
Great News For Dems: New RNC Chair Thinks GOP Is Fine Just The Way It Is!

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Jan 1, 2007
That's right! Here's the link.

I bet Democrats everywhere are going to have sweet dreams tonight!

who''s going to sleep if they''re laughing?
Yeah, they're going to make a looooot of progress hanging out in the dark ages. Meanwhile, Steele seems to have forgotten that he is a REPUBLICAN. Um, hello? A constitutional amendment on *anything* flies in the face of what the Republican party is supposed to stand for. Not that I could hope for better from a bunch of flippin' hypocrites, but you'd think they would read up a bit before running their mouths...

I guess this is the part where everyone is going to tell me that the Republicans are just rightfully returning to the traditional and noble position of anti-gay politics.

ETA: Sarah Palin as the future of the GOP is such a bad idea that even I'm embarrassed for them. Every single Republican I know is rolling their eyes on that one because they don't like her either.
truest words ever spoken
"We came to Washington and we became like the people we were sent here to replace. And they replaced us."
SNORT. It is hard to sleep when you''re laughing, Moon! And Wishful, yeah. Between gay marriage and their stance on immigration, they''re not going to do anything but lose members.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that they nominate Palin in 2012, though! That would be AWESOME. It''s just too easy with her.

P.S. Anyone else still waiting for Bristol Palin to marry her baby daddy? Guess now that the election is over they don''t have to, huh? Or would it be worse for Palin''s image for Bristol to marry him now that his mom got busted for dealing drugs?
Yeah, I think that we should just let anyone that wants to come here and live, just come on in. I think that no one should have to get a green card or even become a citizen. I also think that anyone that wants one should have a driver''s license, and, should be able to vote. I don''t think it''s a big deal for govt officials to pay their taxes. I think that people should not have to wear clothes in public places, and that anyone should be able to cuss in public, and drink and smoke anywhere they want. Shoot up, smoke pot, have group sex, don''t worry about how many abortions they have, or if you marry your dog or cat. Why the frick not????? Men having sex with young girls and boys, having babies with them, people practicing bestiality, terroritst blowing up things cause they were released into our country from Gitmo. Basically, anyone is able to do whatever they want and no one can say d*ck about it. Is that Liberal enough for you?
Date: 2/1/2009 3:19:11 PM
Author: starsapphire
Yeah, I think that we should just let anyone that wants to come here and live, just come on in. I think that no one should have to get a green card or even become a citizen. I also think that anyone that wants one should have a driver''s license, and, should be able to vote. I don''t think it''s a big deal for govt officials to pay their taxes. I think that people should not have to wear clothes in public places, and that anyone should be able to cuss in public, and drink and smoke anywhere they want. Shoot up, smoke pot, have group sex, don''t worry about how many abortions they have, or if you marry your dog or cat. Why the frick not????? Men having sex with young girls and boys, having babies with them, people practicing bestiality, terroritst blowing up things cause they were released into our country from Gitmo. Basically, anyone is able to do whatever they want and no one can say d*ck about it. Is that Liberal enough for you?


Well, I just hope reading "hi-falutent" stuff is a requirement.
Date: 2/1/2009 3:19:11 PM
Author: starsapphire
Yeah, I think that we should just let anyone that wants to come here and live, just come on in. I think that no one should have to get a green card or even become a citizen. I also think that anyone that wants one should have a driver''s license, and, should be able to vote. I don''t think it''s a big deal for govt officials to pay their taxes. I think that people should not have to wear clothes in public places, and that anyone should be able to cuss in public, and drink and smoke anywhere they want. Shoot up, smoke pot, have group sex, don''t worry about how many abortions they have, or if you marry your dog or cat. Why the frick not????? Men having sex with young girls and boys, having babies with them, people practicing bestiality, terroritst blowing up things cause they were released into our country from Gitmo. Basically, anyone is able to do whatever they want and no one can say d*ck about it. Is that Liberal enough for you?
How does this even make sense? You want to get me the guidebook to liberal ideology where you''ve found this? ''Cuz I''ve sure as sh*t never heard a word of this. I seriously think that when people talk it goes into one of your ears and straight out the other. That''s the only explanation for why you would even posit these things.
Date: 2/1/2009 3:19:11 PM
Author: starsapphire
Shoot up, smoke pot, have group sex, don''t worry about how many abortions they have, or if you marry your dog or cat. Why the frick not????? Men having sex with young girls and boys, having babies with them, people practicing bestiality, terroritst blowing up things cause they were released into our country from Gitmo. Basically, anyone is able to do whatever they want and no one can say d*ck about it. Is that Liberal enough for you?
You''re really got us figured out! Mostly I like to abuse baby animals while high on crank & palling around with terrorists. But you *were* close!
Date: 2/1/2009 3:19:11 PM
Author: starsapphire
Yeah, I think that we should just let anyone that wants to come here and live, just come on in. I think that no one should have to get a green card or even become a citizen. I also think that anyone that wants one should have a driver''s license, and, should be able to vote. I don''t think it''s a big deal for govt officials to pay their taxes. I think that people should not have to wear clothes in public places, and that anyone should be able to cuss in public, and drink and smoke anywhere they want. Shoot up, smoke pot, have group sex, don''t worry about how many abortions they have, or if you marry your dog or cat. Why the frick not????? Men having sex with young girls and boys, having babies with them, people practicing bestiality, terroritst blowing up things cause they were released into our country from Gitmo. Basically, anyone is able to do whatever they want and no one can say d*ck about it. Is that Liberal enough for you?

I''m sure I''ve seen that movie>
Date: 2/1/2009 3:19:11 PM
Author: starsapphire
Yeah, I think that we should just let anyone that wants to come here and live, just come on in. I think that no one should have to get a green card or even become a citizen. I also think that anyone that wants one should have a driver's license, and, should be able to vote. I don't think it's a big deal for govt officials to pay their taxes. I think that people should not have to wear clothes in public places, and that anyone should be able to cuss in public, and drink and smoke anywhere they want. Shoot up, smoke pot, have group sex, don't worry about how many abortions they have, or if you marry your dog or cat. Why the frick not????? Men having sex with young girls and boys, having babies with them, people practicing bestiality, terroritst blowing up things cause they were released into our country from Gitmo. Basically, anyone is able to do whatever they want and no one can say d*ck about it. Is that Liberal enough for you?

It's like you took the words right out of my mouth! Thanks for saving me the typing!

P.S. You forgot to mention incest!
Date: 2/1/2009 3:35:10 PM
Author: thing2of2
Date: 2/1/2009 3:19:11 PM

Author: starsapphire

Yeah, I think that we should just let anyone that wants to come here and live, just come on in. I think that no one should have to get a green card or even become a citizen. I also think that anyone that wants one should have a driver''s license, and, should be able to vote. I don''t think it''s a big deal for govt officials to pay their taxes. I think that people should not have to wear clothes in public places, and that anyone should be able to cuss in public, and drink and smoke anywhere they want. Shoot up, smoke pot, have group sex, don''t worry about how many abortions they have, or if you marry your dog or cat. Why the frick not????? Men having sex with young girls and boys, having babies with them, people practicing bestiality, terroritst blowing up things cause they were released into our country from Gitmo. Basically, anyone is able to do whatever they want and no one can say d*ck about it. Is that Liberal enough for you?

It''s like you took the words right out of my mouth! Thanks for saving me the typing!

P.S. You forgot to mention incest!
She also missed the most obvious thing. I''m trying to recruit you guys to the evil, dark world of lesbian feminism.

You guys all must know that my marriage indicates the downfall of our very society. Duh.
Date: 2/1/2009 3:37:54 PM
Author: WishfulThinking
Date: 2/1/2009 3:35:10 PM

Author: thing2of2

Date: 2/1/2009 3:19:11 PM

Author: starsapphire

Yeah, I think that we should just let anyone that wants to come here and live, just come on in. I think that no one should have to get a green card or even become a citizen. I also think that anyone that wants one should have a driver''s license, and, should be able to vote. I don''t think it''s a big deal for govt officials to pay their taxes. I think that people should not have to wear clothes in public places, and that anyone should be able to cuss in public, and drink and smoke anywhere they want. Shoot up, smoke pot, have group sex, don''t worry about how many abortions they have, or if you marry your dog or cat. Why the frick not????? Men having sex with young girls and boys, having babies with them, people practicing bestiality, terroritst blowing up things cause they were released into our country from Gitmo. Basically, anyone is able to do whatever they want and no one can say d*ck about it. Is that Liberal enough for you?

It''s like you took the words right out of my mouth! Thanks for saving me the typing!

P.S. You forgot to mention incest!

She also missed the most obvious thing. I''m trying to recruit you guys to the evil, dark world of lesbian feminism.

You guys all must know that my marriage indicates the downfall of our very society. Duh.

ohmigod, she''s right. i do have a crush on you...oh heavens.
It's working.

You know, Steele really might be on to something there. Without that constitutional ban put on people like me, we'd be free to roam the earth converting everyone into decadent sinners. That won't do.
Date: 2/1/2009 3:39:50 PM
Author: WishfulThinking
You know, Steele really might be on to something there. Without that constitutional ban put on people like me, we''d be free to roam the earth converting everyone into decadent sinners. That won''t do.

But on the other hand, letting people like you roam around freely could force the End Times to happen sooner...which would be great. I''m totally ready for that day!
Woo hoo, End Times. I''m down!
End Times is just lovely. It's what my bleeding liberal heart has always dreamed of!

Although locking me up to curb the decline of the free world would be a fantastic way to put to use the facilities at Gitmo which will be sitting silent, empty, and hugely expensive without someone trapped within....
Date: 2/1/2009 4:19:33 PM
Author: WishfulThinking
End Times is just lovely. It''s what my bleeding liberal heart has always dreamed of!

Although locking me up to curb the decline of the free world would be a fantastic way to put to use the facilities at Gitmo which will be sitting silent, empty, and hugely expensive without someone trapped within....

Oooh, sounds like a great S&M party just waiting to happen!!!!
Date: 2/1/2009 4:21:06 PM
Author: MoonWater
Date: 2/1/2009 4:19:33 PM

Author: WishfulThinking

End Times is just lovely. It''s what my bleeding liberal heart has always dreamed of!

Although locking me up to curb the decline of the free world would be a fantastic way to put to use the facilities at Gitmo which will be sitting silent, empty, and hugely expensive without someone trapped within....

Oooh, sounds like a great S&M party just waiting to happen!!!!

Ditto! Count me IN!
Well, as usual today, it seems I''ve arrived at the party either too early or too late. But yes, I''m thinking of tossing over my husband for one of you FIIIIINE ladies, now that it has been made clear to me just what I really stand for. The Liberal Manifesto, as penned by a conservative. Who knew??
Great thread. Should be a "best of Pricescope" top ten. Leonid must so proud.
Date: 2/1/2009 3:19:11 PM
Author: starsapphire
Yeah, I think that we should just let anyone that wants to come here and live, just come on in. I think that no one should have to get a green card or even become a citizen. I also think that anyone that wants one should have a driver''s license, and, should be able to vote. I don''t think it''s a big deal for govt officials to pay their taxes. I think that people should not have to wear clothes in public places, and that anyone should be able to cuss in public, and drink and smoke anywhere they want. Shoot up, smoke pot, have group sex, don''t worry about how many abortions they have, or if you marry your dog or cat. Why the frick not????? Men having sex with young girls and boys, having babies with them, people practicing bestiality, terroritst blowing up things cause they were released into our country from Gitmo. Basically, anyone is able to do whatever they want and no one can say d*ck about it. Is that Liberal enough for you?
Seriously, do you believe in the things that you write
Can''t ya just FEEELL the hope and change!

“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter. ” Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998, p. S4507.
Date: 2/1/2009 3:19:11 PM
Author: starsapphire
Yeah, I think that we should just let anyone that wants to come here and live, just come on in. I think that no one should have to get a green card or even become a citizen. I also think that anyone that wants one should have a driver''s license, and, should be able to vote. I don''t think it''s a big deal for govt officials to pay their taxes. I think that people should not have to wear clothes in public places, and that anyone should be able to cuss in public, and drink and smoke anywhere they want. Shoot up, smoke pot, have group sex, don''t worry about how many abortions they have, or if you marry your dog or cat. Why the frick not????? Men having sex with young girls and boys, having babies with them, people practicing bestiality, terroritst blowing up things cause they were released into our country from Gitmo. Basically, anyone is able to do whatever they want and no one can say d*ck about it. Is that Liberal enough for you?

Honestly - this is quite insulting and shameful. How low can you go???
Date: 2/2/2009 9:44:25 AM
Author: tradergirl
What you should be asking is how low can HE go? President studly pecs making fun of Jessica Simpson's weight gain

Oh please. I watched this interview when it aired and he did no such thing. He just read the text above the photo, and his "yeah, oh well" comment after was clearly related to being cut off of the front of the magazine.

I don't use this face much, but:
Date: 2/2/2009 9:44:25 AM
Author: tradergirl
What you should be asking is how low can HE go? President studly pecs making fun of Jessica Simpson's weight gain
Obama seems like that one young teacher at every high school that all the students just think is sooooooo cool since he gives them high fives in the hall knows the latest slang. lol. Doesn't he?
He even says it. "People think I'm cool"

ETA: That isn't meant to be insulting, just an observation. He reminds me of a teacher I had at my school.
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