
Going to the JAR exhibit at the Met in NYC?

Thanks Madame Bijoux for that interesting reading material. My dh and I are planning to go and I am very excited about it. Can't say the same for my dh lol but I bet he will enjoy it anyway once he sees all the beautiful jewels. Who doesn't appreciate fine art? :appl:

Are you planning on seeing the exhibit?
I'm planning to go at the first opportunity. Can't wait!
So jealous! Please post any pics if you can guys!
Am trying to plan a visit for late January...if anyone goes in the meantime, please share!

Also, I understand that there's a smaller but nice exhibit of VCA pieces on now at the Bowers Museum in Orange County (CA) in case anyone is near SoCal. 200 pieces from private collections, runs thru mid-February 2014. (Apologies for the mini-thread jack, but thought it might be of interest to many of those who are interested in JAR also.)
I'm going to try to go this Saturday. If not, the next free Saturday!
I just took the morning off and went: in three words, SO WORTH IT.

It's set up in medium-sized gallery on the first floor, in the contemporary art section. The lighting is dimmed, and the pieces are set off in black velvet cases along the walls, and three-and-four sided pillars scattered throughout the room. There are over 300 pieces.

My only regret is that none of the pieces are displayed so as to be viewed from all sides ... one or two of the lace like pave pieces are set so that you can see the light glow through the gems, and it's magical, but that's the exception rather than the rule. I also would have liked a more balanced light source: whatever they're using has enough UV that the rubies glow almost glow, which is a beautiful effect, but it makes it hard to gauge their true colors.

As for the high points ... oy, where to start! The best part is the sheer variety: JAR is most often lauded for his colorful pave (which is magnificent and well represented, don't get me wrong), but this exhibition also has his earlier and more experimental wooden pieces, his carved stone and shagreen objects d'art, and his mixed medium pieces. My personal favorite? An amazing watch encased in amber. It looks lucent and utterly magical. Close seconds are his gorgeous Mogul pieces ... I hadn't realized just how much that period had influenced him, but the connection makes complete sense given his innovative use of briolettes in even his starker modern pieces.

The museum is selling three books (two being the reprints of JAR Paris, available here as a set for only $1400, one being an almost as nice, though much smaller, exhibition catalogue for $40), an assortment of framed prints, and, excitingly, some original JAR pieces! Acrylic and titanium, as far as I could tell, but still tempting to collectors, I'm sure ....

Bottom line? GO. I know I'll be going *back* as soon as the opportunity presents itself ....

Thanks for the update Circe. I would love to have the opportunity to go!

I wish I could go!!!! Did you go Madam? Thanks for sharing Circe.
Hi, Skippy! I went last week, and I really enjoyed seeing everything. Mr. JAR has quite a sense of humor (one piece was a bagel with gems in it). My only complaints were that the lighting was too dim and the pieces can't be viewed from every angle.
I went to visit yesterday and was amazed by the quality of the gemstones! I noticed that JAR only uses old cut diamonds - I didn't see a a single modern round brilliant diamond. His creativity is amazing and all the food art! It's funny you mentioned the bagel because the bagel stuck with me too - I was telling a friend about the exhibit and first thing I mentioned was the BAGEL!!!

I left the event desperately wanting a fat chunky pear and a mega zircon. Then I remembered a beautiful spinel I passed on a few years back wishing that I bought it.
OMG!!!!!! The exhibit went even above and beyond my expectations. TDF. :love: :love: :love:
I was chatting with one of the museum people and he told me that it took 4 years to put this exhibit together.

Almost 400 pieces of exquisite masterpieces. I took some pics on the down low for my fellow PSers because I love you guys because I know not everyone who wants to visit can so this is for you. I am sorry they are not the best focused pictures but I was trying to do it surreptitiously because there were guards everywhere. I hope you enjoy what I did manage to get.




Some more...




I was literally tearing up a bit and my dh said that the gorgeous jewels are really affecting me and I said that I was crying not because they are so gorgeous (and they are!) but because I cannot buy any of them!!! ;(




The masterpieces continue. The butterflies are amazing and while I was admiring them a woman from Paris starting chatting me up telling me that her friend works for Rosenthal and designed the green butterfly. IRL it is even more amazing than you can believe. All the pieces are...if you can go to the exhibit go!




The last piece I have to share with you is my dream necklace. Really gorgeous and easy to wear (unlike some of his other pieces which are just works of art to be admired from afar). It's a diamond ribbon necklace and it is spectacular.

And just to add a little extra here are some met cats to enjoy. :wavey:




DAY. UM. Unbelieveable.
ame|1390769288|3601614 said:
DAY. UM. Unbelieveable.

Ame, it really is... I am totally going back and bringing my mom. She will love it! I wish all PSers could make a trip to NYC to see this exhibit. It's until March 9th so there still is time. Worth it. :love:

I am sad because I thought I got a pic of the most amazing pink diamond ring ever and I don't have it. It is worth over 3 million dollars according to the museum assistant I was chatting with and I have to say I am in love with it. It's on the pale pink side but gorgeous nonetheless with a delicate white diamond halo.

I also loved his wood pieces. He made an amazing nut box that looked so real I wanted to eat it! Oh and that bagel...yumm!
He is a talented genius and I would love to meet him IRL.

They were selling about 7 of his pieces at the end of the exhibit but nothing that I loved. 2 watches for $600 that were simple and a few crazy earrings-no diamonds or gemstones though for a few thousand. I wanted so badly to buy something but there was nothing for sale that I liked enough or would have worn. The museum assistant was telling me that some of the pieces from the exhibit are for sale in Paris so I guess a trip in Paris needs to happen! :cheeky:

Oh and a note about the lighting. I was told that the lighting was done to simulate jewelry store lighting and that's the reason it was lit the way it was. True or not I don't know but that is what the young man who works for the museum in that exhibit told me.

ETA: Just wanted to add if you can zoom on your computer zoom in close to see some details. My mac allows me to do this though not sure about other computers it works well on the macbook. You can see some up close details of his work.
Wow, the butterflies look so true to life! Thanks for taking all of the lovely pics, Missy!
Double post.
Ahhhhhh thank you thank you missy!

Even my husband was impressed by the butterflies. They are so so beautiful.

Wish this exhibition would come to London. I'd have to take tissues with my to wipe my tears. Or my drool. :cheeky:
Hi Missy,

Thank you for the wonderful photos. I also wish I could see this in person, but you have done a good job for us all.


Was the emerald piece as light as shown, or is it the lighting in the case? I mean the color.
Thank you tremendously for posting these. Awesome!
Wish I could get there to see it, but looking unlikely. Meantime, these pics provide a much-needed JAR fix!
smitcompton|1390780776|3601729 said:
Hi Missy,

Thank you for the wonderful photos. I also wish I could see this in person, but you have done a good job for us all.


Was the emerald piece as light as shown, or is it the lighting in the case? I mean the color.

I think it might have been a bit darker but not sure because there were almost 400 pieces there. They might also not have been emeralds as I might have misremembered that detail. Hard to say as I was so blown away by all the gems that adrenalin was taking over my brain hehe.

But I will be going back and I will check that detail and try to get more pics though it was a bit stressful because I couldn't figure out how to shut my flash and every time I took a pic a huge flash went off in a semi darkened room LOL. That's also why I missed some jewels I really wanted to take photos of because they were in full view of the guards who were also in constant motion. Not sure how I managed not to get caught but yay for PS pics. :appl:
This was the highlight of our trip to NYC -- and that's saying something. We spent an embarrassingly long amount of time at the JAR exhibit. So much beauty. My favorite pieces were the rose brooch you've photographed, the zebra brooch, and a set of 'over the moon' earrings. :love: I bought the book and will wear down the pages. :lol:
I can't believe you managed to sneak picture! The security was soooo tight when I was there. Multiple people watching over!

I loved that old stone necklace and so glad you got a pic of it.
CharmyPoo|1390798653|3601868 said:
I can't believe you managed to sneak picture! The security was soooo tight when I was there. Multiple people watching over!

I loved that old stone necklace and so glad you got a pic of it.

Hehe, I know. My dh walked away from me every time I took my phone out to snap a picture. As if to say I cannot believe you are doing this and with the flash on. Actually he did say at least shut the flash off but I had no clue and I couldn't start fiddling around there without drawing more attention. :lol:

justginger said:
This was the highlight of our trip to NYC -- and that's saying something. We spent an embarrassingly long amount of time at the JAR exhibit. So much beauty. My favorite pieces were the rose brooch you've photographed, the zebra brooch, and a set of 'over the moon' earrings. :love: I bought the book and will wear down the pages. :lol:

Ginger, I so wanted to get a pic of that zebra brooch. I loved it but it was in full view of the guard every time I went back to see. I was at the exhibit drooling over the gems for a long time. I cannot wait to go back. Without my dh next time though he enjoyed the gem masterpieces I think once is enough for a while for him.
missy|1390827885|3601944 said:
CharmyPoo|1390798653|3601868 said:
I can't believe you managed to sneak picture! The security was soooo tight when I was there. Multiple people watching over!

I loved that old stone necklace and so glad you got a pic of it.

Hehe, I know. My dh walked away from me every time I took my phone out to snap a picture. As if to say I cannot believe you are doing this and with the flash on. Actually he did say at least shut the flash off but I had no clue and I couldn't start fiddling around there without drawing more attention. :lol:

justginger said:
This was the highlight of our trip to NYC -- and that's saying something. We spent an embarrassingly long amount of time at the JAR exhibit. So much beauty. My favorite pieces were the rose brooch you've photographed, the zebra brooch, and a set of 'over the moon' earrings. :love: I bought the book and will wear down the pages. :lol:

Ginger, I so wanted to get a pic of that zebra brooch. I loved it but it was in full view of the guard every time I went back to see. I was at the exhibit drooling over the gems for a long time. I cannot wait to go back. Without my dh next time though he enjoyed the gem masterpieces I think once is enough for a while for him.

DH was the same - patience of a saint. :praise:

These were the earrings, and the zebra brooch.


justginger|1390828264|3601946 said:
missy|1390827885|3601944 said:
CharmyPoo|1390798653|3601868 said:
I can't believe you managed to sneak picture! The security was soooo tight when I was there. Multiple people watching over!

I loved that old stone necklace and so glad you got a pic of it.

Hehe, I know. My dh walked away from me every time I took my phone out to snap a picture. As if to say I cannot believe you are doing this and with the flash on. Actually he did say at least shut the flash off but I had no clue and I couldn't start fiddling around there without drawing more attention. :lol:

justginger said:
This was the highlight of our trip to NYC -- and that's saying something. We spent an embarrassingly long amount of time at the JAR exhibit. So much beauty. My favorite pieces were the rose brooch you've photographed, the zebra brooch, and a set of 'over the moon' earrings. :love: I bought the book and will wear down the pages. :lol:

Ginger, I so wanted to get a pic of that zebra brooch. I loved it but it was in full view of the guard every time I went back to see. I was at the exhibit drooling over the gems for a long time. I cannot wait to go back. Without my dh next time though he enjoyed the gem masterpieces I think once is enough for a while for him.

DH was the same - patience of a saint. :praise:

These were the earrings, and the zebra brooch.

Ahhh, thanks Ginger. So beautiful. There wasn't one piece I didn't want to own. Wearable or not. I literally had tears coming from my eyes because it was all so breathtaking and also because I couldn't take any of them home. 8) ::) :bigsmile:
I went today with my DH, so worth it! I bought the $40 catalog and the post cards, so lovely! The butterfly wall was so well done, it's the only pic I managed to snag...
