
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 11th August till 17th August

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Nov 24, 2006
Well I got up at 4:30am and it was too cloudy to see the meteor shower, oh well! hehe I will do some sit ups and push ups and then
go for a about a 40 min walk.

The grilled chicken came out real good so I thought I would share this quick and easy recipe. I sliced the breasts in half and then marinated them in Kraft Homestyle Low Fat Italian dressing and they came out so moist and tasty!!!

All the kiddos went back to school; I can't believe the school year already started. The reason I know is because my cousins kids started their first year of middle school and same w/my friends daughter and we were talking about how we had to memorize our locker combos. hehe Have a great day all

Indy, you are going to have to show off your new handbags!!! hehe

Marcy, yay for a new book; whatca reading???

PHX, sending baby vibes!!!

SS, keeping JT in my prayers and wooo hooo for the weight loss!!!!!

Sharon, yay for new shoesis!!! Have a great run! Glad the knee is doing well!!


Aug 17, 2005
Hiya Healthy PSers!

After being on the road for the last couple of weeks and not finding time to fit in a workout (apart from lunges, squats jumping jacks in my hotel rooms), it was GREAT to be back at the gym this morning. I took it easy and only did about 30 minutes on the treadmill and stretched for a bit. I''m shooting for 4 more visits this week, and should be able to reach my goal.

My eating has been pretty good- so I''m at least on track with that part of the routine. I''ve planned my lunches for the week, so i''m set there. The only kink is our company picnic on Thursday. Just checked out the menu, and it''s not too bad. I''ll stick with the grilled chicken, garden salad and corn cobbettes and skip the macaroni salad & potato salad.

Lorelei- great opener, as usual! I''m the queen of the weight loss plateaus
Steph- I too have been out of workout commission for the last two weeks. 5 miles- so much for easing back into it!
Dee- cleaning out the closet has been at the top of my home to do list.
Sharon- I wear New Balance sneakers. I went into one of their retail locations for the custom fitting and it was worth it!
Shiny- WOO HOO on the 19th pounds. That''s awesome!
Zoe- try to focus on the present instead of worrying what may happen when you go back to school. Here''s to sticky habits!
Skippy- I thought about you yesterday- we''re deep in planning for Kauai, only 16 more days to go!
Rod- hehe, DH and i also get into a rut with our fave sushi place. we have to remind ourselves to LOOK at the menu

Hi Apple, KCC, Dragonfly, Love2travel, Marcy, Phoenix & Indy!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 8/12/2008 12:59:03 PM
Author: ChargerGrrl
Hiya Healthy PSers!

After being on the road for the last couple of weeks and not finding time to fit in a workout (apart from lunges, squats jumping jacks in my hotel rooms), it was GREAT to be back at the gym this morning. I took it easy and only did about 30 minutes on the treadmill and stretched for a bit. I'm shooting for 4 more visits this week, and should be able to reach my goal.

My eating has been pretty good- so I'm at least on track with that part of the routine. I've planned my lunches for the week, so i'm set there. The only kink is our company picnic on Thursday. Just checked out the menu, and it's not too bad. I'll stick with the grilled chicken, garden salad and corn cobbettes and skip the macaroni salad & potato salad.

Skippy- I thought about you yesterday- we're deep in planning for Kauai, only 16 more days to go!
Rod- hehe, DH and i also get into a rut with our fave sushi place. we have to remind ourselves to LOOK at the menu
Woo Hooo for Kauai, my favorite island!!! You will have to post pictures when you come back; do you have a thread somewhere? I am so excited for you and your hubby!!! Yay for eating healthy and skipping the mac salad! Yay for the workouts!


Nov 29, 2004
Greetings everyone!

I had my PT today and my trainer worked us hard, which I needed. Last night we made the healthy chicken salad for dinner, and I set some aside before adding in the avocado to take for my lunch today. So I brought an extra avocado with me to add to it, and two small wheat tortillas for "avocado chicken salad wrap". Its quite tasty and I needed a break from my usual chicken noodle soup. Also I''m bored of bananas too so I bought some green grapes to snack on instead.

Also watching the olympics is so inspirational for working out. I am so amazed by the things those athletes are capable of doing. Although I got a good laugh at Phelps usual breakfast...wash it down with three chocolate chip pancakes.


Aug 17, 2005
Date: 8/12/2008 1:01:33 PM
Author: Skippy123
Woo Hooo for Kauai, my favorite island!!! You will have to post pictures when you come back; do you have a thread somewhere? I am so excited for you and your hubby!!! Yay for eating healthy and skipping the mac salad! Yay for the workouts!
I don''t have a PS thread going yet, but will certainly post one with pics upon my return! There''s been some Kauai chatter over on the TTC thread- a lot of the gals have been recently. And I also did a search here on PS- that''s how I found out that you went on the same boat trip we''re going on- Na Pali Catamaran! We weren''t able to get a morning slot, so are going in the afternoon. I''m kinda worried about the rocking and rolling waves we could encouter, and am looking into motion sickness options. Did the trip bother you at all in that regard?

I''ve been spending a lot of time over on the Tripadvisor forums, just like i do before our trips. I LOVE THAT SITE!! I like to copy and paste all sorts of helpful tidbits and compile them into a document that DH calls our "trip dossier" I''m a planner that way!


Nov 24, 2006
Charger I will answer your questions in my Who''s Who.

Apple, I had avocado for lunch too! Yum!


Mar 26, 2006
Oy. I went to my first class over at the gym. It was called "Body Pump" but reality it should have been called "Perky Muscular Asian Girl Tortures Unsuspecting Class Members With Barbells And Resistance Bands To The Beat Oh Thumpin Humpin Club Music." My arms are so shakey right now I can barely lift my wineglass...

Today one of my clients took me to an Indian buffet for lunch. At first I tried to be "good" but when I realized I didn't even know what the hell most of the stuff WAS, let along what was IN IT, I just gave up and ate. Not too much though becuase we were gabbing a lot, so that probably saved me a bunch of useless calories. The lamb curry was quite good though!

I need to go in search of some crackers because for some reason I really want some cheese...


Nov 24, 2006
okay so I bought this baguette for dinner and then thought well I wonder which one hubby wants, the poppyseed one of the plain so I bought both! Now one of them is looking at me from the counter top! ahhhhhh! LOL Oh goodness, why do I love carbs? hehe I promise I will resist; I might just stick it in hubby''s car! haha

DeeJay, I love Indian food; I have no willpower over eating Naan and those donut things soaked in that yummy stuff! LOL I wonder if you had those? hehe Yay for a killer workout! Those women are maniacs I tell you!!


Dec 29, 2006
Hey everyone!

So my husband woke me up at 5:00 this morning to go to the gym (swimming) before he had to go to work. He''s NOT a morning person, so I was shocked that he was gung-ho so early. I was the one who wanted to sleep more, and although I procrastinated for a while, we finally got to the gym. We swam for about 30 minutes, which was fun, but I''m still not sure I''m getting the most out of those workouts. I''ll stick with it though -- it is fun, and it''s a bonus for me when my husband is so motivated. It really helps.

I also did 150 sit ups today -- 50 more than I did yesterday. Okay, so I rested a bit after each set of 50, but I got them done. My abs hurt now but I feel good. I''m meeting with my trainer tomorrow, and I''m sort of looking forward to it. I think she''s going to change my routine that I''ve been doing for the past couple weeks. I think she wants to add more variety so that when I go on my own, I can pick and choose from a wider selection of equipment.

Food-wise, I think I''ve been pretty good today so far. It''s hard to work in fruits though, because of the sugar they contain. I need to look into lower sugar fruits and not rely on strawberries and blueberries so much. I read somewhere that blueberries were a "super food," so I began stocking up on them. Then I read that they were pretty high in sugar. Oh well.

Appletini -- the chicken salad wrap you made sounds delish!
I watched the Michael Phelps interview too, and I also got a kick out of his super human appetite.

Dee*Jay -- I love Indian food! I try to branch out once in a while, but I usually end up getting chicken tikka masala. If I think of it when I order it, I try to ask for them to go light on the cream in the sauce.

Skippy -- I love Naan! I''ve never had the doughnut things you mentioned. I should investigate the next time we go for Indian.


Nov 24, 2006
Zoe, the dessert I am talking about is called Gulab Jamun. I don''t have Indian food too often because lots of things call out my name! LOL and for me out of sight out of mind!


Jun 20, 2008
Hello ladies and gentlemen!

Glad to hear most of you are doing well this week! I was in Blacksburg, VA at Virginia Tech visiting friends this past weekend, so I''m trying to get back on track (b/c they party HARD)... I did manage to get 4 games of volleyball in with 7 boys, though!

I''m also captivated by the Olympics this week! I got all motivated to swim yesterday, and then realized the pool closed 30 min. after I arrived- bummer. I''m really thinking about joining the Master''s swim team here- I kinda miss it- and I''m all for joining, if I can afford it!


Sharon- I use Mizunos- they''re a bit more expensive, but they''re suppose to last "700 miles" and they are VERY comfortable- I think they''ve saved my knees.
Dee*Jay- Sounds like you''ve got your hands full- did you read my post "HILARIOUS"... it''s along the same lines... really funny!
Zoe- glad your husband is gung-ho! It makes it SO much easier when you''ve got a work out buddy- you''re lucky!
AppleTini- I got a kick out of Phelps breakfast too- I swam in college, and put down about 3000-4000 calories/day- but 10,000/day... GRACIOUS!
Skippy- sorry you missed out on the meteor shower- I wasn''t about to get up, so more power to you- at least you got some exercise in!

Enjoy the remainder of your week, everybody!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
I started the day weighing less so now I’ve lost 162 pounds. Woo hoo!!!

I got my classes ready for fall so now I have about 2 weeks to goof off.
PhoenixGirl, I have clothes in our spare room as well. That is nice of you to offer to let your friend live with you guys until she finds something.
Somethingshiny, sorry to hear JT is sick again. I hope getting his tonsils out will help him stay well.
Sharon, I hope you had a great run.
Skippy, rats for having cloudy skies for the meteor shower. That’s great you did some exercises though. I actually started writing a book about my weight loss. Who knows if I’ll ever finish it or even if I could get it published but if nothing else it’s good for me to write it all down. I really want to let people know that are as big as I was – they can change. Your chicken sounds great. I love that dressing.
ChargerGirl, glad you got back to the gym today. It’s always nice to get back to your routine.
Appletini, I like Phelps idea of breakfast! Wow he swims fast.
DeeJay, I love the name of your class. I hope you managed to down your wine okay.
Zoe, woo hoo for you guys getting up early to go to the gym. I am NOT that motivated.
Amanda, the Olympics are great. I had Mizunos once and really liked them too.
Hi Rod, Lorelei, Steph, Linda and Kimi!
Have a great evening.


Dec 28, 2005
This will be ''uber'' short as it''s now 11 PM and I could just about fall out of my chair and sleep where ever I landed. I''m that pooped.

Didn''t sleep well last night, not sure why
Got up about every hour and finally just got up at 6 AM
Was in the office at 7:30 and worked my butt off all day
Left at 5:45 and went directly to the gym
Made it out on the floor of the gym at 6:10
Worked out until 8:45 (but almost gave up on the elliptical as I was exhausted)
Sat in the sauna for 5 minutes
Came home and had a salad for dinner
Did some more work
Finally read everyone''s posts and wish I had time to say hey to everyone individually, but just need to get some rest so I can start all over again tomorrow.

Not working out tomorrow night, so will have more time to catch up with you all then.

Sleep well everyone.......


May 14, 2006
Hi everyone, well I went back to WW last night-ugh thankfully I did before I got too out of hand. I have put on a good bit since I left it three months ago but I''m glad that I went back to it and am back on track! I''ll try and respond to everyone later, but the plan for me today is to take Mups for a long walk and then I''m going to go to salsa aerobics later today. Talk to you all later!


Dec 29, 2006
Good morning!

My husband won''t be joining me at the gym today. I''m meeting my trainer at 11:30, and my husband will already be at work. Hopefully he''ll join me tomorrow though. Apparently I''m not used to waking up early anymore -- I kept falling asleep while watching the Olympics in the afternoon, and I ended up taking a 2.5 hour nap. It felt so good!

Marcy, you amaze me. Seriously, I am in awe at how strong you are and at how well you''ve done. Kudos!!

Rod, I hope you got some sleep last night. I hate it when that happens.

Bee -- salsa aerobics sounds like fun! I''m glad you like going to WW -- good for you for getting back on track.

Have a good day everyone! Be back later to check in.


Nov 29, 2004
Last night was another night of staying up until 11:30 to watch the olympics...I think my body is starting to adjust to being sleep deprived.

zoe, the chicken salad is really simple, I just add whatever I''m in the mood for but its primarily this...
1 rotisserie chicken (meat only, skin and bones discarded, but i save the bones to make stock)
3 ribs celery
1 bell pepper
1/4-1/2 red onion
2 roma tomatoes
1 avocado


Sep 16, 2007
Happy Hump Day all! This week is flying by and I''m holding onto summer like there''s no tomorrow! My BF came and surprised me last night, so I took another day off
, but we did do some significant shopping so I got a little little bit of walking in at least. BF bought me some of the Mentha stuff from Bath & Body Works...he was so cute in there. Imagine a 6''3" basketball player holding tiny sticks of Mentha lip gloss to compare the shades.
Today will be double-time on the treadmill for me!

Do you guys ever watch "The Secret Lives of Women?" They had four women on there in a rerun last night who had lost significant amounts of weight. It was very interesting to see how they did it and how their lives had changed.

Phoenix - Blah on the 3 is nothing in the grand scheme of TTC! My sister is currently pregnant after TTC for awhile and she has gained weight but couldn''t be happier. They were talking about "pregorexia" on the radio this morning and it was so so sad to hear some women say they gained a total of SEVEN pounds when they were pregnant - and guess what, her baby weighed SEVEN pounds! She said her kidneys had failed during her pregnancy and she was very unhealthy. Good for you for sticking to a healthy lifestyle, even if the scale isn''t so forgiving.

Skippy - I forgot my camera at my parents'' house, but when I get it I will be sure to take pics of my new buys for the Coach thread. My mom is obsessed now and has already found more outlets in our state lol 4:30am?! Ahhh! That''s closer to my average time of going to bed than waking up from bed.
Grilled chicken is one of my favorites! I use the Italian as a marinade for my chicken too - it''s my BF''s favorite. I can''t believe the summer is almost over and school will be starting in the next couple weeks.
Resist the demon baguettes!

ChargerGrrl - YAY for staying on the eating plan during your travels, I know how difficult that can be. Glad to have you back!
Kauai sounds perfect right now.

Appletini - The wrap sounds DELICIOUS! I wish I could plan to pack lunches like that for myself! Phelps is ridiculously cut and he eats so much! I guess that''s what half a day in the pool everyday will do for ya''! I''ve been staying up to watch the Olympics too, but by nature I never sleep before 2am so it has just meant I get to watch some good TV before bed for a change.

DeeJay - LOL at your PMAGTUCMBRB class, but YAY for a great workout! I''ve never had Indian food...I''ve always been afraid to go because I have no idea what menu items are either! I''ll have to find a true Indian food expert to take me sometime.

Zoe - YAY for 5am workout! I could never ever in a million years work out that early...okay, maybe if you paid me. If you want to get more out of your swim routine, I would suggest some styrofoam weights so you can do some resistance training in the pool. Jogging/sprinting/lunging in the pool is good cardio as well. Great job on the sit-ups! The soreness just shows you it''s working.
I actually feel bad about a workout if I *don''t* feel it. I''m not a big fruit eater because of all of the sugar...I''ve been trying to find better alternatives, but I know fruits are so beneficial. I''ve started taking fiber/calcium/vitamin D/vitamin C in an attempt to supplement my lack of fruits/vegetables, but I think I might add an antioxidant soon.
Amanda - Virginia is just beautiful and volleyball is so fun! Joining a swim team sounds great as well.

Marcy - 162 is AMAZING! That''s a whole person you lost! What classes will you be taking this Fall?

Rod - Blah for bad sleep! I usually only get 5 hours a night, but for those 5 hours I sleep like a log. Ten hour days at work?! I know I''ll be looking at some of those in the future, but right now I think I would go insane.

Bee - Have you found success on WW? I never thought I''d join, but if everyone has had amazing results I might give it a try. I''m a student right now so I don''t really have that much money to spend on such a program, but could do it if it really made a difference. How does WW work?


Jun 25, 2007
Hey all, happy Wednesday. Well today I got up and did an hour of Cathe and thought I was going to DIE lol. Diet is staying pretty good and I have lost another pound which is nice. I''m trying to spice things up meal wise so any good lunch ideas, and smoothie recipes would be greatly appreciated.

Charger - I''m glad to see you are excited and setting goals
Apple - that chicken salad wrap sounds yummy, I''ll have to try it
Dee Jay - Too funny about your class, hope it gets better!


Mar 20, 2003
Thanks so much for the encouragement IndyGirl. It is blah indeed. Pregorexia does not sound like fun, and since I know my sister wasn't conceiving at her lowest weight I know I shouldn't sweat three pounds. I'll need to get used to clothes getting tighter and tighter if and when it happens.

Bee, salsa aerobics sounds fun!

I went through my clothes and did come up with some stuff to discard, but not as much as I thought. I kept thinking, no, I can't wear this giant teeshirt from high school but what if it's the only thing that fits me when I'm pregnant? So I held onto some iffy stuff but also found stuff I wasn't ever going to wear to get rid of.

Last night I made chicken thighs with leeks and shiitake mushrooms from, you guessed it, my EatingWell for Two cookbook. It was yummy, but it needed a side dish other than salad (give me a little time to get used to cooking at all before I worry about accompaniments). Tonight I'm making chicken cassoulet with turkey kielbasa from the same cookbook.

I'm walking to the store for some forgotten ingredients for tonight and also wine for our "recession edition" wine club on Friday. Usually we pay big bucks for dinners with a personal chef and our wine guru picks out super expensive wine, but I suggested having interim meetings with no chef and BYOB, and that morphed into just doing it the cheap way with take-out food. It turns out everyone else wasn't jazzed about paying that much $ but I guess didn't want to be the one to bring it up . . . fine by me as I often like the $20 bottles more than the $200 bottles anyway!

I'll do the Firm later this afternoon, and my errand walk should be almost 2.5 miles.

OK, need to get walking!


Apr 30, 2005
Hi all,

Have just completed my third 45 min treddy workout in a row, so very pleased with that! Toof is healing well, so I am on the mend now.


Dec 29, 2006
Hi all,

Lorelei -- good for you for doing three 45 minute sessions on the treadmill! I'm assuming it's the third day in a row, right? That's great!

I'm still on a counting spree, and I've noticed how much I've eaten today. Holy moly! Stop reading now if you don't want to be bored by the following. I just wanted to get this down for my own sake. Selfish maybe...

I'm tracking everything in a database my husband had created. I made a trail mix of cheerios, dried cranberries, and almonds for breakfast. That was fine, but let's move on to lunch. I actually had to break it up and have two lunches because there was no way I could have eaten all that in one sitting. I had to balance out breakfast and lunch to get the percentages in order and where they should be (20% fat, 30% protein, and 60% carbs). I had 1 cup of egg beaters, 4 oz. deli turkey, 1 cup broccoli, 17 pretzels, and 2 pieces of toast (made with 1 tablespoon of sugar free jam). For dinner tonight I'm having 2 oz. of whole wheat pasta, 1 cup of broccoli, and 1 piece of string cheese. For dessert I'm going to have 1 WW yogurt and 1 cup of cheerios. I'm embarrassed by how much I will have eaten by the end of the day, but it's STILL only just 1,188 calories. I can't get up to 1,600 today -- I just can't.

I learned that you really can have too much of a good thing. Like I said, breakfast was healthy, but the numbers were way out of whack, which is why I had to balance everything out later in the day.

ETA: Phoenix -- how was your walk?


Apr 19, 2004
HI girlies and boylies:

Found some new runners; tried on Adidas, Asics, Brooks, Nike''s and Mizuno''s. All equal in stability and bells and whistles, so I choose the Mizuno''s. So lightweight--so far so good! Comfy as heck!

No exercise today--my left knee has been giving me grief now I am running more frequently, so I taking a bit of time off.

Take care ya''ll!!!!.
Glad your tooth is better Lorelei!



Mar 26, 2006
Holy achin'' a$$ muscles Batman... YOWCH. I hurt in places I didn''t even know I had. Made myself walk on the dreadmill this moring for 65 mins just to prove to myself that I could. Stupid stupid stupid. YOWCH.

Bought a couple of cute things at Ann Taylor Loft. At one point I popped my head out of the dressing room to ask for a different size in a pair of pants and the sales lady looked down at all the fabric dragging on the ground and said, "Hon, you should try those in petities." Um. Yah. Thanks. They WERE petite.

More to report but it hurts to type (did you know you have muscles in your forearms???). Will check in later...


Nov 24, 2006
Hi friends, how are you all today? Tomorrow morning is weigh in for me at WeightWatchers.
Crossing my fingers. hehe I probably will go for another walk, I am not sure what we will be having for dinner though, nothing is stricking my mood at the moment!!! hehe
Have a fab one

Charger, I love tripadvisor too! hehe Yay for Kauai, baby!!!!

Amandarx, I don't blame you for not getting up at 4am. hehe Darn to the pool being closed! You should swim if you can!

Marcy yay for minus 162, do have a goal?? You look plenty tiny to me!!!

Rod, enjoy tonight with Charlie!!! I hope you have sweet dreams tonight!

Bee, yay for Weight Watchers, it is so motivating to go! Good for you going back! Enjoy salsa!

ZoeB, yay for the trainer!

Hey Apple!

Indy, you and I are both holding on to summer. I absolutely hate fall/winter; I try my dangest to embrace it but it never happens. I love the long days and flowers, and sunshine it just bums me out when it is gone! What is mentha stuff from BandB? Your boyfriend sounds sweet!! Oooo oooo I love the Italian marinade! hehe

Dragonfly, yay for Cathe and yay for a lb!

PHX, your dinner sounds great!

LORELEI, wooo hooo for the treddie workout!!!

Sharon, yay for new shoes, I bet they feel great! Good on taking time off for the knee.

Dee, see the workout is working! hehe


Aug 17, 2005
Hi everyone!

I made it to the gym this morning, but had to cut my workout short due to a raging headache. At least I got 25 minutes in on the treadmill!

oatmeal for breakfast, a fuji apple for snack #1, grilled chicken salad w/ tomatoes & kidney beans for lunch and fage w/ raspberry preserves for snack #2 is what I''ve chowed down today. not bad. i''m on my own for dinner, so I''m going to head to Trader Joes and see what i can round up. I''m trying to be EXTRA good today as our company picnic is tomorrow.

Apple- the wrap sounds yummy- thanks for sharing the recipe!
Dee- what a workout you had! take care of those sore muscles.
Amanda- 4 volleyball games
Marcy- 162 lbs!! you continue to amaze me. enjoy your goof-off time!
Rod- you''ve got a killer schedule, my friend! i hope you''re able to catch up on your sleep sometime soon
Bee- Salsa aerobics sounds fun! I was quite the salsa dancer a couple of years ago, and i miss it.
Zoe- All that food is only 1188 calories? Just goes to show how healthy food goes a loooong way!
Indy- Happy Hump day to you- it''s almost over!
Dragon- i''m a borrring luncher! i do a grilled chik salad almost everyday from scratch, and eat out 1x/week
Phoenix- I love your recession edition club! i too often like $20 vs $200 bottles of wine, but hubby''s palate is uber-picky.
Lorelei- here''s to 3 treddy workouts in a row!
Sharon- WOW, you sure had a sneaker-try-on-fest!
Skippy- Good Luch with your WW weigh-in!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
I hope you had a great day. I made pasta, bread sticks and had raw veggies for supper. I am stuffed – I only ate 400 calories worth but after drinking my water I swear it’s growing in my stomach. Oh well it was tasty.
Rod, sorry your day was so hectic yesterday. I hope you had a better day today.
Bee, glad you are back here and going to WW.
Zoe, that’s a long nap. If I took a nap like that I’d never fall asleep that night.
Thank you so much for the kudos – it means a great deal to me. I think I’d have a hard time eating that many calories too.
Appletini, your chicken salad sounds great. That would be great to take camping.
Indygirl, I know fall is on the way – I can feel it in the morning when I water my flowers. Yes I did lose an entire person. I teach astronomy for a local college.
Dragonfly, glad to hear you lost another pound.
Phoenixgirl, glad to hear you went through your clothes. I at least can say I don’t own a piece of clothing older than a year. That’s great the wine club decided to go for more reasonably priced bottles of wine.
Lorelei, woo hoo for doing the treadmill and for your teef being on the mend. I am going to go walk on the treddy after I post.
Sharon, glad you found some comfy shoes. I hope you knee feels better soon.
Deejay, sorry to hear the dreadmill worked you over instead of giving you a work out. I hope you feel less sore soon.
Skippy, I hope you had a great walk today. Good luck at WW tomorrow. Thanks for the yay. I want to lose at least 8 more pounds. I’ll see how it goes though.
Chargergirl, I hope your headaches is better by now. Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it.
Well, I am off to the treddy. Hopefully it’s nicer to me than it was to Deejay today.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey, from your tired friend Rod........

Another looooong day, but at least I got to come home tonight and have dinner with Charlie, followed by a nice relaxing cup of coffee (and 1/2 a donut for dessert) at Sbucks. Tomorrow will be another ''uber'' long day, as it will be a workout day tomorrow night, but I''m getting used to these long days. We had Charlie''s chicken meatloaf and steamed veggies for dinner, which was really good as usual. Otherwise nothing much else to report.

Good for you getting back on the WW wagon bee*!!

Zoe, I did get some sleep last night and hope to again tonight as well. THANKS! Yay for a 2.5 hour nap in the afternoon. That sounds like such a luxury for sure!!

Welcome to the sleep deprived club Apple!

Wow, only 5 hours sleep a night Indy?? I''m glad you can function like that. I need at least 7 hours and even that is a bit too little to keep me going. That''s why I end up sleeping a lot of extra time on the weekends.

What''s Cathe dragon? Yay for losing another pound!!

I hope you enjoyed your 2.5 mile walk phoenix! That chicken thigh dish sounds yummy for sure!

You go Lorelei!! Yay for 3 treddie sessions in a row and I''m so glad your toof is healing so well!!

Zoe, that''s really not that much food girl. No wonder you''re not getting enough calories. You need to eat some more. You''re eating good things, just eat more of them, OK??

Mizuno''s are really good shoes Sharon. I''m glad you like them and find them super comfortable!

I''m glad you''ve learned you have muscles in your forearms DeeJay! Sounds like you found out you have muscles in lot''s of places you didn''t know you had.......LOL

I''m betting you''ll have a great weigh-in at WW tomorrow Skippy! Thanks for the sweet dream wishes!! You''re such a sweetie!!

Thanks Charger. I will catch up sleep over the weekend for sure. I''m sorry your headache cut your workout short. Hope you''re feeling better........

Yummm to pasta Marcy!! Thanks for wishing me a better day today!

OK.......I''ve had all the fun I can handle using my computer for one day. I''m shutting down and heading to watch some TV with Charlie and Sakai! I''ll check in tomorrow night, but it will be a short check in...........


Nov 29, 2004
Well I had to planned to walk/jog this afternoon or at least walk, but instead took a very desperately needed nap since I''m so sleep deprived from the olympics. I have my PT tomorrow and I''m a little sore from yesterdays PT so hopefully I''ll be ready to work extra hard.


Jul 22, 2007
Hi, all. Just stopping in for a quick minute.

JT and I danced like crazy today while watching Happy Feet. I made some chicken noodle casserole stuff, my way of trying to make my guys eat veggies. And, we got some fresh peaches, that apparently nobody eats except me....okay, I knew that before I got them.

JT''s appt with the specialist is tomorrow, so wish us luck and send prayers!

Yay for new classes, beautiful islands, Olympic inspiration, salsa aerobics, extra walking, and healing toofers.

Argh! for headaches, bad sleep, early mornings, and the "dreadmill"

bye for now!


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, sorry you had another long day. Glad you finished a great day with some of Charlie''s great meatloaf.

Appletini, that''s nice you had a nice long nap to catch up for some missed sleep.

Somethingshiny, that''s great you and JT had fun watching the movie. It is a cute movie. I love peaches too. Good luck with JT at the doctor tomorrow.
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