
Good Video About Glass-Filled Rubies

Bravo :appl:

Thanks; even though many of us know and have felt the pain of such critters; it is very nice of you to share it for all to see...

Such a shame they are doing it to other colored corundum as well; I send 100's of gems to AGL every year and you would be surprised to know what is being treated :shock:

I feel any gem un-mounted over 1000 dollars you want a independent lab report with...

Unless you dug it out of the earth yourself and cut it.

But thank you for helping to arm us all with the knowledge we need in gemstone purchases.

Most Respectfully;

Dana Reynolds
ASG Certified Supreme Master Gem Cutter
Interesting vid for certain, thanks for sharing!

DK :))
mastercutgems said:
Such a shame they are doing it to other colored corundum as well; I send 100's of gems to AGL every year and you would be surprised to know what is being treated

Depressing & frustrating, Dana. Not surprising, though. The examples in the video are startling -- I've never seen that in real life (ahem, rubies not being on my menu unless I win the lottery) & it's illuminating to get a gander of what dreck they fill & sell as a "genuine natural ruby."

--- Laurie
Not surprised, nor shocked about finding lead glass rubies for sale at Zales, and similar type stores. If you're going to buy a ruby, always buy from a highly reputable dealer and get a highly reputable lab report like AGL, GIA, GRS, or SSEF, to accompany the gem(s). I wouldn't even buy a ruby from Harry Winston without a reputable lab report.
Wow. The shocking part to me was how the lead-glass-composite-crap completely cracked during cleaning. Thanks for sharing - super educational!
I posted a link from a famous auction house for a lot that was certified having residue in fissures...
They coat rubies too now from what I hear. They use some sort of polymer or plastic to coat them.

I was at a mall store yesterday (not Zales, but a major department store), and they had a really unattractive hazy ruby in halo setting, kind of like Princess Diana's, but much smaller diamonds. It was $5K, and I thought to myself, heaven only knows what is in that ruby and what has been done to it.

I found out later that the same store has been busted before for selling lead glass filled rubies.
I suppose the rubies can be considered real, only that they might be more glass than ruby. The problem with the lack of disclosure is that the buyer will not know how to care for her new ring and thus end up damaging it, as shown.
If they're more glass than ruby, it's misleading the customer to call them "real" or "natural." I'm trying to imagine the...what?...disappointment? rage, more like, of paying for a ruby that falls apart when cleaned. Holy mackeral! I'd be on the warpath.

--- Laurie
JewelFreak|1400511939|3675997 said:
If they're more glass than ruby, it's misleading the customer to call them "real" or "natural." I'm trying to imagine the...what?...disappointment? rage, more like, of paying for a ruby that falls apart when cleaned. Holy mackeral! I'd be on the warpath.

--- Laurie

That's just the tip of the iceberg. There's so much highly invasive and non-disclosed treatment in the jewelry industry, that its' ridiculous. That's why forums like PS are so valuable to the consumer. I can't imagine spending thousands on a car without researching them first, but for some reason, people are willing to spend thousands on a piece of colored stone jewelry without research. It's pretty scary, and many people are taken advantage of unfortunately. :nono:
I'm not sure what to think about the use of borax, or other flux agents to "repair" a ruby. I think that it is a good way to obtain a decent deal on a ruby, as a true unheated ruby of gem quality is pretty rare. If the flux just helps aid the ruby heal fissures with the corundum's intrinsic matrix, then I find that mildly acceptable over dropping tens of thousands of dollars per carat (which is out of most people's reach). However, the corundum is left with these little areas of trapped gas bubbles and solidifed flux, so there is an introduced un-natural aspect to the ruby. Granted I believe that this treatment is typically considered permanent, there is still something artificial about the stone after it has been treated. All that being said, I would prefer to get a minimally flux treated ruby for my wife to wear, rather than no ruby at all. On the other hand, lead glass filled rubies are only good for costume jewerly as far as I'm concerned, but once again a good use of that product as long as the consumer/wearer is aware of what it is.
The Hajji shops over here are full of those nasty things. :knockout: :knockout: :knockout: :knockout: :knockout: :knockout: :knockout: :knockout:
Not surprising - without disclosure laws in place, why would we possibly think that retailers would be forthcoming and honest? :roll:

I bought rubies in 2006 from Thailand, supposedly with no treatment. After i learned more, I realized this was probably not true, and sent two to AGL. One came back composite, the other flux treated, but called a red ruby.

I have about a dozen more, and was ready to throw them away when LD said 'don't do that". So I kept them. They are pretty, and the price has been going up. up,. I very much like the idea of using them as costume jewelry. Thats a good idea!. Has anyone seen the prices on costume jewelry lately? I keep getting sticker shock.

MB-- As far as I know there are laws in place to disclose. The dealers and the stores just don't.

That would have been a tragedy to toss the flux treated stone! So is it terrible to ask for pics of some of your rubies? I also have a flux treated ruby, and really like it!

X-- I know i live in the modern age, but I don't have a camera, and I don't even know how to put pictures on. Chrono talked me through one picture, but alas, I have no rubies in my document folder. The ruby was just over a carat and is not a bright red but has the red glow. You could show us yours.

The glass filled rubies are a very nice color.

Sure, I'll do a comparison shot series, here is a lead glass filled ruby first.

AGL certified unheated ruby, with a pretty obvious pink modifier...albeit the arguement can be made there is no true red, just more saturated pink.


Certified minimal flux filling in fissures only.




X-- Thanks, this was wonderful to see the comparison. The glass filled ruby is almost a hot sapphire, don't you think? Your unheated ruby is beautiful, and the color of your flux treated is more like my flux treated, so you have an idea how mine looks.

Do you collect rubies? How large are yours? Scary prices, don't you think?

If people want to see a lead glass ruby in person, they sell them all over ebay for very very little money. I bought one for $5, for a learning stone. They can be very pretty, but need special care.
Xrisus|1401070088|3680038 said:
Sure, I'll do a comparison shot series, here is a lead glass filled ruby first.

Very nice ring, love the setting.
I wish it was only rubies I would be much easier on the wallet! These are the only rubies I have, and will be unlikely to get anymore, because it is just too cost prohibitive. The unheated stone is just under 1 ct, and the flux treated ruby is just a little over 1 ct. Both around 6 - 6.5mm x 5 - 5.3mm.
Very Confusing, so If it is not real ruby, how about IVF Baby? is it human? Must disclose level of treatment before marriage or adoption??? :lol:
So if people have had procedures done, Botox(similar to glass filled), plastic surgery, etc are they still human?

Javaman, I think you're funny. Good question.


Are you the fellow from kuala lampour Maylasia. Sp may be incorrrect so excuse that.
I am from East Java, Indonesia.
eastjavaman|1401269189|3681525 said:
Very Confusing, so If it is not real ruby, how about IVF Baby? is it human? Must disclose level of treatment before marriage or adoption??? :lol:So if people have had procedures done, Botox(similar to glass filled), plastic surgery, etc are they still human?

Actually, many IVF or adopted children prefer to know their health history so that they are aware of any potential health concerns, so yes, that is a "disclosure of treatment". :lol: And unless one botox-es more than 50% of their body, then their body falls apart or into pieces when the foreign substances are removed... ;))

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