
Has anyone had..


Apr 28, 2010
Botox injections for the purpose of relieving migraines?

A good friend of mine from school suffers from very serious migraines that have been debilitating for her. She has tried multiple medications and none have seemed to do it for her.

Today, we were talking about possibly doing botox injections as an alternative to the medication.

She said she hasn't met anyone who has done it and what their results were and I instantly thought....

Why not ask some PSer's!

So have you had this done? Were the results what you had hoped for?

Thanks in advanced!
I had botox done on my forehead for um, non headache related business and I actually started getting headaches. I don't think I'm the norm and I have heard of people who have had migraine relief from it. I don't know anyone personally, though.
I've not had botox for anything yet, including migraines. I had looked at that as an option several years ago but chose not to go that route. When I cut out caffeine from my diet entirely for a completely different health issue, I noticed that my migraines (with aura) slowed and have become more few and far between at this point in time. I do hear great things about botox treatment for migraine, though, so if your friend has already done some restricting of her diet as far as caffeine, msg, etc, I don't see anything wrong with trying botox. Good luck!
I have terrible migraines but have found that cutting out coffee completely reduced them a bit and then discovered Zomig which works well for me.

I have kept Botox as an option after my mother's friend had it done for migraine and it worked wonders - the fact it had nice side-effects on her wrinkles was merely a bonus!

If your friend has tried everything else then why not try that?
My Mom used to have it done, for neck(cervical issues from car accident) pain though, not migrains. This was the only thing that helped her condition, I believe she used to have it done every 6 months or so? I would have to ask her to be sure and get back to you..Not sure why she doesnt have it done anymore, it probably has to do with cost, it was VERY expensive from what I remember, she was having it done before botox was widely used for pain, instead primarily for cosmetic purposes. Let me know if you want in depth info, and I will ask her for you.
heraanderson|1309319926|2957652 said:
I had botox done on my forehead for um, non headache related business and I actually started getting headaches. I don't think I'm the norm and I have heard of people who have had migraine relief from it. I don't know anyone personally, though.

Did you like the results from botox? I am considering this in a few years.
diva rose|1309409385|2958793 said:
heraanderson|1309319926|2957652 said:
I had botox done on my forehead for um, non headache related business and I actually started getting headaches. I don't think I'm the norm and I have heard of people who have had migraine relief from it. I don't know anyone personally, though.

Did you like the results from botox? I am considering this in a few years.

I did. If you get it done every once in a while it helps to release the wrinkles. I'm still somewhat young but I figure there's nothing wrong with little preventative anti aging fixes every now and again. I would probably do it more but don't like the headaches I get from it. I also don't like how I couldn't move my forehead so it would always feel heavy.

It especially helps if you get wrinkles between the eyes and are one to look a little angry. A tiny bit between the eyes helps softens the face.

I also saw my friend get some fillers in the nasolabial fold area and I though it looked really good too.

ETA: If you ever get it done, get it done by a physician (no spas!). Try not to do it too often because I was hearing that people who use it too much have a problem with losing the muscle strength in their face.
Thank you for the info! :) It was very insightful.

I'm starting to get 2 lines between my eyebrows and considering botox in a few years.
I just don't like those suckers between the eyebrows - makes you look so angry! :D
Thank you for the responses everyone, I will let her know :)
I haven't, but I shadowed doctors who did the injections while I was in med school. My understanding is that the headache should have a strong component of muscle tension in order to benefit from Botox, and not all headaches do. Migraines are thought to be caused by constriction of blood vessels rather than muscle tension, but there is considerable overlap between tension and migraine-type headaches. She can always get an appointment with a specialist, whether she chooses to do the botox or not.