
Hate by State

If I were to take issue with this "evidence", which is the mere looking at tweets, etc. in each state . . . well, I would point out:

This research does not explain who sent what. Meaning, they may not know or may not care which ethnic group sent what tweet or text. That info is not included in their assessment. But to be an accurate depiction of "hate", that info is crucial. To whit:

The top 3 states/cities with seemingly racist (anti-black) tweets could be blacks calling each other names you and I would not use.

And that TX and California, with their very high Hispanic populations (Arlington, TX in particular), are perhaps subject to the same type of Hispanic on Hispanic rhetoric.

Just as a for instance, because I live in a state with a huge number of Hispanics from all over the world, coming from many different countries and cultures: they are no more likely to respect and accept someone just because he/she can habla espanol. It's like saying all Asians stick together. Not at all true; and making such assumptions has helped establish stereotypes and further racism.

There are people in almost any ethnic group who think nothing of using some questionable (to us) language with each other, regardless of how offensive it would be (and is) if we were to engage in it. If that can be taken into consideration in the 'research' and those social media interactions removed from the whole, I think the results would be remarkably different.

And just in case you think I'm a complete idiot white girl from TX, who wouldn't admit to racism if it bit me in the behind, my sister is married into a (Mexican) Hispanic family and has three children with Hispanic surnames. I don't know of any incident or occasion where any one of them felt discriminated against because of their heritage. We Texans just sort of take it (Hispanics among us) in stride. This is not Trump country.
That's why I said my stereotypes were not reinforced.

I'm sure I'm the only person here who has stereotypes. ;)
If taxes were included, CT would be first on the hating list. Otherwise I think I can honestly say that we may not be very friendly but we are pretty tolerant. People could care less what you look like or who you marry as long as you leave them alone :lol:
Well my state appears very tolerant! :appl: However, the stereotypical view of my state is one of hate for everyone that is different - be it color, sexual orientation, marriage views, etc. We aren't very diverse in our population so the words used by other races to each other would not apply. Very interesting.

Although probably the 42 teenagers here that are tweeting might be partly an issue that would cause our numbers to be low LOL. :lol: