
Have your goals changed?


Jun 8, 2008
We all have goals. Hopes and dreams and plans. As that wise quote goes we make plans and the universe laughs. Something like that.

Have your goals changed over the past year given all the changes everyone all over the world has experienced? What were your previous hopes and dreams? What are your new ones?



Jun 8, 2008
Goal one is to survive Covid 19. All my loved ones and me.

Goal two is to take each day as it comes. Making the best of things. Challenging as they are. One day at a time. One hour at a time. And to enjoy something from each day. Today is all we are promised so making the best of it.

Goal three is to continue helping others. The animal organizations need help more than ever. Despite the increased adoptions there’s always more animals in desperate need.

Goal four is as soon as it is safe to see our friends and family. A big party. I’m going to throw one. I hope that dream gets realized and that my parents are there. And healthy.

Goal five is to go out to eat with my dh at one of our favorite romantic restaurants if they survive.

As you can see none of my goals are too lofty. Nor too far in the future. I think and hope they’re all doable.

Our long term goals have not changed.


Jan 3, 2013
Good question and I admire your goals @missy !
Since I am mostly thinking short term right now, I just hope I survive unscathed when I return to work next month... :pray: sadly, I really can’t think of anything beyond that at this point.


Jun 8, 2008
Good question and I admire your goals @missy !
Since I am mostly thinking short term right now, I just hope I survive unscathed when I return to work next month... :pray: sadly, I really can’t think of anything beyond that at this point.

I include you in my goals. All my friends-please stay safe and be well. Short term is all we have at the moment. We’re gonna be ok.

You’ve made it through even more challenging times imo @Slick1. And you got through it like a trooper. Brave and strong.

And what I shared with you yesterday re school. I believe. Fingers crossed. (((Hugs))).

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
Yes. We are putting together a plan to retire sooner, with less. We have realized that what we want is time, not things.


Jun 8, 2008
Yes. We are putting together a plan to retire sooner, with less. We have realized that what we want is time, not things.

Yes to this. Nothing is as valuable as time. I’ve always felt this way and this pandemic just brings it into sharper focus. Time with our loved ones. It’s never long enough but this pandemic shows just how precious time is. And how fragile.


Jun 8, 2008
My goal is for my loved ones to survive this whole thing. I can't take anything for granted.

Indeed. Nothing is guaranteed. @lyra keeping good thoughts for you and your family.


Apr 2, 2018
I am attempting to prioritize the right things- family, health (mental and physical), and education. My husband and I are looking into moving closer to family, but with jobs being in flux right now, I'm not sure if that will be a short term goal or long term.
I'm cooking more at home, working to incorporate more veggies in my diet and reducing foods that we are intolerant/allergic to and prioritizing yoga/exercise as we are working from home more.
With the protests and human rights issues, I am working to keep myself educated on current global issues (but stopping when I feel myself starting to get anxious). I started reading "Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People" in order to understand others' biases and my own.

Edit: prioritize the right things for myself and my family. If others' priorities are different, I understand that.


Jun 8, 2008
I am attempting to prioritize the right things- family, health (mental and physical), and education. My husband and I are looking into moving closer to family, but with jobs being in flux right now, I'm not sure if that will be a short term goal or long term.
I'm cooking more at home, working to incorporate more veggies in my diet and reducing foods that we are intolerant/allergic to and prioritizing yoga/exercise as we are working from home more.
With the protests and human rights issues, I am working to keep myself educated on current global issues (but stopping when I feel myself starting to get anxious). I started reading "Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People" in order to understand others' biases and my own.

Edit: prioritize the right things for myself and my family. If others' priorities are different, I understand that.

Prioritization is critical and while things change in life putting loved ones first over most everything else is always a good thing to do imo. As long as you take care of you first and foremost.


Sep 24, 2011
I think our goals may have shifted slightly. We are already semi-retired. We are already selling our big house and planning on down-sizing. Our priorities have not changed financially and family/friends are more important that stuff like cars or bling.

This whole situation has made us consider leaving the US (not that Americans are welcome much of anywhere right now).
The response of many Americans has been a huge disappointment and has made me very unhappy living here. I have maybe 20 years left and I'm not sure I am willing to spend it living in the US. Sad but true.


Jun 23, 2005
While a pandemic was always a possibility, in my mind it was a remote one. Just goes to show how little control we really have in life. For me, it has been a humbling experience. For all of those that have lost their lives to it, I mourn for them. Most were just living their day to day lives and it was just suddenly stripped from them. I feel incredibly lucky that my family has been spared thus far but am acutely aware of how fast it can strike. What changes for me I guess is just a heightened appreciation for all that surrounds me and makes my life a happy one.

I wish everyone here continued health and safety as we continue to see this virus rage. I am sure we are all doing our best to achieve this and hopefully we can continue to fight the good fight. Beyond that, we will figure it out as we go!


Mar 28, 2020
For me the goal is to go back to my normal weight. I have gained only 5lbs since March 3 (the last time I wrote a note) but visually I am in a completely different category now. So I decided this very morning I have to control my calories intake, both quantity and quality. And find time to add some more exercises and stick to them. I hope to lose around 20lbs by New Year.

I am working on another goal consistently and patiently, I want my grandbaby to learn the entire English alphabet and become potty trained by her 2nd birthday in September. We are learning many other important things too on our way to her milestone BD. For my family I want everyone to remain healthy, sane and as happy and satisfied with their life as possible.
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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Yes to this. Nothing is as valuable as time. I’ve always felt this way and this pandemic just brings it into sharper focus. Time with our loved ones. It’s never long enough but this pandemic shows just how precious time is. And how fragile.
That's the reason why I try not to let this pandemic change my normal life. Our families GTG at least once a week for a down dinner. I don't go to the mall or the beach even before this pandemic.


Apr 2, 2018
On a jewelry related note, I have an increased urge to finalize my plans to replace my engagement ring that was stolen several years ago. Jewelry has brought me a surprising amount of joy during this pandemic.


Sep 25, 2008
I think short term goal is to get through this year and keep my job, doesn't seem at risk for the moment but I'm aware that could always change! Medium term goals is to save enough for a deposit on a flat, up-skill in my job and have more financial stability. Long term goals include (maybe) dating again, more travel and learning a new skill like a language, or a sport etc.


Nov 26, 2013
For me the goal is to go back to my normal weight. I have gained only 5lbs since March 3 (the last time I wrote a note) but visually I am in a completely different category now. So I decided this very morning I have to control my calories intake, both quantity and quality. And find time to add some more exercises and stick to them. I hope to lose around 20lbs by New Year.

I am working on another goal consistently and patiently, I want my grandbaby to learn the entire English alphabet and become potty trained by her 2nd birthday in September. We are learning many other important things too on our way to her milestone BD. For my family I want everyone to remain healthy, sane and as happy and satisfied with their life as possible.

You go girl!


Apr 30, 2005
We all have goals.

Actually I don't.
I associate goals, personal budgeting, and planning with unnecessary stress ... bleh! :knockout:
I just make good conservative decisions.
So far so good.

As always YMMV, people vary, etc. etc.


Jul 7, 2013
Apart from delays (campervan and home improvement projects) and cancellations (visit my folks in Canada, concert and theatre trips), and over-budget on nearly everything, what I had planned for this year have gone according to plan.

I would like to work more hours by having another contract, however that might not have been affected by Covid-19, and I can get by so far.

My health could be better, however, it is part of getting old, and I just have to manage it as well as I can.

There had been lots of changes for certain, some are beyond my control.

I managed by accepting the hands that had been dealt to me, adapt to the changes the best I can, and moved on.

Life could be better, however it could have been a lot worse, so no complaint from me.

DK :))


May 13, 2018
Does a wedding at the beach count as a goal? Originally I wanted to get married July 7 this year, but those plans have been cancelled. Still need to plan for a wedding next year, though I am completely skeptical COVID will be over by then. Sorry fellow humans... I've got no faith in humanity. I'll only believe COVID is over when I see it is over instead of believing the first vaccine will cure everyone.


Jun 8, 2008
Actually I don't.
I associate goals, personal budgeting, and planning with unnecessary stress ... bleh! :knockout:
I just make good conservative decisions.
So far so good.

As always YMMV, people vary, etc. etc.

I hear you. Maybe it is more semantics than anything? I mean to get through each day we have some sort of goal even if informal. No?
I associate goals with just day to day living as well as long term.
My short term goals is just to survive this but my long term goals are to hopefully grow old with my dh in relative good health and just enjoy each day. So I guess that could be considered a formal goal and not everyone has those.

For sure we all vary and there is no right or wrong. As a kid I was always looking ahead and my mom said I was rushing my life away. I am still a work in progress (aren't many of us) and trying not to do that. I don't want to rush my life away but somehow 55 years have passed and I am like whoa too fast. Too fast. Please slow life down a bit but let's get through Covid 19 fast. Oops, see what I did there? My mom was/is right. But shh don't tell her please. :shhh:

Screen Shot 2020-08-05 at 6.42.53 AM.png


Jun 8, 2008
On a jewelry related note, I have an increased urge to finalize my plans to replace my engagement ring that was stolen several years ago. Jewelry has brought me a surprising amount of joy during this pandemic.

I'm sorry your ring was stolen and I hope you realize this goal sooner vs later. I agree that bling has brought immeasurable joy to many during this stressful time. Despite just being a thing it is a beautiful thing and does bring joy and comfort. Good luck with your ER project.


Jun 8, 2008
That's the reason why I try not to let this pandemic change my normal life. Our families GTG at least once a week for a down dinner. I don't go to the mall or the beach even before this pandemic.

I miss my parents so much. They were supposed to visit the other week but my mom wasn't feeling well. And now my dad's vision is quite bad so I don't want him driving the 90 plus minutes to our home so we are gong to figure out a way to visit them. Time is precious and my dad is 86 and my mom is immunocompromised so I know our time is limited. :(

I am glad you get to see your family @Dancing Fire and hope you continue to remain well and that your family remains well and the visits continue.


Jun 8, 2008
I think short term goal is to get through this year and keep my job, doesn't seem at risk for the moment but I'm aware that could always change! Medium term goals is to save enough for a deposit on a flat, up-skill in my job and have more financial stability. Long term goals include (maybe) dating again, more travel and learning a new skill like a language, or a sport etc.

I hope your job remains secure. My DH's job is in question as many are due to the slow down from Covid 19. I have no clue what the coming months will hold but hope for the best. I hope all PSers have job security and are doing as well as possible. These are unprecedented times and we can only do the best we can do and much is not under our control. Sending you lots of good wishes for your job security and a new home and financial stability. And your long term goals are good ones too and you will realize them. I know it.


Jun 8, 2008
Does a wedding at the beach count as a goal? Originally I wanted to get married July 7 this year, but those plans have been cancelled. Still need to plan for a wedding next year, though I am completely skeptical COVID will be over by then. Sorry fellow humans... I've got no faith in humanity. I'll only believe COVID is over when I see it is over instead of believing the first vaccine will cure everyone.

Yes it does. I am sorry your wedding plans were postponed. I hope you get to enjoy your wedding sooner vs later. I share your less than optimistic view too but while I expect the worse I always hope for the best. Sending you good wishes @voce.


Jun 8, 2008
For me the goal is to go back to my normal weight. I have gained only 5lbs since March 3 (the last time I wrote a note) but visually I am in a completely different category now. So I decided this very morning I have to control my calories intake, both quantity and quality. And find time to add some more exercises and stick to them. I hope to lose around 20lbs by New Year.

I am working on another goal consistently and patiently, I want my grandbaby to learn the entire English alphabet and become potty trained by her 2nd birthday in September. We are learning many other important things too on our way to her milestone BD. For my family I want everyone to remain healthy, sane and as happy and satisfied with their life as possible.

Good luck @Musia you can do it! And wishing you and your family good health and happiness as I do for all PSers.


Jun 8, 2008
Apart from delays (campervan and home improvement projects) and cancellations (visit my folks in Canada, concert and theatre trips), and over-budget on nearly everything, what I had planned for this year have gone according to plan.

I would like to work more hours by having another contract, however that might not have been affected by Covid-19, and I can get by so far.

My health could be better, however, it is part of getting old, and I just have to manage it as well as I can.

There had been lots of changes for certain, some are beyond my control.

I managed by accepting the hands that had been dealt to me, adapt to the changes the best I can, and moved on.

Life could be better, however it could have been a lot worse, so no complaint from me.

DK :))

This is how I feel as well. With the exception of the working part as I am retired. But yes. We can only do the best we can do and control what we can and let go of what we cannot control. Yes life could be better but it could also be worse so I am with you. No (real) complaints. Tho I would love to get through this relatively dark time intact and sooner vs later. Good wishes to you @dk168.


Jun 8, 2008
While a pandemic was always a possibility, in my mind it was a remote one. Just goes to show how little control we really have in life. For me, it has been a humbling experience. For all of those that have lost their lives to it, I mourn for them. Most were just living their day to day lives and it was just suddenly stripped from them. I feel incredibly lucky that my family has been spared thus far but am acutely aware of how fast it can strike. What changes for me I guess is just a heightened appreciation for all that surrounds me and makes my life a happy one.

I wish everyone here continued health and safety as we continue to see this virus rage. I am sure we are all doing our best to achieve this and hopefully we can continue to fight the good fight. Beyond that, we will figure it out as we go!

Ditto. I feel for all those who lost loved ones. Some PSers included. One is our own @dizzyakira- I am thinking of you and keeping you in my heart. I think of you and your dad (so sorry for your tragic loss) and your mom daily (hope she is doing better). To all those who lost loved ones my heart goes out to you.

@MissGotRocks you are so right. Life changes in a second and we can sometimes never get that back. I am glad your family is well and may that continue and sending everyone here good wishes and comforting hugs.


Jun 8, 2008
I think our goals may have shifted slightly. We are already semi-retired. We are already selling our big house and planning on down-sizing. Our priorities have not changed financially and family/friends are more important that stuff like cars or bling.

This whole situation has made us consider leaving the US (not that Americans are welcome much of anywhere right now).
The response of many Americans has been a huge disappointment and has made me very unhappy living here. I have maybe 20 years left and I'm not sure I am willing to spend it living in the US. Sad but true.

Same tho we will never leave the USA. One, my family is here and won't leave. But two, as you pointed out, who would have us? And three, I realize no country is perfect and while the USA is doing a terrible job re the pandemic and other areas I have hope things will turn around eventually with a new political leaders. And I don't want to desert the USA but want to stay and try helping us turn around for a better tomorrow for our kids and their kids. I hope I am not being a Pollyanna here. I hope that will become reality. Not sure we will live long enough to see that but I am hopeful.


Jul 7, 2013
@missy you are too young to be retired!!! :lol-2:

And fingers firmly crossed for all PSers and their loved ones to get through these dark times intact sooner rather than later.

DK :))
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