
Gifts for teacher?


Apr 28, 2008
Is this still a thing, to give your child's teacher a holiday gift? I feel like teachers probably don't even want the candles/lotions/soaps/Starbucks gift cards because they get so many of them, lol. Do you give your child's teacher a gift for the holidays? If so, any good ideas? Thanks!
We're doing gift cards (small amounts, $5-$10) for pre-school owner, and aide. Classroom teacher is getting a locally handmade ornament ($10) because she's into that sort of thing. Aide is going to Vegas in January and is getting a Starbucks card. Owner is getting a gift card but I'm not sure from where yet because I don't know her well and am not sure what she'd personally like that doesn't have to do with pre-school and I don't know if she drinks coffee. I'll keep an eye on this thread for ideas or ask other parents whose children have been there for at least one holiday season. I think it's a nice token even if they do receive a ton of little things...and if they don't want the gifts or won't use them maybe they can re-gift as stocking stuffers or to other friends?
Everyone likes Amazon gift cards, I'd think. With that said, as a student I always baked cookies for my teachers.
Laila - Gift cards - 100%. I tried to get more personalized gifts in the past, but I now accept that gift cards are easier and people seem to enjoy the flexibility of being able to pick up what they want. For the teachers that I know enjoy coffee, I will get cards from those coffee places. Everyone else will likely get Amazon cards. We're up to 7 teachers this year. Is your son in Kindergarten already? S won't go until next year due to January birthday . . .

distracts - Believe it or not, there are some people who do not use Amazon. Crazy, I know!
Hmm, I never thought of Amazon gift cards. Thanks ladies! I was thinking DunkIn Donuts because we have a lot of them here, and hello, donuts!

LV, hi! Nope, he isn't in Kinder yet either, due to December birthday. He goes to pre-K five days a week. How is your sweet baby boy? I bet he will be sitting up and crawling soon, if not already! :-)
Depending on what grade it's for, would make a difference I think. We used to do a gift card to the local coffee shop for principal, secretary, and the kids main teacher. Then a couple years ago we made a TON of hot chocolate mix and put it in mason jars w/little tags and gave them to every teacher, the janitors, etc. Last year we gave a Hershey bar to everyone, and I had the kids wrap a ribbon around it and we got cute tags to put on them that the kids wrote on. We've given magnets that I got from Etsy that say "You can't scare me, I'm a Teacher".

Now, from my past three years at preschool, I've gotten lotion, a handmade fancy scarf, bags of candy, last year I got an ornament from one of the kids, jars of little peppermints. One year I got one of those little Thirtyone bags w/things for my desk, peanut butter M&M's b/c the mom knew they were my favorite, and an "M" suncatcher that he had painted himself that I still have on the patio door. The year before he'd painted little flower pots and planted a marigold in it. I still have the flower pot. One girl gave us a little flower pot w/a vine inside it, but it was chalkboard on the outside and it had Miss Missy on it. That's up in a special spot b/c the chalk has gotten touched a few times and partially rubbed away.

Our program never has money, so we end up spending a LOT of our own money to provide for the kids. A gift card to a teacher store, or heck, my lead teacher (and now I as well) go bat crap crazy in the dollar area of Target, so a Target card is nice too.

I'd seen a thing going around on FB that was a bottle of wine w/a label that says "b/c our kid is the reason you drink" or something like that and I thought that was hysterical if you knew the teacher real well. I know a lot of people were offended by it, but some of the teachers here have a sense of humor that would make it ok.
My daughter is 10mos and we go to a large daycare center. She has 2 primary caregivers and about 4 secondary caregivers. I was thinking that each of the primaries would get $50 Amazon gift cards and the secondaries would get $25 Amazon gift cards. Is that reasonable? Too little?
SMC|1448909889|3955656 said:
My daughter is 10mos and we go to a large daycare center. She has 2 primary caregivers and about 4 secondary caregivers. I was thinking that each of the primaries would get $50 Amazon gift cards and the secondaries would get $25 Amazon gift cards. Is that reasonable? Too little?

I think that's beyond generous!!
I've got 2 kids, and have been involved in teacher gifts since they were in pre-school and more directly as room mom for the past... many years. :)

When they were in preschool, gift cards, a plant, and once a bracelet for my son's favorite teacher. In elementary grades, I've done gift cards (usually Visa/MC after soliciting from parents as a gift from the class), also flowers, plants, ornaments, bracelet charms, engraved keychains, cards, and my favorite - personalized pottery. I picked out a blank vase, the kids all signed it in pencil, then I painted over their names in black glaze, added some decoration, then had it fired. The teachers seemed to really like it!
SMC|1448909889|3955656 said:
My daughter is 10mos and we go to a large daycare center. She has 2 primary caregivers and about 4 secondary caregivers. I was thinking that each of the primaries would get $50 Amazon gift cards and the secondaries would get $25 Amazon gift cards. Is that reasonable? Too little?

I agree it's very generous. I'm sure they don't get paid a lot for the work that they do, so I say go for it!

Laila - Thank you for asking. Little baby is about to sit up on his own. He is a joy! And, his relationship with his sister is one of my biggest joys. No one can even come close to make him laugh as much as she does! It's hilarious and kind of remarkable, to me, anyway, haha!

How are your kiddos?
I do $15 Godiva chocolates at Christmas for my kids teachers and $50 gift cards to a local restaurant at the end of the year.
Please don't forget your students' special services providers! :)

Signed, Madelise. The speech therapist who would very gladly accept $5 Starbucks cards or even a handmade drawn card from my kiddos.

It's my first Christmas with my kids so I'm really hoping for some drawings!

Teachers can also always use gift cards to Lakeshore Teachers' Resources or TeachersPayTeachers' website.
I taught for a long time, grade school through adult education. What I always appreciated were gift cards, particularly when I was a new young teacher and was on the crappy end of the salary schedule :lol:

I loved the ornaments that students gave me, I use them every year on the tree and I pretty much remember each kid/parent who gave them to me. Its a nice tour down memory lane.

What I didn't 'use' when given were baked goods or foods. I gave a student and her sister a ride home from rehearsal (I was a band director) before it was too ill advised to do such a thing, and the mother invited me in to have a cup of tea (it was raining like gangbusters). She had been doing her holiday baking and while she made the tea, her cat jumped up on the kitchen counter and patted down quite a few cookies and loaves, which wasn't as unappetizing as the little brother who while unattended by mom LICKED a bunch of cookies and cupcakes on the racks and put them back!!!

So that kinda put me off of baked goods, hahahaha.

Here is an approach I'm fond of: Take say the 3-pound box of See's Candy (or similar) and put it in the staff room at the school with a lovely card signed by you and your child, as opposed to a gift for the individual teacher/s. Everyone gets a nice piece of candy and it acknowledges the lunch room staff, secretary, school nurse, etc. who conceivably all contribute to your child's education and well being while at school. I always feel sorry for the kids whose parents don't gift the teacher, I assure you their kids feel it keenly as they see the other children and parents bringing in gifts for the teacher. It could be pizza for lunch the day before the Winter Break, whatever you think would be most appreciated by the faculty and staff.
I had my kids do it after or before school, and put things in the staff mailboxes or in the teachers lounge and tell the secretary. Really little kids don't understand, our preschoolers don't pay the slightest bit of attention, but usually the parents bring their child that day or pick them up, and distribute at that time. Or they bring a box and set it in the room during arrival/dismissal and we distribute it later. We had a couple moms who would bring us desserts, pasta salads etc, and put them in the fridge so we could all graze, and they do that during teacher appreciation week as well.
I get a plastic popcorn container (dollar section of Target) and fill it with two movie tickets and candy.
All wonderful ideas! I enjoy just knowing that I was thought of during the busy holiday season! To me, that's gift enough. But, I do enjoy hand lotion and candles, I mean I can never have enough of either! :dance: I also prefer no home baked goods :wink2: but love me some pre-packaged candy or truffles.
Thank you for appreciating your kids' teachers this season!
Our school has a few parents who solicit donations for the teachers/staff-all of them. They pool the money and distribute the $ I think equally. The parents who donate are named on the card. We donate as we seem to forget the teachers who are not homeroom or faves. I supplement with actual gifts-lotion sets, fancy coffee, soaps, wine, etc rather than gift cards as I hate to have them know what I paid.
Lots of great ideas here! I have to second distracts suggestion for Amazon cards. Amazon is great because the teacher can use it towards something practical or a splurge!
Tacori E-ring|1448930483|3955805 said:
I get a plastic popcorn container (dollar section of Target) and fill it with two movie tickets and candy.

That is really cute! Stealing.

And to whomever upthread mentioned plants--that is right up my alley and I know the owner of my daughter's pre-school LOVES plants, so thank you! Problem solved. Also, Packie, glad to hear you still have the pot the marigold plant came in. I have oh, 10k marigold seeds and about 8200 pots, so I'm thinking I'll put together seed packets and paint some pots and give those to people this year too. Thank you!

Here are some pics of my gazillion marigold seeds that my 3 year old insisted on helping me save. Every night. Half the summer. LOL :lol:




monarch64|1448947184|3955889 said:
Tacori E-ring|1448930483|3955805 said:
I get a plastic popcorn container (dollar section of Target) and fill it with two movie tickets and candy.

That is really cute! Stealing.

And to whomever upthread mentioned plants--that is right up my alley and I know the owner of my daughter's pre-school LOVES plants, so thank you! Problem solved. Also, Packie, glad to hear you still have the pot the marigold plant came in. I have oh, 10k marigold seeds and about 8200 pots, so I'm thinking I'll put together seed packets and paint some pots and give those to people this year too. Thank you!

Here are some pics of my gazillion marigold seeds that my 3 year old insisted on helping me save. Every night. Half the summer. LOL :lol:

Do it! They always love it!
Monnie, let her "paint" them-it will be awesome! The one the little boy gave me, they used stencils and he painted it light blue w/a goldfish on it and some like..I think it's supposed to be seaweed..I need to go look again. It's so stinking cute and lumpy!
My best friend, sister and sister-in-law are all teachers. They all seem to have a love/hate relationship with the food gifts. They're usually very good but the problem is the excess. My best friend is often trying to push off the baked goods/chocolates not because she doesn't like them but because she likes them too much! :cheeky:

When N "graduated" pre-K - as in left the daycare he had been going for 4 years - I gave all of the teachers personalized water bottles from Etsy. I think they were like $10 a piece. They have some cute teacher themed ones but I went for something more basic. They came with bows all ready to gift! Everyone seemed to like them and I'm told the personalization letters withstood the dishwasher.

My son just started Kindergarten so I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. I was thinking Target gift card - practical but kind of boring. N's Kindergarten teacher's birthday was recently and all of the children were so excited. N came home from school saying, "Do you know that a good birthday gift for your teacher is good behavior? They don't even like presents!"
puppmom|1448984150|3955991 said:
My son just started Kindergarten so I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. I was thinking Target gift card - practical but kind of boring. N's Kindergarten teacher's birthday was recently and all of the children were so excited. N came home from school saying, "Do you know that a good birthday gift for your teacher is good behavior? They don't even like presents!"

Hi Puppmom! :wavey: He always says the funniest things!! Haha. Such a joy!!

Oh, and Monarch - What a wonderful summer memory for your daughter, and for you!
packrat|1448979633|3955979 said:
Monnie, let her "paint" them-it will be awesome! The one the little boy gave me, they used stencils and he painted it light blue w/a goldfish on it and some like..I think it's supposed to be seaweed..I need to go look again. It's so stinking cute and lumpy!

Good idea! She will love that!
Monnie, your helper is adorable :angel:
azstonie|1449023141|3956253 said:
Monnie, your helper is adorable :angel:

Thanks! If you ever need a garden helper, she will work for popsicles. :bigsmile:
distracts|1448900048|3955615 said:
Everyone likes Amazon gift cards, I'd think. With that said, as a student I always baked cookies for my teachers.

That's a lovely thought, but I must tell you all the teachers {and medical personnel} I know thank the giver profusely and then discard most homemade food.
My 10 year old says he doesn't like his teacher this year and he doesn't want to give him anything for Christmas. He said doing so would feel fake/not true to himself.

I am giving him a week to come around... This is a tough one. On one hand, his teacher is kind of a jerk and I can see why my son wouldn't want to give him a gift. I want my son to have the ability to set his own emotional limits. On the other hand, giving teacher presents isn't all about liking the teacher, it is about appreciation for all that they do. We still have time to work it out...
House Cat|1449117863|3956765 said:
My 10 year old says he doesn't like his teacher this year and he doesn't want to give him anything for Christmas. He said doing so would feel fake/not true to himself.

I am giving him a week to come around... This is a tough one. On one hand, his teacher is kind of a jerk and I can see why my son wouldn't want to give him a gift. I want my son to have the ability to set his own emotional limits. On the other hand, giving teacher presents isn't all about liking the teacher, it is about appreciation for all that they do. We still have time to work it out...

Personally, I would give the teacher a card. That respects your son's desire not to give him anything, but also teaches him that even when we don't like someone there is an obligation to be polite and appreciative.

I don't see why you have to give him anything other than a card that says thank you.