
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, I've never had anything actually go in the toilet (jewelry wise -- I have dropped TWO phones though!) but there have been instances of bouncing off the counter and narrowly missing, so I don't take any chances any more. Good thing you tested two cookies, you wouldn't want to give something to your friends that wasn't good!

Today has been a FULL day... and it's not over yet... I woke up at six this morning and decided to just get up. My alarm was originally set for seven because I had to go over and check on the boathouse, and then I was meeting a lady who carries the cowhide bags in her store at 10:45 on the way back. The timing worked out perfectly; I pulled up in front of the store at the same time the owner was. On the way back I stopped at Walmart because there's one right at the Indiana/Illinois line, and that way I don't have to pay five cents a bottle "tax" for bottled water. I also got a few other things, but of course since I've been home I've thought of several more I should have picked up. Argh.

The cowhide bag lady is at the wedding shower for her second son's bride-to-be. She's going to text me when she's done and then I have to go up there with a bunch of inventory that I've got, and also all the stuff I picked up from the store today, so we can get it ready for the One of a Kind show that starts on Thursday. I'm exhausted already!

OK, off to see if I can get a nap in before she texts me...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I've had a a few things end up in the toilet but luckily it was never anything important. Lessons learned.

I thought it was very decent of me to test those cookies before taking them to my friend's house. Their young daughter must have eaten about 6 or 8 of them; I bet she was up most of the night.

You did have a full day and times things well. Wow to 5 cents per bottle. I hate when you get home from picking up stuff and realize you forgot something.

I hope the cowhide bag show goes well on Thursday. This is a great time of year for a show.

Did you get a nap?

We had fun at our friend's house last night. We got home about 11:30. Sadly we didn't close our garage door when we came in the house. Good thing we live in Wyoming. Sigh. I backed up our video camera and confirmed that is what happened. I didn't watch the entire 9 hours before we discovered it though.

We had a busy day as well. I got up about 7 because our cleaning lady was coming at 8. She was about 45 minutes late but she let me know she was on her way. This is the sister that does a more thorough job cleaning so I tolerate it. After she got here we went to breakfast then Marty headed to Boulder for a strength workout session with a few other guys. I spent almost $300 at the grocery store this morning but a lot of it included things to bake for Christmas. I have been washing linens and towels today and changed our sheets and the guest bedroom. One batch of towels left to go. I also made homemade soup so we had that a while ago and I have 3 bowls left for lunch. Soup will be great on the cold days this week. We may even have snow tomorrow.

I did catch a glimpse of the "Supermoon" tonight before it got up in the clouds.

I have a big bruise on my right arm that I have no idea where it came from; I tried to blame the rabbits but Marty didn't buy it.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids1

Curby, LOL on being glad you live in Wyoming since you forgot to close the garage door! And I get bruises all over of mysterious origin. Some of them are pretty gruesome, and you'd think I would have remembered doing whatever it is I did to get something black/blue/purple/yellow/green. But no.

The cowhide bag lady's shower was downtown, not far from my place, so she came over and picked up the bags. It worked out great, and I was SO happy not to have to drive clear up to her house and back! I finished my cards (with the exception of a few stragglers I need to reach out to) and put them in the mail this morning. Whew! I love getting that done early!

Today begins the marathon of employee training... annual compliance training, one-on-one, every hour on the hour, for the rest of the days this year that I'm in the office. Ugh. OK, off to print the powerpoint decks!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I've gotten so I say "that's going to leave a mark" but then when the bruise shows up I don't remember what I did, just that I said that. You are right bruises do turn some pretty amazing and gruesome colors.

Yay for finishing your cards. Can you do mine now? If you could write my annual poem I would really, really appreciate it.

Good luck with the employee training. Sounds like a busy time. I submitted my self appraisal today. My 5 employees have to submit theirs by Monday before I can do them and submit them to my boss. I want them all done by the 18th since i am off for a few days starting on the 20th.

We had a little snow this morning. Some roads were icy but not bad. It's like December. I dug out my Land's End Squall parka today since it was so cold.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, self appraisals are such a load of crap. You were wise to pull out the parka. Our temp dropped about 30 degrees from yesterday to today and I definitely should have put a warmer coat on this morning!

Last night I did some more cleaning up and measured and weighed the packages that I need to ship to my family and friends. Now if I could just remember the password to my Fed Ex account so I could go on and create the labels...

The set up for the One of a Kind Show starts today. I went by the Merchandise Mart this morning and got my exhibitor pass and made sure the tables that we rented were in my friend's booth. She drove down with all the bags and has to get everything unloaded so we can start to set up. Traffic was terrible, and now the line is long and unmoving at the loading dock. Good thing we started early!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I so agree with you on self appraisals being a load of crap. Apparently I didn't fill mine out completely; there were drop down arrows for comments on each line. Joy. I'll probably get it returned to me. We will see.

Darn that the cold weather moved your direction too. I was very glad to have my parka on yesterday. It warmed up a bit today and went with my wool coat and didn't think it was warm enough. It's like it's December or something.

You continue to plug away at your Christmas chores and I continue to wish I'd get busy on my stuff. Maybe tomorrow.

Good luck with the show tomorrow at the Merchandise Mart. Yes, it is a good thing you started to set up early.

I cooked a London Broil in the crock pot today so had a quick supper when I got home. Marty wants to go to Verizon and look at the new iPhone but didn't backup his phone until now so I'm waiting for him to get done. I tried to call Verizon to see if they have a new phone in stock and to make an appointment but after several minutes they transfer you to the national Verizon customer service and they couldn't help me. I got transferred around about 6 times and never talked to anyone here. I did finally say for a communicaitons company you don't have very good communications. Ha.



Feb 27, 2007
We just got back from shopping. Both of us ordered the iPhone X for Christmas. We should get them in 2 days. Marty got black and I got silver. I didn't need a new phone any more than i needed new jewelry but hey that new phone is pretty sweet.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, sometimes life isn't about *need* LOL. And I hear you on the communications being poor at a communications company. Every time I have to call Sprint I need to shore myself up with a stiff drink first!

Last night I took four of the five packages I had yet to ship over to Fed Ex. I'd forgotten to finish packing up the box for my niece and nephew so I did that after I got home and I'll just top if off tomorrow.

I had $20 in Kohl's cash that expired today so I decided to go buy some more toys for Toys For Tots. Well somehow I ended up spending ANOTHER $60+ because I kept getting lured with with "You only need to spend X more to get free shipping" yadda yadda yadda. Oh well, it's for a good cause.

Today I've got people lined up back-to-back for training. Oh joy...


Dec 28, 2005
Please don't faint with shock. Hello Ladies!

Yes, I'm alive and well in sunny Tampa. My apologies for the long delay in saying hello. It's been quite an incredibly busy year. We are both healthy and doing well. Work has gone really great this year, which is one reason I cut back on social media. I have billed my brains out and have broken records for my team and the entire branch. In fact, they just bought me my new iPhone X 256 GB outright and today for breaking another milestone, my boss told me he's planning to buy a new Nikon DSLR (D7500) I've wanted since it became camera of the year this year.

Charlie wound up going back to work, part time, at Pottery Barn. That's good. What's not good is Pottery Barn is owned by Williams Sonoma. Between the two stores, even with his employee discount, we spend more than he earns. Still, it's good for him to have something besides kitty sitting all day, every day. He's on the visual team, which means he goes in at 7:00 AM, does his magic and is off most days by noon. And he only works like 3 days a week and never nights or weekends.

We survived Hurricane Irma. It actually was a get ready for doom and gloom and then the storm veered inland. We had the hurricane shutters installed at great expense, and then had to pay to have them taken off once the storm passed. We never even lost power, which when you consider we do for virtually ever thunderstorm we get in the summer, of which there are many, it was a not bad experience. My brother and his wife came to stay with us, since we have a much newer, up to code home.

With the holidays rapidly on us, we're planning our normal Xmas celebration. We've already gotten our major gift to each other (Apple Watch 3 - Uber Cool), but we do have some small things to have to open on Christmas morning. And we'll do our traditional New England Christmas dinner, of Lobster, home made cole slaw, parsley'd potatoes and the great chocolate cake we have every year.

I did get referred to a new client recently. Hearts on Fire! They sent me their Friends and Family holiday discount link, but they don't have anything of interest for men. Still, it's cool to have them as a client!

I guess that's about all the news on my side. I haven't read any of the posts since logging in. I'll come back later and try to catch up. But do hope all is great with you all.

Hugs a plenty.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, you are so right - life it often about want. I am honestly excited to get my new phone. Those suckers haven't shipped yet. WTH?
Yay for getting some packages in the mail. Darn you have to take one more tomorrow. I need to get my nephew's birthday card ready; it's the 11th so I doubt it makes it to Texas in time. Darn. One year he got the card weeks late and had to pay for postage on it since I forgot to put a stamp on it. I told him it was a good gag.
We suckered for the same thing at Kohl's last night - you have to spend $5 more to get $20 back in Kohl's cash. I had Marty get me a Godiva chocolate bar for my Christmas stocking.
What are you getting CB for Christmas?

Rod, it's so good to hear from you. Congratulations on knocking off record for your team and entire branch. That is fabulous! And what great gifts you are getting for your hard work. I did not know Pottery Barn was owned by William Sonoma. We like both of those stores and I can see why you guys would buy things since you have a discount. Those are great hours for him too. In my younger days at my last job I loved the 6 to 2 or 7 to 3 shift so I had the afternoon to myself.
I am so glad you survived hurricane Irma and didn't have any damage at your new home. I was keeping an eye on what was happening around Tampa and even looked up where you were relative to some of the pictures I saw of flooding. It sounded grim for your area for awhile though.
As soon as you mentioned Christmas I thought of your chocolate cake before I read those few sentences. It figures that is what I'd think of first. So you are loving your new iWatch? Marty is still have with his iWatch 2.
That's cool you can get a discount from Hearts on Fire. I see their stuff at Jared's.

We had a typical December day around here. Bitter cold, horrible wind and blowing snow. I was freezing at work all day; tomorrow I'm pulling out thermals to wear under my clothes. I'll be really cold when it gets below zero.

Those fires in LA are awful. Marty is not anxious to go back there next week.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Our tracking order just arrived. Our phones should arrive Friday.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Marcy,

I finally read a few posts, but not back months worth. I see you are getting the iPhone X. I was one of those hardy souls who got up the morning of the October 27th to order ours at 3 AM. We got one on launch day, but by the time I got the 2nd order in (with multiple server crashes as millions were trying to order) the 2nd phone took 3 weeks longer to come. It was Charlie's phone that came first, so he decided I should set it up for me. Turns out that was a bad decision as my phone which was coming later was the one my company paid for and in doing the setup to me first, I messed up our account, so when the 2nd one arrives, I had to start all over and wipe the first phone, migrate Charlies data to it, then set up the newer phone for me. I'm really good with Apple devices, so I got it all done without issues but it was a hassle.

We're loving the Apple Watch (they're not called iWatch, BTW). These are the newer generation, where you don't have to have your phone with you to make or receive phone calls. Of course we had to get the most expensive ones in stainless steel with Sapphire crystals, but they're really cool.

Sorry, it so cold out there. It was in the 80s today, but a big and welcome cool down is coming this weekend. All the way to daily highs in the low 60s.......brrrrrrrrr. LOL

Heading to bed now, but wanted to write back first.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy super early morning kids!

ROD!!! Great to see you!!! LOL on Charlie spending more than he makes; that's one reason I could never work at a jewelry store.

Curby, your weather makes me want to stay under these warm covers until spring, because I know what you're getting to day we're getting tomorrow. Ack.

My friend is pretty much all set up for the show (Rod -- I'll give you a little explanation down below) and we have to be there by 10 am, curtain up, smiles on this morning. There are several things I need to do first though (go to the hardware store and pick up some hanging hardware to put up the mirror, stuff like that) so I figured I better get an early start.

Rod, I have a friend who makes cowhide bags and she's exhibiting at the One of a Kind Show at the Merchandise Mart this weekend (starting today). Artists and artisans come from all over and sell their wares, and it's a pretty amazing show. Too bad you and Charlie aren't here for this -- talk about the potential to drop some serious money, but to get some seriously cool stuff along the way!

Alright, off to start the days adventure. So early... Ugh.
Last edited:


Dec 28, 2005
Hey DeeJay.........I'm prolly lucky not to be able to go to the show. I've spent enough lately!!

Marcy, the minute those new expensive, completely wrapped in glass, with an OLED screen phones arrive, scuttle on over to your Apple Store and have them put the Belkin HD Screen protector on them. Have Apple do it, not Best Buy. Apple has a machine that is so cool that puts the screen protector on your phone in PERFECT ALLIGNMENT. I mean perfect. It's so simple, I don't know why others haven't come out with something this smart (it's from Belkin - Apple didn't make the machine), but it makes such a difference if the protector isn't 100% aligned. Trust me, I tried to have Best Buy put on a Zagg one and it failed to align perfectly, because they don't have this magic machine.

Then, either go to Amazon (I did) and get some good cases for the phone. The back is all glass and a fall can crack it. Finally, add AppleCare+ to your phones. $199/each, but increases technical support to two full years and provides significant reduction in replacement costs should one become damaged.

Thus ends this morning Apple iPhone X Sermonette.........Now to work!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, darn that it took 3 weeks to get your phone after ordering both on the morning they were available. You are right; moving phones is a hassle but not bad. I got in line to get the iPhone 7. Being on the cutting edge of technology, right? I need to back up my phone tonight. Thanks for the screen protector information. Verizon has insurance for $11 a month and we checked it over last night and the deductibles are lower than from Apple Care so we might stick with it. I have Apple Care on my iPads and Mac Book Pro. I know it will take me a few days to get used to the new phone but i am anxious to get it.
Too funny I thought the Apple watches were called iWatch. You know me; I am just not in to watches. Marty would be appalled I called it the wrong thing. I knew the new Apple watch allowed you to make and receive calls away from your phone. Very cool. I’m not feeling to bad for you suffering through that 60 degree weather. Our wind chill is near 0 tonight. I dug out thermal underwear to wear today and was very glad I did. I am pretty chilly right now.

Dee Jay, sadly this cold weather is likely to come your way. It’s warming up to the 40’s this weekend though. I hope the show went well today.

I was just asking Marty if he heard the wind outside and he said yes. So then I informed him tomorrow’s forecast says “very windy” so I wonder WTH that’s going to be like?

I got one appraisal done and submitted today. I should be able to wrap up a second one in the morning. I am hoping my boss doesn’t kick them back to me. We will see.

Take care.


Dec 28, 2005
Hi Kids!

Rod, darn that it took 3 weeks to get your phone after ordering both on the morning they were available. You are right; moving phones is a hassle but not bad. I got in line to get the iPhone 7. Being on the cutting edge of technology, right? I need to back up my phone tonight. Thanks for the screen protector information. Verizon has insurance for $11 a month and we checked it over last night and the deductibles are lower than from Apple Care so we might stick with it. I have Apple Care on my iPads and Mac Book Pro. I know it will take me a few days to get used to the new phone but i am anxious to get it.
Too funny I thought the Apple watches were called iWatch. You know me; I am just not in to watches. Marty would be appalled I called it the wrong thing. I knew the new Apple watch allowed you to make and receive calls away from your phone. Very cool. I’m not feeling to bad for you suffering through that 60 degree weather. Our wind chill is near 0 tonight. I dug out thermal underwear to wear today and was very glad I did. I am pretty chilly right now.

Dee Jay, sadly this cold weather is likely to come your way. It’s warming up to the 40’s this weekend though. I hope the show went well today.

I was just asking Marty if he heard the wind outside and he said yes. So then I informed him tomorrow’s forecast says “very windy” so I wonder WTH that’s going to be like?

I got one appraisal done and submitted today. I should be able to wrap up a second one in the morning. I am hoping my boss doesn’t kick them back to me. We will see.

Take care.

Marcy, I get AppleCare+ plus the insurance from the phone company. The issue with phone company insurance, is if you crack your screen, they are not required to use authentic Apple parts, which to me is a big no no. And the insurance from the phone company won't provide technical support, which your new phones only come with 90 days. What phone company insurance does provide that AppleCare+ doesn't provide is replacement for lost or stolen phones, but there is usually a hefty deductible. So we have both forms of coverage and I would recommend you and Marty get both as well.

Hey, they're calling for it get even cooler than in the 60s for highs next week. Supposedly, there are a few days when it may not get out of the 50s. For us, that's really cold. I'll get to wear some sweaters and maybe even turn on the heat. Woo Hoo!

I ordered the chocolate cake today. And I spoke with the lobster place and I'll be able to put my order in for the lobsters next week. We're basically all ready for Christmas. The house is decorated. There are some presents under the tree and dinner is all planned.

I'm taking off from December 22nd through New Years this time. I'll have a full 11 days off! Hopefully, Charlie and I can take a couple day trips.

I guess that's all I've got right now. Have a nice night and stay warm out there as I'm writing still in shorts and a t-shirt.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Rod, I know what you mean about spending enough money, and it's all too easy at a great event like this! I took a quick walk around yesterday and in just the first row I found a gorgeous freshwater pearl necklace that I am thinking over. Of course I need another piece of jewelry like a need a third tit! But still... it's so prrrrrrrettttyyyy...

Curby, it was so windy here on Tuesday that I had to take Dramamine all day. It doesn't help that my office is in the corner; if I were close to the core of the building I might not feel so much like a small ship in a rough sea on days like that. Blech.

The show yesterday went pretty well! I came home exhausted though -- foot weary, brain dead, and covered in cow hair. Note to self: Do not wear cashmere when working this show, it attracts everything. I looked like I lost a fight with a hairy cat. A whole bunch of hairy cats.

I suppose I should stop basking here in the warmth of the electric blanket now that I'm done with my coffee and get on with Day Two. Ugh. Wish me luck!


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Friday kids!

Rod, I know what you mean about spending enough money, and it's all too easy at a great event like this! I took a quick walk around yesterday and in just the first row I found a gorgeous freshwater pearl necklace that I am thinking over. Of course I need another piece of jewelry like a need a third tit! But still... it's so prrrrrrrettttyyyy...

Curby, it was so windy here on Tuesday that I had to take Dramamine all day. It doesn't help that my office is in the corner; if I were close to the core of the building I might not feel so much like a small ship in a rough sea on days like that. Blech.

The show yesterday went pretty well! I came home exhausted though -- foot weary, brain dead, and covered in cow hair. Note to self: Do not wear cashmere when working this show, it attracts everything. I looked like I lost a fight with a hairy cat. A whole bunch of hairy cats.

I suppose I should stop basking here in the warmth of the electric blanket now that I'm done with my coffee and get on with Day Two. Ugh. Wish me luck!


CB might have a differing view over the need for a 3rd appendage! Oh no I di_n't! LOL!!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, thank you for the info on the difference in insurance of the phones. 50’s is pretty cool for your neck of the woods. My niece’s cousin who lives in Austin posted a picture of her car with snow on it with the caption “so confused.” My comment was looked all too familiar to me. That’s great you are taking off so much time at Christmas. Definitely plan a few day trips. Is your brother and SIL coming over for Christmas dinner?

Dee Jay, did you buy that pearl necklace? I was thinking of getting my pearls from Hong Kong out soon. I never wear them. I bet your office is miserable in the wind. That is kind of amazing you have to take dramamine to help. I had to laugh at your comment about losing a fight with a bunch of hairy cats. I had a fuzzy pink fleece jacket once and it shed all over me every time I wore it. Did your friend sell a lot of bags?

Hopefully we get our tree up this weekend. I think I’ll get a batch or 2 of cookies made this weekend. I guess we are going to my office holiday party tomorrow night. I didn’t RSVP to it since I have no idea at the time if Marty would be in town. To be honest I didn’t really want to go. One of his friends asked him last night if he’d be there and said he wanted to go. I got “added” to the list at the last minute today. There are always no shows anyway so the numbers should be fine.

My phone is setting here charging up. I told Marty I’d let him set it up because I’d hate to mess something up.

I did submit my second appraisal today and have one pretty much ready to go. I am waffling between a needs improvement and meets exceptions on that person for functional expertise. They are slow but accurate and do learn from their mistakes.

Have a great weekend.
Marcy new phone


Dec 28, 2005
Congrats on getting the new phones charging up. Did you get Qi wireless chargers for them? I love just plopping the phones on the charger without having to plug in a cable. When Marty goes to set them up, let him know if your previous phones were both on iOS 11, the transition to the new phone is ever so much simpler now. Just place your current phones next to the new ones and they walk you through how get them to speak to each other. They even set up Wifi automatically now.

Yes, my brother and SIL will be coming for Xmas day. We'll start with a big old fashioed Xmas breakfast, and then have the Lobster dinner that evening.

DeeJay, we got your card today! Thanks so much!! We haven't sent out any cards this year. I hope we can get around to it.

We're making a big batch of sugar cookies tomorrow morning after breakfast. The cooler air should arrive by the morning. I'd just love to wear a sweater tomorrow. We're meeting friends at a really good restaurant for dinner tomorrow night.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, I am quite happy with my new phone so far. The camera seems to work great too. Marty has the wireless charger already for his watch so is going to wait until the larger charging pad comes out and get one. I am fine with plugging mine in at night. We used that setup moving data on our phones. Wow it worked great.

That will make for a nice Christmas day have your brother and SIL over. Fun.

I can smell your sugar cookies already. That is always nice to do on a chilly day. I did chuckle at your excitement of wearing a sweater; I'm excited when I don't have to wear a sweater. Different climates for sure.

Speaking of cards I need to get cracking on mine. I pulled them out of the drawer anyway. Dee Jay I got your card too; thanks.

We slept in until 8:30 this morning. What a treat. I had a hair appointment at 9. We put up the tree this morning and went out to lunch. I ordered an 11 oz. steak so should quite a few sandwiches out of my leftovers. We are going to my company's holiday party tonight and since it's buffet I decided I'd rather fill up on lunch than a buffet tonight.

We picked up the 4K Apple TV after lunch and I am working on laundry now. Marty heads to LA tomorrow so I'd better get his stuff done first.

Take care.

Here are a few photos from my new camera.
IMG_7580.JPG IMG_9172.JPG


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, I'm glad you're liking the new phones. The cameras in these puppies are really great, especially with low light. Below is a pic I took in low light of Charlie's Masterpiece 2017 Tree! Very sharp details with no flash!

So, it's going down to the 40s tonight. Brrrrrrrrr. And yes, I got to wear a sweater too. We went to the mall and did some shopping. We bought the Stainless Apple Watches, with metal bands, so I picked up a royal blue rubber band for him at the Apple Store. I love that I can leave my phone in the car, and put a Bluetooth headset in my ear, and make and receive calls without my phone. It made communicating with Charlie a breeze!

Then we stopped at Starbucks for coffee before heading to Fresh Market to buy groceries. I love love love the Australian Red Licorice and they're often out, so they had some today and I bought a LOT. We're going to bake a whole chicken for dinner tomorrow and they have the freshest antibiotic free grain fed chickens. We recently bought an Insta-Pot (using Charlies employee discount at Williams Sonoma), which is a steam, pressure and slow cooker all rolled into one. We cook Basmati rice in 4 minutes flat, so we'll have rice, chicken, asparagus and I'll make some homemade gravy too. I cook my chicken like Ina Garden Style, with lemon quarters in the cavity. It permeates the chicken with just a hint of lemon in every bite. So so good.

We'll be heading out soon to meet our friends for dinner. Should be fun.

And now the pic!

Xmas 2017 Forum Size.jpg


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, a friend of mine has the instapot and loves it. I've been debating getting one for us. A royal blue band with the stainless watch will look great. Have fun at dinner with your friends. Your Christmas tree looks fabulous. I swear we have the exact same tree and shutters. Here is a shot of ours from today. I need to get a picture at night so the sun isn't coming in through the shutters.



Dec 28, 2005
Very pretty Marcy. It takes Charlie 3 whole days to put on the billion lights and zillion decorations we've collected over 38 years, but he so enjoys putting it up.

Dinner was really great. We had an baked oyster appetizer and Charlie had fresh halibut, while I had the skirt steak, which came with bone marrow (yummy). Then we went to Pottery Barn and bought a table clock as the one we've had since Charlie worked at Restoration Hardware, but the dust.

We have nowhere we have to go tomorrow, so it will be a nice relaxing day.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Rod, I'm glad my card made it! I always wonder when I'm holding the big blue mailbox mouth open and dumping dozens and dozens of cards in if they are actually going to get there... Your tree looks GREAT! Charlie does a fantastic job, but I can't imagine taking three days to do it. He's go the patience of a saint!

Curby, Love the Flying Ace ornament! And your tree is fabulous too! I get a little nervous just hearing you talk about all this technology you and Marty have going on. Just logging on to PS is about all I can handle most days!

The show is going well for my friend, but I will be SO SO SO glad when it's over!!! The exhaustion factor has set in in big big way and my feet are killing me! This time tomorrow it will all be a distant memory...

We got some snow this morning, and the parking lot is still icy. Fortunately the roads weren't bad at all. Tomorrow I'm taking an uber back and forth to the show because I don't feel like driving.


Dec 28, 2005
DeeJay, he does have remarkably amazing patience. He loves the tree so much. I tried once to help, but I wasn't capable of putting any ornament where he wanted, so now I just sit and keep him company and ooh and ahh the job he is doing.

Smart move taking an uber as opposed to sliding your car into something. Snow, huh? I should be jealous, but alas, I am not. Charlie is going to Buffalo to see his family next week. He misses snow, so I hope he gets lots of the white stuff.

I'm glad the show has been good for your friend. But it also sounds like it's a bit much for you?

Since I haven't gone back to the months I missed, how did the lake house turn out? I'm guessing it's all done now?


Feb 27, 2007
Dee Jay, your card will be displayed on the mantle. Marty will be on the floor when he sees it. :lol: I get teased a lot about being a T-Rex. Thanks!



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Thanks for the kind words about our tree. The Flying Ace ornament is one of our favorites.

Rod, thats good Charlie loves putting up the lights and ornaments. I have another tube full of ornaments I don’t put up; we used to have a 14 foot tree and so we have quite a few ornaments. Most of the ones we use now are the Hallmark Snoopy or Star Wars ornaments. As with yours; I am sure man of them have wonderful memories. Glad to hear dinner was delicious. Buffalo was getting a lot of snow today. The Bills game was quite snowy. You’ll like this story; Marty was getting ready to leave for the airport and couldn’t find the watch he’s been wearing. We are looking everywhere and he is getting cranky. I looked in the spot where he keeps his watched and my necklace box was in front of one of the watches so I pull it out and ask “is this it”. Luckily it was; from my height I could see the strap sticking out; he couldn’t. I was in trouble. Glad we found his watch though.

Dee Jay, glad the show is going well but waiting on people all day is demanding. They are usually on cement floors too which always makes my legs stiff and sore. I hope you rest up and your feet are back to normal today. Good idea to use a uber to get around on icy days. We had nice weather here today for December. Near 50 degrees and only a breeze instead of hurricane force winds.

I slept until 8:30 again. I wish that was starting a trend but tomorrow is back to the salt mines. Darn. We went out for breakfast, picked up my eye drops and drove around for a while. We got both of our new phones paired up with the car and truck. Marty left for the airport a while ago and I baked my first batch of Christmas cookies. I took a few more pictures of the house and the Christmas tree.

Have a fabulous evening!


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, we've been collecting ornaments for 38 years now. When we bought this house over a year ago now, we had to have shelves suspended from the ceiling in the garage, just to hold all the Xmas decorations we've amassed. Anywhere we travel to, we get an ornament and we have a lot of Christopher Radko ornaments we've collected. We also get an annual hand painted ornament, which comes in a really nice velvet lined box at of all places Pier One.

Today was such a nice day. Crisp cool air, but not windy, with pure blue skies. We went to Pottery Barn to use Charlie's discount on a new Xmas tree skirt. We really needed one and they have really beautiful ones, but they're so pricey, UNLESS you get 40% off! Then we got a cup of coffee and sat out in the square and watched people walk by. Pottery Barn is in a place called Hyde Park Village, which is literally less than one mile from our house. When we moved to Tampa, in 1995, it was the happening outdoor shopping place. Over the years, it was not maintained and went downhill. But a new owner came in and has spent $Millions renovating it, adding lots of high end shops and restaurants and is just such a beautiful and nice place to shop.

Dinner turned out perfect. And then I finally wrapped all my presents and they're under the tree.

Not thrilled about starting a new week. I probably won't make another placement till the new year, so I'm just kind of marking time until I leave for the holiday break. Have a great week.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

I have escaped my captors! Thank god the show ended yesterday!!! I'm happy to be back at work today so I can rest, LOL

Rod, the boathouse is done and it turned out great. Of course now I'm considering selling and buying something bigger to rehab in that same area. Yes, Dee is crazy. :cheeky: And I hear you on needing a discount at Pottery Barn. Every once in a while I see something there and I'm taken aback by the price.

Curby, glad the card made it! How did you get the ornaments on the top of the 14' tree? Was it super skinny? You'd have to lean over pretty far from the ladder once you got up that high... which would result, I'm sure, in a trip to the emergency room for me!

Today is my department's little party. We're leaving here around 3-ish. Some years we're there pretty late, but I'm still tired from the weekend so I hope it's not one of those nights! We're supposed to have a fire drill tomorrow morning but I've got training scheduled with someone at 9:15 that I've had a really hard time pinning down so we're just going to have to work through the drill.

I slept fabulously last night from about midnight to 5:30. I thought about getting up then after tossing and turning for a while, but then I feel back asleep until about 7:00. I'm already looking forward to getting into bed tonight, ha ha.
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