
Gifted studs, not exactly match..


Apr 28, 2008
I bought a present today on very short notice. I bought a pair of .25 carat studs from a local jeweler; about 10 minutes before they were given, I noticed that one stud was slightly larger than the other. I didn't notice this in the store, or even after I'd brought them home. They have the same settings, same posts, same butterfly backs, and the diamonds are matched in every way besides the fact that one is slightly larger. It wasn't possible to go back and return the studs due to time constraints. They are beautiful, and the size difference wouldn't be obvious on the ear, but it is there. The friend in question isn't particularly "into" jewelry. Should I call and mention that I noticed the difference and offer the receipt? Should I offer the receipt without saying anything? Should I just shrug it off, as it was really a relatively small present and the difference wouldn't be obvious on the ear?
I'd offer the receipt without saying anything. After all, she may absolutely love them and you do not want to spoil her joy by pointing out flaws. They are her diamonds. If she doesn't like anything about them, she may always return.

BTW - when I read the heading, I thought "gifted studs" meant something totally different. Definitely not diamonds. :D
Indy, I agree with crasru, I think you should give the earrings along with the receipt and not say anything. If she's not into jewelry, she might not even notice the slight discrepancy in size. Not everyone examines their jewelry pieces with a fine-tooth comb. as crasru said, she will probably love them, and pointing out a flaw may take away her enjoyment. and these days, it's pretty common to include a gift receipt with a present. They sound like a lovely gift, I know I'd love to receive them!
agree with everyone, gift it and include a gift receipt if you can. or save it, just in case it doesn't work out for whatever reason. You are a sweetheart for such a nice thoughtful gift. I wouldn't really worry and call. A gift is a gift no matter the imperfection, its the thought that really counts in my books ::)
Thank you Crasru, Junebug, and D&T!

I will do just as you all have suggested; I'll pass the receipt along to her, giving her the choice to return them. The gift recipient is so very sweet to me; she's really encouraging to me when it comes to my studies and you can just tell me is proud of me. She is so kind and thoughtful. I was so excited to get her a real gift, and with money from my first "real" job. Thank you all for your great advice!
crasru said:
BTW - when I read the heading, I thought "gifted studs" meant something totally different. Definitely not diamonds. :D
