the basement. Thing of the mountain of boxes that might get wet. We had more rain today and last night.

I'm with you on zip lock bags and for exactly the same reason you like them. We waste a ton of food as well and it's easy to throw it out, plus there's not dishes to follow up with. A win-win.

Well, the prison might be nice for awhile but you'd probably miss wine. Speaking of which, I saw a great meme. It has a picture of a wine glass and says "corks are for quitters". And my friend and I split a bottle of wine for supper today. It was tasty.

Yay for getting the filing sent off. Woo hoo! Celebration time.

That order does sound challenging to pack, and things that break make it tough to follow the saying "if it doesn't fit, force it.". Glad you got it packed though. Should be so tight that nothing breaks.

Did you get everything done today? I had to do some social media postings first thing this morning for training to fill in for a lady next week but other than that worked mostly on videos. I met a friend for lunch and then another friend came over for supper and cards tonight. We order in steak dinners and I got two for Marty so he ate well when he got home from the gym.

The friend I met at lunch was telling me about a creepy guy that keeps asking her 20-something daughter out. Sounds like he has anger issues and many red-flags. Kind of scary. I guess after I left, someone asked her who I was. I guess he knew me from my last job and was quite freaked out at how different I looked.

Tomorrow is Friday! Have fun on your shopping spree.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Guess I'm done working. Marty is blasting some podcast in the living room. Grr. I can't concentrate with noise.

I got one video posted, and two more in the works today. Yay.

Last night, I had 1/2 a bottle of wine with dinner. It was fun. A friend came over for supper and we played cards and split a bottle of wine. I guess I started the weekend early.

Did you come home with a haul today?



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

I didn't work much this weekend, but did enjoy some pizza and wine. This morning we went out to breakfast, then picked up some groceries. I'm always glad to have Marty take me to the store because I hate that parking lot and he carries in all the groceries. Ha Ha.

Laundry is almost done and I got my lifting done already this morning. Yay! My sister-in-law is scheduled to show up today, but we haven't heard from her yet that she is actually showing up today. Time will tell. We had an extra steak and an extra ear of corn, just in case for supper.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I can't concentrate either with a bunch of distraction in the background. I envy the fact that you can actually get laundry DONE. It's never ending here... This morning Liam sas like, I wonder if we could get a laundry service to pick up our stuff and bring it back all folded a few days later. I pointed out the problem isn't getting it washed, dried and folded, but actually getting it UPSTAIRS. So fi the service would be willing to actually come inside and put everything AWAY I would happily pony up the $$$! Did you SIL make it? Good point about there not being wine in prison. I officially withdraw my application. :lol:

What a weekend... I took pics for the first half of Friday, then I went to the estate sale at three o'clock hoping for half off. Some lady was there buying EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF STEMWARE. At FULL PRICE. I couldn't even really look at the other stuff because the house was TINY and there were huge pieces of furniture filling it up, plus about a zillion people. I frankly just gave up. On Saturday morning I went back super early so I could be first in line when they passed out numbers at eight o'clock. The lady who owns the state sale showed up about seven and told me to come in and do my shopping. That was AWESOME -- I was able to look at everything and pack it all up in peace and quiet. I spent over $500, but got some really fabulous stuff. One the way home I stopped at another sale that had had some X-mas dishes the day before, but they were already sold. And a "quick" swing by Goodwill got me two carts full of stemware for $85.

Yesterday I took pics until about noon and then started packing orders. As usual, I have no idea what's going on with Etsy. I've been suuuuuuuper slow for weeks and then yesterday I had SIX sales before noon. Outside of X-mas and mother's day I've never had six sales in a day. Some of them also came from outside ads,, so apparently Etsy decided to promote my store yesterday. Whatever.

In shipping news, a package that I sent the slowest cheapest way to Puerto Rico last Wednesday is out for delivery. WTF. I send things from here to Indianapolis that don't make it in that short amount of time.

And now... back at work. Seriously Curby, I'm giving some real though to retirement...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that pesky laundry. Not a bad idea to hire a service as long as they do take care of it for you. I remember the one and only time I asked Marty for help with the laundry. I asked him to take the clothes out of the dryer when the buzzer went off. I was leaving for school and wouldn't be home for over three hours. I get home and the clothes are in the laundry basket in the middle of the living room. Apparently, I needed to add and take care of the clothes. :lol:

My SIl and she got me good. I get several alerts from the security cameras that someone is on the driveway. Then someone is on the porch. I look at the camera and see her sneaking around on the porch from left, to right, then she goes around the corner. So I get up and go out the front door. She was hiding behind the pillar and came out and said "boo" and yes, I screamed like a little girl. I told her it's all recorded and I will sell it to her for a fee.

It sounds like that auction was quite crowded and darn someone bought the glasses at full price. How rude of them. However, I believe you made up for it on Saturday. Score!

Wow to six sales in one day. Maybe Etsy can sense your displeasure and is trying to keep your site. Too late suckers!

Too funny the package to PR is out for delivery so soon. I ordered a six pack of tiny teddy bears once to give my employees as a gag for part of their Christmas gifts. That package was on a slow boat that must have circled the world three times. I think it took over three months to get here. Good thing it wasn't their main present.

Speaking of packages, we got notified somehow my two bottles of nail polish earned me $1.50 credit with Amazon. What'll I spent it on?

I got several new videos done and posted today and I am finishing one right now. I heated up leftover chicekn parm that I had in the freezer for supper. The cleaning lady came today and of course, I spilled stuff all over the place just using the microwave. Our microwave is in dire need of replacement. It SOUNDS awful. Still works though. I should have my SIL use it and accuse her of breaking it and tell her she has to buy me a new one. I do plan on paying her back for making me scream.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, LOL on your SIL's antics! Liam and Marty are cut from the same cloth. Liam will take the clothes out of the dryer and put them in the laundry basket that sits by the washer, assuming that I will fold everything at some point. Sometimes I have to rewash things thanks to that method. Oy. I sent some glasses on a slow boat to Hawaii last month. They were for a buyer who got her other glasses in three days from the last order. I tried to explain I have no control over shipping time and once I had the package over to the post office I have no idea what will happen, but she was still pretty miffed. My grandmother had a microwave bought in the early 70s and you could feel heat coming from the thing when it was running. I'm pretty sure that's what killed her LOL.

On Sunday Liam picked me up a 24" tall HEAVY vase from an auction. It's bright red/orange and huge. Just thinking about the shipping on that thing gives me a headache!

Yesterday was a slog, and today isn't going to be any better.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Yes, my SIL is rather obnoxious like Marty and I are, guess that's why we get along. I'll get even. I think Liam and Marty do sounds a lot alike. I've had to rewash things several times as well.

Speaking of shipping things, are they still discussing strikes? I haven't heard anything else. I did get my nail polish today in a box big enough to pack up about 8-10 glasses. It's good my two bottles of nail polish were fine.

Wow, to the microwave putting off heat. That doesn't sound good.

A 24" inch vase does sound huge. Do you have a picture of it posted yet?

Was today a slog, as well? I worked 90 minutes late last night, so I tacked it on my hours today and was done by about 3:30. My SIL washed a bunch of clothes and got done about that time. We went to the little farmer's market and picked up peaches, cherry tomatoes some hamburgers from a local farm and a loaf of sour dough bread. Which, by the way, I sliced it up without losing any fingers.

I worked on some videos and articles today. The thrill-O-meter didn't move much.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, the UPS strike was averted -- thank god! No pic of the vase yet, but I'll do it this week, if for no other reason than to get it off the counter! LOL to two bottles of nail polish in a giant box. I once got a single pair of pants from Macy's in a box big enough that I could have set up house in it... and the pants were rolled in bubble wrap. WTF. Yes, yesterday was a slog. I left here after seven.

I had a good sale yesterday, but the glasses are super delicate and with long stems (the tall pink ombre champagne coupes) so it gook me forever to pack them last night. I really hope they make it because I went a little crazy with the bubble wrap and all! The box HUGE (in keeping with your nail polish!) and when Liam was putting things in the truck this morning he was like, this thing weighs nothing for such a big package!

Tonight we're all going to a local baseball team game. I have no interest in baseball whatsoever (unless it's the Pirates of course!) but I'll be there. #DeeIsAGoodCorporateCitizen

Alright, off to continue creating materials that are just going to make people mad. Welcome to my job!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, what a relief the UPS strike was averted. I wouldn't know what to do if I wasn't getting multiple packages delivered on a weekly basis. I'm sure the UPS guys has called Marty MANY colorful names when delivering his equipment for the gym. Don't you love those giant boxes and I'm like, great, now I have to get rid of this somehow. We used to have cardboard recycle bins around town but idiots were using them as trash bins so they took them out.

I hope the stemware arrives safely, you can't use too much bubble wrap with something delicate.

You worked later than I did yesterday. It's always fun to be the person people hate to hear from at work. I worked another hour late last night after Marty went to bed and my SIL left. That is working great.

Have fun at the baseball game. I'm with you on baseball though, and I had to deal with it - an know more about it - than I ever wanted to in my former life as a boss. I sure don't miss the hassles associated with baseball season.

The sourdough bread I picked up at the farmer's market must have been a hit. Marty ate over half of the loaf already. I went to make myself a piece of toast for breakfast and there was one giant piece out of the middle and a tiny heal. While I like the heal of a loaf of bread, it wasn't enough so I toasted the big piece. I planned on saving some of it for Marty, but I ate it all. There were about five pieces I put in the freezer after slicing it up yesterday thinking it'd go bad before we eat it - wrong. So I pulled them out of the freezer and I'm sure they'll be gone before the end of the day.

I got a new video posted and have another one pending for tomorrow. I'm getting a bit quicker at these things.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids1

Curby, I'm sure the UPS guy was cursing me too yesterday! I ordered shipping boxes and the 75 eleven inch square ones came in one giant box. GIANT. Like I could live in there. The other sizes all came in bundles of 25, banded and wrapped in plastic, but these 75 were all together. I really should have taken a picture of the pile on the front porch before Liam brought it all inside! I love sourdough bread. Only with butter though, not for sandwiches or with anything else on it. Weird, I know! The baseball game was a total non-event for me. We had a private area with food and drinks and I frankly pretty much forgot it was going on LOL. I pulled at Irish exit though some time in the 5th or 6th inning. :lol:

I am just slammed at work. Ugh. And the glass is piling up in the house faster than I can do anything with it. I'm considering an act of sacrilege and maybe skipping the big antique flea market up in Wisconsin on Sunday. I always come home with tons of treasures, but things are getting a little out of control...

So this is the part where I confess I maybe wasn't paying enough attention in school. I shipped a butter dish to Arkansas the other day and the postage was almost twelve bucks. I looked on Pirate Ship to see if UPS was any cheaper, and it was almost FIFTY bucks. I was like WTF, but I just put in the box, slapped on the USPS label and moved on with my life. This morning was checking the status of the orders in transit to make sure nothing was stuck anywhere and when I clicked on the tracking for the butter dish it has an expected delivery is August 25. More than two weeks from now. I though, Where The He!! Is This Place?! So I google mapped it. It's way out on a peninsula... in the OCEAN. I had to zoom way out to see what was going on. The thing is headed to ALASKA! AK = Alaska, not Arkansas. Duh!!! I am a certifiable duma$$!

Alright, back to creating some training materials for people who don't want to be trained. Welcome to my life.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, the giant box of boxes sounds pretty funny,. Hopefully, it wasn’t too heavy. Yay, the UPS strike is averted.

I agree, toasted sourdough with lots of butter is the best, but having it un-toasted in a sandwich, not so much. But, I do eat it that way since it’s my only option. Glad you enjoyed food and drink at the baseball game and made a timely exit.

Work and glass do keep you very busy. I only worked seven hours today. I quit early to visit with my SIL, but she’s outside now on the phone.

That butter dish will be making quite the voyage to reach its destination. That is a costly package, but I guess I understand why it cost that much.

Oh, how I don’t miss creating training manuals, because - as you said - no one will follow them.

I had a tough night with a serious lack of sleep. My allergies are kicking up and I was so stuffed up at about 2 a.m. I could barely breathe. I think I feel asleep again at about 5 a.m. And slept for about 30 minutes. We are going to supper shortly with one of Marty’s former clients who is in town for a week, I think I’ll skip the wine so I don’t pass out on the table.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, my allergies are really bad right now too. I've blown my nose so much it all red and raw. Ugh. How was dinner? Did you face plant into your plate out of sheer tiredness?

I got some more work done yesterday, and discovered some more fires that will need to be put out today. When I got home I committed to queuing up some glass and I actually got through three tubs of it from a big auction a couple of weeks ago. There were some real treasures in there that I didn't even realize! Of course now it's raining so I picture taking is on hold. No point taking photo in bad light.

No word from the guy that's supposed to be building me a website. He's got to get on the ball or I need a different option. I could go the route of my friend with the cowhide bags, but the lady she used was $$$ and took forever. I just need a twelve year old who wants to earn some money LOL.

Alright, off to get this Friday party started.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, #stupidallergies!

Dinner was good. I even had some wine and lived to know what was going on. There were 9 of use there.

Yay, work is over for the week. It's great there were some unexpected treasures in your three tubs of glasses. We may be rain-free for a few days, so hopefully that'll be moving your way.

Those website builders never seem to be too responsive, probably because I am OCD and I want things done NOW! And yes, probably a 13-year-old kid could knock one out for you in an hour. I need to hire a kid to get me through level 1533 of Angry Birds. Think I've been on it over a month now.

I only worked 4 hours today. My SIL took me out for lunch, we wandered around a few stores and then made Christmas cookies. Yes, Christmas cookies. She wasn't here at Christmas time and wanted some of the candy cane cookies. We made icicles instead. Little white strips rather than red and white twisted together shaped as candy canes. They honestly tasted better without the red food coloring. Plus they were quicker to make. I dished out little scoops of dough and my SIL rolled them out.

Marty went camping to our club's star party. Should be a good weekend for it, since the Perseid meteor shower will be peaking on Sunday morning. I skipped going because my allergies are so bad and I can't imagine the weeds in the country based on what I can see around here. My SIL went with him and 3 of us in that tiny trailer would have been cramped. Free weekend. Yay!

I'll probably work a bit tomorrow, do my Sunday laundry and lifting and maybe go take some pictures somewhere.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, well X-mas must be in the air because when I walked into Costco the other day I was stopped dead in my tracks by a big display of bows and paper and a giant stack of light-up X-mas tree. Ack! I'm not mentally ready for this! I'm with you on skipping The Great Outdoors. This season is terrible. Did Marty and his sister survive the night in the camper? If my brother and I tried to spend the night together in a cramped space there'd be bloodshed for sure!

Yesterday I did a bunch of work and some picture taking, but not enough. I did list the giant red vase. My phone is lost somewhere downstairs (I took a big load of bubble wrap and boxes to the basement and put it down somewhere along the say... ) so I can't text you a picture right now, but here's the link: For scale I used an apple and a standard sized champagne bottle. As you can see, this thing is huuuuuuge! Between the size, the weight, and the "fingers" on the top, shipping for this is going to be a real b!tch.

Today I need to do the usual... picture taking, cleaning up, laundry. Liam just left for a local auction. I'm really hoping he doesn't call me in an hour and say, you need to get over here!

Alright, off to try looking for my phone again. The ringer is off and it could really be anywhere down there. The good news is I didn't pack anything this morning so I know I didn't tape it in a box and ship it off anywhere, LOL. Wish me luck!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did you find your phone? I was going to text you, but that wouldn't help if the ringer is off.

That vase is something. It dwarfs the champagne bottle. It's very pretty though.

I can't say I'm surprised that Christmas stuff is showing up in stores already. That is kind of crazy, I saw Halloween stuff in Kohl's yesterday.

LOL on you and your brother in a trailer. So far Marty and Chris have not killed each other. They showed up here this morning for a while. Marty forgot a lens he wanted and his toothbrush. Both important things. They did see stars last night for a while and a lot of Perseid meteors. One was quite bright and broke up as well. Today looks bleak for clear skies though. I am glad I didn't go. That trailer is not quite big enough for 2, let alone 3 of us. I told Marty once, if we lived in something that small and tight, one of us would be dead and the other one in jail. And I'm not sure which way it would be. He has the advantage when he's awake, but he's got to sleep sometime.

Didi Liam entice you to come to the auction for more treasures? I got a video done and did my usual Sunday morning lifting. I thought of going out to eat somewhere, but I haven't decided yet.

We're expecting a high in the 60's tomorrow. Fall is on it's way? Already? I know ... shut up!



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

It’s Sunday evening already? You know, if I was really retired, I wouldn’t care. :lol:

I got up at 3 a.m. and watched for meteors for 30 minutes. Sadly, not a single one showed up for me. I will try it again tonight at about 10 p.m.

I watched lots of TV today. We went out to supper with my SIL. Marty ordered us a bottle of wine and 3 glasses. The waiter asked if we wanted hin to leave to cork In case we didn’t finish it. I got to use that great line “corks are for quitters”. He was amused.

Marty and my SIL had a fun time camping this weekend. He was the only telescope there and had about 2 dozen people showed up, but they had a nice time. He got a few pictures, but one camera he didn’t set up right so lost whatever pictures were on that.



Feb 27, 2007
I forgot, I knit 6 rows of mini me 2 yesterday. It kind of bugged me but not bad. I’m knitting 4 rows tonighg.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, LOL on "corks are for quitters." I can't remember -- is mini me cream colored? At this rate you'll have it done for me just in time for X-mas. :lol: It's too bad one of the cameras wasn't set up right, but it sounds like a good time was had by all. No auctions or estate sales for me this weekend, and I even resisted the big antique flea market up in Wisconsin on Sunday. I just feel like I have so much already...

So here's the bad news / good news scenario with the guy building my website: He lost his job on Thursday. That's the bad news. The good news is now he's got lots of time work on my site! (Yes, I'm being tongue-in-cheek, but he even said it himself!) He's looking through my stuff right now and I'm going to connect with him mid-week. Stay tuned!

I got through all the tubs except one from the giant auction we went to a few weeks ago. Saturday and yesterday I was picture taking machine! I think I've not got enough photos to last me a month if I include the listings I've already drafted, putting up one a day.

Today I need to get A LOT done at the office. Then I'm going downtown tonight to have dinner with Sister #2. Tomorrow I drive down to the our main office for two days of meeting. Oh joy.

Alright, off to get this party started.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes mini me 2 is cream colored. It could take me a while to finish at 4 to 6 rows a day. I will continue until it gets better or I have to go back to sleeping with that stupid splint. I want to knit myself a vest before the snow flies. I doubt I can make it at this rate.

That’s brave of you to resist heading out to get more glasses. It is good that things are selling. But you’re reducing your inventory. Yay.

I hate to hear the guy doing your website lost his job, but he will have more time to work on your website now. Will you just use your website once it’s launched and not use the other sites? I hope he has your site mostly ready for you by mid-week.

Nice that you got lots of picture taken this weekend. I didn’t take any pictures this weekend. Darn. My poor camera is feeling ignored.

Have fun with sister #2 at dinner. Try to stay awake in all the meetings.

I went out at 10 last night to watch for meteors. First I tried my rain trench coat, it was near 40 so that didn’t work. Next I tried a down jacket and knit hat. It kept me warm enough but I still didn’t see a single meteor.

I got around late this morning after staying up late again. I still worked 10 hours today. I had stuff to do, got caught in another “joint” project of images that was a waste of six hours. I also wrote up a PDF with instructions on editing audio. So I ordered in a burger from Door Dash for supper.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Not much new or different in my life. Work, eat, be cold, but I am making progress on mini-me 2.



Feb 27, 2007

Serious thoughts from Curby: Technically, it's not bad if you talk to yourself. And it's not bad if you answer yourself. But, it would be pretty sad if you said "sorry I wasn't listening".

Not much going on with me. Just work. Hanging out some with my SIL.

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