
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I probably cook too much food for company too. I don’t want anyone to go home hungry.

I agree the adjustable chain sounds more convenient than it is. The pendant I bought it for has a very small bail and the new chain won’t fit through it. It’s an open-heart pendant with little diamonds on it and I like it on a short chain if I wear a V neck sweater, but I like it on a longer chain when I wear it over a sweater. I guess I’ll just continue switching it between an 18” or 20” chain like I have been for years. Plus, they suckered us in for paying for extra gold we aren’t using.

I bet CB is happy to be finished with the plumbing at the boathouse.

I slept in about 20 minutes today. The luxury of having a day off.

I met a friend for lunch then got gas – Marty ran that baby right down to fumes yesterday. He wasn’t driving it for fuel economy. Go figure.

I am loving our new “smart” electronics. I can run everything with one remote. Marty sometimes forgets to put our old receiver back to TV after we use the Blu Ray or Apple TV and I am completely lost at how to get it back. Now I just have to make sure the satellite receiver is turned on and hit the power button and it turns on the TV and speakers automatically. Sweet.

I just had a talk with Marty about his training plans and how much he wants to spend chasing these plans. I feel way better now.

Marty did have his talk with his new boss today and he said he didn’t feel any better afterwards but the guy continues to say work is coming their way. I sure hope so.



Dec 28, 2005
Monday's over. Yay! I'll know tomorrow, but I think I made another placement. At least the candidate got an offer and he indicated he's accept it. He just wants to think about tonight to make sure. It requires he move here, but it should be good for him as his brother lives here and he really wants to move closer to his brother.

It's chilly tonight. After dinner, we got in the spa. By the time we got home Saturday night, it was too late. And last night it was raining lightly, but tonight it's just beautiful and chilly outside. Perfect spa weather.

DeeJay, I'm glad CB finished up the plumbing in the BH. That must be a relief. I had to chuckle about you arriving at a friends house and wondering where the 10 other people are for all the food they have. This is exactly my brother's mentality. I wish he wouldn't overfeed us. I feel miserable afterwards. And we certainly don't eat that way at home.

Marcy, we have a Logitech Harmony remote that controls everything, including all the apps we have with our smart tv. One button turns everything on. One button turns it all off. And the best part is Charlie can operate things. All these years, I've purchased unified remote after unified remote, but Charlie could never figure out how they worked. This one is perfect for him.

Don't read this if you don't want to hear me rant for two seconds about what's going in our country:

Donald Trump must be stopped.

There rant over.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I envy the fact you were able to sleep in yesterday because I thought it was a good idea to stay up until 2 am reading some crazy sci fi novel about a manned trip to Saturn. Yawn...

Rod, I agree with your rant in every way. This is insane.

So the new adventure in the boat house is that I'm going to have half of the ceiling lowered 5 inches... When they jacked up the floor the whole unit of course was raised. Well by virtue of pouring a new floor now the ceiling is obviously out of whack. It might not be as big a deal but there is a header that runs down the middle of the unit and you can obviously see a 5" difference in a 20' span. Honestly it is structurally fine but I can see it being a potential issue when I'm ready to sell -- I mean, if I walked into a space and saw that I would be very concerned about the ceiling being wonked up. Regardless of what the owner/agent said I would have reservations about the structure. Anyway, now is the time to fix this and it's only $1,250 for both labor and materials. Oy.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids! :wavey:

Rod, that is awesome you might have placed another candidate. I think moving there would be a bonus. I am tired of cold and snow. I hope he accepted the offer.

Did you catch the moon last night or tonight from the spa? Venus was nearby. It was cloudy here darn.

Sounds like Charlie and I do better with one button remotes. Marty usually runs the Blu Ray or Apple TV so I never pay attention what buttons I need to push. Now I don’t have too. I remember one time when he was on his way to Hong Kong he had about 14 emails with me trying to get instructions of how to operate and view our DVD player. I finally downloaded the manuals online to figure it all out.

Dee Jay, rats you have to lower the ceiling at the boat house but I agree it’s a good idea to fix it now and not worry about dealing with it further down the road.

I had a very busy day at work. I spent my morning catching up for missing yesterday then tried to get my work done this afternoon. I worked through lunch and still left 40 pages on my desk that I didn’t get through.

Our company continues to offer us surprises. Today we found out we are going back to our old company. We split off in to 2 companies 9 years ago and today they said we are going back to the other company. Who knows what that means for jobs, location and the future.

Marty made BBQ ribs in the crock pot for supper. They were so good. I have one rib left for supper tomorrow too. Sweet.

I bought some more of the John Frieda go blonde shampoo again. I was using it years ago when I was getting perms and quit because I worried how it would react with a perm. Now that I don’t get perms I thought I’d give it another try. This summer I swear I am going to dry my hair out in the sun on the weekends.

Have a great evening.
Curby / Marcy


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, I had a dermatology appointment this morning, but got an email while waiting too long to see the doctor that the candidate accepted the offer. This made me top biller on the office for the month of January.

I had to laugh about Marty traveling and trying to give you instructions on how to use the system. When we got our first unified remote, it was touch screen and to me, so easy to operate. But for Charlie it was torture. I was traveling a lot in those days and I'd call home at night and he'd tell me when I get home, I was going to find the entire system at the bottom of the pool. When we went on a cruise, I was in the bathroom and I heard the TV go on, then off, then on, then off several times. When I asked him what he was doing, he said these exact words. Look we need to get one of these.........and he turned the TV on, then off with the touch of one button. LOL

Wow, on the going back to the old company thing. I hope it works out well for you. Seems both you and Marty are in a bit of work uncertainty at the moment. I'm sure it will all turn out OK though.

DeeJay, I think it's smart to lower the ceiling height to match the rest of the ceiling. When you remodel, it's always something and the more you look, the more you find things you want to do. Meaning you're always going to spend more money than you budgeted.

Charlie stopped by the Mercedes body shop and they said if he dropped the car off tomorrow, they could paint the scrape he got a few weeks ago and have the car back on Friday. So we'll drop it there tomorrow morning and he's going to have to take me to work and pick me up from work until Friday. We just don't feel like renting a car for 3 days.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I also use the Go Blonder spray and it makes a huge (but subtle) difference. I only do it about once every few months, and whenever I do I always look in the mirror and think, why don't I do this more often, ha ha!

Rod, congrats for being the top biller in January! And it's great that they can get the painting done on your car in a few days. I agree about not renting a care. Can you get Charlie to wear a chauffer's cap and call you Sir? :cheeky:

Last night the CB made pad Thai for dinner. It had more calories that I at first thought but it turned out not to be TOO bad in relation to everything else I had eaten (or NOT eaten, more accurately) so it was OK. I brought some left over for lunch today too. Tonight I have a walk-through for a unit that I was truly skeptical would close. There's still time to flub up this deal, but hopefully we will all sit down at the closing table tomorrow and get it done.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, congratulations for being the top biller for the month of January. That is awesome.

Too funny that Charlie can relate to my remote-control skills and you can relate to Marty trying to teach us how to use them.

There is a lot of speculation running around work about the corporate move; time will tell what will happen. Not much I can do to stop it of change it. I think it will be a roller coaster ride for most of the year.

That isn’t too bad being without a car for 3 days. We don’t have car rental insurance on our auto policy but sometimes it would come in handy. You’ll have a personal chauffeur though which is always nice.

Dee Jay, I didn’t see the go blonder spray. The shampoo and conditioner has a distinct smell. I keep thinking it has some blonde streaks already but it’s probably wishful thinking. I used Summer Blonde a long time ago and always liked how it made my hair look.

LOL to Charlie getting a chauffeur cap. I like it.

Glad you had some leftover pad Thai for lunch.

I hope you client closes on his property tomorrow. Congratulations.

We had a little snow and lots of frost last night. The trees were very pretty today. We are expecting more snow tonight and freezing fog. Tomorrow morning should be slick. Phooey!

I had another busy day at work and only wanted to beat my head on my desk 3 times. I only uttered a curse word a few times.

I think I have all my tax documents; I should go figure our damages but it sounds like way too much work tonight.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy


Feb 27, 2007
I cranked on the fireplace tonight. It's very chilly outside.


Mar 26, 2006

Curby, here is the spray. You can also get it on the Ulta site and a bunch of others. I haven't seen it in stores for quite a while, but honestly I haven't looked.

The reviews can make this seem more complicated than it needs to be... I don't spray it directly on my hair, I just spray it on my hands (like three or four pumps), rub them together, and then run them through my hair after I towel dry it. I do this a few times to get different areas of my hair. Then I blow dry my hair. I think the heat may help in getting the stuff to work. I usually do it two or three days in a row. The first day you may not notice anything, but after a few days you will.

Be careful though and wash your hands after you do this. I have a mint green bath towel that I noticed today had a few white spots on it and I wonder if I didn't do a good job of washing my hands and I got some on the towel. I also do this whole process naked (TMI, I'm sure!) so I don't have to worry about getting it on my clothes.

This stuff miraculously blends my grey!

I honestly love it and I think it has saved me so far from trying to figure out if I need to do any "real" color to deal with my grey.


Dec 28, 2005
I got nothing on the hair spray stuff but am glad you girls like it.

Marcy, you turned on the fireplace. We turned A/C back on. Our cool down was certainly short lived.

Charlie's car will be ready tomorrow. It's been nice being taken to and picked up from work, but I enjoy driving in on my own and leaving on my own as well.

One of my placements may be in trouble. The guy failed to say he got a DUI until he had to fill out the background check form. We're placing him at a major wealth management firm. They won't hire anyone who has any convictions. He says the charge is not DUI and the policeman's testimony was rejected as false and the charges will be dropped. We explained that to the client, but we won't know for a few days if they'll let him start.

Yay to tomorrow being Friday.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that’s nice the spray works so well for you. Does it dry your hair out? I used green hair spray for St. Patty’s day one time and that took quite a while to wash out of my hair.

I started getting a rash under my bangs and so I didn’t use the blonde shampoo today. Hurry up warmer weather so I can dry my hair in the Sun.

Rod, LOL that you have nothing to add to our hair spray and blonder shampoo.

I like being driven to work sometimes but I always like knowing I have my own car. That’s nice they get car done so quickly.

That is too bad about that guy not telling you up front about his DUI. Hopefully he’s right about the charges being dropped and he gets the job. It’s hard to say though if that company will still want him anyway.

I am with you that it’s nice tomorrow is Friday.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy


Mar 26, 2006
Curby, posting this separately so it doesn't get lost in the longer post I'm going to also make.

Are you connected with Calliecake in the NIRDI thread? If not I can ask Missy for her email, but I am pretty sure sh'es in Chicago (although not downtown like I am, in one of the 'burbs I think). I actually just posted in another thread with the assumption she is here however I want to be sure or else what I said won't make as much sense, ha ha!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I sent Calliecake an email to see if I can pass her email on to you. Have you been having this cold, winter weather? The heavy frost is making things look gorgeous but it’s a wet cold so it is bone chilling cold here. I might crank on the fireplace again tonight.

Rod, I missed that you cranked on the AC; we are definitely living at different weather extremes; your warmth sounds way better.

I actually had my work done by mid-afternoon today; after such a busy week, I was kind of bored with nothing to do for 2 hours. I thought of asking if I could leave early and go take pictures but that is hardly an excuse to leave work early. The temperatures are going to warm up overnight but I am going to try and get out with my camera before 7 am.

Marty signed up for to take the class to get the National Society of Sports Medicine and get their certification. It is a 6-month session.

I have no idea what is going on this weekend. I plan on going to see if they got my sapphires back yet; they mysteriously didn’t call me again. I try to give them business every few years then they irritate me like this and I don’t go back for a few years again.

Have a fabulous weekend.
Curby / Marcy


Feb 27, 2007
Here is one of the snow / frost covered trees - ETA - it's so top heavy it fell on it's side. :lol:



Feb 27, 2007
Baby it's cold outside



Dec 28, 2005
Wow on the frost Marcy. Remember to take phone pics horizontally, not vertically. That's why it posted sideways.

I got to leave work early this afternoon, so Charlie could pick me up and we went to get his car. The body shop is owned by Mercedes Benz, so they do great work and they certainly didn't disappoint. You simply can't tell the paint was scraped off the side the rear quarter.

Our friends weren't able to meet us for Sushi as she wasn't feeling well. So Charlie and I went to the sushi restaurant within walking distance of our house, which is owned by her son and has food just a great as the mom's restaurant we usually go to every Friday night.

Tomorrow, our next door neighbor is hosting his own 45th birthday party at some brew pub/restaurant in a cool urban area where there are lot's of cool restaurants. We're going for a drink, but will probably leave and go to a Ramen Noodle place we've read about nearby.

We just got out of the Spa a bit ago. It's a cool (not cold) evening, and there are no clouds in the sky. The moon and stars were beautiful to see while we soaked a bit.

We heard from the concierge at our old condo today. The maintenance fees were just raised by 30% and they put a $7,000/home special assessment in place for the ongoing lawsuit against the builder for the defects in the pool and amenity level. It really made us happy to be gone. The extra fee with the raised monthly fees puts just that part higher in cost than our current mortgage.

Have a great weekend!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, thank you for asking Callie about connecting! BTW, I started typing out this post right after I did the last (short) and and only now realized I never moved if off of the word document when I did it and onto here. D'oh!

Rod, I was also in a sushi mood tonight but not to the level that I was willing to go back out in the 15 degree weather to actually get it, ha ha. Instead the CB boiled some salmon and made green beans and quinoa. It was good!

Today I took my client out and then I stopped at Crate and Barrel, World Market and the Container Store. The tables I went to see at C&B were just piss poor quality, so those are off the list. There were some dishes I really liked at World Market but I'm not buying one single additional thing for the boathouse until it's in a condition I can actually start taking stuff there. And I got a few things at the Container Store that I didn't even go in there looking for (really, I didn't go in looking for ANYTHING!) but when I saw them I was like, oh yeah, I have been thinking of getting these so I just picked them up.

Tomorrow we're heading over to the boathouse. Not sure what Sunday will bring...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, I always forget I can’t take vertical photos on the iPhone. I can always rotate them later too.

I am glad to hear they did a great job on Charlie’s car.

Have a nice time tomorrow going out to meet your neighbor for his birthday then enjoying a good dinner.

We noticed the stars were very bright tonight but we only saw them briefly. It’s warmer but really windy.

Good deal you don’t have to pay those extra fees at your old condo.

Dee Jay, I emailed you the info for Calliecake. Let me know if you don’t get it and I’ll try another one of my email addresses (or just text you.).

15 degrees sounds very cold. I am glad we are warming up for a few days here.

Sounds like you found some things you liked on your shopping trip.

Have fun at the boathouse.

I was out the door this morning before 7. I did rudely wake Marty up first though, I walked in to the kitchen to leave him a note I went to take pictures and I get halfway in to the room and I’m thinking I didn’t shut the alarm off why isn’t it going off – then it went off. Marty was awake then. Sadly all the frost and snow was gone since it got above freezing overnight. Rats.

We picked up my yellow sapphires where they again swear they called me and left a message. I asked to see pear diamonds; they brought out one .74 G VS pear. That sucker was $7200. But they said it’s on sale for 50% off. I won’t be going back there again anytime soon. I dropped off my sapphires downtown and will be interested to hear what estimate he gives me to make them.

We went out for lunch and then Marty drove around looking at empty buildings. He gets irritated following “slow” cars so really punched it one time when he got around some cars and sure enough got pulled over. Luckily he got a verbal warning. The policeman started with “this goes really fast”. We’ll see how long he remembers that close call.

We watched “Inferno” today. It was a good movie. I also watched the new Jack Reacher movie.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, I had to laugh at you saying "rats" about being above freezing and everything melting. Most people would be GLAD to be above freezing, ha ha! Just sent you an email BTW since your message to me didn't come through. I think the killer rabbits are responsible!

Yesterday we went over to the boathouse and the CB finished the plumbing infrastructure. Someday (someday... ) I will have a kitchen and a bathroom again! Today we're laying low. I've got some laundry and cleaning up to do, and a friend is coming over for dinner. I told the CB I want stuffed pork chops! :twirl: Beyond that though I'll pretty much be right here on the couch!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids! Happy Super Bowl Day!

Dee Jay, I would usually be someone who is very happy to see the temperatures get above freezing but I sure wanted those frosty trees to hang out for just a few more hours. Of course, it’s not like I won’t see them again.

You are spot on that if anything goes wrong or acts weird around here the Killer Rabbits are responsible. Those rotten little things torment me all the time.

I am glad you are having a relaxing day. So far I’ve been very busy today.

Stuffed pork chops sound great.

It’s 3 pm and I am worn out. I went grocery shopping before breakfast then made some homemade noodle soup for lunch. Marty even ate some of the homemade noodles and not just the veggies and broth. I am on the 2nd batch of dishes in the dishwasher and on my 5th load of laundry. Marty had so many work clothes (which are shorts and t-shirts) in the wash this week I swear he’s been stashing them somewhere.

We were invited to an afternoon board game party followed by a super bowl party but I had a vision problem – I didn’t see me enjoying that so I said we couldn’t come. Since I didn’t do any of my chores yesterday I had to stay home and work on those today.

We watched some of the Dirty Harry movies today. I told Marty they should do a “Son of Dirty Harry” movie with Scott Eastwood.

I got our taxes done and filed this afternoon. It was easy this year so I did them myself online. Woo hoo!

The Audi Bear and a stuffed rat are calling me names right now. The abuse I put up with. When I woke up with morning one of the stuffed rats was on Marty’s pillow staring at me.

Have a fabulous day!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.........We had a nice time at our next door neighbor's B-day celebration. He chose a just OK beer place, with a limited menu. So we had a beer and hung out a couple hours and met some of his friends for the first time. We sat outside and it was simply beautiful weather. After couple hours we went to a downtown restaurant where they have the simply best Ramen Noodle soups ever. I had mine with crispy pork belly, Kimchi, shrimp, mushrooms, hard boiled egg and fish cake. Charlie had the seafood Ramen with lobster broth and loads of different seafoods, with Kimchi as well. We sat outside, just across from the Tampa Museum of Art, which is on the downtown waterfront and they have fountains that change colors and the palm trees all lit up with rainbow colors. It was such a nice evening.

We slept till 10 AM. TEN AM! I haven't done that in the longest time. The young guy next to our neighbor asked if he found live crabs, would I come over and cook them for him, his girlfriend and her mother who are down visiting from Maryland, so I couldn't pass up that opportunity. We had a great time over there and I cooked the crabs perfectly, then the game started, we cleaned up and came home. All I really wanted to see was my Lady GaGa at halftime, and she was simply fantastic.

Marcy, I'm glad it's warming a little. If those stuffed animals are moving on their own, time to get rid of them, I say.

DeeJay, yum to stuffed pork chops. I hope they were great.

Boo for tomorrow being Monday!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I used to have the BIGGEST crust on Clint Eastwood... until I got wind of his politics. Oh well, 40 years of love right down the drain! His son though is a HOTTIE!

Rod, LOL on sleeping until 10! I can't think of the last time I did that. I used to be a big late sleeper, but then the dogs came along, and then after I got divorced I started dating guys who were early risers, and now... nope!

Yesterday my friend came over for dinner. The pork chops were good but HUGE! The CB got two stuffed ones (all they had) and four more unstuffed. The unstuffed ones were absolutely enormous. We sent one home with my friend, I've go the other half of my stuffed one here for lunch, and we've still got one full one and most of another in the fridge for tonight.

Today *should* be the end of my annual compliance training! I have four people left and if none of them reschedule this will be DONE for the year -- yay!!!

I did a revised budget for the boathouse yesterday afternoon. Ugh. How is it possible to spend so much money?!? Oh well, you only live once, right?


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids! :wavey:

Rod, I am glad you had a nice time at your neighbor’s birthday party. Setting outside sounds so nice. The view from the Ramen Noodle restaurant must be awesome. Very cool!

That’s neat one of your neighbors asked you to come over and cook crabs for them. That must have been a fun afternoon.

Good deal you slept in until 10.

I agree, Lady Gaga was marvelous in the halftime show. I thought the game was really good.

Too funny about getting rid of the stuffed animals if they move on their own. Marty swears the rabbits can fly.

Dee Jay, Scott Eastwood is a hottie. He does really resemble his dad. I had crushes was on Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott.

I have slept in more the last few years than I ever did before. Two reasons - I finally have our bedroom so dark it is always pitch dark in there and I simply don’t want to get up.

Those pork chops sound like pork roasts. It’s nice to get several meals out of something.

That’s great you are finished with your annual compliance training. I hope those last 4 didn’t reschedule on you.

Rats that your boathouse budget exceeded expectations but that is usually what happens to us as well. You only live once so you may as well enjoy it.

I am super tired today and think I might be catching the bug that has been going around work. I’ve been sneezing and coughing at the same time; my tongue feels swollen, my throat is sore and I am very achy all over. I didn’t think I was too bad until my boss said “you look awful. are you feeling well?” I actually looked around trying to see who he was talking to; but it was me. When I saw my eyes later though I can see what he meant. I look like my allergies are really bugging me. Maybe I’ll sleep in tomorrow. Ha! Or go to bed at a decent time. Like that’ll happen.

Work was okay; just busy. The recent changes at work seems to have really motivated my employees. I’ll see how long that lasts.

Have a great evening.
Curby / Marcy


Mar 26, 2006
Happy rainy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I hope you're feeling OK! If not, go find the person that annoys you the most and cough at them, ha ha! (I kid, I kid!!!) I have ONE person left for annual compliance training. Three of the four made it yesterday, so I'm allllllmost there!

Last night the CB and I had leftovers and I made a small (very small...) dent in the ever-growing pile of unread magazines. I subscribe to Coastal Living (although I'm ditching that when the subscription is up), my dad gets me Vanity Fair (although I just realized last night I haven't seen one of those in a few months so maybe he dropped my subscription after the anti-Chump articles), and I get Architectural Digest, but I'm not sure how or why because I don't have a subscription. Add those to the two free Chicago design magazines I pick up every month, and then subtract the fact that I don't fly as much any more, and it becomes a PILE!

Today I got up 45 minutes early... but somehow still got to work after 9 o'clock... ? I did walk most of the way with one of my neighbors who is also a board member so we b!tched about the building for about a mile.

It's foggy and rainy and miserable out there. Think I'll stay inside! :cheeky:


Mar 26, 2006
Dee*Jay|1486483313|4125365 said:
Happy rainy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I hope you're feeling OK! If not, go find the person that annoys you the most and cough at them, ha ha! (I kid, I kid!!!) I have ONE person left for annual compliance training. Three of the four made it yesterday, so I'm allllllmost there!

Last night the CB and I had leftovers and I made a small (very small...) dent in the ever-growing pile of unread magazines. I subscribe to Coastal Living (although I'm ditching that when the subscription is up), my dad gets me Vanity Fair (although I just realized last night I haven't seen one of those in a few months so maybe he dropped my subscription after the anti-Chump articles), and I get Architectural Digest, but I'm not sure how or why because I don't have a subscription. Add those to the two free Chicago design magazines I pick up every month, and then subtract the fact that I don't fly as much any more, and it becomes a PILE!

Today I got up 45 minutes early... but somehow still got to work after 9 o'clock... ? I did walk most of the way with one of my neighbors who is also a board member so we b!tched about the building for about a mile.

It's foggy and rainy and miserable out there. Think I'll stay inside! :cheeky:

DONE baby DONE!!!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay. Woo hoo you are done with compliance training. Sounds like you need a drink to celebrate!

I like your idea to go hang out with someone who annoys me and start coughing. Great minds think of such obnoxious things to do. I actually do feel a little better today; not great but definitely better.

I finally quit subscribing to magazines because they do pile up. When we used to go to Denver a lot I’d take the most recent stack and look through them on the road. It helped keep me from being stressed at lead foot Marty and helped me ignore his constant ranting at slow amateur drivers. My mom’s Family Circle and Women’s Day just recently ran out; she must have paid for years or they were charging some credit card that no longer existed.

I hope the Sun came out there today.

I had another busy day at work and ended up working a little late. You know those emergency situations that arise 5 minutes before you walk out the door. It was an easy fix though. Marty wanted me to stop and pick up some cottage cheese on the way home so I got home about an hour late.

Marty might be going snow shoeing with his sister on Saturday so I am debating going to look at pear diamonds that day. However, I think jewelry shopping the Saturday before Valentine’s Day is probably a dumb idea though.

I think I’ll make an attempt to go to bed early again today. I did make it to be about 35 minutes early last night.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I tried snow shoeing... once... I thought it would be a fun thing to do since I can't ski any more after my ACL went Bye Bye. Well it was great In Theory, but the snow shoes that the rental place had were all the same size so 5' tall me was using the same shoes as the 6'4' strapping Norwegians, and while they could maneuver in them just fine they were so WIDE on me that I had to use kind of goofy motions to walk. I was so sore the next day I might as well have gone skiing!

Last night the CB made stir fry with shrimp, scallops and veggies. I plowed through two more magazines and then went to bed... at 8:30... Of course then I was WIDE AWAKE before the sun even thought of coming up. I really have to stop that!

Today we've got a big meeting going on. I resisted all the bad breakfast stuff and just had some smoked salmon with capers and a little bit of cream cheese. Lunch however may be a different matter... !


Apr 19, 2004

DeeJay--there is something I'd love to chat with you about/need you have my email? Only if you want to....of course :))



Mar 26, 2006
Sharon, I don't have your email but there are several people who have mine and you are welcome to get from them! Missy, Calliecake and Marcy are probably the most likely connections if you've been in touch with anyone from the NIRDI thread. If you don't have addys for any of those let me know and I will see who else may be able to connect us!

I am certainly hoping you're trying to reach me so for adoption purposes so I can move to Canada! :lol:


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.......DeeJay, I'm glad you're finished with compliance training. I've never tried snow shoeing. My philosophy on snow is it should be looked at, preferably in pictures, but never touched.

Marcy, we stopped getting magazines long ago. I use the Zinio App on my iPad and download mags I want to read. I figure I'm doing my part to save the rain forest.

Hey Sharon, I hope you're well. And Ahem, if adoption is an option, you have to make room for me and Charlie. Things in the US aren't going too well lately. Just last night Charlie blurted out he wants to move to Vancouver!

Today was our next door neighbor's actual Birthday. We found out he didn't have any plans, so we took him up the street to a really cool Mexican Tapas place for dinner. It was nice and we sat outside since it's a really nice evening tonight. A cool (not actually cold) front is supposed to come through tomorrow and brrrr, Friday's high is supposed to 70.

That's all the news from this side of the universe.
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