
Hair nightmare!

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Dec 30, 2006
I really need some advice otherwise I am going to shave my head!

I went to my hair dresser and asked them to lighten my hair. I had a brown dye on there but they said it wouldn''t be a problem to go blonde. I turned out bright orange/yellow. It just didn''t lighten my hair to blonde. I was horrified but they kept saying it wasn''t so bad.

I read on the net that if you want to go dark after bleaching you should go red then brown. So I did. When I wash or even wet my hair the towel is covered in red dye. Its leaking out obviously because it can''t hold on to my bleached hair. Before long its going to end up back to the yellow/orange again.

This is what I ended up with. I look ridiculous. I don''t know what to do short of shaving it all off. Either way I look stupid.

Awh Maisie.

Step away from the mirror. It will be ok, just relax.

The red you used; are you sure you used a permanent colour? I have home coloured my hair for years and had many traumas. I did the crazy blonde then red then brown and it worked just fine. So I wonder why the red is not holding for you.

I would go back to the salon and say that as they cocked up you had to try to fix it and now you need help. Get advice before you reach for DH''s shaver.
If you want to DIY. Go to Boots. I love their hair dyes and the SA will help you out - they are great in an emercency over here
Bruddah have you put the brown colour on top of the red? I would call them now and explain how unhappy you are and that something must be done to put this right for you. It can be done - honestly! I can imagine the orange you ended up with and I don't blame you for being unhappy with it - get on the phone!
I am so sorry Maisie. Please don''t shave your head. I am sure this can be fixed. I''d wait a few days before trying something else. Hopefully someone here can help you. HUGS!!!!
I''d go back to the salon and see is there anything they can do, especially as they were the ones that messed it up in the first place. Don''t shave it! It can definitely be fixed.
Aw, I''m sorry.
I don''t have any advice. I "would" say, go back and tell them to fix it. Buy, they''re the ones that messed it up.
Maybe try another salon?

I''m really scared to ask that salon to fix it. They really messed it up and it looked so awful.

This isn''t my hair but its the colour mine went.

I wonder would seeing as they were the ones that messed it up would they pay for you to get it fixed elsewhere. Surely they could understand that you''d be worried about them colouring your hair again.
Find a salon that specializes in color correction and go there! Don''t try to mess with it yourself again hon-this needs professional correction IMO.
Date: 4/11/2009 9:14:43 AM
I really need some advice otherwise I am going to shave my head!

I went to my hair dresser and asked them to lighten my hair. I had a brown dye on there but they said it wouldn''t be a problem to go blonde. I turned out bright orange/yellow. It just didn''t lighten my hair to blonde. I was horrified but they kept saying it wasn''t so bad.

I read on the net that if you want to go dark after bleaching you should go red then brown. So I did. When I wash or even wet my hair the towel is covered in red dye. Its leaking out obviously because it can''t hold on to my bleached hair. Before long its going to end up back to the yellow/orange again.

This is what I ended up with. I look ridiculous. I don''t know what to do short of shaving it all off. Either way I look stupid.

Is this all they said? Did they warn you the product might not take? I cannot understand why you had this result....
Bruddah I am frankly surprised they tried the procedure, that bright yellow orange is the oft result of trying to bleach or lighten very dark hair.
They didn''t warn me it wouldn''t work Steel. Thats why I was so shocked at the final result.

Bruddah the thing is, my hair was very faded brown as I dyed it ages ago. It had lightened considerably and had grown out a lot. My roots were about 2 inches. Plus they cut a lot off as I went back to short hair. I don''t understand why the back (which is very short) went that funny colour. Its all a big mess and I hate it!
Ditto NF - go someplace that really specializes in color correction. It can be fixed, but you need a professional.

So sorry you are dealing with this Maisie - it sounds rotten!! HUGS.
Oh Masie! I am so sorry this has happened...if money is not the issue, i WOULDN''T go back to the salon where you got it done. I also wouldn''t color it again yourself, only because you''ll have put multiple colorings on your hair in a short period of time, which can hurt the texture and might need some professional handling so as not to do any damage.

I ditto the above - would also try another salon, one where they do color correction - i am sure that this can be fixed for you and will look fine once you see someone else!
I wouldn't go back to the first salon but I would seek professional help. I'd have to find a color specialist and listen to what they had to say. I would guess that the back is a different color as it is 'newer' hair than the already processed top part of your hair.

Good luck - coloring can be such a nightmare when it goes bad!
PAGING ItaliaHairColour

Sorry about the hair trauma Maisie - I''m sure the experts here (or at a salon) can get you sorted!

I defintiely wouldn''t go back to that salon. Yes they messed it up, they should fix it. But I wouldn''t trust your tresses with them again. Find a salon that really knows what they are doing. Correcting color is a whole other ball of wax. Even if you have to travel further it''s going to be worth it in the long run. But I''d definitely wait a few days before attempting to correct it.
I am really nervous about anything else being done to my hair. I wonder if I should just put up with it and keep getting it trimmed till the awful colour is gone. I feel such a mess. Here is a picture of the top of my hair. Its a red/brown and its not that bad. I hate the ginger back though.

Date: 4/11/2009 4:47:25 PM
Author: Maisie
I am really nervous about anything else being done to my hair. I wonder if I should just put up with it and keep getting it trimmed till the awful colour is gone. I feel such a mess. Here is a picture of the top of my hair. Its a red/brown and its not that bad. I hate the ginger back though.

Maisie honey, there is no need for you to feel this bad about your hair!! Give it a couple of days to rest, and in the meantime, ask around to people you really trust to recommend a good local place that specializes in color corrections - I''m sure there is one. They will be able to get it back to a color you can live with, and you will feel so much better!
This is an easy fix, in my opinion...and you should be able to DIY if you want.

First of all, the crown section of you hair is very, very, very dark. The fact is, you''re not going to be able to get that out without using bleach of some sort...either using a shampoo cap, or straight up bleach. I advice using neither of these at this point in time. Your hair, right now, is traumatized from the amount of processing you put it through, if you try to strip the color again, you''re going to give yourself a chemical hair cut--the bleach will eat your hair off--we''re talking breakage city.

Secondly, there is clearly a disconnect in the nape color. You''re only option is to match it to the crown area for a solid, unified look. You can either do this yourself, or visit a salon for a color correction. You''re refering to the color as "ginger"...however, on my monitor, it looks much deeper than red but still warm while the crown area looks like a cool reddish/black color. You need to get cool tone for the nape section. Only a cool tone is going to cancel out that warmth. Select a color one shade lighter than your desired result (color on top of color goes darker). Section off the crown of your hair so you get no color-bleeding, even applying a thin line of conditioner. Use a 10vol developer...let the color process for about 20 minutes. Shampoo it out and condition.

I would also strongly suggest using a good conditioning treatment that is protein based once a week for a while. Decolorized hair is very senstive -- it often fractures and splits easily. Avoid using to much heat on the hair...if you flat iron, try to do it every other day.

Good luck!
Oh...and the reason your hair went "funny" in the fact was that it wasn''t filled properly. When you go from blonde is essentially the absence of color in the when you''re going from blonde to chocolate brown, you need to replace the missing colors. And that is why color correction in a salon is often super''s time consuming. A smart colorist will start with with yellow, yellow-orange, orange, orange-red, red, red-purple, purple, purple-blue, blue, blue-brown, brown and so on until the hair is completely filled. And even then, it depends on the condition of the hair
Thank you everyone for being so lovely. I really did need it. I shouldn''t mess with my hair. I am a hairstylists worst nightmare.

Italia, thank you so much for telling me how to fix this mess. I will definitely try what you said. When I put the colour on the back won''t it be a completely different colour to the top though? Mind you, as long as its brown I don''t care!
Date: 4/12/2009 1:30:27 PM
Author: Maisie
Thank you everyone for being so lovely. I really did need it. I shouldn''t mess with my hair. I am a hairstylists worst nightmare.

Italia, thank you so much for telling me how to fix this mess. I will definitely try what you said. When I put the colour on the back won''t it be a completely different colour to the top though? Mind you, as long as its brown I don''t care!
Select a brown that is one shade lighter than your intended outcome using the crown of your hair as a guide. Color on top of color will go darker, esspecially if you''re using a 10vol developer. However, if you''re buying the color from a grocery store or super store, please remember most store brands, like Revlon or Herbal Essence use if you''re using an OTC brand, try to match it as close as possible.
i hope all works out for you Maisie. Sounds like you got good advice.
I''ve been living thru my own hair color nightmare. It''s finally looking somewhat normal again.
I just wanted to say that you are not alone, for sure. I''m dealing with having my done darker after deciding that an earler perm made it orange-ish. (I had it done in a salon and while I thought I''d love the color, it''s so monochromatic, if you know what I mean.) Now it''s so dark, it''s just not me. I''ve washed it with (horror) laundry detergent, trying to lighten it some. I''m just going to see what time and washings will do. Hopefully it will grow out/fade without being a drastic "line" but who knows. I pray I don''t have to chop it all off this summer! I really like wearing it up in a bun.

Oh the things we do to our hair!
What a nightmare! I''m glad Italia chimed in for you.

I would not have known what to suggest other than going to a color correction specialist, starting to wear a hat or having some fun with wigs [as my mother did when she insisted that I cut her hair into a blunt bob when I was in 7th grade - funny story in retrospect - she kept feeling the back and telling me it wasn''t short enough - I thought it was but kept trimming per her insistence - she bought a nice red wig - LOL!]
I hope Italia''s advice works for you! I ended up w/a lovely shade of Bozo orange once while trying for strawberry blonde..I used Dawn dish soap to get some of it out, and then it was a pretty auburn color..but that was my own dumbness-I''d really be upset if I went to a salon and they screwed it up! Did you still have to pay for it even tho it wasn''t what you wanted?
Thanks Sevens... I think if recolouring it doesn''t work I am going to have to just grow it out. It probably won''t take that long but I am going to look really stupid!

Julia I hear you on the laundry detergent! I have tried the same in the past to fade colour. It does work! Maybe when your roots grow in you could get some highlights to break up the line. Get professional advice of course.. don''t listen to me!! You have seen what happens when I am let loose on hair!!

DB I can''t believe you cut your mothers hair!!! I used to cut mine too and she asked for a bob. Problem was her hair was so curly that once it dried it bounced up somewhere round her ears!

I did pay for it Packrat... it cost me £85! My husband went mad with me for paying for it. I was so upset I just wanted to get out of there and hide in my house. In hindsight I should have refused to leave till they arranged when they were going to fix it.
Date: 4/12/2009 5:21:13 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor

Date: 4/12/2009 1:30:27 PM
Author: Maisie
Thank you everyone for being so lovely. I really did need it. I shouldn''t mess with my hair. I am a hairstylists worst nightmare.

Italia, thank you so much for telling me how to fix this mess. I will definitely try what you said. When I put the colour on the back won''t it be a completely different colour to the top though? Mind you, as long as its brown I don''t care!
Select a brown that is one shade lighter than your intended outcome using the crown of your hair as a guide. Color on top of color will go darker, esspecially if you''re using a 10vol developer. However, if you''re buying the color from a grocery store or super store, please remember most store brands, like Revlon or Herbal Essence use if you''re using an OTC brand, try to match it as close as possible.
Italia - I''ve always wondered if you can use a 10vol with an OTC brand (instead of the 20vol it comes with) and use for touch ups between salon visits. Would it be significantly less damaging?
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