
guest advice on classmates - STDs and invitations


Nov 4, 2009
hi all - i haven't posted much lately since life has been crazy busy (medical school, new house, and wedding) but i try to catch up here as much as i can :)

right now though, i could use some help. so here goes:

i am only a first year medical student, so i haven't really made a solid core of friends yet. we're sending out save the dates very soon (our wedding is in june in VA beach so we wanted to let people figure out travel plans, etc), and as i'm looking at the guest list, i'm wondering if i should leave room for guests i would potentially invite from my class. we plan on sending invitations in january or february so i will have a little time to decide whether i want to invite friends from school. right now i can see inviting a handful of people, but things could change quickly when it comes to spending all day everyday with the same people.

how did you handle it? did it work out fine in the end? any advice is appreciated!!
I sent STDs to my law school friends, but that was 1.5 years in, so I knew who my core group was. That said, I still probably would make changes if I could today, but I'm excited for those that are coming and feel I didn't leave anyone out.

Instead of jumping the gun, just leave room to add a few guests (we had about 8 we wanted in the mix last minute) and you won't regret it. Just make sure the guests have enough time to plan and you'll be fine!
If you're planning on sending out invites 5-6 months in advance, I would say that's plenty of time for guests to get travel plans together should you decide to add them. I would just refrain from sending Save the Dates to any of your Med School potential friends, send them only to family and "for sure" guests. I would, however, save some room on the guest list in the case that you would like to add a few (or all) of them at a later date. Med School is an intense bonding experience, and it won't take long, I'm sure, before some of these people end up being really good friends. But jumping the gun can mean some people end up with hurt feelings. So I would put a space at the end of the guest list for "Med School Friends", make sure you order some extra invitations, and then send invitations to the ones you grow closest to by the time those are due to go out!

I hope your M1 year is going well!
I was in the same boat with my business school buddies. I did not send them save-the-dates, but waited till 2.5 months before the wedding and then gave them invitations. Not many of them ended up making it to my wedding, but that seems to be because most of them started their jobs right around the same time and didn't have time to make the trip.
great advice - thanks! i will just leave room in our guest list just in case :))

speaking of STDs, ours just came in the mail, hot from the printer! here's a peek. i had to take a picture with my blackberry since i have no idea where my camera cord is so please forgive the shoddy quality!

Wedding Save the Dates.jpg
We got married during my husband's 3rd year of medical school. By the end of his 1st year, we hadn't really made any really close friends. But by 3rd year we were super close with a few (it ended up being 3 guys in med. school, their wives/gf, and another couple or two that weren't in med school but lived locally and had known one of the guys), we were this super close group, hung out multiple times a week, took a vacation together etc. And after med. school graduation, we all split up, and although we had the best intentions of keeping in touch, I honestly only talk to ONE of the girls and dh still talks to ONE of the guys occasionally.

I write all this to say that even though you may end up close with people from med. school, they may not be lifelong friends who you would forever regret not having at your wedding. Honestly, I wouldn't plan on leaving room for anyone from school unless you are already close enough to want to invite them. If it gets close to the wedding and you've had some declines for rsvp, and you have some friends you'd like to invite, you could always do an informal invite, or hand deliver an extra invitation. They'll understand why they are late in being invited.