
Girdles and flourescence

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Aug 8, 2002
I need advice on girdles and flourescence.

If the differences are not really visible, what is the 'preferred' girdle thickness and should it be faceted or not? I heard that any thickness is really fine, as long as there isn't a big range around the diamond like thin to slightly thick.

What about flourescence? What's the preferred?

I guess what I'm really trying to figure out is what is the ideal for both factors, and how much do those 'ideals' affect price??

Hi Ginlei,

If girdle is too thin it increases the risk of chipping. Too thick girdle is just a dead weight in your diamond you have to pay for.

You shouldn't worry about fluorescence as long as your diamond doesn't look milky under the day light. Fluorescence can be beneficial for lower color stones – it makes them look whiter.

Check out these links in tutorial:

The difference between thin to thick is that the stone symmetry is liely to be compromised (likely - but not assured).

I prefer mrdium to strong - even some very strong - BLUE flouro.
On 8/9/2002 8:30:03 AM

I prefer mrdium to strong - even some very strong - BLUE flouro.

I'm glad to hear one of the expert tout Fluor. Why does it get such a bad reputation? Not that I hold alot of creedence to his comments as reasons stated previously; but, Fred C "how to buy a diamond" calls diamonds w/ fluor "commercial grade" and avoid.

Also, I have never seen a diamond w/ Bl. Fluor. look milky or oily. Admittedly, it may be my ignorance that I did see one and didn't know what was wrong; but, how common is it to have the fluor effect the stone to this oily appearance?

scratching my head about this one. But, then (again) I'm the crazy one that buys on her eye.
The trade does not like flourescence and stones w/it are cheaper. If you sell back, you get lower price. If for investment, people won't buy stone w/flourescence. Not that I believe in investment for diamonds.

Fire & Ice, may I ask if your stone is medium or strong flourescence, and how much you paid for it? GIA cert?
On 8/9/2002 9:50:50 AM

Fire & Ice, may I ask if your stone is medium or strong flourescence, and how much you paid for it? GIA cert?

Sorry, I don't kiss & tell; but my budget was $25K. I will not reach that budget even w/ Vatche 3 stone setting. ...makes my hubby proud. I am an extremely picky customer & consumer in general. I orginally wanted GIA cert only. A stone came along w/ all my specifications with an EGL cert. My jeweler called the dealer and said that if the stone did not match his GIA standards it was going back. EGL cert - I color, SI1, med blue fluor w/ everything else looking good. It graded at least an I... more closer to H when matched w/ his master set...faced up as a G..very pleased w/ the color and the cut. The medium blue fluor leaned toward the strong side...and could have gone either way...but since the fluor. enhanced the stone it did not matter to me. The clarity grade, however, did not hold up to the GIA strict standards for SI1. My jeweler thought it more to be an SI2.. but the location & type of flaws were acceptable to me - they were crystal inclusions and no feathers (feathers bother me). The price reflected more of an SI2 and the stone is eye clean from the top. At the end of the day throwing out all "specs", the stone is just plain pretty w/ tons of personality which is the most important. I know in the art world - you can have a great artist, great theme, great execution...all the points.....but it either works together or it doesn't and it's a dog.

Regarding Flour, IMHO, what your jeweler told you is a bunch of rubbish. Again, IMHO, they had to find something to discount your stone. I have not met one jeweler or diamond affecianado (sp?) who does not like Blue Fluor in the H,I,J range. It is interesting to note the survey conducted by the GIA regarding Fl. The Fl. stone was prefered rather consistently over the non Fl. stone. So, the controversy continues. I just know what I like and plan on keeping my stone till dead. What someone gets for the stone should they decide to sell it :(( is none of my concern.

While we are on the subject, may I offer an opinion. A 2.16 carat is very sizable stone. I can not fathom why you would want to go to the trouble or the expense to trade up to 3 carat. It's just not that much bigger. If you want more a couple of diamond guards to make the stone pop out more. You could also set the stone w/ some side stones. All options probably less expensive and more fun to design a ring than just acquire a stone.

Just my perpective and experience. I hope I have not offended.
Oh no, Fire & Ice, I welcome your suggestions. At this point, I am looking at options, see what's bst to do. I dont' feel so good trading up bc I'll lose $ on setting too. Ring is only 3 months old and stone also. I did get a 3ct cz to compare in size next to 2.16c 8.5m, and side by side, it's like a comparing 1c to 1.5c is the effect of the size.

I was just curious how 3c looks, and 3c cz ring looks so nice on my finger, size has the effect of the big stone that I want...

Yet, I have somewhat become attached to my setting w/2.16c stone in it bc it is GIA H/VS1 very pretty stone. To trade it up for EGL/SI flourescence 3c priced at 19K doesn't sound enticing to I welcome suggestions.

In the past i did try changing prongs on 1.52c princess, didnt' make stone look any bigger, I changed setting too, end result is nice ring, but stone still small to my taste, so I upgraded to 2.16c round.

I think 19K for I/SI with flourescence is not good price. I was expecting H/SI GIA about 19-22K range, if EGL 16-18K. What do you think?

If I happen to get specs of EGL I/SI stone fr. my vendor, I'll run it by you to see what you think.

Unless option hits me in the eye and I feel inclined to upgrade, I won't. It seems like a waste for the setting, and $250 I already put out to inscribe 2.16c stone.
Also, that 1.52c was a G/VS2 with faint flourescence I traded in for 2.16c.
Thanks for all the advice.

So in the end, would you recommend any flourescence on a 1.38 carat H VS2 ?
If so, how much FL?
yes, for H color, faint to medium flourescence is good. for strong flourescence, you have to check in sun light for oily or milky appearance.
Because flouro is on the cert it needs to be explained and it has been seen as a nuisance by retailers who employ staff who know diddly squat.
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