
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 25th Jan till 31st Jan

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Dec 31, 2008
Rod- great news about the boss! It is nice that they are concerned for their rockstar employees! Glad you made it to the gym, and you could work off the stress!

CJ- sorry to read about your pain, I''m hoping it improves. Also the knee bandage works great. My friend had knee surgery and that worked well too... Plus there is this weird sticky tape which actually keeps water out - if the stitches aren''t too big... called new skin bandaid.

Marcy- sorry about the stress.. seems to be hitting us all! Hope today doesn''t hurt too bad. **hugs**

DG- great job on the maintenence. That is really fantastic. You are a rockstar! KUDDOS! Hope matt has a safe trip-- Louisville.. taht is where my hubby will be doing his Ironman this year. IN AUGUST. crazy guy! you know how horrid the summers are there!

Everyone Happy FRIDAY-- THANK GOODNESS! Today is the hubs'' birthday. So we''ll be hitting up a new sushi spot. Good news, he got a promotion for his birthday. Well not really - it was because he''s a rockstar. But the timing is about right.. it also comes with a relocation to the midwest. Details unknown as of now. So - that is kinda scary and exciting at the same time. I''m actually excited because now we won''t have to fly his bike out to his IMKY in august... we can just drive there. Marcy I looked for Mars during my runs and at night and wouldn;''t you know it - the dang sky is totally overcasted for the past 4 days. Blots out the stars and moon even! *sad* I was SUPER excited. I got one of those telescope- star gazer map things for Xmas and I get so excited about using it... *pouts* Oh well. Eats are good. Quinoa is my new favorite staple. Since it tastes like nothing I mix it in just about everything. It is filling and high in protein. I made quinoa veggies and chicken last night - and then covered my mixture in siracha sauce. I use it like ketchup and it freaks out the hubs. I like it HOT. Then I washed it down with a nice glass of milk! YUMMERS! My run this morning was good. It is in the 50''s finally, and I love that it is warming up. Have a great weekend all!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......It was an unusally long Friday. I didn''t leave the office till nearly 7 PM and I was thelast one standing as most left at 5. I''ve been working on a hiring event, so I had to have at least 10 people ready to be submitted so they can interview in two different cities next week. It''s a massive undertaking and the head of our division gave me the requirement and I''m the only recruiter in our company working on it. So, I''ve been killing myself this week. And next I have to do the same thing as the same even will be held the following week in two additional cities. So I''ll be ''uber'' busy for the next couple weeks. I finally met Charlie for sushi and since we were later than usual, it took a while to get a table, but it was worth it. Tomorrow''s the adult version of the parade I wrote about last week. It will be total bedlam here. It''s basically Mardi Gras with a pirate theme. Charlie has to work till 2. I''m going to take him to work, but by the time he get''s off, he''ll have to walk home as by that time the roads will be completely gridlocked. It''s only about 3.5 miles from where he works, so it shouldnt'' be a bad walk. We made a reservation at a nice little restaurant withing walking distance as there''s no way we could drive anywhere. We''re always so happy when Gasparilla is over!

Hey Marcy.......I''m glad you don''t hate us!!! There''s supposed to thunder and lightning tomorrow, just about the time the parade''s scheduled to start, so there will be about 1/2 million (really that''s the expected number of people) wet and drunk partiers. Joy...........I''m glad you''re in the "worked to Death" club!!

Wow tlh, that''s some news about the promotion and move to the Midwest!! Please congratulate Mr. tlh and wish him a happy birthday!!

OK.....i''m absolutely wiped out, so I''m shutting down for the night. I hope everyone has a great Saturday........


Feb 27, 2007

Good news = the weekend is here.Bad news = my day was awful.I got so stressed my right eyelid started twitching.Marty said it was some “deficiency” so I decided it was a wine deficiency and had some with supper.


We had light alfredo for supper with some French bread.Lunch was a lean cuisine.

Tlh, thanks for the “hugs”.I need them after today.Happy Birthday to Mr Tlh.A promotion too?Congratulations.So you are moving?Mars will be very bright for weeks.We are cloudy here tonight too but I keep checking.

Rod, we do seem to post at the same time.I just hit refresh and there you are.Sounds like you’ll be working hard for the next few weeks; good luck with all the candidates.Have a blast with the “Pirate” parade.It sounds like fun but I am sure the crowds make it difficult to get around.

Take care.Have a great weekend.




Aug 19, 2009
Hi everyone! This is quick drive-by to say hi, I have to do a take-home final but then I''ll be back.

Eating hasn''t been stellar, but also not horrible.

I am part of the caffine makes me crazy club--everyone on my mom''s side f the fam is like that so I think it might be genetic.

Big HUGS to everyone and thank goodness it''s the weekend!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.......Today was Gasparilla, so it was insane as usual. And to add more fun, it was a rainy mess too. I had to get up early and take Charlie to work, since it would be gridlock by the time he got off. Of course I couldn''t go back to sleep when I got home as I was fully awake, so I just had my coffee and watched as the parade attendee''s starting to arrive. Then just when Charlie was off and the parade was just underway, the skies opened up and it rained hard. Still, since Charlie had to walk home, I decided to walk halfway to meet him at Starbucks for coffee. Then we walked home in the rain and saw lot''s and lot''s of drunk teenagers stumbling past us. I wonder where the parents of these kids are? What parent would let them come to an adult parade unsupervised?? Boy, don''t I sound like a prude? For dinner, we walked up to a little pub we really like. Since it''s Gasparilla, we made reservations, which was a good thing to do, as we''d have had to wait a long time if we hadn''t made reservations. Tomorrow''s going to be a pretty routine Sunday. Charlie''s off, so we''ll have breakfast (we''re making pancakes!) then a quick lunch, coffee under the oak, followed by a nice long workout at the gym.

Marcy, we do seem to post at the same time!! I''m sorry the day was awful, but I liked your wine supplement solution!! We don''t really get involved in the parade. It''s just not our kind of event. I hope the rest of the weekend is better, but if it''s not, you take that wine supplement to make it better!!

Hey Bella.......I hope you''re enjoying your weekend.

To everyone who hasn''t written in this weekend, I hope it means you''re out having fun and treating yourslef well!

Have a great Sunday everyone.........


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.Last night I broke our kitchen faucet so we went shopping today.We’ve used the screw on PUR water filters on our faucet for years and it has striped the end of the faucet so we wandered through several hardware stores and picked a new sink, new faucet and a water filter system that goes under the sink.The new sink is very cool; one side is long and skinny and the other side is a big rectangle.They are both 9” deep.I will be excited to try them out tomorrow.

When we were coming out of one store the sun was at a great angle to see fire in my diamond and get lots of reflections.I am walking along enjoying the show and Marty walked between me and the Sun.I gave him a hard time not to EVER cut off my sunshine again when I am looking at my ring.

I am sure he thinks I’m crazy.

Bella, good luck with your take home final.It seems strange to be taking a final now since my semester just started.I think caffeine makes me pretty edgy – it sure accelerates my heart rate and sugar really buzzes me too.The strange thing I notice about sugar is it makes me irritable too and once I eat sugar I want more.

Rod, we were near 50 about 2 pm today.Not bad for this time of year here.Didn’t it rain during last year’s parade too?That is kind of sad about drunken teenagers at the parade.My parents didn’t always know what I was doing but trust me they’d figure it out and it wouldn’t happen again.Enjoy your pancakes tomorrow morning.We need one more thing to finish our sink so we will probably be eating out in the morning.My weekend is going pretty well but while we were in Lowe’s my boss called me wanting to know if I could go in to work.My employee that is on call wasn’t answering her cell phone.I called her house and she picked up so I asked her to take care of it so at least I didn’t have to go to work today.

Well, I’d best go grade papers.

Sleep well and dream of a sparkling bed of diamonds.





Dec 31, 2008
Team Rod and Marcy - the weekend crew!

Rod - pirate mardi gras... sounds interesting! Strange about the unsupervised kiddos... made me shake my head. STL had a decent mardi gras celebration - and I remember heading there when I was in HS years ago - but it wasn''t like boobie central or anything... even if it was - it isn''t like I haven''t seen them before. But I actually was turned off, by all the drunks when I went - the floats were cool though. Sorry you''re being worked so hard, but glad that the sushi, even with the wait - made your week nice.

Marcy- my eye twitches when I have a potassium deficiency.. usually a banana clears it up - but wine sounds good! I''ll keep my eyes northward and hope I can see mars, that will be sweet. Should be low cloud cover tonight... so I''ll take a gander. My husband and I had the same problem with the pur system... and have had to replace the hardware. Frustrating! But your new sink sounds fabulous!

bella- have a nice weekend!

Thanks for the birthday and congrats for the hubs. It was a lot of fun. We ate soo much sushi on Friday and I had a bit too much soy sauce that I bloated up about 2 pounds. But it was sooo worth it. Yum. Well this weekend we went through 2 closets full of stuff, and donated a car full of clothing and furniture. I wondered why on earth we had kept... and we threw away a bunch of worthless papers etc, that I always laugh because they seemed so important at the time... just boxed away clutter - really. We''ve decided to tackle a room/closet at a time and trash donate what we don''t need, and label up and box up what we''re taking. That way it won''t seem so overwhelming when we do head out. The eats were a bit much. Sushi on Friday, spinach thin crust pizza for lunch, a few beers, and we even managed to squeeze in a cookie cake w/ icecream too... but eh, when it is in moderation it isn''t too bad... I just don''t like my sodium to be that high, and this was a salty weekend! My running is almost back to normal. I''m feeling top notch, but know I''ve still got 2 more weeks before I really am 100%. Have a great remainder of the weekend!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey........We''re watching the Grammy''s.........I LOVE LADY GAGA!! I think she''s so cool! Beyonce''s pretty cool too! And while I''m at, Pink is pretty amazing! It was good Sunday. It was cloudy this morning, so it was really nice to sleep in. I didn''t get up till almost 10 AM. We just had a bowl of fruit for breakfast. We were going to have pancakes, but we were too lazy to make a mess. So, we got going and had our usual lunch at Panera and while I was ordering lunch, Charlie decided (without telling me) that we should still have our scones, so he bought a couple, which we had with coffee at Sbucks. It was a bit too cold to sit under the oak today. We went from Sbucks to the gym and either the extra carbs, or being rested made a difference, but I had such an energized workout. And it was fun. We really mixed things up today and I''m already feeling it in my arms and chest. And my run on the elliptical was just a blast. While I always do the elliptical and I push hard on it, I don''t always enjoy myself. But today, it was fun. And I was doing less than a 7 minute mile, which is pushing pretty hard. Charlie actually had to tell me we needed to get going or I would have just kept going.........We stopped by the grocery store on the way home and bought salads with fresh shrimp for dinner. I''m not ready to start a new work week, but so what else is new........LOL

It is the Marcy, Rod and tlh weekend crew!!

Marcy, the new sink, faucet and water purification system sounds great! The nerve or Marty blocking bling light!! 50''s huh? To us that''s still quite chilly, but compared to what you''ve been having lately, I''m sure it was a welcome warmup! I''m glad you were able to find your employee so you didn''t have to go into work on Sunday.........

Hey tlh, they supposedly cracked down on bare breasts and brazen drunkeness this year. They even went into the schools and told the kids, there would be no tolerance this year. I read that about 500 teenagers were arrested (I''m sure their parents having to pick them up at jail didn''t go over too well), but we still saw too many people stumbling all over themselves. I''m glad you enjoyed sushi Friday night. The sodium weight gain wil be short lived. Isn''[t amazing how much stuff we hold on to? I''m sure the charity you donated to is grateful. Yay for your running being almost back to normal. Your toe must be healing nicely!!

I hope everyone had a good weekend and the upcoming week is terrific..........


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.I need drugs but wow is my house clean!

After getting a pretty new sink and faucet I got the bug to clean and just kept going.I want to stay home from work tomorrow and enjoy it.

I bought stuff to make low fat lasagna but since Marty was still working on the sink he wanted to order in pizza.We ordered thin crust and I had 2 pieces of Canadian bacon / pineapple pizza.It hit the spot.


I ordered a new purse tonight.I like new purses almost as much as I like jewelry.I love Ebags.

Tlh, glad to see you are joining the weekend crew.I did pick up some bananas today so once they ripen they will be my morning fruit.My eyelid is better but still close to twitching.It didn’t seem to matter which PUR system we bought (the cheapest to the most expensive) they start to break and tear up the end of the faucet.I think I’ll like our new setup.I don’t know what depth we had in our sink before but the 9” seems very deep to me.I think my large skillet will even fit in the larger side.Good plan to tackle one closet or room at a time.When will you be moving?Silly sodium makes me retain water too.Glad your husband had a great birthday.

Rod, the only reason I like to watch awards shows is to see the jewelry.Sounds like you had a great workout.I figure my housework burned off my 2 pieces of pizza.Marty did a nice job installing the new sink and faucet.Now he is contemplating putting down some wood laminate in our entry way.It’s 30 sq feet so he can see if he is interesting in putting it down in the kitchen and dining room or willing to pay about $1000 to have it installed.Our 50’s were short lived but I enjoyed it while it lasted.

Well, I’d best go back to grading papers.

See you in next week’s thread.



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