
Green rough diamond


Feb 9, 2016
Please kindly give a look at this stone of 1.73 ct, I think it s a real green stone, not a stone with green skin. What about your opinion? thanks




Cool stone. Beautiful green.

As you probably know, FCDs of various colors get their color from different things.
Sometimes it's impurities, sometimes deformations in the crystal lattice structure.

Greens get their color from being exposed to radiation.
Sometimes the color does not reach very far into the stone; Sometimes it does.
Sometimes the color is blotchy, and sometimes it's even.
Obviously the most valuable have even color that reaches through the entire stone.

AFAIK the only way to be sure is to polish/cut into it.
Since lots of money is at stake a real pro should be consulted.
Even if such a pro posted here I'd bet (s)he would need to see the stone in person.

Next the source of the radiation may have been the earth over millions of years, or a laboratory.
In fact the material itself may have been 'grown' in a lab.
Green diamonds that are fully natural (in both material and color) are crazy expensive.
The way to be as sure as possible whether the material itself is, and the radiation exposure was, natural or from a lab is to have one of GIA's labs examine the stone.

This is why buying green rough a huge gamble.
Sellers of such rough who try to sell to the general public know more about what they are selling than their customers.
They are not going to sell rough that might be worth $200,000 for $200.
It is more likely they know it's worth a fraction of the sale price, but they hope they find a gullible naive buyer who dreams of winning the lottery.

I hope I'm wrong but the odds of that rough keeping that strong green color after polishing and GIA grading both the material and the color to be of natural origin are very close to zero ... unless of course you are in the trade and the price is in the six figures.
But then you would not be coming here for advice.

So did you buy this, or are you considering buying it?
Are you in the trade?
Did you take those pictures?
Has GIA examined it and graded it to be fully natural in both color and material?
Thank you very much for professionnal analysis.
I m just fan of colored gemstone, I work in Guinea for years, and I know very well some local miners and sellers who are good men all of them.
So the natural quality both on color et material is quite sure for me. Of course I ll do examine the rough by GIA if it s possible. I don t know if GIA do rapport for rough.
By the way, the stone has mostly a aluminium skin.
Contact GIA before buying this.
Get informed.
Personally I would not buy it until after GIA examines it ... if they even do this for rough.
GIA may require a window be polished onto it. I don't know.
But talk to them before proceeding.

I'll also mention that greens are often submitted to GIA multiple times during the polishing process so GIA can track the stone as evidence on the diamonds skin gets polished away.
This evidence determines whether the radiation is natural or artificial.
It's located in brown radiations stains on the skin of the stone.

The worse thing you can do is submit the stone to GIA AFTER polish away all of the skin.
Then GIA may not be able to determine the origin of the radiation and they'll issue a report stating this ... dramatically reducing the value of the polished gem. ;(
This is why fully-natural greens often have some skin left on the diamond.

FWIW I only know all this because I bought a green that GIA graded fully natural.
These previously-posted pics help explain why indented naturals are often left on greens.
Mine is only about a quarter carat, but has nice even Fancy Intense color and a cut style resembling antique cuts.

Notice the flat area on the girdle at around 11:00.
That is where they intentionally left some of the skin of the diamond.

Here is a close up of the indented naturals on the girdle.
Notice the brown radiation stains.


Thank you again Dear Mr Kenny for kind remarks!
Good luck, and be careful.

I do see a red flag.
Isn't it suspicious that such a potentially-valuable stone apparently did not trade via the usual channels?

I'm certainly no expert on diamond trading but two worrying concerns come to mind.
1. It's not really fully-natural. (maybe the sellers believe it is, but are wrong)
2. It is fully-natural but has questionable origin and was not mined/traded legally and with the necessary Kimberly Process documentation.

#2 brings up the important moral, ethical and legal concerns of dealing with what might be contraband goods associated with human suffering.
#2 also would make shipping it to GIA problematic if not impossible.

I hope these suspicious are unfounded.
you're right to ask these questions, it is very important. I will try to answer your questions
The origin is not at all doubtful, because the Guinea is an important country of diamonds, artisanal mining is permitted here. The minor leases land to the state, he sells his stones to licensed traders. Specifically,This stone is found by a miner who knows me, and the transaction is done in the office of an authorized indian trader in Conakry who paid the taxes and asked KP Certificate.
An another minor has a big green 15.8 ct. It s too big for me.
I do believe life becomes easier while respecting the laws and regulations.
By the way, your green is splendide and I love it.



Very glad to hear you state this all legit.
Again hope this goes well for you.

BTW I'll eat my computer if that is a fully-natural 15 ct green diamond :naughty: .
I m sorry, I m not agree with you for this big green Mr Kenny. The owner is not able to get such a labo made stone. Guinea is a extremely poor country, nobody can buy a stone like this. The owner asks 1 M Usd. Nobody will buy such a stone without Gia ou other expertise. So I don t understand why a minor waste money to do trafic. I examined the stone with diamond tester, it s positif. Howerver, I don t like very much this yellowish green, the shape is no good, the green color doesn t penetrate into the stone, I think.
Anyway, you don t need to eat your compter, a kind advice: never gamble with the Nature.
Take care and with love
Whew! I'm glad I don't have to eat my computer. :bigsmile:

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