
Give yourself a PAT ON THE BACK!

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Apr 2, 2006
David Allen, the Getting Things Done guru, suggests that we take time to make a list of the things we completed, accomplished, and generally did well in 2009.
My first response was to think... uh, nothing, really. Fortunately a good night's sleep brought some clarity.
Here are some of the things I can pat myself on the back for:

I put money INTO the stock market at the beginning of the year!
I provided really good support to a friend as she dealt with moving her parents from into assisted living, and then cleared out and sold their home of 40+ years.
I provided really good support to my supervisor and colleagues at work.

What are some of the things you did well this past year?


Apr 2, 2006
By the way, here are some questions David Allen provided to help get the process rolling. He suggests that you consider all aspects of your life..

Community Service
Fun / creativity / recreation


Review the list of all completed projects
What was your biggest triumph in 2009?
What was the smartest decision you made in 2009?
What one word best sums up and describes your 2009 experience?
What was the greatest lesson you learned in 2009?
What was the most loving service you performed in 2009?
What is your biggest piece of unfinished business in 2009?
What are you most happy about completing in 2009?
Who were the three people that had the greatest impact on your life in 2009?
What was the biggest risk you took in 2009?
What was the biggest surprise in 2009?
What important relationship improved the most in 2009?
What compliment would you liked to have received in 2009?
What compliment would you liked to have given in 2009?
What else do you need to do or say to be complete with 2009?


Jun 25, 2007
Community Service
Fun / creativity / recreation


Review the list of all completed projects
What was your biggest triumph in 2009? Running my first 5k in under 40 mins

What was the smartest decision you made in 2009? moving into our own place.

What one word best sums up and describes your 2009 experience? Shit. I had way too many bad things happen. But hey, there are good things coming FROM the bad things

What was the greatest lesson you learned in 2009? Cherish each and every precious moment... because you do not know when it will be your last.

What was the most loving service you performed in 2009? I think being there for my SO's grandparents, himself, and his aunt. I was the pillar of calm in a sea of loss, and I think it was helpful to them. I cooked, cleaned, helped them to remember things and schedule things.

What is your biggest piece of unfinished business in 2009? Savings

What are you most happy about completing in 2009? My algebra class... with a B+ 6 or 7 years of that mess and I'm finally done.

Who were the three people that had the greatest impact on your life in 2009? my SO, my friend who died, SO's friend who died.

What was the biggest risk you took in 2009? I'm not really sure

What was the biggest surprise in 2009? getting robbed

What important relationship improved the most in 2009? mine and my SO's

What compliment would you liked to have received in 2009? That I handled work well this season...

What compliment would you liked to have given in 2009? That he's stronger than anyone I know.

What else do you need to do or say to be complete with 2009? I need to tell my family I love them. And I need to be thankful for what I have.

ETA I am glad that I've been through what I have this year. I feel like a stronger, more mature person, I feel responsible, I feel accomplished, and I know now that I can discipline myself to do things.



Sep 30, 2007
Review the list of all completed projects
What was your biggest triumph in 2009?
Landing a job after many months of being laid off

What was the smartest decision you made in 2009?
To put all our change in a piggy bank :) Sounds strange but when that thing is full it will have about 300 bucks in it! It is a third of the way there :)

What one word best sums up and describes your 2009 experience?

What was the greatest lesson you learned in 2009?
Not to hold back what I am feeling

What was the most loving service you performed in 2009?
rescuing our kitten from the street :) (pregnant mom cat was dropped on someone''s doorstep, we found saffron through craigslist)

What is your biggest piece of unfinished business in 2009?
I still haven''t changed my last name, oops

What are you most happy about completing in 2009?
Paying off a car

Who were the three people that had the greatest impact on your life in 2009?
DH, a friend who lived with us, and my sister

What was the biggest risk you took in 2009?
Driving in the mountains for the first time

What was the biggest surprise in 2009?
Our new kitten :) We didn''t plan for him at all, but when we saw his picture we couldn''t just leave him there!

What important relationship improved the most in 2009?
DH''s and mine

What compliment would you liked to have received in 2009?
"Your wedding was beautiful" :)

What compliment would you liked to have given in 2009?
"You''re a better person" still haven''t gotten to say that one though...maybe next year

What else do you need to do or say to be complete with 2009?
See a financial counselor...we''re doing that january that close enough? lol


Jul 5, 2007
A lot of my answers were the same, so I''ll just make a nutshell:

I pat myself on the back for having the guts to make a career move that I never saw myself making. I''m very happy about it now, and most of what I''m proud of accomplishing this year was working my new job in addition to my old one at the same time for the last few months. A lot of it was "survival mode" and a ton of support from my husband, but we got through it in one piece.

I''m also proud of all the projects DH and I completed on the house. It took a lot of teamwork and effort.

In terms of relationships, I''m proud of the daughter I''ve been to my parents.


Feb 27, 2007

Review the list of all completed projects
What was your biggest triumph in 2009? Being a team leader for my company''s race for the cure team
What was the smartest decision you made in 2009? Not to buy a new car
What one word best sums up and describes your 2009 experience? Good
What was the greatest lesson you learned in 2009? Reverse psychology worked on someone I had problems dealing with at work
What was the most loving service you performed in 2009? Called my husband''s Grandma every day (did it prior to 2008) until she passed away - at her funeral I must have had 50 people tell me how much that meant to her
What is your biggest piece of unfinished business in 2009? Organizing closets
What are you most happy about completing in 2009? Walking in the race for the cure
Who were the three people that had the greatest impact on your life in 2009? Husband, my mother, me
What was the biggest risk you took in 2009? driving home in a blizzard (we had to stop and get a room and were darned lucky they still had some rooms)
What was the biggest surprise in 2009? My husband had to work in Hong Kong for a few months
What important relationship improved the most in 2009? I worked hard at trying to improve relations between my team at work and another team in our department - there has been some friction in the past
What compliment would you liked to have received in 2009? Great Job
What compliment would you liked to have given in 2009? Maybe told my employees more often how much I appreciate them
What else do you need to do or say to be complete with 2009? Doesn''t matter now - it''s 2010!
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