
Hair Product Help, please . . .

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
My hair has become unruly. It has always had an ever so slight wave to it, which makes it necessary to blow it out and use a straightening iron if I want it to be really straight. I find that it's been in its best, easy to care for condition, after an all-over color at the salon. I'm most happy with colorance for providing a glossy effect. It seems like it coats each stand and makes it easier to style.

Two things have happened, which seem to have changed the texture of my hair. 1. I had a baby. 2. I had my hair highlighted. Since the highlight especially, I feel like my hair has more of a wave, and when I blow it out, it feels much heavier. I have a hair appointment this weekend and am tempted to get a much shorter cut, just to ease styling. In any event, I will need more shape to my hair. Also, my hair has always been on the thin/limp side. I feel that it has gotten thicker. Even my stylist mentioned this at my last appointment.

Now, on to my question, does anyone use a product before drying that makes her hair noticeably more straight? I'd like to try something before my appointment to see if I can work with it at this length (shoulder) before deciding on a major change cut.

Thanks in advance!

I dont use products daily anymore bc I get Thermals done--Thermal Reconditioning (aka Japanese Hair Straightening). Its the best thing I HAVE EVER done for myself. My wavy-to-super curly hair is POKER STRAIGHT. I no longer need to blow dry or use a flat iron. I can let it air dry and it HAS NO FRIZZ and is PIN STRAIGHT (even on SUPER HUMID days). It is permanent and non-damaging. It needs re-done on your new hair growth only (about every 10 months for me)....and my hair is healthier than ever bc I no longer use any hot irons and dryers.

I just thought I'd mention it. It really has changed my life---its SOO much easier now to have healthy shiny hair--just wash and go! :D

Good luck with whatever you decide!!
FDL - Thank you. I will look it up!

Lbbaber - I'm intrigued! Wash and go, you say? Sounds like a dream! I have a few questions. How long does the treatment usually take? Mind if I ask how much your salon charges? My salon does Brazilian Keratin, but not Thermal Reconditioning. I wonder how they differ. I will definitely talk to my stylist about it. I've seen the Keratin done before, and it seems to take many hours, which is why I'm curious how long the Thermal Reconditioning takes.
It does take quite a few hours. Alot of places do the Brazillian keratin now but, to be honest, they have been having issues with it bc they contain formaldihide. That is why the stylists use masks (with a special ventilation system) when they do the treatment. Supposedly they 'removed' the formaldhide and substituted something else, but a few months back it was in the news AGAIN bc they secretly were using it. Here is a link about it:
The Japanese system, aka Thermal, does not use formaldihide and they dont need masks when doing the treatment.

The brazillian does a beautiful job too...dont get me wrong. The difference is with Japanese, your hair is POKER straight and no frizz. Brazillian you get no frizz but you keep your waves. I prefer poker straight on me. Both are beautiful though.

Even though I spend 6 hours in the salon when I get it done, my hair is VERY long and then after, I literally WASH AND GO. And it dries POKER STRAIGHT with NO FRIZZ--even on the most HUMID of days.

Here is a link to the salon I go to. Obviously you are not near me, but they have alot of info about the treatment. I actually moved and I still travel to go here. The owner is FANTASTIC and really knows her stuff.

It might seem silly that I am pushing this treatment but, to be honest, I am SOOOOOO pleased with it. It literally changed my life. I used to spend hours drying and ironing my hair, only to have it frizz bc of the weather. Now its so easy and always looks good. People are stunned when I tell them I really have curly/wavy/frizzy hair. I have been doing this for 5 years, I wish I had found it sooner!
Lbbaber--I had it done about 9 years ago and loved it. Back then you couldn't have it done if you dyed your hair, I had virgin hair then. Now my hair is colored because of the greys. Can you get this process done if you dye your hair? Also how long is your hair and how much do you pay? I just called a local salon and they charge $300 for medium length hair does that sound right? I'm thinking about having it done again. Sorry to thread jack Loves Vintage. Like you after 3 kids and well into my 40s my hair texture has changed a lot. I have lots of breakage now.
I'm lurking on this thread very interested in the thermal reconditioning lbbaber mentioned as well. I have really curly, virgin hair that is about mid-back length when straight. It's not too thick but it takes about 2 hrs to straighten. I'd love a permanent solution. I think I'm going to make an appt for a consultation at a few different salons. Any suggestions on questions I need to ask lbbaber? I really want to ensure I don't end up in the hands of a novice and ruin my hair. Thanks!
I just want to shed a little light on the Brazilian blow out issue...
The product never "contained" formaldehyde, it's not "in" the product, it does however off-gas it during the process via a chemical reaction, it's harmful, it's carcinogenic, there's one reason stylists use it - it pays big bucks. I have been in the industry for over 20 years as a colorist, manager and International platform stylist. Companies hire me to market and educate salon owners and stylists on these types of products, I know the industry very well.
I will never understand why stylists would risk their health for money, cancer is no small chance to take, you couldn't pay me enough, but ignorance is bliss and money talks.
I likewise don't understand why certain members of the public would wish to seriously risk their health for such a process, except to say that stylists and salon owners are telling them it's's not and they know it.
The Japanese Thermal is a great alternative, it's generally a thio based product, it is in essence a reverse perm, and is as safe as such.
I also have the thermal reconditioning done. My hair is super coarse and frizzy, but doesn't have a defined "curl" it. I get it done about every 12-14 months, simply because it's so expensive I can't afford it more often (it takes them about 6-7 hours and I spend about $700 before tip). It's great for the first 3 months or so, but then enough of my root has grown out to the point where I have to spend a good bit of time flat ironing each little section of root. Is is everything that lbbaber described in terms of pin straight, low maintenance, etc. until you have enough re-growth to be noticable. I pray on a daily basis that someone comes up with a more permanent (or more cost effective) solution. I am a low maintenance girl stuck with extremely high maintenance hair.

As for a product that might help, I second the biosilk. The other product is Moroccon oil (instead of biosilk...either/or). It's pricey, but very good. Hope this helps. I feel your pain....really....
Like Yennyfire says, the re-growtth does come in curly again. My hair is long and heavy so it weighs down the re-growth and it keeps it straight on me. I dont have to start using a flat iron or blowddryer until about month 10...BUT it will depend on how fast your hair grows and the original texture. Some people will need to straighten the roots (if your hair is really curly) as they grow in. The hair that has had the Thermal done will NEVER be curly/wavy/frizzy again.

Thank you to the poster (I already forgot your name) that cleared up the info about the Brazillian. I wasn't sure of the specifics. My stylist has been saying all of that for YEARS and she REFUSES to do it although it would bring in big $$$ for her salon. She says it's just not worth the risk to herself or her clients. Although, like I mentioned, it is beautiful---just dangerous! Thermals are safe though!! Nothing like a Brazillian and IMO, I like the look of a Thermal better (bc i like it pin straight)

Everyone that I know that has gotten a Thermal *LOVES* it!! The BIG negative would be the cost. I pay $900 + tip, or if I make it back within 6 months $600. It is expensive---I know people that go into NYC to get it done cheaper. There are places in Manhatten that will do it at a lower price but it is usually at salons where they are cranking them out all day long, rushing it, and the people doing them are not as well trained. My stylist will ONLY do ONE a day. She wants it done PERFECTLY. I dont mind paying the price bc of all the time I save after (with not doing anything to my hair but washing and going). I also only get *CHEAP* haircuts (I have a simple style) to help off set the price. I am sure it can be done cheaper but be careful.--You get what you pay for.

They do recommend 'virgin' hair but it can be done on *some* hair that has *some* things going on. My stylist will meet the client ahead of time to see if you are a good match for a Thermal. She has been known to turn people away. She doesn't want to do it on your hair unless she knows that it will look *perfect*. Some salons will turn noone down. That's another thing to watch for.

I started doing thermals when money was tight and I never regretted it. But, I was also someone that NEVER left my house without a blow-out and all that straightening was TIME CONSUMING. Now, thank God, I can afford it easily but my DH knows that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, I will be splurging on this! It is THAT important to me :D
Ibbaber - your stylists sounds great, ethics and standards, she's a keeper! ;))
Hair is one of those things where it doesn't matter if your makeup is perfect and your clothes are gorgeous, if you are having a bad hair day with some unruly locks, you feel completely out of sorts....
SandyCheeks|1306967886|2935715 said:
Lbbaber--I had it done about 9 years ago and loved it. Back then you couldn't have it done if you dyed your hair, I had virgin hair then. Now my hair is colored because of the greys. Can you get this process done if you dye your hair? Also how long is your hair and how much do you pay? I just called a local salon and they charge $300 for medium length hair does that sound right? I'm thinking about having it done again. Sorry to thread jack Loves Vintage. Like you after 3 kids and well into my 40s my hair texture has changed a lot. I have lots of breakage now.

Hi Sandy, 300 could be an ok price. It depends on where you live. Some areas are just naturally more expensive. I sadly, live in one so dont go by my price. I would focus on how many a day that particular stylist does bc it is labor intensive. If she is cranking them out and squeezing in as many as possible then I would stay clear (regardless of price). Also see if they just take anyone or if they will honestly evaluate your hair. It doesnt have to be virgin but I know that if it has recently had HARSH treatments then its not go. Dying is different then bleaching, kwim? A good stylist will ask you about your hair and tell you honestly if you're a good match now. If done right, a Thermal can really help minimizes breakage.
SandyCheeks|1306967886|2935715 said:
Lbbaber--I had it done about 9 years ago and loved it. Back then you couldn't have it done if you dyed your hair, I had virgin hair then. Now my hair is colored because of the greys. Can you get this process done if you dye your hair? Also how long is your hair and how much do you pay? I just called a local salon and they charge $300 for medium length hair does that sound right? I'm thinking about having it done again. Sorry to thread jack Loves Vintage. Like you after 3 kids and well into my 40s my hair texture has changed a lot. I have lots of breakage now.

Hi Sandy, 300 could be an ok price. It depends on where you live. Some areas are just naturally more expensive. I sadly, live in one so dont go by my price. I would focus on how many a day that particular stylist does bc it is labor intensive. If she is cranking them out and squeezing in as many as possible then I would stay clear (regardless of price). Also see if they just take anyone or if they will honestly evaluate your hair. It doesnt have to be virgin but I know that if it has recently had HARSH treatments then its not go. Dying is different then bleaching, kwim? A good stylist will ask you about your hair and tell you honestly if you're a good match now. If done right, a Thermal can really help minimizes breakage.
ImperfectGirl|1306970032|2935741 said:
I'm lurking on this thread very interested in the thermal reconditioning lbbaber mentioned as well. I have really curly, virgin hair that is about mid-back length when straight. It's not too thick but it takes about 2 hrs to straighten. I'd love a permanent solution. I think I'm going to make an appt for a consultation at a few different salons. Any suggestions on questions I need to ask lbbaber? I really want to ensure I don't end up in the hands of a novice and ruin my hair. Thanks!

Hi, didnt want you to think I was ignoring your question! I SOOOOO recommend it. I can not say enough fantastic things about the treatment. I already wrote alot about it so I wont repeat but it is very important to find someone that knows what they are doing. When I first started getting it done it was impossible but it is easier to find someone now bc the product has been available for a while.

Feel free to ask the stylist what kind of training they have had and to see befores and afters. My stylist has gone to NUMEROUS training sessions, she really know whats up with this product, she has always been *in the know*, and she takes pride in her work. That is why she will turn down people that arent a good match for the product and only do 1 a day. She doesnt want to ruin her reputation. People do travel from far and wide to have her do it!

Good luck if you decide to get it!!!
Loves Vinatge---I am SOOOOO sorry I just took over your thread :oops: ! I couldnt help myself...I love the product *that* much!! :love:
$900???? wow that is pricey but I'm sure so worth it. I called a Japanese hair salon in Japan town in downtown LA and they said 300 I guess that is a Decent price. I'm going to make an appt then!
LV, our hair sounds pretty similar except mine is quite thick. You might want to think about the effect any heavy duty treatments might have while you're BFing. As far as products go, another vote for biosilk.
I had the TR done too about 10 years was AMAZING. Make sure you go to an experienced stylist though.
I'd steer away from the bkt's too...heard several bad things about them but no experience myself.
Paul Mitchell's super skinny serum. Love that stuff. :) A little bit before blow-drying helps heaps! Also, Pureology makes a no-frizz cream that I use before or after blow-drying and it tames my hair quite some bit.
lbabber, Thanks so much for all of the info. First, I live in CT too!! I'm actually not too far from the salon you linked. Sadly, I am way too cheap to go there!! :lol: I'm going to have to find another work-around. I thank you the most for posting the information about the Brazilian Keratin. I had absolutely no idea. At two recent salon visits, there was one client having the process, but I had no idea about the potential carcinogenic off-gassing!!!!!!!!! So, I called my salon to ask about it, and he was all like, oh, well, it's a really small amount, and it's only when they use the hot iron. Oh-kay, so I told him that I don't want my appointments scheduled when there's a BKT scheduled! That might make me a PIA or a princess, I'm not sure, but I also don't care! I hope to be able to relax while I'm there, not holding my breath the entire time!! He said they really don't do many of them and said it wasn't a problem to schedule me around them.

maplefemme, Thank you also for your very informative post. The guy at my salon mentioned a mini-JKT that lasts 2 weeks and allegedly doesn't off-gas. I'm not really interested in this anyway, but just thought I'd mention it here.

YennyFire, Moroccan oil!! I actually have that, but haven't used it in a while! I tried it again this morning and may stick with it. It does help. It's sometimes hard to get the right amount.

SandyCheeks, Come back and let us know how you like the thermal reconditioning.

Kunzite, Sage advice, my friend. At first, I panicked and couldn't remember if I had researched the highlight before I went, so I googled it after I saw your post. I'm comfortable with the highlight. I didn't check on the thermal reconditioning, but that's only because I'm too cheap to have it done! You must know that about me by now!! :wacko:

asymons412, Thanks for your post. The pureology sounds interesting. I'll look it up!
Okay I got the Thermal Reconditioning done. It is crazy awesome!!!! I'm so glad I saw this thread to motivate me to get it done. I don't know why I've waited all these years. I used to wash my hair every other night, blow dry bangs, air dry the rest, flat iron 3/4 down then curl the rest. When I flat ironed my hair I would section it from the inside working my way out. It would take a good 20 minutes, I don't have thick massive amounts of hair but I had tremendous frizz, breakage and thinning towards the ends. Now I wash, blow dry my bangs, air dry and just slightly touch up the ends that might look fly away or curl the ends. I lowered my flat iron and curling iron temps to medium and it works great. The cost for the TR was $360. Add in cut and tip it was $470. Thank you Loves Vintage for starting the thread and Ilbabber for bringing up the TR, it has really changed my life and daily routine.


Looks fabulous!!!! :appl:
Umm, okay, so your hair looks amazing! Now I want to have this done...
wow...what a difference that made! You hair look smooth, flat and shiny!
SandyCheeks - Wow! Your hair looks AMAZING! Glad my hair troubles set the wheels in motion for you! ::)
My hair is wavy/frizzy. I have to flat iron my hair if I want to wear it down. I got Keratin Complex done in January and love it! It lasts 4-6 months depending on how often you wash your hair. I feel like my hair dries faster. I paid around $300 but figure it is worth $50/month for more manageable hair. I am getting it done again in August. Groupon has deals as well if you are a risk taker.
Wow, I'm so glad that I saw this thread. I was so excited about trying it that I just scheduled some consultation time with my salon! :)

I have had thick, long, straight hair for my whole life, and it didn't really cause me any problems. It probably wasn't totally stick-straight, but I was more low-maintenance when I was younger, and the sleek, completely straight look wasn't really important to me anyway.

In college, I started really experimenting with hair color. I had sandy blonde hair as a kid, but my hair turned brunette as I got older. I really wanted that blonde hair back, but I actually thought that I wanted platinum. What I did was destroy my hair (yes, I bleached it on my own), and I discovered that I didn't even look that good as a blonde. I had to have my hair cut short, but stupidly, I kept trying different shades of blonde, because I had trouble embracing my brunette hair. Eventually, I finally realized that I do like brunette hair on me, as long as it's the right shade. I finally have that, and I have now been able to let it grow out - now, it's about to my shoulder blades.

At one point, it was so damaged that I was losing chunks of it in the shower. Now, it feels very nice, except for the ends - and I think that's because I have been using my flat iron so much. I hate the damage from it, not to mention the countless styling products that it takes to keep my hair mostly frizz-free and straight, but it seems necessary to get the look that I love (which is now the totally straight, sleek look). Weirdly, my hair now has a bit of a wave to it naturally, although that's apparently common, since they say that hair texture and even amount of wave can change over time. I have noticed that it is actually easier to deal with as it grows longer and longer, because the weight pulls it down more.

I did dry a Brazilian Keratin Treatment, but I hated the results. I was so happy to try it, but my hair came out just as frizzy as before. Not only that, but the BKT made it feel so dry and damaged, even much worse than before. I went to a new stylist at a really nice salon, and she said that her salon doesn't even offer the BKTs anymore because the results are so unpredictable. They apparently work really well for some people, but the results are horrendous for others. She also said that it's not uncommon for some people to experience hair loss after them, especially with repeated use. Also, with the BKT, you have to use special shampoos that are formulated without sodium chlorine, which can be a pain - and the results aren't permanent. I know that it works really well for some people and wish that it could have worked for me, but I'm glad that there are other, more permanent options available.

Anyway, I'm really anxious to try this Japanese thermal reconditioning/straightening! I would love not worrying about countless hair products that cause disgusting buildup and damage from flat ironing, all while still having a bit of frizz. I'm really excited!