Hello and thank you very much for such an interesting and informative site. It will almost be a disapointment to make my final decision, but will probably still look around. HEre is my question. I have a GIA report in front of me with the following info
3.0 carat
60.4 depth
61 table
girdle med to thick faceted
pavillion is 41.2
crown is 32.9
When I check this with the Holloway cut adviser, I get a pop up saying that either the info is wrong or the girdle is "dangerously thin". Can this be with the GIA stating medium to thick? Any help at all would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

3.0 carat
60.4 depth
61 table
girdle med to thick faceted
pavillion is 41.2
crown is 32.9
When I check this with the Holloway cut adviser, I get a pop up saying that either the info is wrong or the girdle is "dangerously thin". Can this be with the GIA stating medium to thick? Any help at all would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.