
Good Old Gold has a new look and a new toy!!

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Dec 5, 2002
Cut Geeks get your next toy!

Jonathon has a new version of Sarin that shows you a cut analysis of stones. Reports AGL, AGS, FNC, HRD, and MNF grade reports with all cut dimensions listed. Way cool!

Some day I''ll learn how to post actual links but here''s the web address of the stone that currently has this new feature. (help appreciated)

It uses a sarinwebviewer that you have to download first (on the same page). Then you can open the stone file.

When you click on the picture of the diamond the different measurements appear.

His site also seems to be getting a makeover - this morning the same old banners - tonight new edgier look - guess he''s not watching the Oscars!

Have fun

Very nice! Cool new tool to play around with. That stone is a live one!! Look at the Bscope animation and IS image!
I don't get it. What does this tool tell us that his other analysis techniques don't?
Thanks justme. I've been waiting to announce this but there are actually other features employed that I have not taken full advantage of yet. Once I had those in place then I was going to ask Leonid if I can make a formal announcement. We have alot of inventory we have to scan not to mention 75 new diamonds that just arrived Friday which we have to do the full workups on.

poop ... on the 3d model ... click on any of the minor facets and look what you get! You get all minor facet measurements, be it stars, upper or lower girdles which allows us to look at their consistency, precision etc. and once a person understands how the minors affect the diamonds appearance (on an upcoming tutorial) will teach a person how the arrangement of the minor facets can affect brilliancy, fire and scintillation as well (this page is in the works and this new equipment will help in the teaching on the subject). When you realize that the minor facets comprise 40 of the 57 facets of a round brilliant you begin to realize their impact upon the appearance of a diamond and this is important.

I can also now generate an actual DiamCalc, 3 dimensional file on any given diamond and convert it to a .gem file for our clients preview via the net. They will be able to compare that with a typical mall diamond or any kind of super ideal I can generate within the software or scan (endless possibilities).

I am however waiting on an email from MSU becuase incorporated within the new web viewer I'll be able to share all DiamCalc data with our clients and be able to view a virtual model of the stone and show it under multiple lighting conditions via the same viewer along with IS, H&A images etc.

This is not to mention the new stuff coming out from OGI MegaScope.

We have set another "first on the web" in that we are the first website to now feature measurements on all the minor facets as well as the major facets to our clients. More to come.

Darn! Such cool info! But I already bought my stone from Rhino.

Rhino, any chance I could unmount the stone, send it back to you, and get all this new information for it?

I am now a stone analysis junkie due to time spent here at Pricescope.
Yeah...I want it too

You opened up a huge bag of worms...but thanks for always looking for improvements!

Hi Rhino. I've tried a few time to download the Sarin web view but keep getting a dead link. The gem adviser download worked fine though. Any ideas? This looks like it could be a really cool 'toy'
Try the link on this page geo.

On that page are also 4 other stones I've scanned but have not yet generated .gem files on. You'd be amazed how close the simulated firescope image is to the pic I've taken of the stone.

Hey Jaytee!

I can't remember whether you got the setting from us or not but if you got the setting locally and they'll dismount and remount it for ya sure I'd do it for ya.

You may want to wait a little longer though cause as other new technologies come in there'll be even more neat stuff you'll want to see your stone under.

No prob Stu.

Here are some graphics I've been gathering for the upcoming tutorial on this new stuff.

Just some up front obversations.

2 piecies of software ship with the Sarin. One is Diamension the other is the newer Diavision software which generates those cool new 3d images and reports you see.

I am finding that of the 2 pieces of software that the older Diamension software is more accurate in it's measurements. I am seeing this and comparing with other known GIA/AGS/MegaScope/Sarin measurements I have on stones already in stock. The newer Diavision software seems to be a little off in it's table/star/& lower girdle measurements and I'll be talking with Sarin about making that more accurate. Also there seems to be a bug (don't panic ... not a virus) in the web viewer software cause when I pull up a stone and want to go back and view another my Internet Explorer crashes and shuts down and I have to reopen. The bug may either be in the webviewer software or in the .srn file itself since I have to modify the file itself to get it to load in the viewer (I tweaked the software myself to get it to load as the .srn2 file would not load in the new viewer).

This first graphic here is of this stone I just scanned in last week for a client.

It's unusual in that it is a 60/60 H&A stone. Here is it's actual LightScope image compared with the simulated LightScope image on the right. It's amazing how it shows the pale reds under the table just as LS does. Even duplicating the blacks in the star facets, thinness of the black arrows. Amazing stuff.


here is actual and sim Arrows pic of the same stone generated from the sarin file within the DiamCalc program. Heh... I'm already thinking of how I can modify my H&A scope to duplicate the sim image.

And the actual and sim Hearts image. It's amazing how the hearts are formed exactly like the sim projects it.


One thing I was looking for most was if it would duplicate the dark reds, the blacks between the arrows shafts and the more pronounced blacks between the arrow heads that are signature to most the stones I feature. The presence of dark reds and blacks are characteristic to certain minor facet arrangments in the cutting and are some of the features I particularly look for when purchasing H&A diamonds. The software did a good job of doing it although they are not as crispy as my actual pictures of the diamonds themself.

Note the presence of the blacks at the arrow shafts and dark reds under the table of this diamond as opposed to the pale reds of the diamond I just posted.

There is also a difference in the Gem Advisor scores as well between the 2 and rightfully so.


For anyone interested here is the .gem file on the 1.70ct G SI1. It's neat to run this and the 1.34ct in the GemAdvisor for a comparison.



Hey Jonathan,
I like the new website. Its a bit flashier but still easy to navigate & still easy to filter through all the information you've posted.
One thing I noticed of course,
, are those arrows. As a nurse, we use those symbols to represent males. When you click over them, the arrows go straight up in the air. Tell me, is this a subliminal message for men that buying diamonds causes a distinctive bodily reaction for them?? (Leonid runs a clean program here but what I really want to say is that buying a great diamond really can give one a hard-on right?).


The site look has changed again - for my 2 cents - I like the edgier look.
JustMe, you're right, the sight has changed again. Hmmm, I kinda liked those rigid arrows.
Well, not to fear, I'll still be looking anyway.

" We have alot of inventory we have to scan not to mention 75 new diamonds that just arrived Friday which we have to do the full workups on."

Hi Jonathon,

Do you have any 1.75 - 2 Carat stones from your new inventory of 75 diamonds?
Hey Jonathon - now when you look back at posts I made nearly a year ago - you will understand what I was trying to show

Real scans - not constructed perfect ones.

Also here is a tip for everyone on how to make better Ideal-Scope representations.
When you have your ideal-scope image up on DiamCalc2, open options > advanced > lighting configuration > then expand simulation parameters and click on ray tracing for round and raise pattern calc from default 2 to 6.

I hope in the next release there is some way to save this setting.
Hey Gary,

Just headin off to work and quickly tried what you did. It seems to look like what's on the web viewer within the sarin.

This looks even more similar to LS images than what I've been able to come up with. Particularly showing the dark reds under the table. Am I right?

Yes Jonathon - Sergey explained why - the webviewer does 4 pattern calculations - not 2 as the default setting. He tells me 6 is a waste of time - 4 does the job
On 3/27/2003 5
4:13 AM Cut Nut wrote:

Yes Jonathon - Sergey explained why - the webviewer does 4 pattern calculations - not 2 as the default setting. He tells me 6 is a waste of time - 4 does the job

Please do not do misunderstanding.
Default setting for scanned diamond is 4. It is enough for Sarin accuracy.
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