
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 26th October till 1st November

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Rod~ You''re right. But, I''m only doing strength exercises 3 times a week. Hopefully the soreness will wear down by tomorrow?

I am sore today. I''m going to do some yoga to try to stretch a bit.

I have to make up treat bags and alter a costume today. We had a few gourds and a couple pumpkins (uncarved) on our porch. The squirrels have come and enjoyed a feast. My porch and yard are covered with seeds! I''ll probably end up with a pumpkin patch in my front yard next year! Luckily, we still had a couple safe pumpkins that we can use for our Jack-o-lanterns.

Chili for lunch, pork chops and smashed potatoes for supper. MMMMM!

Have a great day!!
DF- good luck on your exam, way to cut the stress and get a 2nd wind from your workout! Your limitiations on food sure focus you towards the healthy stuff! So in a way, that could be a glass half full kind of thing! Hope you like the movie and enjoy your stadiums!

shiny- wow, look at you work it!! whoop whopp! I love pumpkins! My coworker made pumpkin muffins from her pumpkins... YUM... ate a whole mini cake!

CJ- OOOOOOOOOOOO that is awesome!!!

deegee- HA! yeah - but what a way to turn chick parm healthy!!! and to being 51#''s lighter... YESSSSSSSSSSSSS that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you get a premium reduction... what a treat for your efforts! And when you do get the rings reset... we need pics!

MARCY- wow, that is A LOT of constellations.. HOW COOL! I''ll have to look up, but be careful about my footing.. hard to see stuff OTHER than stars in the dark!
wow, that is a lot of snow, and here I was complaining that it was in the 40''s... I''m glad school called off class all together, to help those 8 who may not have received your message. I hope marty is doing alright, and has safe travels... sorry you are the ice maiden! Making it cold when he leaves!

Rod_yum, chx noodle! Charlie sure is a sweetie to make you something to help you feel your best! Hope your day at work is productive and lots of people nail those interviews and get job offers!

Everyone happy thursday! I was FREEZING this morning, and so I decided not to run. I''ll have to dig out my winter gear, and I haven''t done that yet. So I did yoga and The Shred this morning instead. I''ll go for a run this afternoon. Work is crazy busy - and I am under water. Since I don''t complain about the workload.. I just get more and more piled on. It sort of stinks, because I''m the only person left... and everyone else in my dept is complaining... so I''m getting their work. If I actually said - hey - I''m drowning.. where would it go? So eh... I just grin and bear it.. and unfortunately the extra stress isn''t very good for my waistline. I''m monitering my caloires very closely, and somehow I''m up 5 pounds... so it HAS to be the stress. But this isn''t just water weight.. these are definately new jiggles... sigh... so hopefully when things mellow out, my body will bounce back. At least it is cold... and I can hide my new ripples under some extra fabric.

"I’ve gained a few pounds around the middle. The only lower-body garments I own that still fit me comfortably are towels." Dave Barry
Hi Friends, we did get snow on our mountain but not in town. heehe Nothing too exciting here; we are in the 45 degrees today. Hope everyone has a great WEEKEND come tomorrow and Halloween!

MARCY, eeek, i saw a bunch of snow in the new in Golden, something like 20 inches. Be safe; I am glad they canceled class!!! I bet the snow is pretty though!

TLH, I love how positive you are!!! wooo for your workouts, you superwoman! aw, sorry about work and I bet the 5 lbs is muscle, you are super woman!

ROD, hope you feel better soon, hugs.

DEEGEE, YIPPPEEEEE for you!!!! That is FABULOUS!!! Isn't the home stretch the best. hehe I am stingy with my points too; I rather eat a big ole apple and string cheese, especially if things are 3 points, eek! Thanks for letting me know! Yay you are so awesome, congrats; you will be at goal in no time!

CJ, thanks for the list!!!

SS, yay for your uber workout and the 5lbs, you are doing great!!!!! I bet you feel great too!

DRAGON, I just noticed you and I had the same time on our 5ks, super cool!!!! Best wishes on your test!!!
Somethingshiny, I was updating the birthday list and saw you had a birthday a few weeks ago; I want to wish you a happy belated birthday in case I didn''t sugar!!!
brrr skippy that is cold! Have fun w/ your nephew and babe on halloween!!! It will be super fun!
Date: 10/29/2009 4:08:43 PM
Author: tlh
brrr skippy that is cold! Have fun w/ your nephew and babe on halloween!!! It will be super fun!
Okay I spoke too SOON! I got in the car (from the garage) it said 50 degrees; I drove a little way and then it said 38 degrees (from driving just a little ways). I got back in my car (from going to the store) and the mountains looked DARK, then it started snowing like CRAZY! Now it is 30 degrees! hehe


Thanks TLH, how is the weather out there? Maybe hot cocoa or hot tea time. hehe
Thanks, Skip!
snow melted. It is cold though! Tomorrow I need to buy more Fuji apples; I ate the last one tonight.
Hey........It was another ''uber'' long day. But, I was feeling more human today, which is good. I made it to the gym a few minutes earlier this evening and I worked out very hard. It always makes me feel better for sure. While Marcy is buried in snow, today was the hottest day for this date in Tampa''s history. It broke 90 degrees. This heat needs to end. Tomorrow''s Friday....YAYAYAY. We''ll do our usual Friday night sushi.

Marcy, I''m sorry you slid to work this morning and I hope the people you hired to dig you out, did a great job. I thought you''re tongue in cheek email to Marty was funny! And thanks.......the soup was just what I needed!

Thanks dragon......I have been drinking more water and doing everything I can to get more sleep too. Whatever was making me feel run down, seems to be going away. Years ago, if I ever felt this way, I would have gotten major league sick. But since I "Rebuilt Rod" I''ve been remarkably free of colds, etc.......(knock wood - knock wood!). Sorry you werent'' able to workout, but it was nice of you go fix your mom''s toiliet.........

SS, when I first started working out, it took longer for my soreness to go away, but now 4 years later, it seems to go away much faster. For example, I pushed hard tonight, and will likely be a tad sore tomorrow morning, but by Saturday, there will be no soreness. I''''m going to predict you won''t be sore long. The yoga should also help you get rid of the soreness. Ted should offer comment on this, but I believe (and I could be wrong) that soreness is a result lactic acid buildup from tearing the muscle fibers.

tlh, being a warm person, I''m not sure I could run in the cold either. When we lived up north, Charlie used to love running in the winter (long before I ever became a healthy guy), and he loved it, but I don''t it''d be for me. Thanks for the hopes people nail their interviews. I hope for their and my sakes that''s true!

I read your first post and thought it was nice you didn''t have to deal with snow, then I read your update and saw you did. I hope it was pretty, stuck to the grass only and didn''t interfere with any plans. You and Marcy need to post pics of the snow for us southern folk............

OK......I''m going to eat a fuji apple and wind down.........Have a great Friday everyone!!
Happy Friday everyone! I GOT AN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HOORAY! I ran stairs some last night and then went to see Paranormal Activity. Creepy, but no nightmares. SO is taking me out to dinner tonight which is exciting. Other than that not a whole lot going on right now.

Rod - I''m glad to hear you are feeling better. I''m the same way, it''s very rare for me to get sick now (knock knock)
Hey Rod and Dragonfly. Yay for sushi night tonight Rod!!! Yay for your A Dragonfly!

I went to Costco and helped hubby pic out some glasses. I think he looks pretty cute w/the new pair!
We met for lunch and I took half my slice of pizza and threw the other half so I wouldn't eat too many calories today. I went to Whole Foods and picked up some chicken and brown rice and shallots for dinner, w/a big salad. Everywhere I went people were talking about how cold it is (44 degrees but the sun is shining). I had to laugh because I always complain about being cold but this time it wasn't me; it was everyone else. hehe It snowed on the mountains but no snow here (it all melted, yay)!!!

Happy Halloween weekend!!
skippy- that weather is freezing! it isn''t too bad here... 40''s... and highs in the 50''s... comparitively warmer... but it is still cold when it is supposed to be in the 80''s! HOT TEA! (less calories!
) enjoy dinner - and have fun with those babies!!!

rod- wow, you got the heat, while the rest of us FREEZE! yeah, I don''t like the cold much either. makes me cranky! enjoy the warmth and your sushi!!!


not much to report here. Hubs is still gimpy so we went for a 2 hour walk instead of run. It was nice, but he is a bore after 90 minutes. Then he just constantly talks about food... yawn! He needs to run til he can''t feel feelings, because he runs out of stuff to talk about at an hour and a half... haha other than that things are good... doing a charity 5k walk after my run tomorrow... so this weekend will be busy... not sure what else is on the ole plate! Trying to keep the eats good... ate some kitty litter cake... it was lime-y and strange. couldn''t eat the melted tootsie roll though... too gross!

Have fun and be safe!
Date: 10/30/2009 4:50:03 PM
Author: tlh
skippy- that weather is freezing! it isn't too bad here... 40's... and highs in the 50's... comparitively warmer... but it is still cold when it is supposed to be in the 80's! HOT TEA! (less calories!
) enjoy dinner - and have fun with those babies!!!

yeah, I don't like the cold much either. makes me cranky! enjoy the warmth and your sushi!!!

not much to report here. Hubs is still gimpy so we went for a 2 hour walk instead of run. It was nice, but he is a bore after 90 minutes. Then he just constantly talks about food... yawn! He needs to run til he can't feel feelings, because he runs out of stuff to talk about at an hour and a half... haha other than that things are good... doing a charity 5k walk after my run tomorrow... so this weekend will be busy... not sure what else is on the ole plate! Trying to keep the eats good... ate some kitty litter cake... it was lime-y and strange. couldn't eat the melted tootsie roll though... too gross!

Have fun and be safe!
Oh I had one cup of Jamine tea and one cup of mint tea. Truth be told we don't even have cocoa or hersey's in the house. I do like the sound of hot chocolate though (brings comforting thoughts to me for some odd reason). Well a few years ago this group I use to work with went on Starbucks runs all the time so one time I told them to get me hot chocolate as for some reason it sounds so lovely but actually having a cup is not lovely. They came back w/my hot chocolate and I took one sip and couldn't drink it; it was WAY too SWEET, like sicky sweet!
I do like the Miss Swiss 50 calorie chocolate mix but we don't have those in the house either. lol.

Oh and cold makes me Cranky too!!! hehe

YAY, seriously, you must be ALL MUSCLE. a 2 hr walk being not so hard; I dunno. hehe Also a run and a 5 k walk, wowzers, you are awesome; super TLH!!!

ROD, 90
hopefully this cold will make it your way!!! It was funny when I was in Florida I was worried it would be cold, but I forgot how humidity makes things even warmer so 80's out there feel like 90's out here since we don't have humidity. hehe Sending cool air your way. hehehe
That''s funny, I was going to ask what low-cal Hot Chocolates were good...apparently Skip likes Miss Swiss. Any other suggestions??

Rod~ I make sure to do some yoga poses after working out to try to reduce the lactic acid build-up and it must be helping. I was hardly sore at all today and was able to do the entire workout again. I look forward to the day when my muscles quit fighting back! YOWZA, that''s hot in Tampa!!

dragon~ Congrats on your A!! Good for you!!! I''ve been wanting to see Paranomal Activity, is it good or just weird??

Skippy~ I''ve never been to a Costco. I think the nearest one is well over an hour away. The first time I saw "inside" the store was on the show Modern Family! Yay for ditching the pizza!!

So, again today, I know I''m so boring....I did 30 min of cardio and 45 min of ball. I made chocolate chip cookies and ate two but I figured it into my Spark, and I''m still good! Our temp has been in the 50''s so wish us luck for a decent Halloween night. I had to alter JT''s costume and leave lots of room for a coat in case he needs it. If it''s warmer, I''ll just pin it in a bit.

I''ve got a jewelry party to go to tonight. You know, as a PSer, it''s hard to get excited over jewelry parties. I mean, sometimes they have one or two cute costume pieces, but the fake stuff just looks awful!

Have a Happy Halloween!!!
Oh, I forgot.

TLH~ Good luck on your run!! What the heck is kitty litter cake??
SS, yay for your workout; sounds like you have a great routine!!! Oh I like the 50 calorie chocolate mix as it tastes like hot chocolate (it has milk in it); the 25 calorie one isn't so good (more fakey tasting) so I rather buy the better tasting one. I bet JT will look adorable for Halloween.

TLH, thanks, i can't wait to see the baby and kiddo dressed up. hehe was a long, difficult, really difficult day. I had a candidate bomb his 4th and final interview for a job he was perfectly suited for. I had a candidate who was supposed to get an offer a month ago, who took another job a week ago, and out of the blue the offer I was working on for him magically came out today. Only he's gone somewhere else. There aren't many jobs out there to begin with so to lose any is just so disappointing. It is the bane of being a headhunter, but there are just days that are really hard, and today was one of them. At least sushi was good.......sigh.......I'm just checking in and then I'm shutting down for the night.

Hello to everyone and I hope you're day was better than mine........Have a great weekend in case I don't check in again for a day or two.
Hi. Working from home on Thursday was NOT fun. I logged on to a remote server which was painfully slow to do my work. I was going to post that night how my day went but it sounded like a bunch of whining so I just graded papers and shut off my laptop. I had been on my work laptop all day so I just wanted to watch TV then went to bed early.

They did shovel our driveway before I left for work Friday morning so I didn’t have any problems getting out that day. I worked Friday from 7 am to 6 pm but hopefully we got enough done we won’t have any problems this weekend.

Last night I cleaned house, watched Sleepless in Seattle and went to bed late. I actually slept in this morning which was quite a treat.

Today I ran errands and did laundry. Tomorrow my sister is coming to visit so I can make some little business cards, brochures and tags for her. She makes doll clothes to sell and I make up her stickers, etc. I have decided my will power severely takes a dive when Marty is gone. I generally eat normal meals but the snacking seriously went up recently. I will get rid of any leftover Halloween candy ASAP.

Dragonfly, I love frosted mini wheats too. I still tend to gravitate towards cheerios though. The reactions to food that closes up your throat are pretty scary. That is when I started the gastrochrome. I get hives from turkey, chicken and pork. I can eat some ham or bacon in moderation but beef generally doesn’t seem to bother me. Most things just tend to make me nauseous, bloated or makes me itch. It is all very strange. Congratulations for getting an A.

Somethingshiny, sounds like you could be in contention next year for the most sincere pumpkin patch. Glad you have some pumpkins left for jack-o-lanterns.

Tlh, enjoy the stars for me. I finally saw a few again last night. It was in the 50’s here today so the snow is melting fast. Sounds like our work loads are about the same right now. The stress makes it rough too. I have been so busy I haven’t even been drinking my water. I think that just naturally happens, the people who get things done just get more things to do. I guess in a way it’s nice they recognize your competency but it can make for long work weeks. I am sure those extra pounds will come right back off.

Skippy, wow you had snow too. I hope you enjoyed it. The snow is pretty even in the giant drifts around town but I am glad it is melting quickly.

Rod, when I was at work on Friday I thought it was an “uber” long day as you would say. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I am glad you were enjoying a very warm spell in Tampa. We have already had 26 inches of snow here this season and we still have at least 6 more months of snow on the way. We haven’t had this much snow here this early since 1903. How awful about the one candidate bombing their 4th interview and the other one accepting a different job. Sorry to have all of your hard work go for nothing.

Somethingshiny, I need to make cookies to take to work so I will do it late at night when I am less likely to eat them. We have a birthday this week so my cc cookies were requested. I like Swiss Miss the best too but I had to have the regular ones. I just work it in to my calories because on cold days it sure hits the spot. Have fun at the jewelry party.

I hope you are having a fun and healthy weekend.
Hey and Happy Halloween.........It was another unseasonably hot day in Tampa. We couldn''t even sit out under the oak when we had coffee this afternoon. It wasn''t unbearable this morning, so we did have breakfast on the terrace. We made it to the gym about 3 PM and we worked out really hard. I did heavier weights, so I''m a bit sore tonight, which actually a good thing. We had a very quick snack at the food court at the mall, then went to see the movie Zombieland. I didn''t really enjoy it that much. There were humorous moments, but with all the zombies, it was a bit gross. At least it was a Halloween sort of thing to see. We stopped off at Sbucks on our way home. Tomorrow will be a very quiet day for me. Poor Charlie has to work from noon till 10 PM. That''s about all the news from this side of the world. I hope you all had a nice Saturday and the trick or treaters were fun.........

Marcy, I''m glad your driveway was shoveled and your sister is coming to visit. When will Marty be ehading back home from HK? And wow, you''ve already had your share of snow and it''s just fall. I hope this isn''t a forebearer of the type of winter you''re going to have......
Rod, I am glad you had a nice day. Marty comes home Thursday. I have certainly been wondering as well if we are in for a long, hard winter.
Hello, all.

Rod~ Sorry Friday was so bad, glad things went better today. Wow, I didn''t think you could get sore anymore, that must have been a super-uber-workout!!

Marcy~ Glad you''re having someone else take care of the shoveling!

We carved our Jack-o-lanterns today so the squirrels couldn''t destroy them before Halloween! JT said we needed to make one scary to scare away the squirrels. I put some cayenne pepper in and around them and no squirrel has come near. Shaun made a Frankenstein one that turned out pretty cute. JT was a pirate and had a lot of fun trick-or-treating even though he had to wear a coat, mittens and hat.

I did have a couple pieces of candy and figured them into my calories. I''d really like some more, but I''ll resist until tomorrow. JT got a Girardelli Chocolate in his bag! Obviously, I pulled that one out and put it up for later.
I was kinda surprised that he didn''t get any of that gross candy that I got as a kid. Mostly chocolate, a harmonica and a few other odds and ends.

No workout for me until Monday!

Hope you all are having a great weekend!
Hi everyone! Happy November!! It''s my favorite month.

Marcy, I''m so shocked at all the snow you''ve got. Woweee. Today is the NYC Marathon, so getting around is going to be difficult today. I''m glad the runners have decent weather. Overcast, cloudy, not too cold, not stuffy. Sorry to hear that your husband is away
My self restraint goes out the window when my DH is away. There isn''t a second person to cook for, so I end up getting a lot of takeout. Naughty.

Rod, your work sounds fascinating. I''m sure you meet so many fun people (and I guess some not so fun people too). It''s so cool that you see these candidates through so much, like a 4th interview! Glad you were able to enjoy your sushi nights though. I am ridiculous around sushi. I just can''t stop. It''s like my eyes are hungry and I order way too much, but then I actually eat it all! So dangerous.

In general my eating has been out of control. Not sure why. Usually this happens when DH''s parents bring over their heavy Russian foods, but they haven''t had anything to do with my recent bad diet. Is it the colder weather? Is it the viruses and germies going around? I was feeling crummy for a couple weeks and maybe was looking for comfort food. Yuck, I''m feeling uncomfortable in my clothes again and that''s just the worst. I have a patient to see at the hospital today and will stop at the gym for a hard workout. ACK! I made cupcakes last night and had 2 for breakfast! Somebody stop me. Haha.

Does anyone feel inspired reading "food" books? I heard that Alanis Morrissette turned around her life after reading "Eat to Live" and I''m thinking about checking it out of the library.

Anyway, TLH, I read that you were eating kitty litter cake?!!!! PLEASE tell us what on earth that is. Haha.

SS, what''s a jewelry party? Your workouts don''t sound "boring." They sound fantastic! Cheers to you!!!

Skippy, the Starbucks hot chocolate is made with mocha "syrup" plus a pump of vanilla syrup. Should you ever venture back there for another hot chocolate, you can ask for half the mocha and no vanilla syrup. I agree that some of their drinks are sickly sweet. I worked there a loooooong time ago, but I remember making drinks for myself with way less syrup than the recipes called for.

DF, congrats on your A. Keep up the good work!

Have a great Sunday everyone!
CJ~ You''ll get back on track with your eating. I think we all have trouble this time of year. I have to have a hot beverage at least 2-3 times a day to stave off the munchies. My body just wants something hot but it sure FEELS like it wants a piece of The only "food" books I read are cookbooks. Yes, they inspire me but I don''t think it''s the inspiration you''re looking for! The jewelry parties we have around here are Lia Sophia and Premier Designs. Girls buy into it just like any home shopping parties (Pampered Chef, etc) and set out all the goods so you can look at them and then order through a catalogue. I did find a really cute costume pearl and bead necklace. You can google the names if you want, but I won''t link since I think it''s against policy.

We''ve been invited to a pizza birthday party tonight. I don''t even want to go because this particular pizza is not even good and I don''t want to waste my calories on junk. But, it''s kinda hard to turn down a birthday party for a child.... Don''t know what I''ll do yet.

Have a great day!
Hi friends! We had lots of trick or treaters last night and it was so weird that some of them were adults (with no kids)
I felt weird passing out candy to adults; I would never go trick or treating at my age, oh well! ha! The kids were super cute to see

I did have 1 butterfinger and ate healthy the rest of the day. We have some left over candy but mostly lollypops so I am not going to dive into those. hehe I probably will go on a long walk to work off that snack size butterfinger. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!

ROD, I am sorry about those candidates; that stinks! Hopefully this week will turn around for you!!!

SS, I am like you; I try to drink something warm at night; I guess when it is cold we want something comforting. I went o a Premier Designs thing and those costume pieces are expensive; I did end up buying a bracelet for $50. I do like Pampered Chef parties; I love my garlic press. hehe How cute JT was a pirate!!! hehe to the cayenne pepper, good thinking JT!

MARCY, wow, that is lots of snow!!! Wow, glad that is rare; I was wondering if you got use to the snow but sounds like that isn't normal for your city. It is pretty though; I agree! hehe Hopefully it will melt soon for you.

CJ, oh wow, I didn't know they added vanilla syrup! I probably won't get another hot chocolate but that is good to know. hehe Thanks; I do like drinking their hot teas though. I think the cold weather makes us want to hibernate. Yay for getting to the gym!
Last night we headed to KY to go trick-or-treating with our nieces, but hubby ended up going with the little ones, and my 17 yr old niece and I went to the mall. She was such a sweetie, trying to help me pick out a few things to take on my trip next week. Now that we wear the same size, I''m sure she''s eyeing whatever I buy as potential hand-me-downs! When I dropped her off at her house, her mom had a stack of jeans waiting for me. I like boot cut and she likes skinny jeans, so she gave me all of her boot cut jeans! Woo-hoo!!!!! I still can''t believe I wear the same size as my sister. We''re made differently, so I think she looks way smaller than me. She''s made kind of straight up and down with no hips, and I definitely have hips! Trick or treat here was Thursday night and we had lots of cute little kiddies that came by. Hubby dressed up as Frankenstein. He''s about 7 ft tall in that costume, and he creeps everybody out! He ended up posing for pictures with kids half the evening. Parents thought it was hilarious, but the kiddies were a little unsure. Even the kids who knew who he was didn''t want to get too close.

I''ve got to go give Lily a bath...she reeks. She''s an inside dog, so I can''t figure out how she gets so smelly so fast! Have a great Sunday!!!

Happy Sunday!How nice to sleep an extra hour today.Last night I watched “Ghost of Girlfriend’s Past”.It was okay.

My sister was her most of the day.I made up her things for her doll clothes and she took me out to eat at Olive Garden for lunch.

I made myself a small waffle for breakfast and had lite cool whip with strawberries for breakfast.

I will probably have toast or fruit for supper.

We had maybe 30 trick or treaters last night.I gave them all a handful of fun size bars and I packed up the rest already to take to work so that will keep me out of it today.

Somethingshiny, most of the bags or buckets I saw last night had very normal chocolate candy in it and they were full.Glad JT had fun as a pirate.I hate to waste calories on bad food.Maybe eat one small piece.Hopefully they have some raw veggies there.

CrownJewel, I wonder how many enter a marathon in NYC.I tend to do fast food more when Marty is gone but I don’t think about takeout for some reason.That would be a bit better than fast food but not by much. I can so identify with you on eating too much lately.My pants are tight again.It is getting to be a vicious cycle this fall.I was going to make cookies to take to work but decided not to even attempt it.Maybe I will make them after Marty gets home.I am sure you’ll get back to your normal routines.

Skippy, adults for trick or treat?I have older kids but never adults.Wow, that is kind of nervy.

Deegee, woo hoo for new skinny clothes.How exciting!I bet your husband had fun as Frankenstein.Marty dressed up one year for a local haunted house as Frankenstein.He fit the part well at 6”4”.

Take care.

Have a great evening.


Hey.......It was a nice quiet day for me. It started warm this morning, but not too hot for breakfast on the terrace. Charlie had to be at work at noon, and he''s still not home, but should be home around 9:30. I kind of did nothing, except grocery shopping and laundry. I found King Crab legs on sale for $6.99/lb, which is a real bargain, so I had a couple pounds of them for dinner......Yummmm! It cooled off later this afternoon, so after dinner, I put the top in the Bimmer and went out to Sbucks for a cup of decaf. It was a lovely evening. I was still in shorts and t-shirt, but there was virtually no humidity and it was only in the mid-70s for a change. I''m not sure I''m ready to start a new work week, but I''ll try to make it a better one than last week. At least we''ll have our Monday night sushi.

Marcy, I''m glad you got to enjoy your sister and have a nice lunch at Olive Garden. I haven''t been to an OG in years. We just don''t eat much Italian anymore and fortunately for us, if we do, we have some really good privately owned restaurants. I''m sure you''ll be glad when Thursday is here and Marty comes home.

SS, I am still a little sore today, so I know I pushed my muscles pretty hard. Fortunately, I won''t be back in the gym until Tuesday nigth, so my muscles get a chance to heal. Wow, a Ghiradelli in JT''s bag? I had to laugh when I read you put it away for later! I''m sure the squirrels won''t come hear the pepper!

CJ, we all go through times when we snack more than others. And it could have something to do with the change in seasons. I think we''re genetically predisposed to add calories when it get''s colder. I certainly experienced that when we lived up north. But, it doesn''t happen here in FLorida, maybe because our bodies realize it''s warm and we don''t need to bulk up for the winter. Who knows? At least you''re aware and you can make the appropriate adjustments to your diet. My work can be fascinating and it can be really depressing. It''s particularly hard when hiring is at all time low and there are way more applicants for every position then there are positions.

SS, if you went to the pizza party, I hope you had a good time........

Skippy, I think it''s just wrong for adults to go trick or treating. It''s actually kind of strange. You know I''m a Sbucks-a-holic, but I don''t like their icky sweet hot chocolate either. I did that only once and I thought I was drinking a liquid chocolate bar.

Woo Hoo for all those jeans from your sister deegee! I''m sure you''re looking forward to your FL trip. And please post a pic of Frankenstein when you have a free minute!!

OK.....have a good Monday everyone........
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