
Healthier Lifestyle Thread June 2nd till June 8th

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Jan 13, 2006
*waving to Rod and Linda*


Dec 28, 2005

Today was just stressful to say the least. The morning was normal. Coffee and a fresh bowl of fruit on the terrace. But the afternoon was 3 hours of one of the toughest interviews I've ever been on. Not that the interview part was hard. The manager didn't really ask me many questions and I wound doing most of the talking. But they had indicated that in addition to the two online tests I had already completed, I would be taking a written basic math and grammar test. Let me tell you, they were not what they said they would be. The first test was an intelligence test and I was given 20 minutes to answer as many questions as I could. And the questions were just odd. For example, out of nowhere and with no explanation one question was the following: A large covered vehicle often used to move furniture: T S R A V. Each was in a separate box and I guess since a vehicle of this sort is a Moving Van, I checked V as that was the only letter that seemed to match? Then I had to take a test that became progressively harder as you go on and it consisted of six pictograms only the last one was missing and you had to choose the correct missing pictogram from 6 different possibilities. At first they were kind of easy, but by the end, I had absolutely no clue which was the right one. Finally, I had to take 5 additional tests in logic, which was just awful. I've been in this business for nearly 25 years now and have never experienced anything like this. I imagine I tested well, but I'm just not sure about the company at this point. The entire experience has left a not so sweet taste in my mouth to be honest. If anything, I just got a big stress headache. The tentative offer from yesterday is definitely looking brighter to me.

Agggggghhhhhhhhhh! I just want to win the lottery and retire permanently!! LOL

We had salad for dinner then went out for FroYo and coffee. No workout for me today as the interview lasted all afternoon. But, I'll be in the gym tomorrow and boy do I need it.

Sorry it's cold again out your way Marcy. LOL about how passports and a new cell phone cost sale earrings at the mall! Nothing like a little perspective, eh??

It was so sweet of your students to throw you a party Kimberly! It won't be long before you're being selected as the teacher of the year in San Diego for sure!! I'm glad you and John got to enjoy a nice long walk. I hope you enjoyed your day off and Yumm to chicken pot pie!

90 minutes of Soccer should have more than helped burn those McD's calories thing!!

So sorry for the completely pants weather Lorelei. We could sure use some rain about now. Our rainy season won't kick in for about another week, but once it does, we'll get a nice thunderstorm just about every day at just about the exact same time too.

Delster, that pudding sounds so yummy!

Congratulations on the house approval LP!! I'll have to check out the thread with pics for sure! Grilled cheese sandwiches are not that bad for you btw. Worcesteshire sauce though???? Really??????

Waving right back at you Ellen!!

OK, enough about my whacked out day. I'm going to sit on the sofa with Charlie and Sakai and watch dribble on TV.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!
I hope you had a great day.
Lorelei, we must be in the same weather patterns. It’s the same pants weather here.
Delster, the pudding sounds divine.
Ladypirate. Your grilled cheese sounds great. Yay for getting approved for your house. It looks wonderful. I am always contemplating my next purchase of jewelry so I decided I’d start telling Marty how much of my next wish list item he just spent. Of course, the watch he wants can hold it’s own for damaging out budget. That’s what I get for taking him to all those jewelry stores with me.
Kimi, it sounds like you enjoyed your first day away from school.
Hi Ellen!
Rod, I hate those kind of tests. Marty is great at them but I don’t do so well. How frustrating for you. I was sure giving Marty a hard time he just spent the money I made selling some of my old jewelry. I hope you had a nice relaxing evening; you certainly deserve it after your grueling “interview”.
Have a wonderful evening.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all! Just got back from a short walk! Nothing to exciting here; we had spinach lasagna for dinner and then walked over the the neighbors house to look at all his roses he planted. He told me I could take a cutting but I have no clue how to start a rose bush from a cutting. Anyone know??

Thank you for the kind words over in SMTR on my new studs, you all are so kind!! Well I think I will have a pudding snack for dessert, yum! hehe

Rod, gosh, I feel for you. I freak when I hear there is going to be a test; I have had to take accounting tests for work and it totally makes sense but it is a pain, escpecially the one you took which doesn't make sense! Sometimes they take that frufru new age recruiting too far! Hang in there; sending tons of ps dust your way and everything on me is crossed for you! Enjoy the hot tub!

Hey Thing2of2, glad you did killer dance class and abs, welcome! Glad you are here!!!!

Lorelei, move out here it does not rain often, I would love your company out here!!!

Delster, thank you! I think we beat ourselves up too much and I think it is hard to move on when we do that! I am by no means perfect but I think it is a good reminder, thanks! hehe Good to see you!

Ladypirate, I love grilled cheese, I am sure it wasn't that bad, especially if you just had one! hehe Love the house, I need to post over there but I did see it, love it!!

Kimberly, yay for the elliptical!!! We have Pollo Loco, what do you get there? I haven't tried it yet.

Hey Ellen!

Marcy, how is the weather out there? All your planting sounds great!!

I hope I didn't miss anyone, have a great evening all

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi everyone

Rod, I am sooooo sorry you had to go through this. Please excuse my un-lady like language, but don''t you feel like we are too old to go through this testing crapola?????? I don''t know what I would do if I would have to do that.

A couple of years ago, I applied for a part-time job and they wanted me to do this mechanics test thing. Put this wheel thing together. I asked them what in the world for, I am never going to be a mechanic. They told me to just do it. Mind you, I have always been an Executive Secretary for Mercedes-Benz. I gave up, I could not do it, so as unethical as it was, I left.

Some things they want you to do are beyond me. I do hope you get the other job, if that is what you want.
How is Charlie doing on the hob hunt?

OMG!! We just had an EARTHQUAKE HERE!!!! ACK!!! MY CHAIR WAS ROCKING AND ROLLING, Mazie is barking. It was a jolt then our house started shaking.

Be back later, I am going to listen to the news.



Nov 24, 2006
eeeek, an earthquake, are you okay. I hope so Linda!!!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi Skippy,

Yes, sweetie pie, we are OK. It was a surprise. We haven''t had one in our area in a long time, usually we don''t feel them here. We just rocked and rolled for a bit, it made me dizzy. We felt and heard a loud jolt, not sure what it was, then the rocking and shaking came. Our pool water was sloshing around a bit, but not bad. Usually the bay area feels them more then we do, depending on where they are coming from.

Mazie was running around the house telling the earthquake off HA!


Feb 27, 2007
For supper we have some beef flavored rice and the leftover steak from my suppers this weekend. I picked up some 100 calorie cherry streusel in the freezer section so we had that with a bit of slow churned ice cream for dessert. I don’t think I’d like the cherry dessert alone because it was so tart but the ice cream blended well with it.
Skippy, your neighbor’s roses sound lovely. I don’t know how to start roses from a cutting. My plants are doing pretty good for just starting. Of course I’ll need some heat and sun to really get them going.
Linda, sorry to hear about the earthquake. I hope you and everything is okay. How scary.


Feb 27, 2007
Date: 6/3/2008 11:06:38 PM
Author: Linda W
Hi Skippy,

Yes, sweetie pie, we are OK. It was a surprise. We haven''t had one in our area in a long time, usually we don''t feel them here. We just rocked and rolled for a bit, it made me dizzy. We felt and heard a loud jolt, not sure what it was, then the rocking and shaking came. Our pool water was sloshing around a bit, but not bad. Usually the bay area feels them more then we do, depending on where they are coming from.

Mazie was running around the house telling the earthquake off HA!
Glad everything is okay. Poor Mazie.


Nov 24, 2006
Marcy, you are making me hungry. hehe YUM!!!

Linda, thank goodness, I am glad you are safe. Maizie is so cute! hehe


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/3/2008 10:33:27 PM
Author: Linda W
Hi everyone

Rod, I am sooooo sorry you had to go through this. Please excuse my un-lady like language, but don''t you feel like we are too old to go through this testing crapola?????? I don''t know what I would do if I would have to do that.

A couple of years ago, I applied for a part-time job and they wanted me to do this mechanics test thing. Put this wheel thing together. I asked them what in the world for, I am never going to be a mechanic. They told me to just do it. Mind you, I have always been an Executive Secretary for Mercedes-Benz. I gave up, I could not do it, so as unethical as it was, I left.

Some things they want you to do are beyond me. I do hope you get the other job, if that is what you want.
How is Charlie doing on the hob hunt?

OMG!! We just had an EARTHQUAKE HERE!!!! ACK!!! MY CHAIR WAS ROCKING AND ROLLING, Mazie is barking. It was a jolt then our house started shaking.

Be back later, I am going to listen to the news.

Oh my Linda........I hope there wasn''t any damage?? I''m not sure if I could handle the earth moving under my feet. That would scare me.

I don''t blame you for walking on the build a wheel thingy. You don''t know how tempted I was to just walk into the director''s office and tell him it was all utter bull-crap, but I need a job and just couldn''t bring myself to do it. I''m just not going to fret over it, until I actually have an offer to fret over. Maybe I bombed the tests and they won''t make me an offer. That would make my decision so much simpler.


Dec 28, 2005
Rod, gosh, I feel for you. I freak when I hear there is going to be a test; I have had to take accounting tests for work and it totally makes sense but it is a pain, escpecially the one you took which doesn''t make sense! Sometimes they take that frufru new age recruiting too far! Hang in there; sending tons of ps dust your way and everything on me is crossed for you! Enjoy the hot tub!
Oh Thank You Dear Skippy!!

We didn''t do the hot tub, but we did have a nice relazing evening at home watching dribble on TV.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
My SIL just called she said it was a 3.9 centered out of Vallejo, which is 20 minutes from us. So it wasn''t a real bad one. Thank you Miss Marcy, we are fine.


Feb 27, 2007
Skippy, I am hungry too. I just ate a few almonds.
Rod, I am sending much good luck dust your way that you have many great offers to fret over.
Linda, I am so glad you are okay. A 3.9 doesn''t sound bad but still scary anyway.


Aug 23, 2005
Hey guys!

Just popping in for a quick fly-by.

Rod, that interview/testing sounds beyond grueling! I don''t blame you for feeling less than thrilled about the experience. Oodles of good wishes in your decision-making and for finding the job that''s perfect for you.

Linda, glad to hear that you''re a-ok after the earthquake. Yikes! Sounds a little unsettling, to say the least.

Hi, Marcy, Skippy, SS, Patiently Waiting, appletini, ladypirate, dragonfly, Steph, Kimberly, thing and anyone I''ve missed in my addled state.
I''ve come down with some kind of bug, so I''m not quite up to par. No running yesterday or today, but hoping I feel better tomorrow.



Feb 27, 2007
Kathy, I hope you feel better tomorrow.


Dec 28, 2005
Too Much Stress. I''m telling you..........TMS

The first company made their offer official this morning. The company who put me through the grueling tests called and said I passed with flying colors and is now checking my references with the intention of making me an offer. And even though this company will offer the highest base salary, I''m still not sure they''re the right environment for me. The company I mentioned I had attended the birthday party over the weekend is seriously interested and I will be going in to meet with them this week to see if we could work this out. To be honest, I think I''d most likely go with this company. I know these people. I like these people and I''d be comfortable working with these people. At least I have options for the first time in a looooooong time. I guess I should be pleased I have anyone interested in me at all. So why do I feel so utterly completely confused, lost and scared?

Tomorrow, Charlie''s going up north to spend a long weekend with his family. I''m not looking forward to having to make such an important decision careerwise all by myself. The following weekend, I''m going north to spend Father''s Day with my family. I''m guessing I will have made the decision to land somewhere by that time.

We''ll be having lunch soon, then heading out for coffee. It''s getting to be a bit too hot to sit out under the oak during the day. At least we can sit inside and look at the oak. Then it''s off to the gym for a looooooooong workout. I''m going to be beat up some equipment with a vengence for sure!!

Kathleen, I''m sorry you''re not feeling well. Feel better soon, OK?

Linda, I guess 3.9 isn''t too bad, but still scary. When your house shakes to you get any minor damage, like drywall cracks or anything? I sure hope not.

I''ll check in again later. Have a less stressful day than I''m having.



Apr 30, 2005
Rod - congrats my friend!!!!!!!!!!! Follow your gut, it will all work out the way it is supposed to!


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks so much Lorelei........I wish I trusted my gut. Lately, it hasn''t been too trustworthy - LOL


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 6/4/2008 11:22:40 AM
Author: Rod
Thanks so much Lorelei........I wish I trusted my gut. Lately, it hasn''t been too trustworthy - LOL
Oh Rod, I wish I could give you a hug! I think how you are feeling is natural, but things are moving for you!!!!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Rod: Things are really moving fast for you aren''t they? All these opportunities are flying your way. I know you will make the right decision.

Yes, we do get dry wall cracks, but we haven''t checked to see if we have any from last night. The earthquake wasn''t far from us. We haven''t haven''t felt one here in a very long time. At least with hurricanes and tornadoes there is a warning. With earthquakes.... none, they are just there.
. Our house rocked last night for about 10-15 seconds, nothing fell though. It was only a 3.9, so it was pretty mild.

Enjoy your workout and please let us know what you decide.

Hi everyone



Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/4/2008 11:26:08 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 6/4/2008 11:22:40 AM
Author: Rod
Thanks so much Lorelei........I wish I trusted my gut. Lately, it hasn''t been too trustworthy - LOL
Oh Rod, I wish I could give you a hug! I think how you are feeling is natural, but things are moving for you!!!!
Cyber hug received and greatly appreciated my friend!


Dec 28, 2005
And thanks Linda. I hope I make the right choice too! I hope you don''t discover any cracks or anything that needs to be fixed. You''re right, at least with our awul hurricanes, we get notice and can become prepared. I''m not sure I could handle having the ground move. I thought San Diego was far away from fault lines and wasn''t prone to earthquakes?

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006

We live in Northern California. We are one hour out of San Francisco. So the bay area feels the earthquakes more then we do. There is a fault line 15 minutes from us that isn''t active, but it sure was last night HA!!. I hope it goes back to sleep.


Dec 28, 2005
I don''t know why I thought you lived in San Diego?? Yes, I hope it goes back to sleep and never wakes up again.


Nov 24, 2006
Rod, wishing you the best, I am so happy for you dear!! What does Charlie think; sometimes our SO see something or think something we haven't thought of because are minds are full of thoughts. I would go with the place that has the best vibe, work enviroment and stability, but you will know which one is best for you.
Maybe go for a nice walk or workout to do thinking and release stress. hehe

Linda, I am glad you are safe!

Lorelei, hi there!

Kathleenmv, oh gosh, I am sorry, I hope you feel better soon sweetie!

Hi Marcy! Our neighbor was so sweet, he wanted to give me his rose bush. haha Silly guy, the rose bush is big and then is when he was talking clipping. hehe

Well, I have lots to do today so I need to log off soon. I probably will get another walk in this evening. It is suppose to be 90 degrees today; it is hot out here, no humidity though! Have a great day everyone!!! Have a wonderful workout too


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys. Just getting back from the doctor. It was sooo very exciting to hear from the doctor that I was at a healthy weight. Just to hear that from a professional means quite a bit considering for the last couple of years, all I heard was that I needed to lose weight. And I just thought, you know what...she is right. I am at a healthy weight. I need to stop being focused so much on numbers and just focus on continuing to live a healthy lifestyle and it all works out. Hope everyone is having a great day.

Lorelei, sorry your weather is pants.

Hi, Ellen and Delster.

Rod, First congrats on the offer! I am sorry you are feeling so stressed and conflicted about which direction you will go in. Like you said, at least you have options. I always say sleep on it and go with your gut feeling about the people and what you will be doing. Pay doesn''t mean all that much if you don''t like going to work everyday. Anyway, here are hugs going out to you and I wish you luck in your decision making.

Marcy, I''m going to have to look for your cherry dessert....I LOVE anything cherry and a 100 cal dessert would be perfect!

Kimmi, yea for all of your workouts. Glad things are slowing down a bit for you. That was sweet of your class to throw you a party, I''m sure they love you!

Kathleen, you have the right attitude about being kind to yourself when you overindulge and just get back on track. It took a long time for me to get out of the all or nothing attitude.

Patiently, Good job on your workouts and feeling really motivated...keep it up!

SS, Good luck with your reunion and good for you for having more confidence!

Appletini, good luck with training the volunteers and good job on your "wogging" (I like that term, I do a lot of walk/jogging)

Ladypirate, I saw your house in another thread and it is lovely!

Dragonfly, good for you for enjoying your indulgences and then getting back on track...that is the key, to enjoy then get back to the healthy eating.

Thing2, soccer is a great workout. My son plays and some of the moms were trying to get me to join a women''s team, I think it would be lots of fun.

Skippy, I still need to find a recipe for spinach lasagna since I can''t find your kind at Costco. Sorry, can''t help you on the rose planting...I am so bad at gardening, but after our kitchen is finished, the landscaping is next, so I will hopefully be learning some things.

Linda, glad you are okay with the earthquake. How scary!


Dec 28, 2005
Back from coffee inside, looking at the oak. Man is it ever hot down here. Summer has totally hit. From now through mid-October, it will be in the mid 90''s virtually every day. No one says they really love the summer heat and humidity. It''s just the price we pay to enjoy the sublime weather from November through May - LOL.

Thanks Skippy. Charlie doesn''t want to influence me too much. He just thinks I should go where I think I will wake up in the morning looking forward to the day. I wish I knew where that would be.........

Congrats on being told that you are a healthy weight Steph!! It is indeed a nice thing to hear. And thank you too. You''re right money isn''t everything, though it is important when you consider Rod LOVES the finer things in life. Like diamonds and BMWs etc - LOL But, one should be happy at work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and more money doesn''t necessarily mean more happiness. So, I''ll just continue to think and think until I''ve figured this out.

Am heading to the gym shortly. Boy are there ever some machines that may be sorry to see me today. I so need to get rid of this pent up stress and push it out through my workout!

CYA all later........


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 6/4/2008 2:25:35 PM
Author: Rod
Back from coffee inside, looking at the oak. Man is it ever hot down here. Summer has totally hit. From now through mid-October, it will be in the mid 90''s virtually every day. No one says they really love the summer heat and humidity. It''s just the price we pay to enjoy the sublime weather from November through May - LOL.

Thanks Skippy. Charlie doesn''t want to influence me too much. He just thinks I should go where I think I will wake up in the morning looking forward to the day. I wish I knew where that would be.........

Congrats on being told that you are a healthy weight Steph!! It is indeed a nice thing to hear. And thank you too. You''re right money isn''t everything, though it is important when you consider Rod LOVES the finer things in life. Like diamonds and BMWs etc - LOL But, one should be happy at work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and more money doesn''t necessarily mean more happiness. So, I''ll just continue to think and think until I''ve figured this out.

Am heading to the gym shortly. Boy are there ever some machines that may be sorry to see me today. I so need to get rid of this pent up stress and push it out through my workout!

CYA all later........

Yeah, I think a lot of us on this site have that issue with liking the finer things in life....hopefully you can find a good mix of salary and a great environment. Hope your workout was great.


Dec 28, 2005
Slow day on the HLT..........

I got to the gym just a little after 3 PM and was so looking forward to a hard workout. I did everything, and then some and didn't get off the elliptical till nearly 6 PM. I didn't think or worry about anything except what I was doing at the gym. And I had a really good time. Like I've said before. The gym is my place to escape this whacky world. I get into working out and everything else just vanishes! When I got home, Charlie had baked some chicken thighs and we had steamed carrots, brocolli and sweet potato. Yummmmm. Then we headed out and had a cup of coffee, but it was still too hot to sit outside, so we enjoyed it indoors. The Florida summer sky is beautiful tonight. I love how the puffy clouds take on the hues of sunset. We get to see such beuatiful sunsets during the summer months.

Other than having to get up and have Charlie at the airport at 6 AM (yuck), I have no real plans for tomorrow, other than working out in the afternoon as usual.

I guess that's about it for me. I hope you had a good day everyone.
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