
Has anyone replied your ring is ugly?


May 18, 2008
Kilops|1308704985|2951506 said:
AmeliaG|1308704628|2951500 said:
There is a need for honest critiques but also for sharing your joy in things. No reason both needs can't co-exist - just not in the same thread.

Does this mean if I wanted to solicit opinion about a diamond/ring, I need to open two threads - one asking for the kudos and one asking for the critiques?

No. You simply say "this is the ring I purchased. Honest opinions please?" PSers always give honest opinions when asked.


Apr 20, 2010
Kilops|1308704985|2951506 said:
AmeliaG|1308704628|2951500 said:
There is a need for honest critiques but also for sharing your joy in things. No reason both needs can't co-exist - just not in the same thread.

Does this mean if I wanted to solicit opinion about a diamond/ring, I need to open two threads - one asking for the kudos and one asking for the critiques?

Generally people create a thread BEFORE THE PURCHASE asking for opinions and critiques, while they are still in the process of decision-making. This is because they are still able to change their mind about the purchase at this point in the timeline.

After a decision is made, they may open another thread to show off their jewelry. They are no longer able to do anything if critiques are made at this point, as it is AFTER THE PURCHASE. At this point in the timeline, the goal is to help someone celebrate their pieces.


Mar 18, 2011
merilenda|1308704872|2951503 said:
What is the point of buyer's remorse? I mean, what good does it do ANYONE to regret a purchase? After a purchase is made, you should enjoy the piece you now have.

As I mentioned earlier- when you make a purchase, you want to know if you should (A) return and rebuy or (B) seek opportunities in the future for an upgrade? Afterall, dont you want to make the "right" choice? It doesn't make sense to me to buy something then never look back- how can you learn from your mistakes this way? If you bought a half broken down Kia Rio and regretted it, wouldn't you think- next time I buy a car, I need to really check out the engine and do my homework to ensure my purchase is the best value given my budget? You dont simply think "O well, whats done is done, I need to just drive this as is".

On the flip side, I have known people who bought a Toyota minivan and loved it and thought it fit her lifestyle and would never upgrade (of course she still replaces it with a new one after so many years). Since she has many kids, most of her friends agree its the right choice for her to own a minivan. Thats a situation without buyer's remorse!

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Kilops|1308704985|2951506 said:
AmeliaG|1308704628|2951500 said:
There is a need for honest critiques but also for sharing your joy in things. No reason both needs can't co-exist - just not in the same thread.

Does this mean if I wanted to solicit opinion about a diamond/ring, I need to open two threads - one asking for the kudos and one asking for the critiques?

No. It means that you just open up one thread and say "I want honest contructive opinions on my new ring". I would assume you would probably get both positive and negative comments.


Apr 20, 2010
Again. Your logic does not make any sense in this situation. As others have said, you're being purposely obtuse. Have a good one.


Feb 15, 2007


May 18, 2008
You're speaking of two completely different things.

One is an owner actively seeking opinions on whether a purchase is a good investment or if there is something better out there (better priced, better looking, etc).

Another is giving unsolicited advice to an owner who is HAPPY with their purchase.

Given this short interaction with you, I gather that you are very sensitive and a bit egotistical. I doubt that if you posted your final purchase and was genuinely happy with it, you would e ok with comments that you made the wrong choice because the ring is ugly.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Kilops|1308700381|2951414 said:
Everyone on PS is so nice to all the posts regardless of the diamonds or rings posted. Has anyone ever replied to a thread that their diamond or ring is ugly? Its hard to gauge how a ring actually looks when no one negative replies and all replies are positive... Most of the rings I have seen are fairly decent looking, which is good but soliciting critiques from only people who love your ring will never receive criticisms. :lol:

the word unique is a polite way of saying ugly on PS.. :wink2:


Mar 18, 2011
fiery|1308705793|2951527 said:
I doubt that if you posted your final purchase and was genuinely happy with it, you would e ok with comments that you made the wrong choice because the ring is ugly.

If I make a post of my ring I am assuming 1 thing: I want your opinion on my ring. If everyone came right out and told my my ring is ugly? Then I have achieved my goal of soliciting your opinion. Of course I might feel bad but I wouldn't feel bad that you are telling me my ring is ugly. I would feel bad that I made the wrong choice and would seek to return or replace the ring.

If you had lint in your hair and someone told you have lint in your hair, would you think he is just being rude? I would think I need to wash my hair better next time!


Aug 14, 2009
Dancing Fire|1308705899|2951529 said:
the word unique is a polite way of saying ugly on PS.. :wink2:

I don't think so DF.. I don't use it in that way, anyway. If I think it's ugly I just don't respond... usually.

I admit that often I'll go into the I'M ENGAGED!!!! SMTB threads on page2 with only ten responses and say congrats, enjoy your new rings just to say congrats, even if I don't think all that much of the ring(s). Engagements deserve to be celebrated ::) and while I don't think PS should be a popularity contest I do see how a newly engaged gal sharing her ring might feel slighted if the response is neither large nor effusive...

Okay, time to leave this thread!

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
ForteKitty|1308703518|2951470 said:
would you tell someone their fiancee is ugly? isn't it all a matter of taste?

we need a critique my BF/DH forum... :appl:


Mar 2, 2010
I've read some of this topic, but not all. I have seen some things on PS that I do not like that I would NEVER buy, however someone who is showing it off obviously loves it. Who am I to say "that ring is Ugly, I can't believe you bought it"? On things I do not like, I do not say anything. Now for those who are posting with a hesitant setting/purchase, I will say I do not care for it because of they may be looking for some outside views.

I love the fact that we all have different tastes. My BFF LOVES princess cuts and white gold. I'm a round brilliant and yellow girl gal. Now, I will tease her incessantly about her choices, however she loves what she loves, and I love mine! :D


Apr 28, 2010
Kilops|1308706216|2951537 said:
fiery|1308705793|2951527 said:
I doubt that if you posted your final purchase and was genuinely happy with it, you would e ok with comments that you made the wrong choice because the ring is ugly.

If I make a post of my ring I am assuming 1 thing: I want your opinion on my ring. If everyone came right out and told my my ring is ugly? Then I have achieved my goal of soliciting your opinion. Of course I might feel bad but I wouldn't feel bad that you are telling me my ring is ugly. I would feel bad that I made the wrong choice and would seek to return or replace the ring.

If you had lint in your hair and someone told you have lint in your hair, would you think he is just being rude? I would think I need to wash my hair better next time!

Right, and then you would go out and get another ring and post it and ask for opinions. 5 new people will say "your ring is ugly." Are you gonna go and return it and then buy a new one? Obviously this can be a vicious cycle as everyone has differing opinions and REALLY, all that matters is YOUR OWN.


Jan 8, 2011
Dancing Fire|1308705899|2951529 said:
Kilops|1308700381|2951414 said:
Everyone on PS is so nice to all the posts regardless of the diamonds or rings posted. Has anyone ever replied to a thread that their diamond or ring is ugly? Its hard to gauge how a ring actually looks when no one negative replies and all replies are positive... Most of the rings I have seen are fairly decent looking, which is good but soliciting critiques from only people who love your ring will never receive criticisms. :lol:

the word unique is a polite way of saying ugly on PS.. :wink2:

Oh damn, and I like stuff because its unique! So that means the person saying my ring is unique was just being polite? Bummer! I haven't posted anything though.

FWIW, I know kilops is trying to pull some chains but I don't mind because of Haven's excellent post about the differences between Rocky Talk and SMTB. It reminded me of the other forum I belong to that has the same thing. It's possible that new members will have figured this out for a long time before they discover the Hangout but in case they haven't, its good to know.

Now if I recommended this forum to a friend, I'd say start at Rocky Talk and get feedback on the diamond, then switch to SMTB and get feedback on the setting. If you want to post the finished product, you can do that in SMTB.

BTW, I find people here are much more willing to give honest critiques when asked - even moreso than my artist's forum. I've really been impressed by the custom ring project threads in SMTB that are helpful to all involved.


Dec 19, 2006
Anastasia|1308706302|2951539 said:
Haven|1308705725|2951523 said:

Amen Sister!

Haven~ that is the ugliest troll I have ever seen :!: I hope you won't be offended by my honesty :bigsmile:

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Kilops|1308704576|2951498 said:
Yssie|1308703654|2951474 said:
Kilops|1308703298|2951465 said:
Plenty of critiquing - workmanship, stone quality, photography, vendors and their policies on RT/CS. If someone posts a finished piece on RT and solicits opinions on any of those things they're going to get the good and the bad. SMTB is a different animal.

In that case, SMTB mind as well be a photobucket where people display their pictures? It loses its purpose as a forum for people to post replies since its given already that the replies are going to be positive.

I didn't see anyone on RT say that their diamonds are ugly either. I've seen people voice which they like better given choices A and B but that doesn't tell the buyer after purchasing it if he should have buyer's remorse? The point of buyer's remorse is to ensure that he has made the right decision. How do you know you made the right decision? Or do diamond purchasers not care this is the right purchase after the purchase has been completed?
oh yeah?,then do a search under my screen name.. :lol: i told PS newbies to "FLUSH THAT DIAMOND DOWN THE TOILET" many times.. :praise:


Apr 23, 2008
Autumnovember|1308707224|2951568 said:
Kilops|1308706216|2951537 said:
fiery|1308705793|2951527 said:
I doubt that if you posted your final purchase and was genuinely happy with it, you would e ok with comments that you made the wrong choice because the ring is ugly.

If I make a post of my ring I am assuming 1 thing: I want your opinion on my ring. If everyone came right out and told my my ring is ugly? Then I have achieved my goal of soliciting your opinion. Of course I might feel bad but I wouldn't feel bad that you are telling me my ring is ugly. I would feel bad that I made the wrong choice and would seek to return or replace the ring.

If you had lint in your hair and someone told you have lint in your hair, would you think he is just being rude? I would think I need to wash my hair better next time!

Right, and then you would go out and get another ring and post it and ask for opinions. 5 new people will say "your ring is ugly." Are you gonna go and return it and then buy a new one? Obviously this can be a vicious cycle as everyone has differing opinions and REALLY, all that matters is YOUR OWN.



Jan 8, 2011
Dancing Fire|1308706516|2951546 said:
ForteKitty|1308703518|2951470 said:
would you tell someone their fiancee is ugly? isn't it all a matter of taste?

we need a critique my BF/DH forum... :appl:

Scary thought, DF! :twisted:


Jun 17, 2009
Kilops|1308706216|2951537 said:
fiery|1308705793|2951527 said:
I doubt that if you posted your final purchase and was genuinely happy with it, you would e ok with comments that you made the wrong choice because the ring is ugly.

If I make a post of my ring I am assuming 1 thing: I want your opinion on my ring. If everyone came right out and told my my ring is ugly? Then I have achieved my goal of soliciting your opinion. Of course I might feel bad but I wouldn't feel bad that you are telling me my ring is ugly. I would feel bad that I made the wrong choice and would seek to return or replace the ring.

If you had lint in your hair and someone told you have lint in your hair, would you think he is just being rude? I would think I need to wash my hair better next time!

You've clearly not read any of the responses, including mine. Who are you to deem another person's ring ugly? Who am I to do that? Just because I think someone's ring is ugly, that means it should be returned? Gee, I didn't realize my opinion carried such weight. :rolleyes: What if one person thinks it's ugly and another thinks it's pretty? Oh my, what a quandry. And the intent of SMBT is not to critique - it's for people to show others their new ring. If you want an opinion about a ring, ask. People critique jewelry here on PS all the time, when critiques are asked for. Particularly in RT - I see posts where opinions are offered on the quality of a setting or diamond. But it's constructive criticism aimed at helping someone with a POTENTIAL purchase.

The lint analogy is ridiculous. There is no emotional attachment or sentimentality to a piece of lint. The two situations are not comparable.

If you think it's ok to tell a newly engaged woman that the ring her fiance just presented to her is ugly, go for it. Knock yourself out. But you won't exactly endear yourself to people here by doing so. But I have a feeling you don't really care about that, judging from your "wrinkled hands" thread.

I'm done with this thread - you're being intentionally difficult and you're not listening to anyone. You're trying to rile people up, and I guess you've succeeded. Hope you feel good about that.


Oct 7, 2004
i've told my friend her husband is ugly on the inside many times. Too bad she didn't listen. She should have read the reviews better.


Apr 19, 2004
OP stated: This provides a false utopia where "if you have nothing good to say, dont say anything at all".

The bolded is a contradiction and the remainder suggests good manners.

I would never tell someone their ring is ugly, but have no issue telling them their hands are old and wrinkly and their stone is a gaudy shape and size. Will that suffice?



Apr 23, 2008
canuk-gal|1308710986|2951637 said:
I would never tell someone their ring is ugly, but have no issue telling them their hands are old and wrinkly and their stone is a gaudy shape and size. Will that suffice?

You and the OP must be twins :cheeky:


Jan 7, 2007
I'm a victim of "tell the truth" or "give your honnest opinion".

Everybody here hate me cause I play this cards in hope to help OP. Never again! :nono:


Apr 28, 2010
stci|1308711230|2951642 said:
I'm a victim of "tell the truth" or "give your honnest opinion".

Everybody here hate me cause I play this cards in hope to help OP. Never again! :nono:

There is a difference in telling someone your honest opinion when it is being asked and just insulting someone when they post a ring to celebrate the purchase. Easy: if you don't like it, leave the thread...I follow your advice stci!


Apr 19, 2004
MonkeyPie|1308711155|2951640 said:
canuk-gal|1308710986|2951637 said:
I would never tell someone their ring is ugly, but have no issue telling them their hands are old and wrinkly and their stone is a gaudy shape and size. Will that suffice?

You and the OP must be twins :cheeky:

Yes, MP you've discovered the truth! Which is kinda like the "Sad Truth" of my/our first thread..... :rodent:



Jan 21, 2008
Kilops|1308704985|2951506 said:
AmeliaG|1308704628|2951500 said:
There is a need for honest critiques but also for sharing your joy in things. No reason both needs can't co-exist - just not in the same thread.

Does this mean if I wanted to solicit opinion about a diamond/ring, I need to open two threads - one asking for the kudos and one asking for the critiques?

IF you ask about it in RT we can assume that you want an evaluation because you might buy it or you have bought it or it was given to you but you say you might return it or sell it.

IF you post in SMTB you are saying to everyone that you already bought it and you want to show it off and we want to share in your celebration.

In the latter instance it would be rude for someone to say "you made a mistake" or "your ring is ugly".

Do you understand the difference? I hope so.

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