While shopping around, I noticed that a ags000 stone that scored a HCA 1.1 had some white/pale pink areas under the table that suggested light leakage. My question is whether it's possible to have an excelletn HCA score and a medium idealscope image.
0.845 carat
pavilion depth-61.5
crown angle-34.3
pavilion angel-40.9
Also, I noticed on gem advisor, that some stones with some light leakage (very good to good) often had slightly better light return while others with excellent light leakge had very good to good light return. The ones with excellent leakage but only good light return the got best HCA scores. These excellent leakage stones also showed very strong arrows to the point of being being black in "normal" lighting. It seems obvious that the HCA favors excellent leakage over light return at least in some cases. It doesn't seem intuitive that light leakage and light return should be inverse. Shouldn't they be more or less directly proportional since less light leaked equals more light returned? If the light is not leaking and not returning, then where is it going?
Please forgive me if these questions seem naive.
0.845 carat
pavilion depth-61.5
crown angle-34.3
pavilion angel-40.9
Also, I noticed on gem advisor, that some stones with some light leakage (very good to good) often had slightly better light return while others with excellent light leakge had very good to good light return. The ones with excellent leakage but only good light return the got best HCA scores. These excellent leakage stones also showed very strong arrows to the point of being being black in "normal" lighting. It seems obvious that the HCA favors excellent leakage over light return at least in some cases. It doesn't seem intuitive that light leakage and light return should be inverse. Shouldn't they be more or less directly proportional since less light leaked equals more light returned? If the light is not leaking and not returning, then where is it going?
Please forgive me if these questions seem naive.