
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 21st July till 27th July

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Jul 22, 2007
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it....

Thanks, Lorelei! My brother actually prides himself in remembering all the words to that song, but I''m onto him. I think he listens to it regularly! I started doing the old 80''s dances and JT started hollaring, "NO!" yeah, if we''d only known how dumb we looked then... Hope your toofer feels better soon!

PHX~ I''ve probably missed you, but have a safe trip!

Kimi~ Yay for you riding to work! I''d need a tractor seat on my bike to ride that far.

LP~ I hope to have a camera again soon, little hands got a hold of mine. But, when I do, I''ll be sure to post pics. We have some of the most beautiful views form the trails.

Indy~ JT will learn a lot about nature. The first thing he needs to learn is poison oak! Hope you have a great weekend!

Everything is going well here. And, yes, JT and his cousin are super cute! I already sweated my butt off today while trekking through 3 floors of a second hand store. I realized after going up 3 flights of steps, and going down 3 flights of steps, I should have paid closer attention to the chair on the third floor the first time. SO, back up 3 flights and down again. All this with JT. I''m planning on a little yoga this evening which I really need right now.

Hi to everyone and Have a great weekend!

Too cold, too cold.... yeah, thanks, Lorelei!


Jun 27, 2008
dragonfly - thanks for the tip! I remember rolling my eyes once at every dick and jane that were "suddenly" allergic...without checking with their doctor first! I am making sure that i am getting a fairly well balanced meal, and making sure i still have "grains" (rice). My doctor put me on the diet to see if that is the case. I hope its not!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Yay, it's Friday and that means I can sleep till I can't sleep anymore tomorrow! It was a good day workwise but I had planned (no promised myself) that I would leave work no later than 5:30, but was still there at 6 - ugh.......Charlie worked tonight and I figured I'd go out and get a bite to eat, but that was delayed by a major thunderstorm that lasted till nearly 8 PM. It was really wicked, so I didn't venture out until around 8:30 and grabbed a slice of pizza like I did last Friday night. Charlie's working tomorrow during the day, so I haven't decided what I'll get into. I may go to the gym and then again, I may just enjoy a day of rest and relaxation. I guess I'll just see how I feel tomorrow. Tommorow night will be a sushi, froyo and sbucks night and I'm looking forward to that for sure.

I'm glad JT's doing better SS!

I've probably missed you, but I hope you have a fantastic time in Paris phoenix. Paris is without a doubt one of my all time favorite cities. For me, it was just magical and the food, oh my....the food. But you'll walk your butt off and likely not gain an ounce.

Interesting that you use Emergency-C for energy Julianna? I've only used it if I thought I was fighting a cold or something.

I'm sorry you're having toof issues Lorelei. You need to get yourself to the dentist, let him numb it with novacaine, and let him drill away. It will provide such relief to have it taken care of. Feel better dear friend!

Yay for a 10 mile bike ride Kimberly!!

Good for you going to the gym KCC! Walk/Run combo's are really good for you! Have fun moving your sister and yes, that does count for a workout for sure!! Just make sure you brace yourself when lifting heavy items so you don't hurt your back. Lift from the knee's always.

Hey lliang! Cute story and I agree with Indy, biking can and is most certainly a sport!

Have a great time in Orlando Charger!!

Welcome jcarly!! I hope you get a lot out of this like most of us do!!

Mr Skippy's culinary venture ino the kitchen sounded yummy Skippy! And good for him riding his bike to and from work. I hope the two of you have fun on your bikes. Happy plant shopping! I guess you saw that we're doing sushi tomorrow night instead since Charlie had to work tonight.

I hope you leg is feeling better DeeJay! Ice and stretching are the best you can do. Take care........

I'm glad your back is doing better LP! I'm sure you'll have such a good time checking out the Brewer's Festival. I've always wanted to visit Portland and Charlie would move there in a heartbeat. I'm not sure I could live there as I'd miss the perpertually sunny days we have in Florida, but one never knows.

Hey there Steph!! I'm glad you finally had the opportunity to try some tart froyo! It is quite addictive and if I could, I'd have it every single day of the week. Thanks for thinking about me!!

Thanks for looking forward to my daily summary Indy. I often think I write way to much and I must bore everyone with the same old things day in and day out. So it's nice to know you aren't tired of me yet - LOL!! Believe me, I wish I had more time at night to write more, but this new job isn't leaving much free time these days.

jcarly, I always park my car far away. One, because I know the walk is good for me. And two, because I have a nice car and I hope by parking further away, I'm less likely to come back and find door dings - LOL!!

I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well or sleeping well dragon. Feel better and get some rest.

OK....I think I said hi to everyone, but if I missed you, it wasn't on purpose! It's time to head off to dream land. I'm so looking forward to sleeping in.

Have a great Saturday everyone!


Aug 17, 2005
Just a quick check-in.

I''ve been on the go today runnning errands and getting myself ready the biz trip to Orlando. I looked over the convention schedule, and i''m going to be a busy bee all day, everyday i''m there. I decided not to pack my workout wear. I''ll take my exercise bands and do some strength training, squats and lunges in my room. And, I''ll watch what I eat while i''m there (wish my luck with the yucky disney convention food!)

I leave first thing tomorrow morning, and hubby arrives home late tomorrow eve. he left for his biz trip last Fri. I"ll be back home Wed afternoon, and can''t wait to see him. This is the longest we''ve been apart in years. UGH. talk about bad timing.

Rod- Enjoy your sushi, froyo and sbucks tonite. You deserve it!
Shiny- we also have some great hiking near us. perhaps we''ll dust off the hiking boots next weekend and hit up a trail (early in the day)
Kimberly- Glad to hear this last bike trip was a success
Lorelei- OUCH take care of the teefs!
KC- Moving can certainly be a workout! hope all went well with your sister''s move
Skippy- yummy recipe

Hello lliang, DeeJay, Pirate, Steph, dragonfly & Indy, welcome jcarlylew!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi friends, I will check in later this evening. I have my 2 yr old nephew with me and he, hubby and I walked.


Dec 28, 2005
Wow, yesterday there were like 10,000 posts and today just two! I guess that means everyone's out having a fun weekend. At least I hope you all are!

Charlie worked today, so it was a bit lonely for a Saturday. I slept till about 9:15 this morning (WOO HOO), which was such a nice treat. Then, I had breakfast (fresh fruit, a tart cherry scone from Panera and coffee) on the terrace and read the paper for a long time. I had a few errands to run, then had a turkey sandwich on an everything bagel for lunch, followed by coffee under the oak. It was hot, but not too hot today as we'd had such a strong thunderstorm last night that it cooled things off a bit. I stopped by Restoration and met some of Charlie's co-workers and since Restoration is just across the street from the gym, I decided to go in and workout today. I got to the gym at 2:30 and since I was rested, I had a fantastic workout. I wasn't on any schedule, so I wound up doing a bit more than I usually do on a Saturday, but it felt good and I was pleased with what I accomplished. I got home at 6 and then met Charlie for Sushi, FroYo and Coffee, which was really nice. Otherwise, we're just home spending the evening with Sakai! Charlie's off tomorrow, so we'll have a nice regular Sunday, including a workout at the gym in the afternoon, then dinner at home. We're doing sushi at favorite sushi place #2 Monday night this week, because he's working Tuesday and Wednesday night. So, I'll rest from the gym on Monday and probably Tuesday, then do the gym Wednesday and Thursday. I'm trying to include at least one two day break from the gym each week, so that should workout just right.

Charger, I'm not sure where you're coming from, but be prepared for some rather hot and sticky weather when you get to Orlando. I'm guessing you'll be somewhere in the International Drive area, as that's where a lot of conventions (and the actual Orlando convention center is located) are held. There are lot's of outlet stores in the International area, so you might get some extra exercise shopping - LOL!! Also, be prepared for a thunderstorm just about every afternoon between 3 and 5 PM. And they can be doozies too, so be careful. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy your convention for sure!

I'm sure you and hubby enjoyed your nephew Skippy. I'm betting you're just about the 'bestest' Aunt EVER!

I guess that about does it for me. I hope everyone had a nice Saturday and is looking forward to a terrific Sunday.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi friends, sorry for the quick post earlier. Hubby and I took my nephew for a walk; we had a blast! Little kids are so funny and just make you smile with the cutest things they say! We walked 1 mile and then I took him for another walk later on and we played kick ball out in our backyard. We also played legos. The picture was taken on our walk; it rained so the snails were out, ewww. My nephew kept calling them bugs. hehe My sister and her husband had a nice date night! He is so much fun so I told her bring him over anytime.

Rod, I am glad you got to have sushi tonight! Hubby is craving Thai food so hopefully we will go this week. I made a spinach pie for dinner; it was great. Hubby and I are trying to cook more and try out new recipes since it is easier to know calories in a recipe etc.

Charger, have a safe trip! I read that you and your hubby might go hiking, sounds wonderful!

Have a great evening all



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I will be so glad when life is back to normal. My SIL will be leaving Monday so I’ll have some time to catch up on life.
We had eye exams this morning and I found out I have a scar in my left eye and also have the very baby beginnings of a cataract. He ran all sorts of tests to see what the scar was but it turns out to just be a scar. About 2 months ago I had my contact (gas perm) either stick on my eye and pull a little piece out with it when I removed it or I turned it and stabbed my eye that night. It hurt pretty bad for a few days and watered a lot. We are guessing that is when it happened. For both problems he recommends plenty of water, leafy green vegetables and make sure I always have on good sunglasses when I am outside.
My mom’s computer hasn’t been working for her to do email so I brought it home for Marty to work on and it is toast. I feel really, really bad since Marty told me to give her my old laptop when I bought my new laptop but since I’d already told someone at work I’d sell it to them that is what I did. Now my mom is out of a computer. I checked around for a used laptop but they weren’t much better than what she had. Marty is going to give her his laptop so I feel bad about that too. He said he’d rather she have a good computer that he knows (since he has to work on it when she breaks it) and he doesn’t use his laptop that often anyway. She only does email and limited internet so she doesn’t need anything fancy.
We all went shopping today at the Outlet Mall. I was very excited to find some women’s docker’s for $14.99 each. I bought one of each color they had (4). I also found a green twin set for $9 each. I love clearance sales.
We also need to get ready for a big regional star party. Our club co-hosts it with another club. We just found out from the forest service we need to pay an annual usage fee plus get liability insurance. That was a nightmare trying to get event insurance with less than a week’s notice. And ouch for how much it costs.
So anyway all of the above is keeping me busier than I want to be and I am 3 days behind on your wonderful posts.
Kimi, I am glad you’ve been able to get out and enjoy a bike ride.
Rod, glad to hear your new boss is pleased with your progress. Sorry to hear you are having such long days. I hope you got to sleep in today. We had to get up at our normal time for eye appointments.
Miscka, how wonderful to have access to food from Whole Foods. I wish we had one here; we have to go to Colorado to shop there but we really like it. Definitely reward yourself with new clothes; show off your hard work.
IndyGirl, I am glad you got in a nap. I take fresh fruit and cereal to work to eat for BF every day. I put them in a baggie and eat them while reading my morning emails.
Hudson Hawk, LOL at sleeping like the dead. I need a few nights like that. I don’t think I’ve slept much since we got home from our vacation.
Lorelei, HUGS to you girl. You have my deepest sympathy. I hope you feel better soon. I hate when the doctor or dentist says “woah!” I had a cavity filled in one of my wisdom teeth once and both my dentist and I decided never to do that again.
KC, I am glad to hear the new eating plan is working well for both you and your SO. It makes it easier when you are both working on it. I weigh every day as I think it keeps me more focused and aware. Congratulations for being back to your normal weight. Woo hoo!
I am sure helping your sister move will burn off some calories.
PhoenixGirl, I hope you have a wonderful time in Paris.
DeeJay, rats for having a sore body. I hope you found a LC that appealed to you.
ChargerGirl, how fun to workout with the stars.
Hi Julianna.
Skippy, glad to hear you are having beautiful weather and are able to enjoy dining outside while watching the hummingbirds. Yippee for loosing another ½ pound.
That is great Mr. Skipper’s rides to work every day. I hope you find some nice trees for your yard. We’ve had some rain here but we’ve been in the 80’s before the rain storms roll through. I saw some great lightning last night. Your nephew looks like he’s having fun. I know you enjoyed getting to play with him.
Dragonfly, I hope you have a terrific vacation.
Welcome, lliang. I find cereal stays with me longer than anything else for breakfast. I bet your had a great time at Yosemite.
Ladypirate, I bet you are glad to finally be finished moving. I hope your back gets better soon.
Choro, I find it amazing you can eat on $10 a week. You must eat like a bird.
Amanda, good advice on the choices we make.
Somethingshiny, too cute the boys were each other’s chaperone. That’s great you have nice place to hike nearby.
Welcome Jcarylwlew! Your family vacation next summer sounds great.
Steph, good luck with eating 1200 calories to drop a few pounds.
Well, if I post this now I might at least get to bed at a normal time.
Have a great Sunday.



Sep 16, 2007
Happy weekend all! I can tell the activity decreases around here because everyone''s away from their computers. I usually PS when I''m at work *insert shame-filled face here*, so I haven''t been posting much. I''m at home this weekend = GREAT home-cooked Vietnamese food. There''s no place like home!
I don''t have my treadmill here so it''s more difficult to work out, but I took a long walk around a celery bog (!) yesterday and took the day off today. Back to the grind tomorrow when I return to my apartment. I never realize how quiet it is until I come back home to a house full of 7 people, two dogs, and a tortoise! But I love it. I got to sleep in today (way too late, I''m embarrassed to tell you HOW late), then went to my brother''s summer choir camp show, then had lunch with the "girls" (my mom, younger sister, and the foreign exchange student from Vietnam living in our house), went to church, then finally a quick trip to Wally World. It was one of those lazy Saturdays where you''re running around but nothing you''re doing is stressful so it''s fun. Hope you all had a great Saturday as well!

Rod - I definitely enjoy reading about your days because I like hearing a different perspective on a healthier lifestyle. I also like reading what everyone did everyday because 1) I know typing out what I have done makes me feel good about my workouts and 2) I am interested in learning what has worked for other people so I can get some new ideas. I get excited when the weekend rolls around and I get to sleep in too...although 9:30 is nowhere near the time I consider truly "sleeping in" haha Good job on going that extra mile on the weekend! It''s SO easy for me to slack off on my days off because at least when I''m working I have other things to do besides eat lol...I tell myself I don''t want to undo what I did all week though.

Somethingshiny - Poison oak education is a must! My brother got poison oak not too long ago and had a HUGE reaction to it. We had to go to the doctor twice to get medications strong enough for him. I can''t wait to have kids to take on little adventures!

Jcarly - I have to admit I don''t park far away most of the time, but that''s mainly because I''m usually running late and need every spare second I can!

Chargergrrl - The trip to O-Town sounds fun! I''ve been there a few times, most recently for the Capital One Bowl/New Years and it was a blast...although I wasn''t there on business. The exercise bands should do just fine, we used them a lot in rehab programs when I was in undergrad. They really can give you as much resistance as some of the lighter free weights and are much lighter to carry when you travel!

Skippy - That pic is so cute - I love the light blue. Sounds like your nephew got quite a workout too. It''s so funny how most kids are not afraid of spiders, bugs, etc. but grown men/women will run screaming at the sight of one. It was so nice of you to spend time with your nephew so that your sister and her DH could have some time alone. My older sister is pregnant (!) and it''ll be the first niece/nephew/grandchild in my family so there will be a lot of people wanting to babysit him/her once he/she comes. I love spinach! My dad used to make it all the time and we were all hooked since childhood. I think it''s so underrated as a healthy green.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/27/2008 1:14:54 AM
Author: IndyGirl22
Happy weekend all! I can tell the activity decreases around here because everyone's away from their computers. I usually PS when I'm at work *insert shame-filled face here*, so I haven't been posting much. I'm at home this weekend = GREAT home-cooked Vietnamese food. There's no place like home!
I don't have my treadmill here so it's more difficult to work out, but I took a long walk around a celery bog (!) yesterday and took the day off today. Back to the grind tomorrow when I return to my apartment. I never realize how quiet it is until I come back home to a house full of 7 people, two dogs, and a tortoise! But I love it. I got to sleep in today (way too late, I'm embarrassed to tell you HOW late), then went to my brother's summer choir camp show, then had lunch with the 'girls' (my mom, younger sister, and the foreign exchange student from Vietnam living in our house), went to church, then finally a quick trip to Wally World. It was one of those lazy Saturdays where you're running around but nothing you're doing is stressful so it's fun. Hope you all had a great Saturday as well!

Skippy - That pic is so cute - I love the light blue. Sounds like your nephew got quite a workout too. It's so funny how most kids are not afraid of spiders, bugs, etc. but grown men/women will run screaming at the sight of one. It was so nice of you to spend time with your nephew so that your sister and her DH could have some time alone. My older sister is pregnant (!) and it'll be the first niece/nephew/grandchild in my family so there will be a lot of people wanting to babysit him/her once he/she comes. I love spinach! My dad used to make it all the time and we were all hooked since childhood. I think it's so underrated as a healthy green.
Indy, oh my goodness, your meals sound fantastic! When can I come over?
hehe YUM!!!!
Oh my goodness, that is wonderful news about your sister having a baby; how Exciting! He or she will be spoiled rotten. hehe My nephew is really spoiled, he is the first grandchild so we just love him so much! I do have other nephews I equally adore but they live several states away! I love spinach too and I am on this nutty spinach kick lately; thank goodness it is good for us.
How fun to have an exchange student! Sweet dreams and good to see you friend!


Nov 24, 2006
Marcy, what a bummer about your mom's computer! That was super duper sweet of Marty! Sorry about the eye's; sounds like you can do things to help keep them from getting worse. . . that is good! Gosh you have been super busy with family; sounds like a great time but I am sure you are looking forward to a little peace. hehe I love family to visit but then I like to have quiet time too. Glad you had fun at the outlets. Hubby and I went to Costco today so we were busy running around too! Sweet dreams friend! Oh, today it was rainy, was it rainy there? Hope it is nice and cool for you!

Rod, have a great weekend dear!


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/27/2008 1:23:38 AM
Author: Skippy123
Indy, oh my goodness, your meals sound fantastic! When can I come over?
hehe YUM!!!!
Oh my goodness, that is wonderful news about your sister having a baby! He or she will be spoiled rotten. hehe My nephew is really spoiled, he is the first grandchild so we just love him so much! I do have other nephews I equally adore but they live several states away! I love spinach too and I am on this nutty spinach kick lately; thank goodness it is good for us.
How fun to have an exchange student! Sweet dreams and good to see you!
Haha - yeah! It's always great to introduce people to real Vietnamese food because so many people think all SE Asian food is the same, especially here in the Midwest where there are not that many Vietnamese people/restaurants/etc. Most people think it's just like Japanese, Thai, or Chinese food and it does have some similarities, but is completely different at the same time.
Glad to hear you know the difference! My dad cooks all the meals at our house, but my maternal grandmother is the one who taught him how to cook. Funny enough my mother never picked up my grandmother's cooking prowess, as she always orders in or takes us out when my dad can't cook!

We were all really happy to hear about my sister's pregnancy because she had undergone some intense therapy to conceive and her husband had just come back from Korea (he's in the Army). She had IVF and it was such a long and PAINFUL process for her we were very glad and fortunate that it worked the first time. She sent me her first ultrasound and it looks like a little cashew with its spine forming - completely adorable and surreal at the same time. She said she didn't even believe that the baby was growing inside her when they were doing the ultrasound and she was right there! I bet all first-time mothers have that first moment of disbelief when they realize they are pregnant and before it all sets in (I bet men go through this too, but in a different way, and I heard at later time).

I have this really weird thing where I LOVE some foods cooked, but I can't stand them raw...spinach is one of those foods. I'm also like that with tomatoes...can't explain it. Any good spinach recipes for me to try? Maybe something I can make a batch of and eat for a couple days.
Thanks in advance!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/27/2008 1:33:37 AM
Author: IndyGirl22
Haha - yeah! It's always great to introduce people to real Vietnamese food because so many people think all SE Asian food is the same, especially here in the Midwest where there are not that many Vietnamese people/restaurants/etc. Most people think it's just like Japanese, Thai, or Chinese food and it does have some similarities, but is completely different at the same time.
Glad to hear you know the difference! My dad cooks all the meals at our house, but my maternal grandmother is the one who taught him how to cook. Funny enough my mother never picked up my grandmother's cooking prowess, as she always orders in or takes us out when my dad can't cook!

We were all really happy to hear about my sister's pregnancy because she had undergone some intense therapy to conceive and her husband had just come back from Korea (he's in the Army). She had IVF and it was such a long and PAINFUL process for her we were very glad and fortunate that it worked the first time. She sent me her first ultrasound and it looks like a little cashew with its spine forming - completely adorable and surreal at the same time. She said she didn't even believe that the baby was growing inside her when they were doing the ultrasound and she was right there! I bet all first-time mothers have that first moment of disbelief when they realize they are pregnant and before it all sets in (I bet men go through this too, but in a different way, and I heard at later time).

I have this really weird thing where I LOVE some foods cooked, but I can't stand them raw...spinach is one of those foods. I'm also like that with tomatoes...can't explain it. Any good spinach recipes for me to try? Maybe something I can make a batch of and eat for a couple days.
Thanks in advance!
Indy we have a few Vietnamese restaurants here in NM; I like Vietnamese food much better than Chinese. It probably isn't authetic but I like how they use a lot of fresh sprouts, veggies and soups. They are delicious!!!
Wow, that is awesome about your sister; I am so happy for your family!
You will be a proud auntie!

Okay, I will post some recipes for you over the next couple of days. I will post them in this thread I only like baby spinach raw. I am like you with tomatoes. hehe Maybe you can post some authentic low cal Vietnamese recipes if you have some, I would love some!!! I am try to cook more healthy foods lately and my husband would be so excited to try something other than Italian, French and American!


Aug 12, 2005
Hey all, it''s Monnie...

I''ve been going through some personal issues and wanting to be discreet about them, but I''m still alive, kicking, and working out. I''m staying with my parents at the moment and getting in some good workouts helping them with their 7 acre estate and 60 acres of farmland. I have a hell of a farmer''s tan going some great muscle tone as well!

Fresh fruit and veggies make up most meals every day, which is wonderful. I haven''t lost any weight recently, but I think it''s because I''m not trying and also because I''m working so hard on the farm and eating to make up for it.

I haven''t read this thread, or those from weeks'' past, but I wish each and every one of you the best! It''s good to be "back." I usually only check in on weekends now, so please forgive me if I am not reading or posting daily.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/27/2008 1:59:52 AM
Author: monarch64
Hey all, it''s Monnie...

I''ve been going through some personal issues and wanting to be discreet about them, but I''m still alive, kicking, and working out. I''m staying with my parents at the moment and getting in some good workouts helping them with their 7 acre estate and 60 acres of farmland. I have a hell of a farmer''s tan going some great muscle tone as well!

Fresh fruit and veggies make up most meals every day, which is wonderful. I haven''t lost any weight recently, but I think it''s because I''m not trying and also because I''m working so hard on the farm and eating to make up for it.

I haven''t read this thread, or those from weeks'' past, but I wish each and every one of you the best! It''s good to be ''back.'' I usually only check in on weekends now, so please forgive me if I am not reading or posting daily.
Monnie, I am so pleased to see you back - hugs friend!!!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Thanks for the encouraging words about bike riding. It was fun. I haven''t done anything since as I''ve managed to catch a cold and I feel pretty crappy. We may go to the movies this afternoon (I want to see CSNY: Deja Vu), we''ll see.

Great picture of your nephew and DH, Skip. So cute!

Marcy, it''s so sweet of Marty to give up his laptop. Sorry about your eye issues!

Rod, sounds like you had a great workout. AWESOME!

Monnie, I''ve been thinking about you, wondered where you''d gone. Take care of yourself!

Have a great day, everyone.


Jul 30, 2007
Hi all.

I''ve had a bit of a downer morning because I stepped on the scale and have gained about 3 pounds from where I was a couple of weeks ago. I think it''s mainly because I''ve been flat on my back with this stupid sciatica. I''m so frustrated--I want to be up and exercising and instead I''m stuck on my back unable to do anything. I''m thinking I might go for a walk today, but I have to stay close in case it starts bothering me. It just drives me batty. I like being out and about and active and I can''t be. I just feel pathetic.

I''ll try to come in and respond to everyone''s posts later in the day.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy weekend all! Yesterday I did 30 mins on the ellpitical and then 35 on the treadmill. Today I thought I''d do an hour on the bike, but after 30 mins I moved over the treadmill... That lasted for about 5 mins (
) and I went back to the bike... Whilch lasted for 10 mins (
)... Then I finished with 20 mins on the ellitpical... I have no idea what my problem was, but beyond the initial 30 mins I could just not get into it. Oh well, at least I stuck it out for 65 mins total, even if I did bounce from thing to thing. Tomorrow I will try to swim, although my shoulder still make a weird clicking when I move it around.

The HH is making pork with pollenta and some fancy veggie side dish (I don''t know exactly what but I see the carcasses of various veggies in the trash so there are a variety of things involved). I can smell it all cooking away up there and I am HUNGRY!


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Sunday Evening Everyone!

We had a very nice Sunday. It was extra nice because Charlie was off the entire day and we were able to enjoy our usual coffee, scone and fresh fruit on the terrace with the paper. It was a nice and breezy and not so hot morning. Then our day was just like a normal Sunday. Lunch at Panera (I had low fat/low cal vegetable soup and a peanut and butter sandwich on whole grain - Yumm), followed by coffee under the oak, then a fantastic workout at the gym. It wasn't very crowded at the gym (it usually isn't on Sunday afternoon's to begin with), so we were able to just bounce all over the place and do all sorts of things we don't usually have the time to do. As usual, we finished with 30 intense minutes on the elliptical. Start to finish we were at the gym for 3 hours, but it was more enjoyable with Charlie there! Dinner was nice. We had shrimp coctails as an appetizer, followed by wonderful filet mignon I grilled outside, and fresh silver queen corn and sliced tomato. We finished the day with a cup of coffee and we split a piece of coffee crumb cake at the Sbucks closer to our condo. Tomorrow, we're meeting for sushi, so it's not a workout day and I'm going to take Tuesday off from the gym too as I should have at least two days to let my muscles recover after pushing them really hard this weekend.

Monnie......I'm sorry you've had some personal issues, but am so glad to hear you're OK and doing well with your parents and working out on the farm. You know you have lot's of us here who care about you, so please write as often as you can and let us know how things are going.

What a cute picture of HH and nephew Skippy! I did have a good weekend and thanks for wishing us one!! I hope HH get's his Thai fix this week! We're going to have dub you the "Spinach Queen!" I'm sure your spinach pie was as good as your spinach lasagna!!

Marcy, I'm sorry about the scar and beginnings of a cataract. Unfortunately, it's something we will all have to deal with at some point in our life. At least they are really slow growing and when it's time to have it removed, they've made it such a simple procedure these days. I'm sorry about your mom's computer too.

Thanks for not being bored by he Rod Daily Summary Indy!! Had to laugh at your "insert shame-filled face here!" In my last job, I used to PS at work too. But, I can't in my new one, so I'm limited to whatever little time I have in the evenings these days. Yumm to homemade Vietnamese food. We used to have neighbors from Vietnam and they would have us over for home cooked food that was just to die for.

Hey Lorelei! I hope your tooth hasn't caused you much pain this weekend.

Kimberly, I'm sorry to see you've caught a cold. You've certainly had you share of them this year. Feel better. I know John is taking good care of you, he always does.

Sciatica is so painful LP. I used to suffer from it significantly. I haven't had any issues in over 2 years now that I've worked so hard on strengthening my core. I know everyone must get tired of Rod ranting and raving over core strength training, but believe me, I used to be in chiropractic care no less than 3 times a week. I haven't needed to see my chiropractor in almost 3 years now (Woo Hoo)! If I haven't recommended this book to you, please get yourself a copy. It's called Core Performance Essentials by Mark Verstegen. It really really really works. In the meantime, if you want to walk do you have a back brace (like the ones they wear at Home Depot or Loews)? They may not be the most beautiful fashion accessory, but trust me, they can help you become mobile more quickly. Anway, I hope you're feeling better soon.

Hey DeeJay......we all have motivation issues about certain things at the gym. At least you stuck it out 65 minutes and that's just terrific. Yumm to the dinner Bill was making! Did you ever decide whether to sell your place?

Well, that does it for me for this Sunday evening. This should be another looooong week workwise, but that's OK, at least I'm making good progress and enjoying my new work life a bit. Sleep well and see you all next week.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! I had another busy day. I took my SIL shopping for t-shirts for some of her friends at home. We had lunch then came home and teased Marty after he was done playing golf. I took my SIL back to my in-laws house than I packed my clothes in the trailer. We took Marty’s family out for supper tonight and I took my mother Marty’s laptop. She did better with it than I expected. I’ll see if she remembers tomorrow though.
IndyGirl, I wish I could go on PS from work but they track what you do and I am sure they wouldn’t consider this work related. It sounds like you had a great weekend. Congratulations to your sister. I am sure you are all looking forward to the arrival of the little one.
Skippy, glad you guys had fun shopping at Costco. We only have a Sams Club here but can do damage to the pocket book from there too. We had a little bit of rain this afternoon which cooled us down a bit – which was nice since my car said 93 degrees when I was taking my SIL downtown this morning.
Monnie, hugs to you lady! It sounds like you are working hard on the farm. Those are not 8 hour days either. Take care.
Kimi, rats for catching another cold.
I hope you get better soon. Summer colds are so nasty.
Ladypirate, sorry you are so miserable.
That kind of thing takes so long to get over. Take it easy and get better soon.
DeeJay, glad you feel better and got in some exercise. I am sure you are glad to have the DH home and cooking for you again.
Rod, glad to hear you and Charlie had a nice Sunday and Charlie didn’t have to work. I hope your days aren’t so long for you this week.
Well, I must get to bed.

Take care and have a great Monday.


Jul 30, 2007
Hi all,

Happy Sunday night! I''m feeling a lot better than I was earlier--Kris and I went for a 40 minute walk this morning so I was a bit less stir crazy. My back was feeling better than it had been, as well. It''s still a bit sore, but better than it''s been in days and I didn''t have to take any Ibuprofin. Still a bit bummed about the extra pounds, but I think once I can get back into my routine of exercising they should come off. I think we''re going to go for a slightly longer walk tomorrow--we have a really beautiful HUGE park a block from us that has lots of trails to walk on.

Rod, I actually normally don''t have back problems--I think I hurt it with the moving. Specifically, I think I tweaked it up when Kris and I were moving a washing machine and dryer down into our basement by ourselves, then really messed it up by playing tennis when it was already hurt. I will definitely be doing more on the pilates front after it''s better, though. I''m just taking it easy for a while.

Dee*Jay, your dinner sounds delicious! Have fun swimming tomorrow--I want to find a pool so I can start doing that while my back is still

Kimberly, I''m sorry about your cold. I hope you had fun at the movies if you decided to go!

Monnie, I''m glad to see you back. I hope that you are enjoying your time with your parents and I''m sure you''re getting in great shape.

IndyGirl, Vietnamese food is DELICIOUS! I am a huge Pho fan--yum yum yum! Big congratulations on your sister''s pregnancy!

Hi Marcy! We are REALLY glad to be all moved in! We finally got a dresser and so we''re no longer living out of plastic storage bins, which is SOOOOO nice. I''m sorry about your eye issues.
Yay for cute outfits, though! I bet you have an amazing wardrobe!

Skippy, your nephew is so cute! That was nice of you to watch him so your sister and her DH could have a date night!

Hi ChargerGrrl, jcarlylew, Lorelei, dragonfly, Steph and SomethingShiny!


Feb 27, 2007
LadyPirate, glad to hear you were able to go for a walk. No worries on those few pounds, they''ll go away quickly and probably most of it is water weight anyway. LOL at no longer living out of plastic bins anymore. I have 2 for sweaters since I ran out of room in my dresser for all of my clothes. I truly have become a clothes horse but Marty doesn''t mind.


Sep 16, 2007
Hey all - I will begin posting in the new thread but I wanted to reply here first!

Skippy - I will check with my dad about his healthiest recipes. I love VN food, but sometimes it isn''t very calorie/fat conscious - mainly because most people in VN are underweight...I will get back to the board about this... The VN restaurants I''ve been to are pretty on par (as much as possible, anyway) to authentic VN food, especially when compared to Americanized Chinese food. Thanks for the kind words about my sister - we''re all very excited.
I will check that thread to find spinach recipes in the coming week.

Monarch - Good to hear from you. Real work will outdo the gym anyday IMO! It''s nice that you help your parents out - 60 acres sounds like a lot of work. There are quite a few people where I live (IN) with farmer''s tans as well.
Even if the scale is not moving, I''m glad you haven''t gotten discouraged. You are probably replacing the fat with muscle, so the weight won''t change but you will see more tone (as you described). Good job!

Ladypirate - Sciatica is terrible! It is truly debilitating when it flares up. I''m glad you''re improving but I hope you feel great soon! Pho is my #1 absolute favorite VN food! My dad always makes it when I come home and he even packed me some to take home this week!
Don''t worry about those extra pounds - that''s like a pair of jeans and a sweater!

Deejay - Circuit workouts are awesome! I wish I had more machines to bounce around between so that I wasn''t stuck on the treadmill 24/7!

Rod - Your lazy Sunday sounds so relaxing. The more I read this thread the more I want to get married so I have a workout partner! I don''t have LIWitis yet, but I might if I continue reading this thread! J/k I''m a big Panera fan, too. Three hours at the gym is AWESOME! I was going to ask you about muscle soreness after your 2.5-3 hour workouts but it sounds like you''re doing the right thing with the rest. Everything you ate on Sunday sounds amazing - I love shrimp and steak. I would never get on PS at work if I thought they would mind, but since it''s a law firm we have billable hours and no client is paying for me to PS. I''m sure when I graduate from law school and become an actual attorney I won''t be able to PS until afterhours. I''m glad you''ve experienced VN food before...maybe it''s just in the Midwest where people haven''t really...

Marcyc - Thanks for the congratulations! That child will be spoiled and smothered like no other - my mom loves kids in general and my dad is super excited to have grandkids. I definitely wouldn''t PS if they cared what websites we went to! The employee handbook states that we can''t go to any "bad" sites (i.e. ****), but most people surprisingly surf the web for a couple hours a day for "research" aka Fantasy Sports, so I PS as my Fantasy.
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