
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 28th July Till 3rd August

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

I was thinking recently that this way of living does take quite a commitment! It gets easier and more routine with time and practise, but it does require diligence, patience and work. The end results are well worth the effort as they help us to look better, feel better and be healthier, and positively influence our lives in so many ways, like I said last week - perfection isn''t what will help us reach our goals, commitment, persistance and patience will!

Having said all that, it can be easy to get perhaps a little obsessed with losing weight rapidly, or seeing results, which is totally understandable. But it is also so important to remember this....weight is only part of who you are. We are more than numbers on a scale or inches on a tape measure! Aim to work towards health and fitness and treating your body well, then the results you want will follow - but enjoy the process and all the other good things your life has to offer! It has taken me some time to reach this stage, I will never have a '' perfect'' body, I am not built to have the sleek hourglass curves I want, but rather than having to lose a ton of weight by yesterday, I now value my health much more, and work just as hard to maintain and improve that, as I do with trying to keep the extra pounds off.

Keep on going HLT''ers - you are all doing a great job!!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Good morning my HLT friends.

Great opener Lorelei! I so agree this does take a commitment but it does get easier each day as it becomes more routine. I know I will never, ever have the body I want to have but the body I do have is such a vast improvement over what it used to be that I can''t help but be pleased with my results. I know the thing that excites me the most about my lifestyle change is the incredible change and improvement in my health. Plus the image looking back from the mirror isn''t bad (if you don''t mind my lack of modesty).


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/28/2008 8:53:44 AM
Author: marcyc
Good morning my HLT friends.

Great opener Lorelei! I so agree this does take a commitment but it does get easier each day as it becomes more routine. I know I will never, ever have the body I want to have but the body I do have is such a vast improvement over what it used to be that I can''t help but be pleased with my results. I know the thing that excites me the most about my lifestyle change is the incredible change and improvement in my health. Plus the image looking back from the mirror isn''t bad (if you don''t mind my lack of modesty).
NO WAY is that a lack of modesty Miss Marcy!!!!!!!!

BTW I haven''t done my usual weather forecast....

Today is stinking hot with the temperatures up in the eighties with high levels of humidity = still pants
. This afternoon, thunderstorms are expected


Nov 2, 2006
Lorelei, I don't know how you manage to be motivating on a Monday morning, but you are.

This weekend was kind of a bust for FI and I. Saturday was nice, but I stayed in bed with a migraine (which I battled for most of the week). I did manage to rouse myself to go see Batman Imax. The headache was much worse after that.

The migraine subsided on Sunday and we went to the beach earlyin the day. We managed a short 1 mile walk before the thunderheads rolled in. It stormed the rest of the afternoon. I took advantage of the bad weather and got a jump start on my cooking for the week. I made a big batch of risotto for FI and we had that for dinner. The nice thing about risotto-or at least mine- is that it's a safe indulgence. I love it, but it's so filling that I can't eat a lot of it. I also made a big pot of black bean soup for us to take for lunch or have for dinner.

This morning I went to the gym for a super quick workout. I swam for about 30 minutes. I'll probably go to the gym again with FI tonight, we like to do our strength training together.

This week is a short one for us. We're heading up to NH on Thursday morning and spending the weekend there. My brother is getting married! He's the first out of my generation (in my family) so it's a big deal.


Nov 29, 2004
happy new week! I''ve been kind of MIA since last Tuesday b/c I haven''t had much to report, but in truth I had to give my body a break to prevent having to take more time off in the future. During my yoga class on Tuesday, while doing a toe stretch, I felt a pain and realized that I had the beginnings of a potential ingrown toenail, so that meant staying off my feet. I wore flip flops/sandals for the rest of the week instead of high heels, and soaked my foot in warm water with epsom salts a few days, and now its good to go. But then I went to lake with a friend on Saturday and have a lovely sunburn, so I''m not going to TBT today b/c I don''t want to irritate it.


Feb 22, 2008
Lorelei thanks for that bit of inspirations I too don''t know how you do it on a Monday morning.

This weekend was kind of a bust for me I had to drive a few hours to help my sister move home from college. So Saturday I had a salad for lunch and drank all my water but after that it went downhill. We went out to eat and then out drinking my dinner wasn''t all that bad but all that beer was not in my diet for sure. Then Sunday morning we had McDonald''s b/c my sister had no food in the house, but then we spent several house carrying all of her belongings out to the truck in the 95+ heat then drove a couple hours home and unloaded it in my brother''s garage. After that my sister took us all out for dinner. I did my best to pick a lighter option. I''m not getting back on the scale until Wed to give myself time to recover so I''m not disappointed, I''m sure a gained a few pounds in water weight form the drinking alone.

Hope everyone else had a more productive weekend than I did! Here''s to another great week of healthy eating and activities!


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks for your kind words HH and KC!

I try to think of how I feel and share my thoughts and experiences, I am glad to know it does help!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

I''m still sick, but starting to feel better. I chalk it up to working with kids. I did next to nothing this weekend, aside from reading. I''m babysitting this afternoon, but I''m going to give the mom the option cancel so I don''t get the family sick.

KC, no stress about a bad weekend, they happen and you''ll get back to normal in no time.

HH, how fun your brother is getting married! Sorry about the migraine, Batman was very loud and the images moved quickly I can imagine how icky that must have felt (I get migraines so I can relate).

Have a great day all.


Nov 2, 2006
Yea, I don''t know what I was thinking. It had gotten better so we went. Big mistake.


May 18, 2008
Hello everyone

I did my four days of walking and I went to the pool to swim (of course more leisurely than actual workout

And this morning I joined a training team with my company to train for a marathon. I was very hesitant to sign up because I''m not competitive and being in teams really scares me. But it''s a great way to exercise and I know that if I''m part of a team, then I''ll force myself to get up and exercise. I signed up for the half, beginners team. The marathon is January 29th so I have 6 months to change my mind...I mean train

Have a great week everyone!!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/28/2008 11:01:23 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Hello everyone

I did my four days of walking and I went to the pool to swim (of course more leisurely than actual workout

And this morning I joined a training team with my company to train for a marathon. I was very hesitant to sign up because I''m not competitive and being in teams really scares me. But it''s a great way to exercise and I know that if I''m part of a team, then I''ll force myself to get up and exercise. I signed up for the half, beginners team. The marathon is January 29th so I have 6 months to change my mind...I mean train

Have a great week everyone!!
That sounds like a great plan FR!! You can do it!


Jun 27, 2008
hi everyone!
This weekend was a bit of a bust for me as well, but with some okay bright points. this weekend was the arts & crafts fair in my town, so friday i walked to the fair from work (about 10 min walk w/ stop lights) and then walked around the fair with my parents. We went out for dinner afterwards and i had steak and mashers. mmm. i layed off the bread though! :) oh, and i had only 1 drink (rum & coke) and it took me FOREVER to finish it since i havent been drinking very much at all.
Saturday i dragged the boyf to the fair and we walked around there for a couple hours as well.
**side note - we went to an estate/upscale jewelry store to see how much it will cost to have my ring fixed. they quoted us at a full refurbish for only $700! I''m pretty sure i might have to sell my soul at that low price, but i''m fine with that :) **
Oh - i wound up having a mint mocha chip frap (non fat, no whip) from starbucks, and low and behold 2 hours later i thought my stomach was going to pop out of my body and run away, ala aliens style. I think that is confirming that i should STAY AWAY from those (i havent had one since i started my less gluten, less yeast diet).
Sunday we just did our massive grocery shopping for the months - bought fish (yuck), chicken, pork and steaks. hopefully that should be enough food for us for awhile! Ohh, and i made sweet and sour pork. not totally healthy, but supper yummy!!
Finished the day by vegging out. tonight i am going to exercise in the gym, or at least take a walk when i get home.
gotta get those arms in shape!!!


Sep 16, 2007
Happy Monday all! (Oxymoron, isn''t it?) Just bored here at work...and by bored I mean I have an assignment due in a few days and I''m procrastinating. Does anyone else do their best work when they put it off until the last second? Anyway, I had a nice weekend at home and now I''m back to my "home" grinding out the last weeks of summer until school starts up again. I got home at about 9pm last night and hopped on the treadmill in an attempt to make up for my lazy Saturday. I ended up doing about two miles and then did my core stuff to finish up the hour. Exercise releases such energy in me and I was not able to sleep until about 2am! Oh well, it was worth it to me. I''m surprised and happy that this thread stays so active all week, with people posting when they can. It''s always so great to share your experiences with others going through some of the same things. Love you all!

Lorelei - I almost didn''t recognize you! Love the new icon though, very go-go-fabulous. I admit I get obsessed with the numbers on the scale, so this week I will try to weigh myself only every other day! Baby steps, for sure. I did realize that some of my pants are fitting a bit looser, so that''s a great sign and motivation to keep going. Going along with your "weight is only part of who you are," I have found everyone on this thread to be GREAT people, so we have that going for us regardless of if we''ll ever have that "dream body."

Marcy - No lack of modesty at all! There''s nothing wrong with liking how you look and recognizing your own achievements. With so many women (and men) suffering from low self-esteem nowadays, I enjoy reading about people who know how great they are!

HH - Good to hear your migraine went away...I''ve never had them but my friends have and I cannot begin to imagine the pain. The noise level at the IMAX was the only thing that I didn''t like about the Batman movie - it made me wince at times so I can''t imagine what it did to your poor head!
I hate bad weather, but I do find I get more things done in the home when it''s storming out. Sounds like you were pretty productive. Swimming is great cardio - I wish I was a better swimmer...but I''ve always been deathly afraid ever since I almost drowned as a child. So cute that you and your FI go to the gym together...I''m jealous because my BF lives out of town. Congratulations to your brother! The first to do anything in a generation is always so exciting and it sounds like you''re ready for a good time.

Appletini - Sorry about your injury! Yoga can be intense, I heard. I''m glad your home treatments for the pain''s funny how something so small as a toe can completely disable someone! You don''t realize how much we use it until it''s gone!

KCCutie - Sounds like you had quite a workout even if you didn''t eat the healthiest foods all weekend. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. I didn''t realize how much drinking packs on the weight until I left undergrad! No wonder everyone gets the Freshman 15, 20, 25, etc., etc.!

Kimberly - Ahhh hope you feel better soon! I used to love babysitting and even considered doing it as a career because I love kids.

Fieryred - Yay for your walking program and swim. I really think it''s a great thing you joined that team. It will give you a support team and motivation to get moving. Some of my friends run various marathons and mini-marathons solely to have goals and deadlines for their running, and not to necessarily finish the race in a certain amount of time (although they do try to beat their personal bests everytime). Maybe I will find a marathon to sign up for!

Jcarly - I love arts & crafts fairs! Rum and coke used to be my drink of choice in undergrad, but since swearing off soda I have been trying to stay away. If you only had one that''s less than a can though, so I''m sure no long-term damage done! I''m not a big coffee drinker but I LOVE mint anything and have been desperately trying to avoid the temptation of the new Girl Scout Mint Blizzard at DQ! I hope its "Limited Time" runs out before my willpower! I''m working on my arms too...definitely one of the hardest places for me to tone up.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends!!! I have been eating healthy! I have been drinking lots of water. I hope summer doesn't fly by, I can't believe in a few days it will already be August.
I had a good weekend; had fun with the nephew and yesterday hubby and I just vegged. I have been on an Alfred Hitchcock kick so watching those are good fun! Everyone have a great Monday
eta: I need to go babysit my nephew this afternoon as my sister has to get a tooth filled!

LORELEI, love the new avatar!!!! Great opening too!

MARCY, you look fab!!!

HUDSONHAWK, oh no to the migraine. Yay for the walk! Great job on the gym! How exciting about your brother!

APPLE, oh no to the toe, I hate ingrown toenails. I hope it feels better soon.

KCCUTIE, wow, that is hot, that was sweet of you to help, you are a good sister!

KIMI, thanks for the sweet words on my nephew, he is a lot of fun! hehe I hope you feel better soon!!

FIERYRED, wooo hooo for the marathon! Great job training!

JCARLY, the arts and crafts fair sounds fun, yay for walking! Ohhh, for fun jewelry looking!

INDYGIRL, I posted a recipe for you in the healthy thread. I can post the spinach lasagna recipe too if you want me to
I would love any recipe you have even if it isn't low fat. hehe Oh no to not sleeping, can you workout sooner? Or first thing in the morning! You are sooo cute and happy go lucky!!!

ROD, glad you got a killer workout in and had a fab time off with your Charlie!!! Don't work too hard friend!


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/28/2008 1:04:04 PM
Author: Skippy123
Hi Friends!!! I have been eating healthy! I have been drinking lots of water. I hope summer doesn't fly by, I can't believe in a few days it will already be August.
I had a good weekend; had fun with the nephew and yesterday hubby and I just vegged. I have been on an Alfred Hitchcock kick so watching those are good fun! Everyone have a great Monday

INDYGIRL, I posted a recipe for you in the healthy thread. I can post the spinach lasagna recipe too if you want me to
I would love any recipe you have even if it isn't low fat. hehe Oh no to not sleeping, can you workout sooner? Or first thing in the morning! You are sooo cute and happy go lucky!!!
Umm yes please, I love Italian! I'll try that recipe out this week and let you know how it goes. I am slowly but surely converting my BF onto healthier foods when he comes to visit, so spinach looks to be next on the list! I feel like he's a newborn learning how to eat or a elementary school kid learning the Food Pyramid at times.
I will search for some recipes from my dad (I know how to make a lot of the foods we eat at home, but I'm not sure of the English translation of some of the ingredients.) I think most anything home-cooked will be healthier than at a restaurant, so can't really go *too* wrong anyway (insert wishful thinking face here haha). I've been working on my water drinking as well...did they ever come up with a final determination of how much we should be drinking?
I know, I mom harks on me all the time about my sleeping habits.
I would've worked out sooner but I was at home most of the day Sunday and we don't have a gym and I didn't get home until about 9pm so I had to "man up" and just do it. I usually work out at around 6pm on weekdays so it's not too bad...I get off work at 5 and relax, then work out, then eat dinner. There is about -5% chance of me waking up in time to work out in the morning...I'm chronically late as it is (working on it) and for some reason I've always had a need to sleep in as much as possible...perhaps that will be the big lifestyle change I need to make inspired by you all ! I'll set my alarm early in a couple days and let you know what my willpower decides when the decision to get out of bed or hit snooze comes up!
I'm not always so happy-go-lucky (some of the other threads get me more heated than necessary!), but this thread always makes me smile.


Jul 22, 2007
Me at the bottom part of the waterfall. I climbed maybe 15 feet up, and then I turned back around and came right back down. Also, not allowed so SHH!



Sep 16, 2007
What wonderful pics! Your little boy is ADORABLE! I love active parents. You are completely right about your body - yuo can do so much more than you can''t do and the list of "Cans" will grow every week. I know a lot of parents would rather stay at home and plop their kids in front of a TV instead of taking them outside, so YAY for you and your son!


Nov 24, 2006
Indygirl, you are very positive I have read a few of your posts around and enjoy them. hehe Okay, I will post the recipe now, in the healthy thread, give me a few mins.
Well, there is some rule about how much water one is suppose to drink based on body weight but I drink 6-8 glasses.

Something shiny, wow, that is soooo beautiful!!! You and your son are so beautiful as well!!!! Thanks for sharing your FAB pics!!!!


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/28/2008 1:33:45 PM
Author: Skippy123
Indygirl, you are very positive I have read a few of your posts around and enjoy them. hehe Okay, I will post the recipe now, in the healthy thread, give me a few mins.
Well, there is some rule about how much water one is suppose to drink based on body weight but I drink 6-8 glasses.

Something shiny, wow, that is soooo beautiful!!! You and your son are so beautiful as well!!!!
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoy some of my posts - I don't expect people to agree with me most of the time, but I hope they are at least well-articulated enough to be worth reading. I love your posts all over PS too! I checked out those recipes and yum...I'm definitely going to try your Quiche and Pie recipes ASAP!
I'll let you know how it turns out.

ETA: I just saw the Lasagna and it sounds so good...I will definitely be stopping by the grocery to pick up the ingredients tonight or tomorrow. Thanks again! I think I'm going to copy & paste these (if no one minds) and make a recipe notebook for myself to use in the future when I'm not near PS *gasp* I know.


Nov 24, 2006


Jul 22, 2007
Aww, thanks, ladies. This was JT's first hike, but the way he took to it, we intend on trying to do it at least once a month.


Nov 24, 2006
Indy, before I forget TraderJoes'' has a delicious frozen spinach pie!!! I buy that often when I want a low cal meal w/out having to cook.


Apr 30, 2005
SS, you look gorgeous and your little boy is adorable! What fun and a great way to spend time with your son, this will benefit him also in so many ways!


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/28/2008 2:14:39 PM
Author: Skippy123
Indy, before I forget TraderJoes'' has a delicious frozen spinach pie!!! I buy that often when I want a low cal meal w/out having to cook.
Great tip! The more and more I hear about TJ''s the more I need to mapquest and find the nearest one...maybe I''ll venture there for my ingredients and pick up some ready-made dishes too!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday all!

I just got back from what is probably my last swim this season. The stroke, clickgrind, stroke, clickgrind is finally getting to me. Damn rotator cuff! Maybe I will try it again in a couple of weeks, but I'm not inclined to keep doing something that not only huts, but that I can actually *hear*.

Lorelei, how are your teefs doing?

Marcy, I think your image looking back from the mirror is just beautiful!

Hudson, I feel for you on the migraine. I get them too and some days I wish my head would just go on and explode and get it over with. Have fun at the wedding!

Appletini, owch on the sunburn! I burn SO easily it's ridiculous and I'm not as good as I could be about putting sunscreen on. As a matter of fact my left arm is now one-one-millionth of a shade darker than my right arm because I like to drive with the windows down and my arm out, so now I'm driving around with the sunroof open and my right arm sticking up in an attempt to balance the color out.

KC, don't worry too much about what you ate this weekend. It was only a few bad meals and it sounds like you were very active moving all that stuff.

Kimi, I hope you feel better!

Fieryred, good for you for signing up for the team!

Jcarleylew, I need to send the HH on a massive grocery shopping trip too. He cooked both Saturday and Sunday but now I'm out of good (i.e., healthy) things to eat and the bad stuff that we have in the house is starting to call my name...

Indy, I am SUCH a procrastinator! I always get done what needs to be done, but there is just something about the thrill of the deadline, LOL!

Stephi, I can't belive it's almost August either! WHERE did the summer go???

Shiny, your hike looks like so much fun and what a lttle cutie pie you have there!

I am so tired right now, but I'm going to make myself do a bunch of searches for clients and then maybe go up on the roof deck with a book. If we had a hammock up there I'm sure I'd be asleep in no time!


May 14, 2006
Hi everyone, now that I''m settled in the new house and not decorating every second I actually have time to read the posts and reply! I went to the gym after work this evening with my sister and did a great workout. My personal trainer came over to give out to me for not going to the gym as frequently as I had so now I''ll be going lots again
Lunch was a smoothie and dinner was a big salad with feta cheese and a tiny bit of chicken

Hope that everyone is doing well!

Lorelei-great opening! So true as well. I love the new avatar also! We''re having really hot weather over her too-I love it though.

HH-sorry to hear that you spent part of your weekend with a migraine. Not nice! Glad you got out for a bit though!

Marcy-the image looking back at you is amazing! You look fab.

appletini-glad to hear that your toe is doing better!!

KC-I''m sure all the lifting and carrying helped balance out the beer and the McDonalds.

Kimberley-sorry to hear that you''re feeling unwell. Sending best wishes!

fiery-well done on joining a training team! That would scare me too!

jcarly-sounds like a good weekend! Enjoy the gym/walk tonight.

Indy-I always procrastinate about work! Well done for doing the threadmill when you got back!

Hi Skippy! Can''t believe it''s nearly august too
It''s scary how fast the year is going!

Something-those photos are great!

Dee*Jay-sorry to hear that you have to stop the swimming.

Well I''m off to tidy the kitchen and then head to bed. Talk to you all tomorrow!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey and like Indy said Happy Monday is an oxymoron!! But, I didn''t have a bad Monday, just a looong one as has become routine for me. I was at work before 8 and didn''t leave until after 6, but was able to meet Charlie for Sushi (which was terrific as usual), followed by a cup of decaf at Sbucks. I''ve been doing some work since getting home and now it''s already near 10PM and I''m finally able to read today''s posts. Wow, lot''s of activity on the thread today!

I''ve decided to go the gym tonorrow night, even though I was going to take tomorrow off. Instead I''ll take Wednesday off and then workout on Thursday night. I will take Friday and Saturday off, because I do need to have at least one two day rest during the week. Otherwise nothing bad or super to report. Just life, which isn''t bad at all.

Lorelei, I loved your opening. I know I''ll never be who I wish I could be. That ship sailed long ago. And while I often wish I had started this journey to a more fit and healthy body when I was much much younger, I didn''t and that''s that. But, at my age, I look in the mirror and if I can steal Marcy''s sentiment, I look in the mirror and think that the image staring me back isn''t half bad. I am at least doing as well as I could possibly do and I''m sure what I have accomplished is going to pay great dividends as I get even older. So, thanks for helping to put things in your usual upbeat and wise perspective. What on earth would we do without you getting us off on such a positive note every week!!

Sorry you had a migraine Hudson, but am glad you feel better and got in some good activities!

Ouch an ingroan nail can be so painful Apple. I''m glad soaking your toe made it much better for sure.

KC, I''ll bet all the moving you did in the heat more than helped to burn any extra calories you consumed.

It''s good you''re feeling better Kimnberly. I''m sure the colds are all the direct contact you have with the young ones.

Good for you signing up for a marathon fiery!! 26 miles is a lot of miles to run, so I''m sure training with a team will really help!

Walking is exercise, so don''t beat yourself up jcarly!

Indy, I''m with Skippy, I think your posts are very positive!

I hope you had fun babysitting your nephew Skippy!! I worked hard today, but TOO hard

SS, you are beautiful and JT is adorable!! I''m glad you all had such fun hking and the scernery is fantastic!!

DeeJay, if you''re experiencing pain in the rotator cuff area, you should have an good ortho check it out for you. It could be something completely dfferent. I thought I was having rotator cuff problems when I first started working out at the gym and afer seeing my ortho, it turned to be a form of tedonitis. He gave me exercises to work with and the pain eventually just away. Take care........

Hey bee*! I''m glad life has calmed down a bit and you''re back in the swing of things!

OK......I guess that''s if for me. I will check in tomorrow night, but since it will be after the gym, which means pretty late, it will be a short (at least for me) checkin. Sleep well everyone.


Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, I meant to comment that you shouldn't be modest in any way! I'm betting like me, you probably wish you had made some of the changes years ago, but look at all you've accomplished. Being modest about what you've done shouldn't be in your vacabulary EVER!! Your bud.........Rod


Jun 15, 2006
Okay, so I''ll try Happy Monday''s Over. Does that work for everyone? I actually like a new week, it''s a fresh start in my mind.

I''m working towards getting better still. I didn''t end up babysitting today, she cancelled because her son is sick. So I spent the afternoon at the DMV renewing my license. We had pesto gnocchi for dinner and I''m getting ready to curl up in front of the tv. Tomorrow is my birthday, so well be going out to celebrate. I may work out in the afternoon, depending on what the day is like and how I feel.

Have a good evening all.


Dec 28, 2005
Just in the off chance that I don''t get to check in tomorrow night.............I hope you have a VERY

Happy Birthday Kimberly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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