
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 21st July till 27th July

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Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Well I got much better Thunderbirds pictures this morning so I will post one. The Sun was shining this morning. Pants weather rolled in this afternoon and it rained for about an hour. The temps drop here about 20 degrees when it rains so at least it cooled off here.
They had divine blueberry pancakes outside while we were watching the Thunderbirds so I finally asked for the smallest one – it had to be the biggest one in the stack! They put in fresh blueberries that were about the size of grapes. It was great! We are going to dinner at a Mexican restaurant tonight with Marty’s family.
I went to the mall to buy some tops because one of my favorite stores has "buy 1 top get 1 free" right now so I got 6 tops for about $100. My fall tops are all a bit or a lot big on me so I will filter some of them out.
Julianna, yay for appeasing the treddie gods. Rats for being sore from the elliptical though. I hope you feel better.
Kimi, good idea to get up early for a nice bike ride. I wish I could be more motivated to get up early for the treadmill but since I can’t make it to bed on time that’s a problem for me. Rats for your bike breakin down on you. I am glad you were close to home – I hope you didn’t get hurt.
Indy, I hope you got in a nap. I don’t ever take naps but I am reaching a point where I wish I did. As a baby even my mom could not get me to take a nap. I was the youngest and everyone in my family took naps till I came along. On days when I don’t get enough sleep (more often than not these days) I sure wished I took naps. If I do take a nap (based on maybe one every 3 years) I can’t sleep that night. I can’t believe the calories they “add” to food in restaurants. We used to eat out more often than not but we save it for weekends or special occasions now.
Steph, good luck with getting your laptop fixed. Have fun on your date night.
Dragonfly, woo hoo for being down to 124 pounds. Congratulations.
DeeJay, you had a great workout on the treadmill. No worries – you didn’t eat a million calories.
Skippy, BOO!!! I hope that scared away your hiccups.
Sure you weren’t in the liquor cabinet. Tee hee.
Mara, I keep thinking of taking a cake decorating class but I don’t seem to find the time.
Welcome KC Cutie. It sounds like you are eating wisely and working out. You will lose those pesky pounds in no time.
Hudson Hawk, I think counting calories is a great way to get back on track. Good luck with your workouts too.
Charger Girl, woo hoo for making it to the gym. ½ of a cupcake is nothing.
Well, I must check on laundry and get ready to go to supper.



Feb 11, 2008
KC, I''m jealous that your SO is exercising with you. Mine quit last year

Hudson, I know what you mean about saving money! I spend less than $10 for groceries a week, and I refuse to eat out unless it''s a weekend or a special occation :D Helps me with my poor student''s wallet.

As for me, I just had a fabulous-but-not-for-your-waist-fabulous BBQ on Saturday, so I''m trying to be super good again. I was good for two weeks before that so I think I''m okay. BBQ was so fun and delicious...It''s why I''m an emotional + Social eater. Yeah, I have issues when food makes me feel so good.
My next hurdle is going to be my birthday in less than two weeks. I''ll be good, and the birthday will be extra special!

As for swimming, I''m still waiting for my stupid wrist to heal. My body is itching to get moving. It sucks when I can''t afford to have a gym membership. At least I walk to school and groceries.


Feb 27, 2007
Choro - wow you don't spend much on food each week. You should celebrate on your birthday. I often have strawberries with angel food cake for my b-day cake. It's a treat and doesn't break the bank on calories.

Speaking of breaking the bank on calories I think I did today. I had the BB pancake this morning. Tonight I ate some chips and salsa plus a hard shell taco, a beef enchilada and 2 margaritas. I am STUFFED!!!! Oh well, I already have my cereal and fruit ready for breakfast in the morning.

Here is my new Thunderbirds picture. This is has more color and detail since the Sun was out.



Jun 15, 2006
Good Evening All,

I just finished babysitting and J is making dinner. He fixed my bike, so I''m going to try again tomorrow, we''re going to met at a coworkers'' house ride to work and back tomorrow.

Mara, would breakfast or dinner on the 12th or 13th work for you?

Welcome, KC! Glad you found us.

Welcome back, HH. It''s a cool new spot we''ve got here! You''ll get back into the swing of things, I''m sure.

Gorgeous picture, Marcy.

Sorry about the wrist choro, and no stress about the BBQ. It''s one meal, no biggie!

DeeJay, I hate those days when I think I''ve done well until I really consider what I''ve consumed!

We''re having pork with blood orange sauce and I hear a buzzer, so I''m off to dinner.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey from your pooped friend, Rod. Yet another looooong day. Our boss''s boss came in to spend the day with us. He''s a really nice guy and seemed very pleased with how I was doing, so that was good. Otherwise, you could probably just take last Wednesday''s post from me as not much has changed.

Got up early
Worked hard
Left work
Went to the gym
Worked out hard for 2.5 hours
Came home
Had Charlie''s meatload and steamed brocolli for dinner
Sleepy and need to get some rest.

I wish I had the time to personally write everyone, but I need to head off to bed.

Kimberly, I''m sorry the bike ride didn''t work out as planned today. And you got up so early and were so excited. I hope John got your bike all fixed for your next ride.

I''ll be working out again tomorrow night, so will check in afterwards.

Sleep well everyone.........


Apr 9, 2007
Good morning everyone!!!

Not a whole lot going on here-been doing ok with my diet. The good thing is that my roommate is back home, and she works at Whole Foods. She will always pick stuff up for me, and I only made it out there once while she was gone. So I am glad to have easier access to healthy foods! I am now obsessed with these plantain chips-yum!!! They are I think ~100 cal for half the bag, and satisfy my urge to snack.

I think I am going to start using rewards for when I eat well. I love to shop these days for clothes, so maybe I will tell myself if I reach a certain goal then I can have some more new clothes! Does anyone else do this?

I hope you all have a great day!!!!


Sep 16, 2007
Marcy - I did get a good hour-long nap in before I worked out and after I made dinner. It was the best! I don''t usually take naps during the summer because when I get off work it''s already dinnertime and I worry about not being able to sleep at night, but I was so pooped yesterday I had to! I used to take naps everyday in undergrad, but I think that''s probably about the only time in your adult life where naps are considered okay.

Rod - Your 2.5 hours in the gym sound amazing...your dedication will motivate me to stay on the treadmill that extra minute.

Miscka - I think that''s an awesome idea! I don''t really have any plans to buy clothes at certain weight goals, but if I ever reach my end goal I will NEED to go shopping (or I will tell myself I will) because hopefully I''ll be down a few sizes. Nothing wrong with having rewards for your hard work.

Not much to report today crew, I did skip breakfast though...not purposefully but I was running late for work and forgot to grab something. My stomach is growling and I am chugging water to help it because I don''t want people in the next cubicle to be disrupted lol I need to work on my''s my most overlooked and probably non-nutritious meal of the day...not good at all.

Have a great day everyone! It''s Thursday so work out extra hard for the weekend!


Nov 2, 2006
So for several reasons, mainly FI being stuck in CT all day, I didn''t get home from work last night until just about 10. My boss took me out for a bite to eat, I had a half salad and a few bites of some pasta fagiole soup. I did have focaccia though which was yummy. I don''t know, I wasn''t super hungry. I''m a big believer in eating when you''re hungry and holding back when you''re not. It turns out FI hadn''t eaten anything other than rice krispie treats and coffee all day (Men!) so I donated my leftover soup to his belly.

I slept like the dead and woke up feeling just as tired as I was when I went to bed. It was a rough morning. I ate some dry cereal in the car on the way in and then I hit the gym. I did 10 miles (30 minutes) on the bike, 20 minutes walking on the treadmill alternating speed and incline, and 10 minutes on the stairmill. I followed that up with 2 hard boiled egg whites and a biscuit. Our company has a cafeteria and they have the BEST biscuits. I can''t resist. Lunch will probably be soup and dinner will be either chicken or fish with veggies.

I really need to start eating a better breakfast before the gym. I feel like I have no energy and my stamina is definitely suffering. Where I used to do 45-60 minutes of cardio easily, I can barely do 30 now. I used to have a Joseph''s Omega 3 multigrain tortilla with peanut butter and a banana on the way in to the office/gym and then the 2 egg whites and another piece of fruit after the gym and that worked. I have got to get to the grocery store!

I like using for my meal tracking. Their database of food is really good.


Apr 30, 2005
Hi HH! Good to see you!

Hi all! Well this has turned out to be a pants week and my toof hurts after finishing the root canal, that wasn''t fun. Plus I have pain now above that tooth and a wisdom tooth with a hole in it which caused my dentist to say " woah!!"
So I am not doing too well in the tooth department and as I feel like pants, hopefully I will feel up to working out in a day or so.


Feb 22, 2008
Good Morning!

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!

We ended up at the gym again last night b/c SO wanted to do some weights and the elliptical (my favorite) and the treddies were taken so I went for the bike. I wasn''t feeling all too peppy (ugh girl stuff) so I didn''t push it and only burned like 150 calories, but it''s better than nothing. Then I really didn''t feel like cooking so SO and I went to the deli and I had a turkey sandwich with pepperjack, and avocado with baked chips. Later I was craving something sweet so I had a Boston creme pie yogurt and I can''t believe that did the trick but it did.

I''ve been getting up earlier to make sure SO and I eat a good breakfast and so I can pack snacks and lunches for us both. So I had my 1/2 cup of Kashi with 1% milk (b/c SO hates skim LOL). I packed a hard boiled egg a turkey and provolone sandwich on wheat, a whole dill pickle, a yogurt and some almonds for my lunch and snacks today, so I''m set! Oh that and my 32oz water bottle and a baby 8oz can of diet Pepsi.

I weigh myself every day...I know everyone says I shouldn''t but it keeps me focused and going up or down a little doesn''t drive me nuts like it does some people. I couldn''t believe my eyes this morning I weighed 138! YAY that means I''m back to my normal weight! Now I know I''ll have to work even harder to lose more btu with my new eating habitis I think I can do it!

Indy - Yeah I love that my SO is into this healthy lifestyle thing too. That''s one reason I know we were made for each other
. He didn''t think he could do the small meals either b/c he manages a R&D lab but I bought him a little lunch bag and I pack everything for him with and ice pack and he says it works out better than he thought. It''s a lot of work to get up early and pack everything but it''s so worth it. This eating plan along with actually drinking more water has worked better than anything else for me.

Choro - $10 a week on groceries! Now I''m jealous!

Rod - Wow 2.5 hours that''s quite a workout! Maybe someday I''ll have that kind of stamina and dedication. That''s great!


Mar 20, 2003
KC, welcome! Congrats on being back to 138 and good luck getting in even better shape in the coming days.

Choro, $10 a week on groceries? You must be on a meal plan? Otherwise, I am spending WAY too much at the grocery store!

Lorelei, so sorry to hear about the pants teeth (did I use "pants" correctly there?
). I hope you feel better soon.

OK, so yesterday kind of sucked. I have been so afraid of becoming zombie girl in pajamas with ice cream watching tv all day. I had spent the whole day before organizing our books and frankly there just isn''t much left to organize (sure, I could reorganize kitchen cabinets or fold our clothes more neatly, but really the house is in good order). I know I could go to the art museum or window shopping or just walk around the city, but, well, it''s hard to fill up each and every day with a "plan," and I just don''t feel like racking my brain to come up with something that I only sort of want to do. So yesterday I was zombie girl minus the pajamas and ice cream. I watched tv all day with the exception of a two mile run.

We leave for Paris tomorrow, so I can spend the next 30 hours or so getting packed and buying travel sized items and doing laundry. I''ll also do the Firm today and run tomorrow.


Apr 30, 2005
I didn''t welcome you KC - SO WELCOME!!!!

PG - you used pants most appropriately!!! My teeth are pants at the moment....


Mar 26, 2006
Hey kids!

Well, I have decided my body is officially going to helll... My right hamstring hurts from doing the treadmill at too high an incline for too long yesterday, my right rotator (sp?) cuff clicks from swimming (an old injury resulting from spending 5 solid days on a ladder spackling and sanding the hallway ceiling in an old property that I owned--owch!), and my knees are just sore in general. At gettin' old just a b!tch...

Anyway, I got in an hour on the bike this morning before I had to go and meet a window vendor to get an estimate on something. He called at 8:30 and said he'd be at the property by 9:30 but he'd give me 1/2 hour's notice to get up there. I know these contractors by now; ain't no way he was going to be on time so I went to the gym and rode for an hour and still made it there before he did.

I have no idea what I'm going to eat today. All the good stuff the HH left for me is long gone so I'm going to dig through the remaining LC choices and hope something appeals to me. I really hate it when he's gone for the whole week!

Gotta bolt, but welcome KC!


Aug 17, 2005

Hit the gym again this morning, and did the treadmill for about 40m. didn't see any celebs this time- i forgot to mention yesterday that Kim Kardashian was at my gym. I thought it was her, but wasn't certain- after all, it was 7a! But yep, a co-worker saw her too. Girl's got some booty!

Quick question for those of you that work out in the morning. Do you have something to eat beforehand? HH's post got me thinking... some mornings i seem to have more stamina than others. but i never eat beforehand, so that's not a factor. perhaps i should? it would have to be SUPER easy and portable- something i can munch on the way to the gym at 6:30a. ideas? suggestions?


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 7/24/2008 12:28:10 PM
Author: ChargerGrrl

Quick question for those of you that work out in the morning. Do you have something to eat beforehand? HH's post got me thinking... some mornings i seem to have more stamina than others. but i never eat beforehand, so that's not a factor. perhaps i should? it would have to be SUPER easy and portable- something i can munch on the way to the gym at 6:30a. ideas? suggestions?
Hey Charger, I double-dose Emergen-C before I run (used to do it before spin when I was taking spin). You're supposed to eat half an hour before you work out so that the food can...metabolize or whatever the crap it does, but I am not getting up at 4:20AM for that, thankyouverymuch. Anyway the Emergen-C is an energy boost, nothing weird or dangerous. It's just Vitamin C and B and electrolytes, taking two at a time doesn't hurt (can't say it's better than just taking one, but it's better in my mind.
). I like the orange and tangerine powders. Mind you, putting any food or drink in my mouth at 4:45 in the morning sucks, but the thought of trying to eat a granola bar or chewing energy chews is far worse. I'd rather gulp 8oz of orange fizzy water.

So there it is. If you were to eat something, I'd say make it a granola bar. Lots of people might suggest protein bars but those things suck to eat, taste like crap (mostly) and are expensive. Granola bars are portable and generally have just as few carbs. There are a lot of trail mixy ones that are better for you than say, chocolate chip. Heh heh.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi there Friends
I weighed in today and lost 1/2 lb; I wish it were more but I will take it! hehe Our pants weather has left and it has been gorgeous outside
We have been eating dinner outside on the patio in the evenings. I have a hummingbird feeder and the hummingbirds are wonderful to watch, they fight over who gets to the feeder. I am such a bird lover so it is nice and relaxing to watch and listen to them.
Tonight I will be walking again. Hope everyone has a Fab day!!!

Choro, your barbecue sounds great! I hope your wrist feels better soon! Gosh, I wish I only spent $10 a week, hubby gets after me for going a little nuts at the grocery store; you smart shopper!

Marcy, those thunderbirds are sooo cool! Thanks for sharing that awesome picture!

Rod, sending you a hug, don't work to hard! Have a great workout!

Kimi, did you ride your bike?

DeeJay, you are doing fab on the workouts! Have fun w/your boys! hehe

Miscka, ah that is sweet your roommate brings back stuff from WF, I love that place!

IndyGirl, you are soooo cute! You always make me smile, thanks for the hiccup suggestions. Thank goodness they are gone. Try and eat something for breakfast, it helps jump start the metabolism! I am so happy you get to see your BF, how far away is he?

Lorelei, take care of the toof, you poor sweetie!

HudsonHawk good to see you! Sounds like you are doing great!

KCCutie, welcome!!!

Charger, eat a little something before your workouts. A trainer once told me that jump starts the metabolism and if you don't eat your body is running on empty. How about a slice of toast with PB, or a handful of nuts. Great to see you girl and you are doing fab!

Hi Julianna, sunshine!

If I missed anyone, I am sorry and it wasn't on purpose, I got to run! Have a great day!!!


Mar 26, 2006
Charger, I usually eat a small cup of yogurt in the morning before I work out. I LOVE a big breakfast (preferably leftovers, thank you very much!) but I have found that having just a little something is the way to go for me before I go to the gym. Honestly though I do sometimes forget and about half way through whatever I'm doing I realize I never ate anything. It's not that I'm hungry, it just dawns on me that I skipped that part.

Julianna, I also have an Emergency C in the morning, but I don't know if I really have it 1/2 hour or more before working out, and I'm sure I don't finish my yogurt or whatever that far before (as a matter of fact sometimes I eat it while I walk over). Is that bad in some way? I also only do about 4 oz of water with my Emergency C because 8 seems like a lot right when I've rolled out of bed. Damn, it looks like I do everything wrong, LOL!


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 7/24/2008 1:27:04 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Julianna, I also have an Emergency C in the morning, but I don't know if I really have it 1/2 hour or more before working out, and I'm sure I don't finish my yogurt or whatever that far before (as a matter of fact sometimes I eat it while I walk over). Is that bad in some way? I also only do about 4 oz of water with my Emergency C because 8 seems like a lot right when I've rolled out of bed. Damn, it looks like I do everything wrong, LOL!
ACTUALLY....I have mine about 10 minutes before working out (long enough to drive to the gym) and half the time I put BOTH TOGETHER in 4 oz of water or less because I don't feel like drinking 8oz. Hee hee. Now THAT is some orangey water (crunchy, too, sometimes. yums!). If you get to the gym and you have a successful workout, I'd hardly say you were doing anything wrong. I think it's funny that we kinda do it the same way. Irresponsible use of Emergen-C!!
I have taken it half an hour before a workout in the past (ie when it's Saturday and I'm going to an 8:00 spin class) but haven't noticed a difference in energy.


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 7/24/2008 1:48:05 PM
Author: Julianna

Date: 7/24/2008 1:27:04 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Julianna, I also have an Emergency C in the morning, but I don't know if I really have it 1/2 hour or more before working out, and I'm sure I don't finish my yogurt or whatever that far before (as a matter of fact sometimes I eat it while I walk over). Is that bad in some way? I also only do about 4 oz of water with my Emergency C because 8 seems like a lot right when I've rolled out of bed. Damn, it looks like I do everything wrong, LOL!
ACTUALLY....I have mine about 10 minutes before working out (long enough to drive to the gym) and half the time I put BOTH TOGETHER in 4 oz of water or less because I don't feel like drinking 8oz. Hee hee. Now THAT is some orangey water (crunchy, too, sometimes. yums!). If you get to the gym and you have a successful workout, I'd hardly say you were doing anything wrong. I think it's funny that we kinda do it the same way. Irresponsible use of Emergen-C!!
I have taken it half an hour before a workout in the past (ie when it's Saturday and I'm going to an 8:00 spin class) but haven't noticed a difference in energy.
Boy, I hope that's only classified as a misdemeanor in Illinois!



Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/24/2008 1:48:05 PM
Author: Julianna

Date: 7/24/2008 1:27:04 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Julianna, I also have an Emergency C in the morning, but I don''t know if I really have it 1/2 hour or more before working out, and I''m sure I don''t finish my yogurt or whatever that far before (as a matter of fact sometimes I eat it while I walk over). Is that bad in some way? I also only do about 4 oz of water with my Emergency C because 8 seems like a lot right when I''ve rolled out of bed. Damn, it looks like I do everything wrong, LOL!
ACTUALLY....I have mine about 10 minutes before working out (long enough to drive to the gym) and half the time I put BOTH TOGETHER in 4 oz of water or less because I don''t feel like drinking 8oz. Hee hee. Now THAT is some orangey water (crunchy, too, sometimes. yums!). If you get to the gym and you have a successful workout, I''d hardly say you were doing anything wrong. I think it''s funny that we kinda do it the same way. Irresponsible use of Emergen-C!!
I have taken it half an hour before a workout in the past (ie when it''s Saturday and I''m going to an 8:00 spin class) but haven''t noticed a difference in energy.
I wish I could try this magical elixir!!


Mar 19, 2007
Date: 7/24/2008 1:58:03 PM
Author: Lorelei

I wish I could try this magical elixir!!
Hm. Guess they don''t sell it in Ye Olde Greate Britaine. Probably could order online but who wants to pay customs.

Mmmm....crunchy pomegranate-flavored water of energy...


Jun 25, 2007
Howdy folks. Well yesterday wasn''t so bad. I got up and did Gilad and did my core moves and what not. Then last night I walked for 30 min on the tread mill and jogged the last 5 mins at a medium pace. This morning was bad though. I didn''t sleep last night because I was COLD, so I just wasn''t feeling well. I might do some jump rope tonight to make up for it though. Breakfast was egg and grapefruit, lunch salad with pecans, blueberries, grapes, strawberries and flax seed. Not sure about dinner yet, thinking maybe Moes. Work is dull. I leave Saturday for vaca which is cooooool I can''t wait!

Marcy - blueberry pancakes sound YUM
Choro - everyone''s allowed to have a cheat day. BBQ is yummy too
Rod - what''s a meatload? LMAO Get some rest!!!
Miscka - plantain chips? Mmmmmmmmm
Hudson - I agree, I eat when I feel hungry and pass when I dont. There''s a quarter of lunch''s salad attesting to that right now.
Lorelei - sorry about your toofies
KC - boston cream pie yogurt? yummmmm , Breakfast is a very very good thing. I weigh every day too, it keeps me focused.


Mar 13, 2008
Hello there people!

Wow,all of you guys have made some really great progress and everything! Really great! This past weekend I did nothing, we were on a family vacation with FI's family @ Yosemite. The upside is we got some "fake looking" pictures that are just GORGEOUS!!!! :) I love my camera. And its' jsut one of those point and shoot digi-cams. I told FI, can you imagine if we had one of those hard core dSLRs? I wonder if I can buy one used somewhere....

SO Tuesday I did my normal Monday run. I think I need to get new shoes because I started getting shin splints and my shin muslces were sore. So yesterday I inadvertently did a bike work out biking around the city looking for a running store so I can buy said new running shoes. All the stores ended up being closed down, not where I thought it was, or closed for the day.
So still no running shoes.

Today I'm picking my mom up @ the airport, so I don't think I'll be getting much done in terms of working out. Tomorrow, we're going to try the Filene's Bridal event (might get a "work out" there, ha ha).

Question for everyone:
Also, so I've been doing a lot more running and a fair bit of activity since FI signed us up for a triathlon in Sept. I've found myself HUNGRY in the morning, but am at a loss of what to eat. Now I H.A.T.E. yogurt, so I'm not going to eat that, but any suggestions from anyone? something quick would be preferable. I've been kinda bad and have eaten dinner leftovers for breakfast. That usually holds me over till like 2PM for lunch though.


Aug 17, 2005
THANKS all for your suggestions! I may have to try a handful of nuts- those can be easily munched on during the 20m drive to the gym/office. Good call, Skippy!

Julianna, I never thought about taking an EmergenC in the morning! I try to make myself an EmergenC "cocktail" at least 2x a week. I may start taking it in morning before I head out. And just to clarify, I mix it with water (around 4oz
- misdemeanor!)- I only like calling it a cocktail to liven it up! oh yes, the crunchy bits gives it texture.

BTW- they sell a huge pack of it at Costco- it's a mix of tangerine & raspberry packets.

lliang- how about oatmeal? it's my morning staple (after I workout) I mix in a tablespoon of applesauce to sweeten it up.


Mar 13, 2008
I''ll give it a shot ChargerGirl, thanks!


Mar 26, 2006
Pulled hamstring advice please... It''s not *killing* me, but it is sore. (I guess the good news is today it''s only one leg, yesterday it was both!) Should I use heat or ice?


Jul 30, 2007
Hi everyone!

So having finished moving, it's time to rejoin this thread! I've been very lethargic the last couple of days because I threw my back out (grr--I think I have a pinched nerve, actually), but before that happened I was being quite good about walking/playing tennis/etc.

I'm sitting right around 141 lbs, which is higher than I'd like, but still down from my high of 146 or so. Ideally, I'd like to be right around 130-135, but we'll see. The weather has been so nice, I'm sick of being flat on my back in any case.

A couple of reasons I'm really excited to be back to normal are because we have public tennis courts close to us so we can go play in the evenings (Well, during the day, too, until we find jobs!) and because my awesome college roommate lives in Portland and we've talked about going running a couple of days a week as well.

I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to being back in the swing of things!

ETA: Forgot to add--one of my favorite things about Portland so far is that the tap water is DELICIOUS! Makes it way easier to drink 8 cups a day!


Feb 11, 2008
pheonix, charger, KCCutie, $10/week is nothing to be jealous about; unless you can stand eating the same darn thing 5 days a week. It''s called a college student life. At least it''s better than the Cup Noodle crap.

pheonix, have some crepes for me please.
Dee*Jay, Ice! And slow stretching. I hope it doesn''t hurt too much...

I need advice from people. What''s a good low Cal (preferably zero Cal!
) food to eat for concentration? I''m studying right now, and my glop of a brain is screaming "Too much activity!!". I can''t walk straight. Literately. I''m dizzy and exhausted, as in breathing hard exhausted. Thanks!


Nov 24, 2006
Oh no DeeJay
Use ice, and rest and some Ibuprofen, hope you feel better soon.

Good to see you LadyPirate, but ugh to the back. I hope you rest and feel better soon!


Sep 16, 2007
Hey all!

DeeJay - I''m sorry about your injury! I know how painful it is and I''ve seen more than I can count as an AT! You are still in the acute phase, so you need to ice, ice, ice for the first 48 hours with stretching (preferably while you ice and when you aren''t icing). After the first 48 hours you can heat before stretching and ice afterwards. Ice should be kept on for about 15 minutes, until you are completely numb - it will hurt like needles for a bit but then you will become numb. You can gradually stretch more and more vigorously (ache is okay, sharp pain is not) and then slowly progress back to exercising. What is really helpful for hamstring strains, if you want, is to take some of those little paper cups that people put by water coolers and freeze some water in them almost full. Now you have an ice cup! You just peel off the upper edge and rub it on your strain spot for an ice massage. You also do this until you are numb - it takes much less time than an icepack for 15 minutes.

ChargerGrrl - What other celebrities have you seen? Celebrity gossip magazines are my favorite when working out and on vacation! It must be fun to see them "in their natural habitat." I would suggest any kind of fruit in the morning. I hate eating in the morning too, but I''m going to try to work something feasible into my schedule.

Julianna - Does Emergen-C taste good? I''ve honestly never heard of this magical elixir of morning life!

Skippy - I''m glad your hiccups are gone! I will try to eat some raisin bran in the morning to get my brain moving for work - I love PB but I usually eat too much when I do eat it!
BF is only an hour away, but with both of us working five days a week it is hard to see each other sometimes, especially because I work 8-5 M-F and he works 3.5 weekdays and usually weekends.
Oh well, me living away gives him incentive to work hard and get that promotion so he can live closer to me.

Lorelei - SO SORRY to hear about your pains! *Dust* for a speedy recovery!

Lliang_chi - The family vacation sounds like so much fun! My family will be taking a vacation in two weeks to Niagara Falls but SADLY I can''t go because of work. I''m really sad about it.
Shin splints are AWFUL! I get them everytime I walk too far in plain flipflops - I always have to wear the platform ones. Look at my ice cup advice for DeeJay above if they persist...they work wonders for shin splints. I found out that I hate yogurt too...right after I bought a family pack for my diet! I would suggest some healthy cereal or fruit for breakfast...or maybe a low-cal or wheat bagel with low-cal spread.

Ladypirate - I hate moving too - I actually just resigned my lease because I didn''t want to move even though the rent was raised and OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive for Indianapolis. I wish I was good at always looked so fun. Yaya for good water - I HATE the water at work and will need to start bringing it from home.

I had a great workout today...just finished 5 miles on the treadmill and some free weights/calisthenics. I get so much more done when BF isn''t here! Have a great night all!
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