
He surprised me!

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Feb 29, 2008
I am now an engaged women!!!!!

BF proposed to be yesterday.

He came over last night and he had this lunch box sized ice chest, I thought it was weird, but figured he just brought his lunch to work. He as to drive 2.5 hours to get to my place, so it was kind of late, so we watched TV and went to bed.

The next day I was cleaning and unpacking my room. I moved here about 2 months ago, but I am still not done unpacking. A song came on from a concert we went to b/f we left San Diego, and he came barging in dancing around (he is kind of a clown). He than went into the ice chest and pulled out a ring box, got down on his knees and proposed.

I of course said "yes."

He told me he has had the ring for about 2 weeks, but could not find the right time. Last week, he was thinking about giving it to me on the Riverwalk with all the holiday lights, but I was sick with an ear infection, and so he decided not too. Regardless the ring is on my finger now. We are flying home to see my family next week, so there will be lots of celebrating.

I plan on writing a review of his experience with tons of pics on SMTR. I am so excited to have my own e-ring. Here is a "teaser pic."

Ring is from Brian Gavin. It is a 1.148 F VS 2 set in a WG "temp setting." I get to pick my own setting for the ring.

Congrats! I think I remember seeing that ring recently on BGD''s blog. Gorgeous stone! Have fun picking our your dream setting!
congrats, how lovely!!!

Congratulations! What a gorgeous stone..
Have fun choosing your setting!
Do you have anything in mind?
Congrats :)

Gorgeous diamond. You know, I actually love the temp setting - its simplicity really shows off the diamond!

How thrilling--congrats! I love your ring--the "temp" setting is wonderful!

Congrats on your engagement!!!!!!! The ring looks great on your finger!! Can''t wait to see pictures of your diamond''s permanent home when you finally get to decide!
Congrats firecracker
YAY for your lovely stone (and i quite like your temp setting myself!)
Yay!! congratulations!!!

What a sneaky man! (makes sence to find "ice" in an ice chest - tee hee!)

Goregeous stone! Do you have a setting in mind?
Congratulations! Cute story. I agree that the ring is beautiful, even if it is only a temporary setting. Happy engagement!
Clairtek - thank you. I looked on the blog! I didn''t see my ring, but I saw a 1.5 ct ring in the exact same setting.

lucky number, Treasure43, AustenNut - thank you!

MrsHtoBe - thank you. You know, I originally wanted a 4 pronged leon setting with a pave shank. But now that I have the diamond (which is bigger than I thought I would get), I am wondering if a simple platinum solitaire would be better. After the positive experience my BF had with Brian Gavin, and the fact he is close enough to drive and see his settings in person, we are thinking ti would be best to work with him. I am going to live with the temp setting for a month or two and see how I like the solitaire look.

LilyKat - I like the temp setting too. When I reset it, I might keep the same look, but do a basket head instead to protect the stone a little more.

chunk-gal and Blackpaw - thank you, I am very happy with the temp setting. When I reset this ring, I might just keep the temp setting and put a colored stone in it

HopeDream - thanks! That is what his mother said!
Congrats Ltl!!!!!!

Gorgeous diamond!!!!
Date: 12/20/2009 11:52:17 AM
Author: LilyKat

Gorgeous diamond. You know, I actually love the temp setting - its simplicity really shows off the diamond!
I agree! That diamond is seriously beautiful, let it shine on it''s own!

Congrats! (and I''m sorry about the ear infection)
Excellent - congrats!!!

Congrats! Beautiful ring!
It''s stunning! Congratulations!
Congrats!! It''s beautiful!

The e-ring is beautiful (I was just drooling over it on your other thread)!
FrekeChild - thank you, I
this diamond.

lilyfoot -thank you. I am not sure what was worse, the ear infection, or the shot of antibiotics in the rear (that is what happens when you are surrounded by doctors and get sick).

sillyberry, bee*, BEG, and kribbie -thanks for the kind words!

chiquitapet - thank you, and I appreciate you cropping my photo for my aviator.

It is just starting to dawn on me I have a wedding to plan. OMG - I am about to get overwhelmed very quickly. But I can''t wait to be married to the man of my dreams!!!!!
Congratulations! Gorgeous ring!
Date: 12/20/2009 1:57:01 PM
Author: LtlFirecracker
Clairtek - thank you. I looked on the blog! I didn''t see my ring, but I saw a 1.5 ct ring in the exact same setting.
After I posted I went to the blog and saw that. I think the person whose ring that is posted a SMTR thread as well. Whoops!
Oh wow! Congratulations! You are so lucky!
Congratulations! Gorgeous diamond, too!

so he found out about the list? that''s one beautiful ring to get you off the list with, congrats!!
I love that he found out about the list!! That cracks me up.


congrats, and nothing better than being surprised! your ring looks similar to mine (solitaire, simple setting), so curious what setting you end up choosing!
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